A wonderful thing - drywall, comfortable, technologically advanced, now indispensable for interior decoration. But while many people attach the GKL in the old fashioned way - to the profile, although this is not the only way to fix it in the right place. It's about sticking sheets. The quality of fastening can be in no way inferior to that produced using a metal frame, but for this you need to follow the technology and choose the right glue for drywall.
Advantages of the adhesive method:
- ease of installation;
- time gain;
- saving money, which is the purchase and installation of the frame;
- increase in space - the crate would take 5–6 cm of space from each wall.
When adhesives are used for plasterboard
Cases when it is better to fix drywall sheets to surfaces with an adhesive method:
- When leveling the main walls with the size of drops, blockages and other irregularities up to 50 mm. However, with extensive potholes, the cost of too much adhesive can exceed the cost of the metal frame and make the venture uneconomical.
- When leveling the ceiling. But in this case, while the glue sets, the gypsum board must be securely fixed so that it does not collapse under its own weight. Solve the problem of dowel-screws.
- When designing door and window slopes.
- Creating a door slope from plasterboard
- Forming a slope by gluing drywall
Glue can be used when fixing the second layer of drywall with a 2-layer sheathing of a frame or crate, but this is rarely practiced: using self-tapping screws in this case is faster and cheaper.
Glue for drywall: which one to choose?
The list of types of adhesive compositions recommended for fixing drywall is quite extensive:
- Specialized glue ("Perlfix" from the German company "Knauf", "Ceresit", Russian counterparts "Volma" and "Installation").
- Plaster or putty, which is based on gypsum. In terms of price, quality of adhesion to the surface to be glued, the degree of shrinkage during setting, there is practically no significant difference with specialized adhesives for working with gypsum boards.
- Acrylic putty. It is used when subsequent tiling is planned. The composition protects the walls from mold, the harmful effects of fungi and high humidity. Drywall is attached to it on a base made of wood, shell rock, stone and foam blocks.
- Polyurethane mounting adhesive in an aerosol can. An ideal material for installing plasterboard and pasting joints with curved walls. With it, you can level the ceiling, attach ceramic tiles. To work with it, you need a special gun that provides economical consumption of the solution.
- Low expansion foam replaces adhesive.
- Tile adhesive. Its mobility and fine-grained filler make the work convenient and fast.
- Sealant. Any type of sealant replaces the adhesive intended for gypsum boards, in addition, it allows you to process joints, corners, close cracks, making them impervious to moisture.
- Liquid Nails. Strong, safe for health glue, but requires time to dry and is designed for a load of up to 15 kg. It is quite suitable for sticking not the thickest drywall.
Note! The mixture for fixing GKL from Knauf requires professional skills, work must be carried out without delay, as the glue hardens quickly.
How to glue drywall on brick, gas and foam concrete
With an uneven surface with wide seams, which distinguishes brickwork, foam and aerated concrete, it is convenient to stick drywall sheets with gypsum glue or any other gypsum mixture. In addition to the qualitative result, the advantage is profitability: usually 5 kg of Perlfix is consumed per 1 m², the price of which is 300 rubles.for a 30 kg bag.
Comparable in terms of costs with gypsum glue inexpensive polyurethane foam. A 750 mm balloon with spot application is enough for 8–10 m², the cost of a square is 30–40 rubles. However, here, with a large gap between the plasterboard and the wall, solving the problem of foam expansion, each sheet will have to be additionally attached with dowel screws.
Foundation preparation
Prior to the direct gluing of drywall, the surface is primed, strobes are made for electrical wiring. When masonry, serious attention is paid to eliminating the cracks and irregularities inherent in it. For this, leveling putty mixtures are used. In some cases, strips of plasterboard and mounting tape can be glued to eliminate defects.
Foam and gas blocks usually do not create similar problems, however, there are damages due to careless transportation and unloading. They are eliminated with a plaster mixture.
What adhesives are required for concrete floors
Usually, monolithic walls do not have obvious irregularities; the GKL sticker on them goes smoothly and quickly. For this purpose, you can choose:
- gypsum glue for plasterboard sheets;
- gypsum putty;
- acrylic putties;
- cement adhesive for gluing tiles;
- polyurethane adhesive;
- mounting foam.
Each tool with a minimum adhesive line will ensure a strong connection between drywall and concrete.
Impeccable technical characteristics "Betonokontakta" - primers, which include acrylic polymers, cement, quartz filler. Its feature is special additives and additives that guarantee reliable contact with the most complex and dusty surface, which is what concrete usually sins with.
