How to choose an autonomous sewer for a private house

The principle of operation of septic tanks

How to choose an autonomous sewer for a private house

Autonomous sewerage consists of a local independent system, equipped with pipes and an individual treatment plant. Elements of the device in question:

  • external and internal pipeline;
  • septic tank;
  • compress (optional).

The first chamber of the system is designed to separate the waste masses. The volume of the tank is different and it depends on the type of construction. Waste accumulates in the filter mesh. Additionally, the system is equipped with a grinder.

The three-chamber device is equipped with a container with biofilters, where all garbage is processed. Factory systems are equipped with anaerobic and aerobic treatment chambers.

At the outlet of the biofiltration tank, the purity of the effluent exceeds 80%. Masses can be displayed in the tunnel or on the filtration field. In some systems, a container is provided for finishing post-treatment. The design, which works on the principle of an active septic tank, is used when it is not connected to electricity.

In such a system, there are 1-2 cameras and it works without interruption. At the same time, 3 days are required for the processing of waste masses. Organics are processed by bacteria inhabited in the septic tank. During processing, heat and gases are released. The number of microorganisms depends on the chemical composition of the masses and the frequency of use of sewage. High-quality cleaning will be carried out 3 months from the date of launch of the sewerage system.

The aerobic station is arranged according to the following principle: bacteria live inside the tank. Their number can be regulated naturally. If you need to increase the volume of waste masses or speed up cleaning, then their number is increased. During operation, oxygen is supplied automatically. Anaerobic microorganisms are weakly sensitive to chemicals present in the waste masses. Therefore, such stations are installed without restrictions.

Installation of external communications

When all the internal parts are installed, you can start installing the external elements. This part of the structure is a pipeline, which must provide the supply of effluents to a reservoir for storage or processing of sewage. Most often, 160 mm or 200 mm pipes are used for arranging external communications.

For laying pipes, you need to dig a trench that exactly repeats the path of the highway specified in the project. The depth of the trench should exceed the depth of freezing of the soil on the site. The bottom of the pit must be compacted and the correct slope created (for a 160 mm pipe - 0.008, for a 200 mm pipe - 0.007). Revisions or manholes are also needed in this case: pipelines also need constant monitoring and maintenance.

The principle of operation of a septic tank for domestic autonomous sewage, its device and advantages

Статьи > Plumbing > How to choose the right autonomous sewer in a private house

How to choose an autonomous sewer for a private house

Few people doubt that living in a private house is much better than living in an apartment. However, not every building can be connected to a centralized sewer. It depends on the location of the site. In the absence of such an opportunity, the only way out is to create an autonomous sewer.

By installing this system, it will be possible to ensure a comfortable standard of living in the building. However, before installation, you should decide on the type of sewerage. Our article will help you understand all the features of different systems. Therefore, the owner of a private structure will ultimately choose the optimal design of an independent sewer from popular options.

Factory septic tanks

There are many different designs of ready-made septic tanks on the market. The principle of their operation remains the same as that of home-made devices.

How to choose an autonomous sewer for a private house

Factory septic tanks have several interesting advantages:

  • ease of installation: the most difficult work will be preparing the pit for installation;
  • reliability and long service life;
  • choice of the most suitable model. There are designs with different performance and volume. You can always choose a small design for a summer cottage, or you can choose a serious device that can serve a small hotel;
  • the factory septic tank is initially completely sealed, so it can be installed anywhere, regardless of the level of groundwater.

The disadvantages of such devices are:

  • rather high price;
  • the need for post-treatment, since the septic tank itself can clean the drains up to 70%.

Methods for arranging local autonomous sewage for a private house

How to choose an autonomous sewer for a private house

Autonomous system in a country house

Drain hole.


How to choose an autonomous sewer for a private house

Septic tank with output through the filtration field to the receiver

Cleaning station - VOC.

How to choose an autonomous sewer for a private house

Photo: private autonomous sewage system based on VOC

A budget and simple version of a home sewer device is digging a drain hole. The principle is simple: liquid waste flows through the sewer pipe into a container. If the tank is sealed, then the waste accumulates in the pit until pumping out, which is carried out every 2 to 4 weeks, depending on the intensity of the use of the sewer and the internal volume of the tank.

