Installation for the toilet, what is it, how to choose?

The need for a toilet bowl in everyday life does not cause any doubts, but when there is a desire to buy a wall-hung toilet bowl at home, the pros and cons are divided. Therefore, before choosing a hanging toilet, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the advantages and disadvantages of these models.

Suspended plumbing: a tribute to fashion or a really worthwhile thing?

Supporters are thrilled that:

  • the interior of the bathroom becomes more comfortable;
  • the room visually expands;
  • convenient to clean;
  • there is no noise when the water is lowered.

Opponents also have strong arguments:

  • for fixing these models, it is necessary to build an installation system and transfer sewer pipes to a niche;
  • it is not known how much weight this structure can withstand and whether it will collapse under an overweight person.

Advantages of built-in structures

In everyday life, there is a strong belief that the built-in wall-mounted toilet is a design element of an expensive designer toilet, and it has no place in an ordinary city apartment. This is not entirely true, because in small bathroom all its advantages become visible:

  1. The height of the toilet bowl is in the range of 420–470 mm.
  2. Bowl length - from 480 to 700 mm.
  3. Width - from 355 to 370 mm.
  4. It is convenient to clean the room, since when installing a toilet with an installation, there is no drain leg.
  5. The floor area is saved, the place under the bowl can be taken with the necessary hygiene items.
  6. In case of replacement of the floor covering, there is no need for dismantling.
  7. The wall-mounted toilet can withstand a weight of up to 400 kg.
  8. Drainage of water occurs in dynamic and static ways, due to this, the unpleasant smell from the toilet does not enter the rest of the apartment.
  9. The bowl is made in the form of a funnel and treated with a special composition, so there will be no splashes around, and limescale will not form on its walls.

Suspended plumbing products have a number of advantages and look stylish.

The design of the wall hung toilet is not only easy to install, but is similar for all manufacturers. Therefore, you can study any installation instructions and perform all the steps yourself. The built-in toilet became a worthy opponent to the floor competitor and even outperformed it with the perfection of its forms.

Variety of shapes and styles

Some manufacturers focus on the original design of the structure, others on fashionable devices, and still others rely on reliability. Having decided to buy a wall-mounted toilet bowl with an installation, which one is better to choose, it is up to the buyer to decide.

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The Spanish manufacturer of sanitary ware Roca supplies high-tech designs to the market. Nothing superfluous, the severity of forms and a round or square bowl. In the W+W variant, the wash basin is connected to the cistern to save water.

Models from the Spanish manufacturer Roca


Many trust the German quality of plumbing equipment. In the variety of models of wall-hung toilets with installation, how to choose the most suitable one? The characteristics of the products of the main manufacturers should be considered. German plumbing is represented by four well-known brands:

  • Villeroy & Boch, in addition to products in the hi-tech style beloved by all, produces equipment of the Mini series for small bathrooms. As a material for molding toilet bowls, porcelain is not taken, but porcelain, which is much better.
  • Ideal Standard - the basis is the ideal quality of products at an affordable price. Powerful flush, high-quality ceramics. Installations under the toilet are narrower than those of other manufacturers, but they are not inferior in strength to them.
  • Grohe - easy-to-assemble structures in which the height of the toilet can be adjusted. The toilet installation is made of steel frames and coated with anti-corrosion powder coating.
  • Tece focuses on the durability of its equipment. In the constructions, even plastic is used with increased strength.The entire installation for toilet bowls is made of galvanized steel and coated with a spray. And it is better to first look at the unusually bright design of the models in full and then choose.

Installation of the famous German brand Grohe

Other European manufacturers

The products of the Czech Republic, Poland, Switzerland, Turkey, Austria are popular.