When the base is polystyrene foam, polystyrene foam
Styrofoam, expanded polystyrene protect housing from the cold, but to prevent destruction and prepare the walls for finishing, they are required to be covered with drywall. As a rule, covering a room with foam plastic steals 5 or even 10% of the usable area. If, in addition, drywall is placed on a metal profile, the loss of space will be even greater, so the GKL sticker here is the best option. The task will be successfully completed by:
- adhesive foam for drywall;
- acrylic putty.
GKL and gypsum fiber
Sometimes it becomes necessary to stick GKL on a similar plasterboard or gypsum-fiber sheet. There are no irregularities on such bases, so any adhesives that give the minimum seam size are suitable for work. It can be:
- acrylic putty;
- liquid Nails;
- silicone sealant.
Suitable materials are foam, gypsum and cement adhesives, but the thickness of the joints when using them will be greater and cause an irrational reduction in room space.
Technology for mounting GKL on glue
After the optimal adhesive mixture has been selected, it's time to move on to the GKL installation. There are 3 drywall fastening technology:
Option number 1 (for flat walls)
It is used with walls without drops (usually these are concrete or plastered surfaces).
- The walls are strobed, the cable is fixed in the grooves obtained, holes are made for sockets and switches.
- Apply to a dust-free surface primer. If the wall is painted and the adhesive composition does not stick, the composition with quartz filler solves the problem.
- Holes for electrical equipment are cut out in the GKL.
The adhesive composition must be prepared for 1-2 sheets, especially at first, when there is no necessary skill.
- Gypsum-based glue is applied to the gypsum board with a notched trowel, the excess is removed. If another composition is used, such as polyurethane adhesive, it can be applied in stripes or as shown in the photo.
- The sheet is placed near the installation site face down.
- Before sticking, it is carefully lifted and the wires are directed into the prepared holes.
- The sheet is effortlessly applied to the wall, with the help of the rule, places are found where the material should be more tightly attached to the surface, this is achieved by tapping the sheet with your hand or applying a board and lightly hitting it with a mallet. You should not knock on the level - this is an accurate tool that will fail before the floors become even.
Option number 2 (irregularities up to 2 cm)
When the wall level differences approach 2 cm, drywall should be glued in a different way, although surface preparation and plasterboard, primer, and electrical cable laying do not differ from the previous version.
Instructions for gluing GKL to moderately uneven walls are as follows:
- The adhesive mixture is prepared in a larger amount than in the first case, applied to the drywall not with a notched trowel, but in separate dots or even heaps, as in the next photo - this will level out the bumps and, as a result, ensure a strong fixation of the GKL on the wall.
- The sheet is placed on linings at the attachment point - the beginning, as a rule, is the most protruding section of the wall surface.
Glue dots are made along the perimeter of the sheet at a distance of 25 cm from each other, inside the perimeter they are placed every 40 cm. There should not be large gaps so that the reliability of fastening does not suffer. For the same reason, it is necessary to ensure that the height of the points is greater than the wall level differences.
- Gluing begins with the output of electrical wires and a light pressure of drywall, which should simply catch on the wall. It is better to work together, so that one master constantly holds and, if necessary, helps to press the sheet.
- The final fixing is preceded by a thorough check of the plane in all directions to determine where to press the material. When flaws are identified, individual sections are knocked out, the process continues until complete satisfaction with the result.
A special option when drywall is attached to a surface of gas or foam concrete. In this case, for reliable fixation, the adhesive composition is applied not to the sheet, but to the wall, although this method requires care - when installing the GKL, it can be easily skewed.
Option number 3 (differences of more than 2 cm)
Technology for surfaces with large irregularities:
- Remove fragile areas of plaster from the ceiling.
- The walls are carefully primed.
- Lighthouses are being prepared: strips of 100 mm wide are cut out of drywall, necessary to create a flat base. These elements are placed along the perimeter of the wall and vertically after 40-60 cm. They are fixed with glue, the layer of which is adjusted taking into account level differences.
- The main sheets of drywall are glued to the beacons after the final hardening of the adhesive on the strips. They are fastened with the help of the composition that was used to create the lighthouses. The adhesive mass is applied in lines along the width of the guides, after which the sheet is lifted and pressed against the beacons. If they are aligned correctly, installation will not be difficult.
- The joints of the canvases are treated with glue or special putty.
- After drying, they prime again, give time to dry and finally putty the surface of the drywall.
The GKL sticker, like any other business, is feasible for those who love and know how to work. Such people will be able to benefit from today's publication. For those who are determined to do all the work from start to finish with their own hands, a video with a visual description of the process will help. Ask questions in the comments to the article. Good luck in your creative endeavors!