How to choose an autonomous sewer for a private house

Regular pumping and bad smell: cesspool

There is another type of cesspool - filtration tanks. A container without a bottom is installed in the pit, and the lower part is covered with sand and gravel, through which the drains gradually seep into the ground. Installation of filter wells without preliminary treatment of the drain is prohibited. It is possible to equip a pit without a bottom only for serving summer cottages with 1 - 2 water use points: a shower and a toilet. The main disadvantage of drain pits is the need for regular cleaning. It is practically impossible to avoid the appearance of a persistent unpleasant odor that does not disappear even after disinfection of the receiving containers. The installation of pit latrines is prohibited in residential urban areas, near neighboring plots and buildings.

A septic tank is the best option for installing an autonomous sewage system in a country house or in a country house, if the number of residents does not exceed 3-4 people, or the house is used for seasonal living.

How to choose an autonomous sewer for a private house

Single chamber septic tank

A septic tank is a structure of several chambers interconnected. Effluent entering the structure goes through at least 2 stages of treatment:

  1. Mechanical. Inside the chamber, primary settling and stratification of waste occurs: dense substances, solid insoluble masses settle to the bottom. Liquid drains flow into the next compartment.
  2. Biological. The natural process of filtration of sewage waste takes up to 3 days. Processing of organic compounds takes place in the crust on the surface of the liquid during the activity of anaerobic bacteria.

Bacteria that process waste exist in specific conditions: for their vital activity, they need a strong film on the surface of the water and the absence of oxygen. During the cleaning process, a large amount of gas is released - to remove methane, septic tanks must be equipped with ventilation with an output to the roof level of residential buildings.

How to choose an autonomous sewer for a private house

Multi-chamber septic tank on the site

Septic tanks as an autonomous sewage system are used to dispose of wastewater in houses and in areas that are not connected to the mains, or with constant power outages. The system is autonomous and non-volatile. The movement of liquid in the compartments is carried out with the help of an overflow, and the discharge is carried out through a discharge pipe into a filtration well or onto a gravel field. Septic tanks with biofiltration systems require regular cleaning. Depending on the type of filter and the amount of waste - up to 1 time in 1 - 2 months.

Local treatment stations (VOCs) are systems for autonomous sewerage with a maximum degree of purification.The purity of the drain at the outlet is up to 98%. VOCs are volatile systems that require uninterrupted power supply. Factory complexes are equipped with equipment for multi-stage filtration in automatic mode.

How to choose an autonomous sewer for a private house

Scheme: complex cleaning station

The principle of operation of an autonomous sewage system is the complex processing of wastewater in the chambers of the station:

  1. Primary mechanical cleaning. Several types of mechanical filters are installed in the receiving compartment: large particle traps, grease traps.
  2. Aerobic processing. Biofiltration of pretreated wastewater with aerobic bacteria.
  3. anaerobic cleaning. Removal of organic compounds in a chamber with anaerobic bacteria.
  4. Final cleaning. Additional mechanical filtration.

Stations do not require cleaning and special care. The owner needs to inspect the internal chambers once a month. Cleaning of mechanical filters is carried out once every six months, and maintenance and replacement of equipment parts - once every few years.

Design of an autonomous sewer system

To understand how autonomous treatment facilities for a private house work, you need to figure out what goals are set for them.

The system must perform the following functions:

  • collection of wastewater from all plumbing that uses water;
  • transportation of wastewater from a residential building to a treatment plant or reservoir;
  • waste treatment or storage prior to disposal.

The list of tasks is quite transparent, and from it you can derive the components of the design of an autonomous sewage system:

  • plumbing fixtures and internal communications;
  • external communications;
  • treatment facilities (septic tank, cesspool, etc.).

How to choose an autonomous sewer for a private house

The centralized and autonomous systems are distinguished by the presence of a reservoir for storing wastewater. An autonomous sewage system for a private house is always equipped with waste storage facilities, and in the case of a central system, effluents enter the main highway, along which they are transported to city treatment facilities.

