Rating of the best pumps for wells

What to look for when choosing a well pump

When considering which pump is best for a well, pay attention to the following criteria:

Performance. The pump for the well must cover at least 50% of the total water consumption in the water supply system (washbasins, shower cabin, sink, etc.) and at the same time not exceed the flow rate of the well (so that it does not suck water out of the well faster than it is drawn there). The well flow rate can be viewed in the well installation passport. The table below shows how much water each draw-off point consumes on average. Suppose you have a washbasin, shower, toilet and washing machine in your house. Then your pump should produce a minimum of (600+720+720+420)/2 = 1230 l/h. Thus, it is possible to accurately calculate the submersible pump for the well. Which one is best for you will depend on your conditions.

Consumer Flow l/min Consumption m³/h
Washbasin with sink 10 0,6
Washbasin 10 0,6
Bath/hydromassage 18 1,08
Shower 12 0,72
Toilet 7 0,42
Bidet 6 0,36
Washing machine 12 0,72
Kitchen sink 12 0,72
Dishwasher 8 0,48
Water tap 1/2″ 20 1,2
Water tap 3/4″ 25 1,5

Maximum pressure. This is the height to which the pump can lift the water. However, the maximum pressure determines not only the height to which the unit is able to “throw” water, but also the pressure that will be at the outlet at a particular draw-off point. So the pressure for a conventional sink needs less than, for example, for a shower. Therefore, it is worth taking with a margin of 10 - 15%. For example, if your pump will be immersed 20 m into the well, and you will need to raise water to the second floor 6 m up, then you should take a pump with a maximum head of at least (20 + 6) + (20 +6) * 0, 15 \u003d 29.9 m. The closest device will be with a head of 30 m.

Maximum immersion depth. This refers to the depth of immersion under water, and not generally in the well. Suppose you have a well with a total depth of 50 m, but from the surface to the water surface 20 m. So we have 30 m of water space, and if you want to lower the unit almost to the very bottom, then its maximum immersion depth should be at least 30 m.

Power cord length. The power cord should be no less than the total depth of the well (if you lower it to the very bottom) plus the distance to the outlet. At first glance, this may seem like a small thing, but practice has shown that many buyers make mistakes with the length of the cord and then start adding a bunch of carriers.

Overheat protection. All submersible pumps have a well-organized cooling system, since the device is placed in water. However, under extreme operating conditions, the engine may still overheat. If you plan to load the unit to the fullest, then it is better to buy a model with a thermal switch that will turn off the design when the engine overheats.

Dry run protection. This feature will turn off the device if the water level in the well falls to a critical level so that it does not run idle. A very useful feature, especially during periods of seasonal water level drop.

Voltage. Most household pumps operate on conventional single-phase networks with a voltage of 220 V. However, there are devices that are powered exclusively from 380 V. For the most part, these are professional units, so it is not advisable to use them in everyday life

However, pay attention to this indicator so as not to accidentally buy a three-phase model.

Number of suction stages. Single-stage devices have one rotation wheel inside the body

In terms of power and performance, they significantly lose to multi-stage units, however, they are much cheaper. If you have a large well depth or need to use water to irrigate fields, then multistage borehole pumps are suitable for you.What brand to choose a device? If you want to save money, then take domestic units.

The above criteria help you understand how to choose a pump for a well. Now let's look at the ranking of the best models of 2019 - 2020.

Pros and cons of using deep-well pumps for servicing wells and wells

Among the advantages of using deep-well pumps installed in a well or well, it should be noted:

  1. high efficiency and productivity of liquid medium pumping;
  2. compact dimensions of the device;
  3. the possibility of forming a flow of pumped liquid with a good pressure;
  4. ease of installation and operation;
  5. unpretentiousness in terms of maintenance;
  6. high reliability and long service life.

