Making an air purifier with your own hands

The air in modern apartment buildings is not clean, it contains many different particles: dust, microorganisms, bacteria, pet hair, clothing particles, etc. This is harmful to human health. Pollutants must be removed from the air. For this, it is not necessary to buy expensive installations. You can assemble an air purifier with your own hands. Such a device will be inexpensive, simple and effective.

Making an air purifier at home

Cleaner types

According to the type of air cleaning method used, the devices can be divided into 2 types:

  1. Designed for rooms with dry air.
  2. Suitable for rooms with humid air.

In the first case, water is used as a filter. Due to its evaporation, additional air humidification. Therefore, it is not recommended to use such a device in damp rooms - the humidity of the air will only increase.

Home Air Purifier Cooler

The second type of device uses an absorbent, such as plain table salt. This substance is hygroscopic, which means it absorbs moisture from the environment. Therefore, when using this type of purifier, the air will be dried.

Before proceeding with the assembly of the cleaner, it is necessary set the humidity level in the room. The optimal level is considered to be from 40 to 60%. If this indicator is lower, then the air must be humidified, if it is higher, it must be dried.

We measure the level of humidity in the apartment

So, the use of a purifier will not only remove pollutants from the air, but will also help to make the indoor climate more comfortable for its inhabitants.

Cleaner for apartments with dry air

It is very easy to assemble this setup. For this you will need:

  • deep container with a lid;
  • a small low-power fan, a cooler for a computer is quite suitable;
  • water, better purified, filtered or distilled;
  • fasteners for a fan / cooler;
  • power source, such as batteries;
  • sharp knife or other cutting object.

We make a humidifier with the function of air purification from improvised means

Air cleaner step by step

Work progress:

  1. In the lid for the container, it is necessary to cut a hole to fit the size of the cooler. The fan must be tight.
  2. Attach the cooler. You can use screws of a suitable size or special glue. The fan must be carefully fixed, otherwise it may fall into the water, causing a short circuit and failure.
  3. Pour water into the container so that it does not reach the cooler. For safety reasons, 3-5 cm should remain before the fan. Then the risk of water getting on the device contacts will be eliminated.
  4. Close the container with a fan lid.
  5. Connect the cooler to a power source. When choosing, you must take into account what voltage it is designed for: a 12-volt fan cannot be directly connected to a home outlet.
  6. A properly assembled purifier will work immediately when turned on. You can also make a device that automatically regulates the time of the fan. But this is at the request of users.
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Homemade air washer

Do not leave the device turned on all the time, as this can lead to over-humidification of the air. Periodically, the water in the container must be changed or added as it evaporates. To monitor the water level and the degree of contamination, it is better to use a transparent plastic container.

To enhance the cleaning properties of the device, you can use a carbon filter, which is attached to the fan. And if you put a silver object into the water, the air will be saturated with silver ions.

Wet room air purifier

If the humidity level in the apartment is high, then the water installation will not work. Due to excessive dampness, mold or fungus may appear in the room. Therefore, dry matter must be used as an absorbent.To create such a cleaner you will need:

  • a plastic container with a lid, it is desirable that its depth be at least 20 cm;
  • fan with low power or adjustable speed, the impeller should rotate slowly;
  • salt;
  • gauze folded in several layers, cotton wool, foam rubber or other porous material;
  • power supply for the fan;
  • fasteners for the cooler;
  • instant universal glue;
  • sharp knife.

A device for cleaning and dehumidifying the air by the hands of a home master

Step-by-step production of a cleaner

The instructions for assembling the cleaner will be as follows:

  1. In the container, you need to cut 2 holes on the walls opposite each other, but at different levels. The hole for the fan should be higher. The second, located on the opposite wall, is lower and of smaller diameter.
  2. Fix the fan in the place intended for it.
  3. Make a porous material filter slightly larger than the second hole. For example, cotton wool or foam rubber can be wrapped in several layers of gauze.
  4. Attach the filter with glue or tape.
  5. Pour salt into the container so that it closes the hole with the filter, but does not reach the fan.
  6. Connect the fan to the power supply and turn on the device at low speed. Otherwise, the crystals will knock against the container, creating a constant unpleasant noise.
HELPFUL INFORMATION:  How to choose a humidifier for an apartment: battery humidifiers

The intake air will pass through 2 filters: a porous material that will trap larger particles, and a salt that will collect excess moisture, bacteria and finer dust. Also, the air will be saturated with chloride and sodium ions.

Salt to collect moisture from the air

As it gets dirty, you will have to change the porous filter. Salt, absorbing moisture, will be compacted, caked. It will also need to be changed periodically.

Almost everyone can assemble an air purifier with their own hands. This does not require special knowledge and skills. This is a very simple and useful device.