Which septic tank to choose

How to choose an autonomous sewer for a private house

The choice of a septic tank depends on its manufacturer or the ability to process the volume of wastewater that is generated in the country. According to SNiP, the volume of the chambers must accommodate the amount of waste that is formed in the house in 3 days.

If no more than a cubic meter of wastewater is formed in 24 hours, then a single-chamber device is installed. Two-chamber septic tanks are mounted in houses where from 1-10 cubic meters are consumed per day. water.

If the flow rate exceeds 10 cubic meters, a three-chamber model is used. To equip a non-residential cottage, you will need a cheap septic tank, presented in the form of a tank. As it fills up, it will need to be cleaned.

If there are permanent residents in the country house, an overflow structure is installed in which wastewater accumulates and is cleaned. In a summer cottage with a pool or sauna, it is recommended to install a productive model. With a significant flow of water, a septic tank is installed, equipped with an aerator. The latter device creates conditions for the vital activity of aerobic bacteria.

A septic tank with a biofilter is mounted on a summer cottage where there are permanent residents. Otherwise, a long idle time in the work of the biomaterial will lead to the death of the nutrient medium. In the country, you can install a ready-made septic tank, which is characterized by the following advantages:

  • simple installation;
  • quick connection of the system;
  • during installation there is no construction debris.

The disadvantage of the device is the high price. Ready-made septic tanks are selected based on their performance:

  • mini-septic tanks, which are designed for living in a house of 1-2 people;
  • bulk devices.

Modern manufacturers make septic tanks from stainless steel and fiberglass. The latest devices do not require the use of construction equipment. To protect the container from floating and soil movement, the following work is carried out:

  • concrete the walls and bottom of the pit, in which the septic tank will be installed;
  • fixing the container with nylon straps.

Well-known manufacturers of septic tanks:

  1. Tank.
  2. Topas.
  3. Triton.
  4. Cedar.
  5. Mole.

Principles of operation of autonomous sewage

"Bacterial" sewage naturally has a more complex device than a septic tank and the principle of its operation is as follows:

  1. Waste accumulates in a sump, at the bottom of which suspended particles settle. And the effluents move on and, having passed through special filters, enter the reservoir, where active bacteria live.
  2. Air is pumped into the tank or an oxygen-free environment is maintained - it all depends on the bacterial culture.
  3. Already during the passage through the filter, the waste is decomposed into components.
  4. Then the effluent enters the chamber for secondary decomposition into sedimentary and suspended particles.
  5. From there, the waste enters an additional chamber with a filter, which is also filled with bacteria.
  6. And finally, the effluent is thrown into the filter fields or the filter well. Although it is possible to reuse them without secondary cleaning.

How to choose an autonomous sewer for a private house

Laying pipes and burying containers - tightness is above all!

Local sewerage on reagents is somewhat easier. At the very beginning of the drain, under the force of the flow, the dispenser of reagents is launched, which automatically fall into the drain. When mixed with waste, the reagents immediately destroy them. Thus, the wastewater entering the tank can be considered treated to a certain extent. At the next stage, the effluents merge into the settling chamber, and there the separation of heavy particles takes place. The final stage is cleaning with a disinfectant solution.

Of course, you can not spend energy and money on a complex sewer system, but make it in a matter of hours, that is, just dig a cesspool. But, is this method justified? Practice shows that modern sewer systems are not only economical, but environmentally friendly. We hope we have convinced you of this, especially since you can arrange any of them yourself.

Signs of a good autonomous sewer system

Before purchasing and installing, you need to find out how effective this or that autonomous sewage system is. If we conduct a thorough analysis of the information that the consumer audience provides based on the experience of practical application, then the autonomous sewerage of a country house should have the following advantages:

  • High cleaning efficiency - not less than 95-98%.
  • Compactness and precision.
  • Propensity to increase productivity.
  • The purity of the biological process.
  • Reliability and ease of use.
  • High margin of resistance to load fluctuations.
  • Lack of smell and noise in the process of wastewater treatment.
  • Low degree of power consumption.
  • The minimum cost of construction.
  • Simplicity of design.
  • Availability of installation work, as well as operation and maintenance.
  • Reasonable dimensions and weight.
  • Possibility of operation in different climatic zones.

