Why do we need crabs for drywall: method of attachment to the profile, types, application

Modern construction cannot be imagined without the use of drywall. This material is great for leveling surfaces, for creating interiors and many finishing works. To fix drywall on a wall, ceiling or other surface, you need special fasteners, one of which is a drywall crab.

Crabs for drywall profile

crab device

The crab is a cross-shaped element, for the manufacture of which galvanized metal up to 1 mm thick is used. Each product has bent curly legs with bends that allow you to snap the connector onto the metal profile. Additional paws with holes make it possible to connect the crab to the slats using self-tapping screws. Each product has five holes on the main plane, allowing it to be mounted on a bearing surface.

Crab connector device

What is a cross connector for?

Crabs-connectors for drywall allow you to connect the transverse planks of the frame in the same plane. Most often, products are used when long longitudinal load-bearing elements require the addition of cross members. To do this, the device is put on a longitudinal element, snapped onto it, and crossbars are inserted into the side parts.

The crab connector is capable of withstanding a load of up to 20 kg. With a greater load, additional fixation is performed with self-tapping screws through the holes on the additional legs.

Experts recommend additionally fixing each connector, as this increases the strength of the structure several times with a minimum amount of time spent.

In some cases, the fixture can be used for the longitudinal connection of the profile strips. Crabs have a lower price than special connectors, while docking reliability is also high.

Profile connection with a crab

Crab varieties

For fixing drywall, two types of connectors are used:

  • Single-level crabs are used to connect profiles located on the same level, perpendicular to each other. The thickness of such an element does not exceed 0.06 mm; snapping is carried out directly on the profile. With a high load, the product is additionally fixed with self-tapping screws.
  • Two-level connector crabs are used to fix racks, which are also located at an angle of 90 °, but at different levels. Fastening of such a product is performed on both sides with the help of self-tapping screws.
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Single-level and double-level connectors

Where are connector crabs used?

The crab is used to connect profiles, so the scope of the element is quite wide:

  • With it, connect the elements of the suspended ceiling.
  • The product allows you to level drywall frame.
  • The device is widely used to create partitions.
  • With it, you can create various metal structures.

Element selection

The main criterion when choosing crabs-connectors for drywall is the quality of the material, so you should pay attention to the following points:

  • The presence of burrs. This defect is typical for low quality products. There is a risk of injury when using these connectors. In addition, burrs indicate the use of low-grade material for the manufacture of the element, casting doubt on the strength characteristics of the connector.
  • Rust on the surface. A defect of this nature occurs when the manufacturing process is violated or as a result of improper storage in warehouses.

In addition, the fixation of curly petals on the profile should be clear, and the petals for additional fixation should be bent without difficulty.

When buying connectors, you need to remember the rules for choosing a quality product

Location of the connector on the frame

Very often, cross-shaped connectors are used when installing plasterboard suspended ceiling structures over large areas. For the manufacture of the frame, the main profile and cross members are used. In this case, the crab connects metal profilesgiving the frame strength and durability.

Important! The correct location of the connector crab will ensure the strength of the connection, so it is necessary to accurately determine its location. A small number of cross connectors over a large area can lead to weakening of the framework.

Crab montage

The reliability of the connection largely depends on the correct installation of the connecting element, so it is important to follow certain instructions:

  • The product is taken so that the antennae are directed downwards.
  • They put it on the profile from above and snap it in place with a slight effort.

Connector mounting

  • The antennae are bent from four sides and attached to the metal profile using self-tapping screws.
  • Jumpers can be mounted only after the element is completely fixed on the main plane.
  • It is best to fasten the connectors with the help of special screws, which are called bugs.
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The use of crabs for connecting profiles for drywall allows not only to increase the strength and reliability of the structure, but also significantly reduce the time spent on its installation.