Naturally, this type of equipment also has disadvantages:

  1. Most modern models of deep-well pumps are produced in a housing that has a monolithic design, which makes the repair of such devices almost impossible.
  2. Downhole deep-well pumps cannot be used for pumping a highly contaminated liquid medium and should not be installed in close proximity to the bottom of the well or well they serve.

Which brands to prefer

When choosing a specific brand of pump for a well, pay attention to two things. The first is the number of positive and negative reviews

Only here it must be borne in mind that positive reviews are rarely written - if the equipment works about it and is not remembered. Only if before that there were some problems that the new pump solved. Then there are chances that there will be positive feedback. You are much more likely to receive negative feedback if there are problems. So the ratio of positive and negative opinions will be biased. You can simply compare the amount of positive and negative relative to different brands.

Rating of the best pumps for wells

Choosing a pump for a well is not easy.

The second thing you need to pay attention to is the availability of service centers and warranty workshops in your region. So that if a problem arises, it can be quickly and easily solved, and not go to distant lands

This is also very important

What to look for (except technical specifications)? The presence and number of degrees of protection. Good (and expensive) equipment may have the following built-in mechanisms:

  • dry running protection (shutdown in the absence of water);
  • protection against overloads and electric discharges (against overheating);
  • sand cleaning system;
  • from water leaks (check valve, here you can put it without any problems additionally).

From this list, it is very desirable that the well pump has protection against dry running and overloads. These are the basic things that extend the life of the unit. Sand removal is, of course, good, but the equipment is quite expensive. A non-return valve can be placed immediately at the pump outlet on the suction hose (pipe).

Pump brands that are considered the best

The opinion of experts does not always coincide with the opinion of users, but it is also worth listening to them. They recommend mostly expensive brands, but not just like that, but because they really work well. So, here is a list of firms that the pros trust:

  • Aquarius. At a relatively low price, quite decent quality.
  • Gilex. They work normally - about 5-6 years - with the right selection of parameters.
  • Flow. Chinese-Russian, but they work fine.
  • Aquario (Aquario). Normal quality for not very big money.
  • Grundfos (Grundfos). The leader in quality, but also in prices too.
  • DAB. Worthy competitors for Grundfos at lower prices.
  • ESPA. Good quality. There may be problems with service - not all regions have service centers.
  • Willo (Willo). Another one of the market leaders. Good quality at more or less decent prices.
  • ZDS. These well pumps performed well. The manufacturer gives them a 2-year unconditional warranty - replacement in case of breakage for any reason.
  • Acua.All hydraulics are stainless steel, but these pumps are not sized for most wells.
  • Water cannon series Prof. Quite decent quality, but only repair in the service center.

This is a more or less complete list of brands that professionals recommend.

The best pumps for a well CHIP version


Domestic pump (assembled in China) for wells with a maximum depth of immersion in water up to 35 m. It allows you to raise water to a height of up to 90 m, which is quite enough to provide water to a two-story house. At the same time, it produces an average of up to 1500 l / h - this is enough for a house with a toilet, washbasin, washing machine and shower. True, the power cord here is only 17 m, so you have to use an extension cord.

The device has a single-stage design with one rotation wheel. Note that the impeller is made of stainless steel, so it is not subject to corrosion. This is a simple and inexpensive pump for the home. If you don't want to overpay, then take it.

It should be noted that in the SN series, Vikhr has 8 more models with a maximum head from 50 to 135 m and a capacity from 1500 l / h to 5700 l / h. If the VORTEX CH-90V does not suit you in terms of parameters, then you can choose another one from the same company.


This pump is perfect for a one-story house with several points of water intake. As much as possible, the device is able to pump out up to 4000 l / h, which is quite enough for the simultaneous operation of a dishwasher, boiler, washing machine and shower. In this case, the pressure in the pipeline system will be maintained at a good level. The maximum pressure is 28 m - for a shallow well, "the very thing."

