Dimensions and characteristics of a sheet of moisture-resistant drywall

The appearance of drywall in the arsenal of building materials greatly facilitated the work on rough finishing of premises, the construction of structures and partitions, and expanded design possibilities. And the addition of a hydrophobic component to the gypsum layer ensured water resistance and made it possible to bring the use of GCR to a new level. Moisture-resistant drywall is successfully used in conditions of high humidity in the repair of bathrooms, kitchens, basements, balconies and loggias.

Moisture resistant GKL

Distinctive features of GKLV

Moisture resistant drywall (GKLV) is a sheet material consisting of two layers of special cardboard and a gypsum core.

The lining protects the fragile inner filler from crumbling. Treated with antibacterial and hydrophobic compounds, the coating is suitable for residential premises and is the basis for subsequent finishing.

For the manufacture of the inner layer, viscous gypsum with reinforcing and water-repellent additives is used. The plasticity of the resulting composition provides GKL panels with increased flexibility, which makes it possible to mount structures of any shape.

The edge of each GKLV plate is rolled with cardboard of the front layer. The method of sealing joints between sheets during installation depends on the edge profile.

The edges of drywall panels are of the following types:

  1. PC - straight longitudinal.
  2. UK - thinned longitudinal.
  3. PLC - longitudinal semicircular on the front side.
  4. PLUK - semicircular thinned universal longitudinal.
  5. ZK - rounded longitudinal.

Note! You can visually distinguish waterproof drywall from standard panels by the green color of the front cardboard layer.

GKL from Knauf with a PLUK edge

Important! When buying, it is necessary to evaluate the appearance (uniformity and color saturation), as well as the integrity (presence of breaks and cracks) of the sheets.

Characteristics of a moisture-resistant variety of drywall

The material has a reduced water absorption compared to conventional drywall: this one is 90% lower.

Parameters of standard GKLV plates:

  • length - 2000 -4000 mm;
  • width - 600 or 1200 mm;
  • thickness - 6.5, 8, 9.5, 12.5, 14, 16, 18, 24 mm;
  • the average sheet weight is 25 kg.
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Thanks to hydrophobic additives in the composition of the core, the plasticity of the gypsum layer increases, which makes it more convenient to work with curved surfaces.

Curvilinear construction from GKLV

Waterproof drywall is characterized by low flammability, practically does not form smoke and does not emit toxic substances. In high-quality boards, starch acts as an adhesive composition that provides adhesion between the core and the cardboard shell.

Fire-technical characteristics by hazard class:

  • combustibility - G1 (low combustible material);
  • flammability - B2 (moderately flammable);
  • smoke generation - D1 (small smoke generating capacity);
  • toxicity - T1 (low-hazardous).

All technical characteristics of GKL - here.


Each sheet of finishing material is necessarily marked from the wrong side, GKLV symbols are applied in blue and contain the following information:

  1. Manufacturer.
  2. The letter abbreviation of the type of plate.
  3. GKL edge profile type.
  4. Dimensions in mm.
  5. GOST designation.

The marking of a moisture-resistant gypsum board with a thinned edge 2500 mm long, 1200 mm wide, 12.5 mm thick manufactured by KNAUF looks like this:

KNAUF sheet GKLV-UK 12.5 x 1200 x 2500 GOST 6266-97

Marking a moisture-resistant variety of drywall

Scope of application

Focusing on the technical characteristics of the moisture-resistant type of drywall, you can use it everywhere, without being tied to the level of humidity in the room. But the price of such a sheet is slightly higher than that of a standard plate. Therefore, with a large area of ​​​​finishing, the difference in price can be significant.It turns out that it is not advisable to use such material “without looking”, it is worth a more balanced approach to the choice of gypsum plasterboard for each room, depending on its purpose.
GKLV is indispensable for finishing bathrooms, kitchens, basements, garages and other household premises. Provides a wide range of repairs:

Drywall in the bathroom

Features of installation and finishing

GKL installation is carried out in two ways: glue and frame.

  • Fixing drywall with glue used when leveling the working surfaces of the walls. In this case, an adhesive solution or putty is applied to the wrong side of the sheet, then the panels are tightly fixed.
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Installation of moisture resistant sheets on glue

  • For leveling walls with large height differences, as well as for arranging various structures, it is used wireframe method. When carrying out such work, first a frame is assembled from galvanized metal profiles or a crate is installed on the walls / ceiling. Then, with the help of self-tapping screws, the resulting structures are lined with GKVL.

Frame mounting

After installation, the resulting joints between the sheets are sealed with putty using reinforcing tape.

Note! During operation, it is necessary to ensure that the chamfered part of the edge (lighter) remains outside.

Despite the fact that GKLV has a high degree of moisture resistance, additional waterproofing is needed to keep the material in good condition, extend its service life and maintain functionality. Drywall plates can be covered with moisture-resistant paint, pasted over with vinyl wallpaper or tiled with ceramic tiles. Thus, the material will be protected from direct contact with the liquid. It is also necessary to ensure the high-quality functioning of the ventilation system.

Important! Before starting work on the installation of the GKLV plate, it is necessary to keep it in the room being finished for at least a day for adaptation.

GKLV cost

Drywall refers to an inexpensive segment of finishing materials, the price range for which is quite wide. The cost depends on the manufacturer, size and weight, type of edge and the chemical composition of the plate (how much hydrophobic component is contained in the gypsum).

For comparison, consider prices in Moscow:

  • a moisture-resistant plate from one of the leaders in the production of building materials - the KNAUF company - will cost from 99 to 465 rubles;
  • sheet GKLV manufacturer "Volma" - from 96 to 370 rubles;
  • GKLV of the world's leading manufacturer Gyproc - from 78 to 410 rubles.

Moisture resistant Drywall

Moisture-resistant drywall enjoys well-deserved popularity among master finishers due to its diversity and functionality, as well as ease and convenience in cutting, cutting and installation.


