What paint is better to choose for wallpaper for painting?

Individual decoration of the apartment is no longer considered something unusual and hard to reach. You can achieve exclusivity in design by resorting to a simple and popular method - wallpaper coloring. Paint for wallpaper for painting allows you to choose absolutely any color scheme and transform the interior beyond recognition.

Choosing paint for wallpaper for painting

Wallpaper for painting, what are they?

Many are interested in what wallpaper can be painted. Materials that can be dyed include:

  • Glass fiber.
  • Non-woven wallpaper.
  • Paper.
  • Vinyl on non-woven base.

This does not mean that you can paint any paper or vinyl wallpaper.

Wallpaper for painting

For painting, only the wallpaper material that is specially designed for this, is specially processed and has a special mark that it is allowed to be painted is suitable.


To begin with, consider the classics - paper wallpaper for painting. They differ from the usual ones by the presence of several layers of paper impregnated with a water-repellent composition. In addition, they do not have a printed pattern, their surface has a relief structure.

Do not try to paint ordinary paper wallpaper! Most likely, they will get wet and fall off.

Any type of water-based paint can be applied to paper wallpapers specially designed for coloring, a quality result can be achieved by choosing a roller as a tool.

Special paper wallpaper for painting

acrylic or vinyl

Painting vinyl wallpapers for painting strengthens their top layer, so it is recommended to apply paint a few days after gluing. Suitable for vinyl wallpaper:

  • water-based compositions that will create a pleasant matte surface;
  • acrylic and latex - will achieve a gloss effect.

Vinyl wallpaper for painting


For non-woven wallpaper for painting, you can use various compositions, but acrylic or latex paint is best suited. To work with them, it is better to choose a brush that has a hard pile, so the working surface will be painted more efficiently.

There is a rather unusual technique for painting such wallpapers: applying paint to the inside before gluing. Do you want to get an interesting color shade and emphasize the structure of the non-woven fabric? Then this method is for you. But remember - only acrylic composition is suitable for these purposes.

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Non-woven wallpaper for painting - a great solution for a nursery

Glass cloth wallpaper

You can paint any glass wall paperbecause it is an incredibly durable and waterproof material. You can use any type of paint, but it is better to give preference to the same acrylic or latex compositions, which provide ease of care in the future. Glass fiber can withstand the application of dozens of layers of paint without losing its properties.

Fiberglass gossamer

Note! When painting glass fiber, a lot of paint is used. To reduce material consumption, you can apply a thick layer of PVA glue to the wallpaper before painting and wait until it dries.

Choosing a paint

Paints for wallpaper for painting are divided into the following types:

  • water-based;
  • latex;
  • acrylic;
  • alkyd.

The first three compositions are water-based. Paints based on chemical solvents can disrupt the outer layer of the treated surface, so they are practically not used in interior decoration.

Choosing paint for wallpaper

Paint benefits:

Consider wallpaper paints in more detail.

Latex formulations

Paint for wallpaper for painting based on latex allows you to create a high-quality coating, but it has its own characteristics.


  • environmental friendliness;
  • safety;
  • resistance to ultraviolet;
  • uniformity of application;
  • resistance to mechanical stress;
  • water-repellent properties - dirt can be removed with a damp sponge or cloth without the use of chemicals.


  • high price;
  • after opening the package, it must be used within a few hours, otherwise the paint will become unusable (dry).
  • dries on the surface within a few days.

Latex paint for wallpaper

Some features of latex paint:

  • Latex compounds are classified according to the degree of gloss. This indicator is displayed on the packaging in the name itself or in digital form. The higher the number, the more glossy the surface will be.
  • The glossy finish emphasizes all reliefs and irregularities, dirt and fingerprints are visible on it.
  • The use of glossy paint on the ceiling will make it visually higher due to the partial reflection of the space of the room. The ceiling in this case should be perfectly flat.
  • The latex composition is diluted with water before use.
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Acrylic (water-dispersion)

Acrylic paints have the best value for money: they are cheaper than latex and better than water-based formulations. They can be applied to both sides of the wallpaper.

Advantages of acrylic composition:

  • Dries quickly on the surface.
  • The applied coating is breathable.
  • Not removed with water, only solvent.
  • Abrasion resistance.
  • The color scale is presented in a wide range.

Acrylic paint is a great option for coloring wallpaper

Water emulsion

It is best to use "water emulsion" in dry rooms. This is a great option for painting paper wallpaper on the ceiling. Feature - the presence of only matte or silky shades.


  • affordable cost;
  • no smell.

Water-based paint for wallpaper


  • afraid of moisture;
  • the choice of colors is limited, but you can use color.

It is best to apply water-based paint in 2-3 layers.


Alkyd compositions are durable, waterproof, but suitable only for glass cloth wallpaper.

Important point! Alkyd paint creates an airtight film, therefore, in order to maintain a favorable microclimate in the nursery, in the bedroom and in the kitchen, it is better not to use it.

The right approach

When the wallpaper has already been pasted, the paint for the wallpaper for painting has been selected and purchased, you can proceed directly to the artistic process.

If the wallpaper has been glued recently, there is no dust and dirt on them, then they can not be primed.

Tools and materials that we need:

  • brush;
  • roller - the length of the pile depends on the paint used (the best option is a medium pile);
  • portion tray;
  • masking tape;
  • floor covering (film, oilcloth);
  • the paint itself.

Wallpaper painting tools

Stages of work:

  • Masking tape is glued along the perimeter of the surface to be painted, where it comes into contact with the ceiling and floor.
  • Covering material is spread on the floor (if the paint drips).
  • The composition for coloring is being prepared - if necessary, it is diluted, poured into the tray.

When rolling out the roller, the paint should evenly saturate its entire surface, but there should not be too much, for this you should draw a roller along the ribbed surface of the tray.

  • The roller rolls over the wall several times with the same pressure and in the same direction.
  • Corners and places next to masking tape are painted over with a brush.
  • The entire surface to be painted must be treated in one step.

Remember: the application of wallpaper paint occurs only after the surface to be treated is completely dry, ideally two days should pass after pasting the wallpaper.


Not always the color shade that I would like to see on the walls or ceiling can be found on the shelves. In this case, salvation will be tinting.

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In total, there are two methods of tinting:

  1. Manual. You can also carry it out at home. White base and color are purchased separately.The saturation of the final shade depends on the amount of color added: the color is brighter, the more pigment is added. When the paint dries, the color will change slightly. Therefore, it is better to use the second method.
  2. Computer. Held in stores. The buyer selects the desired shade, and the computer calculates how much and what pigment is needed to obtain the desired shade after drying.

Pigments for tinting

Dare, try, look for your color or combine several shades you like.