  • Czech Alcaplast works with assembly systems. Installations for toilet bowls, sinks and bidets are in no way inferior to similar products from more well-known companies, and at a much cheaper price. Which one is better to use to install the toilet, the consumer decides.
  • The Polish company Cersanit manufactures structures for economy class toilets. Running sizes, no unnecessary frills in the forms, no additional functions.
  • French plumbing Jacob Delafon stands out for its original forms and indicates the great imagination of the manufacturers. Which unit to choose, you need to look at the design and size of the room.
  • A simple average layman can only admire the Swiss Geberit toilets - this is an elite plumbing fixture, equipped with all types of electronics that exist for plumbing structures.
  • Turkish designs Vitra is an economy class brand. They have anti-splash features, a micro-lift and a fairly large range of sizes, but no frills.
  • The Austrian Laufen built-in toilet has shapes from classic to the most unusual and sophisticated.
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Set from France Jacob Delafon with installation by Alcaplast

Mounting kit

Another phrase that scares fans of everything conservative is “installations under the toilet.” There is nothing wrong with it: the installation is just a mounting structure designed for further installation of plumbing. You should know how to choose an installation for a wall-hung toilet. Before deciding which product is better to install in the bathroom, you need to study the dimensions of the hanging toilet bowl and choose the best option.

Upon purchase, the kit will contain:

  1. Strong steel frame with a device that adjusts the height of the toilet bowl.
  2. Pins that are designed to secure the structure of the toilet.
  3. Plastic cistern, insulated against condensate with a special material and equipped with a cutout for mounting a water drain.
  4. The button for the dosed discharge of water.
  5. fastener elements.

Composition of the installation kit for the built-in toilet

Types of mounting structures

Now let's take a closer look at what a toilet installation is. As already mentioned, this is a structure on which a toilet with a flush tank is securely attached and then connected to the plumbing system and sewerage.

Installation under the toilet exists in several varieties according to the type of construction:

  • Block installation for a toilet bowl, involving special racks for support and fasteners. Used for a toilet that has a main wall. This design after installation is finished with drywall.

Scheme of block fastening system

  • The frame installation for the toilet bowl is based on a frame and has a large margin of safety, it can be attached both to the wall and to the floor of the toilet. This design can withstand loads up to 400 kg.

The frame structure can be mounted in any part of the room

Simplicity and convenience of built-in plumbing

The system of wall-hung toilets is gradually becoming part of the everyday life of ordinary people. They begin to understand that thanks to the installation, it is possible to hide not only the tank and the plumbing system, but also to beat the place in the sanitary niche, thus increasing the space of the bathroom.

Designers are trying to emphasize the versatility, modernity and ease of installation of wall-mounted plumbing. However, at the same time, each time the installations under the toilet bowl and the technique itself are described in such a way that one gets an opinion about the high price of this product and the possibility of using it only in large and elite bathrooms.

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In fact, this is not at all the case. A built-in toilet costs no more than a floor-standing one, and economy-class designs come out even much cheaper at a price.Of course, everything will depend on what kind of plumbing the owner of the apartment wants to use.

True, for installation you will need an installation for the toilet, but it is installed once and there will be no more need for its installation. But it will be possible to easily replace a boring model with any other one, without fear that you will have to make expensive repairs.

Suspended plumbing is truly convenient and safe

The design of the flush tank is thought out so that, if necessary, its repair could be produced without disassembling half the wall in the bathroom, but simply by removing the drain button. If the flush parts are out of order, you should not try to repair them, it is better to install new ones in place of the old ones.

Technique for self-design

Suspended plumbing was created with the expectation of saving space and ease of cleaning. Therefore, its first models appeared in public places such as stadiums and hypermarkets. And only after some time people realized that such designs are convenient for use in apartments. Toilet installations can be attached not only to the wall: you can choose any place for their location and make the design of the room in accordance with your ideas.

Even when buying, you need to decide how much weight the installation should withstand. This will depend on its cost. The maximum mass that the structure can withstand is 400 kg, but since this corresponds to the weight of three fairly plump people, this maximum is most likely not necessary.

Suspended plumbing models entered the market and took a confident position on it precisely because of their simplicity and quality. Installation work does not take much time. The products themselves are in no way inferior to traditional options in terms of ease of use.