JILEX Water cannon PROF 55/75

One of the most popular Russian-made models in the segment up to 10,000 rubles. It is capable of pumping 3300 l / h with a head of 75 m, which is enough for two to three floors or for the simultaneous operation of several consumers. Its maximum immersion in water is 30 m. There is a thermal switch here that turns off the device in case of overheating.

Note that there is a really long power cord of 30 m, which most models in this price category simply do not have. It is also capable of pumping water with a maximum solid particle diameter of up to 1.5 mm, so it is suitable for “fresh” wells that are very sandy. True, so that dirty water does not enter the water supply system, we recommend installing filters at the inlet.

Termica Comfortline 3SQ 3/90

One of the best pumps with a depth of immersion in water up to 80 m. When immersed to such a depth, the device is capable of delivering pressure up to 91 m. Thanks to these indicators, the unit has gained popularity among those who live on a hill who have water very far away and have to hit a deep well. In terms of performance, the device has an average performance of 2700 l / h.

The impeller is made of noryl, a polymer material that is highly resistant to corrosion. In addition, it is resistant to solid particles in the form of sand up to 1.5 mm in size. There is also a 40m long power cord.

Aquarius BTsPE 0.5-63U

A powerful 1200-watt beast is capable of pumping water with a maximum head of 90 m. At the same time, the density of solid particles in water can be up to 1500 g / m3 and the pump will not fail. This makes the model in demand for pumping water from dirty or sandy wells. A multi-stage suction system is installed here, consisting of several wheels.

The maximum productivity is 3600 l / h - the average for devices with such power. The components themselves are made in China, and already assembled in the device in Kharkov. Users note the high build quality and long life of the device.

  • Rating of pumping stations in 2019: choose the best
  • To take or not: a review of the DT-830B multimeter for 250 rubles

Types of borehole pumps according to the principle of operation

If you have thought about which well pump to choose, then first of all you should pay attention to the principle of their operation:

  • Centrifugal. Devices operating on this principle have a rotating impeller inside the housing, under the action of which centrifugal force arises. Water is sucked into the inlet pipe and flows to the top at the outlet. Centrifugal pumps are the most inexpensive among all types and at the same time have a fairly high efficiency. However, their head is relatively small (up to 100 m) in comparison with vortex or screw devices. Centrifugal pumps are worth buying if the well depth is not more than 50 m.
  • Vortex. Vortex, as well as centrifugal, have working blades. They create vortex flows, due to which water can rise to a much greater height than centrifugal models. However, vortexes are very sensitive to water quality, so heavily sanded wells will quickly kill the unit. If you have a deep well with relatively clean water, then vortex pumps for the well will suit you. Which to choose? It all depends on the depth of the well and the height of the water table to the surface of the earth.
  • Screw. Screw units have a kind of rotor in the form of a screw. Because of this design, pumps of this type can easily cope with the most sandy water, so they are perfect for pumping process water for watering the garden (or for your own needs if you have a high-quality filter).

Criterias of choice

When choosing a submersible pump for equipping a well or well, a number of factors should be considered:

  • tasks for which it is planned to use the selected pump;
  • the total water demand that the pump will have to provide;
  • the required value of the pressure of the pumped liquid medium;
  • the depth of the underground source, the thickness of the water layer in it, its debit, as well as the level at which water is located in such a source;
  • the remoteness of the well or well from the building into which it will be necessary to transport water;
  • the quality of the water to be pumped from an underground source.

Rating of the best pumps for wells

A floating suction pump is indispensable for shallow wells with a silty bottom

Given all of the above factors, when choosing a submersible pump, they are guided by such characteristics as:

  • the pressure of the flow of a liquid medium that it is able to create (such a parameter is measured in meters of water column);
  • productivity, that is, the amount of liquid that the pump is able to pump per unit of time;
  • body dimensions;
  • an indicator of the maximum possible degree of contamination and the temperature of the water with which the pump can operate;
  • availability of a float water sensor and a check valve as standard;
  • complete set of the device and additional options that it has;
  • case material;
  • the mass of the device, which is important in order to properly organize its suspension in a well or well;
  • the length of the electrical cable supplied, as a rule, complete with pumping equipment;
  • electrical parameters, the knowledge of which is necessary in order to properly power the device from the mains;
  • brand under which the pump is produced (and, of course, its cost).