How to choose an autonomous sewer for a private house

Special plastic containers are now gaining more and more popularity among residents of private homes.

NEP-Center of Eurobion Cleaning System

How to choose an autonomous sewer for a private house

Production technologies and assortment

All systems are equipped with active aeration of wastewater and are allocated to a common group - aeroseptics. Depending on the model, they are able to meet the needs of 4 to 100 people. According to the engineer-inventor of the company, Yu. O. Bobylev, NEP-center products are the result of the evolution of the VOC Topas line.

How to choose an autonomous sewer for a private house

Characteristics of popular septic tanks from "NEP-center"
Model Eurobion-5 ART Yubas 5
Operating conditions VOC for permanent use by a family of 5 people. Any ground conditions.
Short description 4-section vertical installation with a large receiving chamber capable of enduring a salvo discharge of up to 390 liters.Differs in economical power consumption. Treated effluents can be dumped onto the terrain. Vertical station with deeper cleaning. Able to take salvo discharge up to 700 liters. Consumes more electricity. It has a complex automation system, which complicates repairs. Drains after the system are dumped onto the terrain.
Material Sheet polypropylene 10 mm thick
Size, L×W×H or D×L, mm 1080×1080×2380
Electricity consumption, W/h 39 60
Weight, kg 125 270
price, rub. 85000 138000

Station maintenance is an important stage in the operation of the system. From the video below you will learn not only how to maintain the VOC Eurobion 5, but also how the station is cleaned and what role each of its components plays.

Conclusions: treatment facilities from NEP-Center have a well-thought-out design in terms of wastewater treatment efficiency, but their maintenance requires highly qualified workers. Such systems are great for continuous operation, but at the same time their cost is higher than analogues.

Pros and cons of septic tanks

How to choose an autonomous sewer for a private house

The simplest and most budgetary solution is the arrangement of a sealed cesspool, which has the following advantages:

  • simplicity;
  • low labor costs for installation;
  • low price.

Of the minuses of the cesspool, there is a small capacity of wastewater, a bad smell and a monthly pumping out of the contents. A standard cesspool without a bottom is prohibited, as it pollutes the environment. An exception is the arrangement of a pit without a bottom, with a volume of drains not higher than 1 cubic meter per day.

A septic tank, presented in the form of a well, in which mechanical cleaning of the drain by bacteria takes place, has the following advantages:

  • low price for installation;
  • the environment is not polluted during the operation of the system;
  • offline work.

The disadvantages of the device include the average degree of purification, operating costs and the need to install additional equipment. For the arrangement of sewage, an independent installation can be used, the principle of which is similar to a septic tank. This design has the following advantages:

  • long service life;
  • high degree of purification;
  • no unpleasant odor;
  • call for vacuum trucks once a year.

Of the minuses of the system, the high cost is distinguished. The Tank system is presented in the form of a cubic container with a ribbed surface. The wall thickness is 15 mm. This durable construction is made of polypropylene. Energy independence and rare pumping of precipitation are the main advantages of the device.

Biological treatment stations have a low percentage of treatment, so it is equipped with an aftertreatment system. To do this, equip the filtering fields. If the soil does not allow this, a ready-made system is mounted.

Types of autonomous sewer systems

A septic tank is the most primitive sewage system, which is analogous to a less civilized version known as a cesspool. A distinctive point is only a different form, but the principle of operation and content are the same. Visually, this is a huge plastic container, under which a huge hole breaks out in the ground. On the surface, only hatches designed for pumping out waste are visible.

How to choose an autonomous sewer for a private house

Sewerage must be built according to special standards and located very close to the house is not allowed

Self-cleaning local sewage - qualitatively different from a septic tank, but the effectiveness of its work depends entirely on the intensity of its use. It is in accordance with this condition that the model of such a system for wastewater treatment is chosen. If a large family lives in the house, then the most economical option would be a “bacterial” local sewage system. In fact, it is a closed system, which is "stuffed" with bacteria that process waste. And they, in turn, play the role of a nutrient medium for microorganisms. There are two types of bacteria:

  • anaerobic - live without oxygen;
  • aerobic - are active only with good oxygen saturation of the environment.

How to choose an autonomous sewer for a private house

It is better to entrust the installation process to specialists, but simple systems can be installed independently.

When it comes to arranging sewerage in the country, that is, its operation is irregular, it is better to pay attention even at the selection stage to autonomous sewerage systems, the basis of work, which involves the use of certain reagents. In this case, the sewer system will function as follows: while there is no one in the house, it is in the off mode, as soon as waste begins to flow, the reagents begin to actively destroy their organic content

Elite Stroy Invest septic tanks Tank

How to choose an autonomous sewer for a private house

Production technologies and assortment

The catalog includes products for three types of drainage devices:

  • storage containers. This includes containers made of polyethylene Triton-N with a volume of 1 to 3.5 m3;
  • septic tankand. This includes the Microbe model (3-12 people) - a 2-chamber model for giving, as well as Triton-T (2-10 people), Tank and Tank Universal (1-25 people). These are 3-chamber tanks with the possibility of increasing the levels of wastewater treatment by adding additional blocks;
  • bioremediation systems. Volatile VOC Biotank (4-10 people) and Eurobion (4-150 people) made of HDPE and polypropylene, respectively.

How to choose an autonomous sewer for a private house

The main material for the manufacture of containers is HDPE. The thickness of the material is between 10 and 15 mm depending on the model and location. For example, it is larger for stiffeners, and less for straight lines or areas of small curvature.

The video below clearly demonstrates the production of models of the Tank line from HDPE. The plant is equipped with modern equipment, sheet plastic is supplied from Russian, Czech and German manufacturers.

Characteristics of popular septic tanks from "Elite Stroy Invest"
Model Tank-2 Microbe-450 Biotank-3 itself*
Operating conditions For a family of 3-4 people with permanent or seasonal use. Works at low GWL, soil - sand, sandy loam, loam. Model for seasonal use. Operation by 1-3 people in economy mode. For low GWL and filter soil. Seasonal accommodation for up to 5 people. Low GWL, sandy or loamy soil.
Short description Cast horizontal 3-chamber sump with developed stiffening ribs. It can be completed with an infiltrator** (analogous to the filtration field). Mandatory soil post-treatment of wastewater. Compact vertical septic tank with 2 chambers. Provides minimal cleaning from heavy and light fractions. It is necessary to arrange a filtration field. You can also purchase an infiltrator. Vertical 4-chamber septic tank with aeration section. Installed 1 compressor and simple automation. The degree of sewage treatment is 95-98%, after the station they can be dumped into a roadside ditch.
Material HDPE 10-15 mm thick HDPE 10 mm thick
Size, L×W×H or D×L, mm 1800×1200×1700 810×1430 1020×2120
Electricity consumption, W/h 60
Weight, kg 130 35 100
price, rub. 50500 16500 42500

* This is a model with gravity drainage of treated wastewater. There is a modification with an installed pump for forced withdrawal. There is also a horizontal model.

** The infiltrator looks like an inverted plastic bath; it serves as the boundary of the filtration area for treated wastewater.

Conclusions: although this manufacturer has models of various types, it is known more for its sedimentation tanks. The Tank series line is ideal for suburban conditions and, in certain cases, can be used for permanent residence. In production, HDPE with a thickness of 10-15 mm is used, which is not always enough to ensure structural rigidity when installed in complex soils.

Local treatment plant septic tanks

This type uses biological substances for purification, which are able to decompose organic substances in the sewer. That is why already purified liquid enters the soil.

Purification facilities can be divided into several types:

An anaerobic septic tank is equipped with cleaning drainage, which is located in the ground. Waste that undergoes filtration is additionally cleaned in the ground.

How to choose an autonomous sewer for a private house

Anaerobic septic tank: effluent flow diagram

An active septic tank, in a form in which true purification occurs through the influence of aerobic microbes.

Again, if we compare these types, we can state:

In the first option, the equipment is budgetary, the most important thing is to create an environment for the life process of bacteria likened to natural.

In the second option, the costs are quite noticeable, because a highly active sump is a private house wastewater equipment that must be connected to the network. With all this, if there are power outages, the volatile septic tank may deteriorate, which will lead to another waste.

The note! It is important to emphasize the positive aspects of a dynamic septic tank - quite small in size, simple and convenient installation of drains in a private house. Most often, this method is chosen when the area is small and there is no way to equip a full-fledged soil filter.

Method of filter ground drainage

There are several ways to filter and eliminate sewage water:

  • When the groundwater level is lowered at the site, it is preferable to direct the sewerage into the ground, where it undergoes filtration.
  • If the groundwater level is elevated, then the outlet from the sump passes through a specialized poured soil.

How to choose an autonomous sewer for a private house

And now you will find out where you can equip this type of sewerage:

- In those suburban areas where groundwater does not exceed one and a half meters from ground level.

How to choose an autonomous sewer for a private house

View of autonomous sewerage in a country house

But this is not the main feature - if there is a risk of flooding, then ground drainage is strictly prohibited, because it is a waste of money.

A very important point is the size of your suburban area, because it should accommodate a filter well, which will be located at a distance of 30 meters from the well.

Probably everyone knows that autonomous drains for the private sector are not an indicator of wealth, but a need for a comfortable life. Everyone will agree that after spending quite a long time on the road, getting to a country house and thinking about where to equip a sewer drain is not the most interesting thing to do.

With all this, such a sewer system is available to almost everyone, its cost is much less than for the arrangement and maintenance of a similar one.


We hope our article was useful and now you know which sewage system to choose for a country house

It is important to remember that it is not so difficult to equip the necessary amenities in a suburban area, it is quite possible to cope with this on your own. If for some reason you are afraid to do everything yourself, then today there are a lot of specialized enterprises that will help you with this.

Eurolos cleaning systems Eurolos

How to choose an autonomous sewer for a private house

Production technologies and assortment

Cleaning equipment is represented by 2 lines:

  • for individual use. This is Eurolos Luck - a compact septic tank for seasonal use in the country; Eurolos Eco - 3-chamber sump; Eurolos Bio - VOC with pump and ejector; Eurolos Pro - aeration SBO. They are designed for a family of 3 to 20 people;
  • for collective use. This is Eurolos Contus - a modular system for wastewater treatment. Productivity from 20 to 4000 cubic meters a day.

How to choose an autonomous sewer for a private house

All containers are made of sheet polypropylene 8-10 mm thick. In the Biot model, oxygen is supplied not by a compressor, but by a combination of a pump + ejector. How it works is clearly shown in the video below.

We also recommend that you watch the full review of this cleaning station, which explains how the system works and the role of each of the nodes.We focus on the Bio model, because it is the most popular among Eurolos buyers.

Characteristics of popular septic tanks from Eurolos
Model Luck Eco 1 Bio 5
Operating conditions For a family of 2-3 people with seasonal living and economical use of water. GWL is low, the ground is sandy loam or sand. For a family of 5 with permanent or seasonal use. GWL is low, good filtering ability of the soil. For 5 people for permanent or seasonal residence. Any ground conditions.
Short description Compact 2-chamber sump. Does not require digging a deep pit. A filtration field device is required. It is also recommended to use bacteria. Horizontal 3-chamber settling tank with brush loading for cultivation of colonies of anaerobic bacteria. The arrangement of soil after-treatment is required. Vertical VOC from 3 chambers and a biofilter with effluent circulation throughout the circuit. Aeration due to the ejector and fountaining. Does not require soil post-treatment - runoff can be dumped onto the terrain or into a ditch.
Material Sheet polypropylene 8-10 mm thick
Size, L×W×H or D×L, mm 1500×1500×800 1000×2000 1400×2000
Electricity consumption, W/h 88
Weight, kg 69 84 165
price, rub. 26000 43000 71000

The kit does not include related structures for arranging a system for discharging treated effluents. An infiltrator will cost an additional 5,600 rubles, a well - from 21,000 rubles, submersible drainage pumps - from 2,900 rubles.

Conclusions: in the assortment of the company "Evrolos" you will find solutions for the installation of a local treatment plant for seasonal and permanent residence of different productivity and degree of preparation of wastewater for discharge into the external environment. It should be noted the affordable cost of the basic set of equipment, however, due to the small thickness of the walls of the tanks, we do not recommend the installation of such systems in complex soils, where there is a possibility of squeezing the structure.