Rating of the best pumps for wells

In addition to the cord and cable, the pump may include equipment that ensures automatic operation of the device.

When choosing a submersible pump, you should also pay attention to what guarantees the manufacturer provides, and to the availability of authorized centers for the maintenance and repair of equipment of a particular brand. When choosing a submersible pump, you should keep in mind: how responsibly you approach such a procedure will largely depend on the efficiency of use and the duration of operation of such equipment

When choosing a submersible pump, you should keep in mind: how responsibly you approach such a procedure will largely depend on the efficiency of use and the duration of operation of such equipment.


In vortex submersible pumps, the intake and expulsion of water occurs with the help of a single impeller with blades, which is located in the upper part of a vertically suspended casing near the outlet pipe. To reduce hydraulic losses, the design provides for a very small distance between the side face of the vortex wheel disk and the working chamber - this makes it impossible for vortex devices to work in an environment with sand particles.

Vortex-type devices have good pressure characteristics (liquid lifting height reaches 100 m) and average pumping volumes (about 5 cubic meters / hour).

Although vortex electric pumps are rarely used in everyday life, there are Belamos TM, Sprut, Whirlwind, NeoClima, Pedrollo Davis models on the market.

Rating of the best pumps for wells

Rice. 7 Vortex submersible pump - design and appearance


Centrifugal devices have achieved such distribution due to the following properties:

  • Their coefficient of performance (COP) is the highest of all analogues, in large-sized industrial units it reaches 92%, in household models it reaches 70%.
  • Structurally, the working chamber is designed in such a way that the liquid enters the central part of the centrifugal wheel, and is pushed out through the side pipe. This allows you to make multi-stage centrifugal devices in which the ejected fluid is fed to the axle of the next wheel, which further increases its pressure. Thanks to the use of several centrifugal wheels with separate working chambers (stages), it is possible to obtain pressure parameters in the system that are several times higher than those of other pumping equipment (in household models, the pressure does not exceed 300 m).
  • Centrifugal types are capable of pumping liquid in large volumes at high pressure; for domestic use, this figure rarely exceeds 20 cubic meters / h.
  • Centrifugal type units are less affected by fine sand particles on the working mechanism, they are widely used in sand wells, choosing a model to work with a suitable particle size indicated in the passport.
  • A significant advantage of centrifugal types is the high level of automation, the world's leading manufacturers of pumping equipment (Grundfos, Pedrollo, Speroni, Dab) supply their devices with units with frequency control of the impeller rotation speed. This innovation allows not only to significantly save electricity during the operation of the electric pump (up to 50%), but also significantly increase its service life.

If we list all manufacturers of centrifugal pumps that represent their products on the domestic market, the list will be quite voluminous, so we will limit ourselves to the world's leading manufacturers listed above. Of the domestic brands, Aquarius, Dzhileks Vodomet, Whirlwind, Belamos, Caliber, Unipump received the greatest fame.

Rating of the best pumps for wells

Rice. 8 Centrifugal submersible pumps - design and materials of manufacture using the example of Grundfos SBA



What is a submersible well pump, its advantages and scope

Unlike wells, wells have a shallow depth of up to 15 meters if concrete rings are used in their construction, as well as a depth of up to 25 meters or more in the construction of plastic wells with walls made of high-strength corrugated polyethylene pipes (Korsis).

For water intake from wells with a water mirror distance from the surface of less than 9 meters, surface water pumps or pumping stations of a centrifugal principle of operation with automation are widely used, which are distinguished by their budgetary cost and ease of operation.If the static level of the water supply source is more than 9 meters, or it drops to a greater depth during water intake (dynamic level), it is necessary to use a submersible electric pump in the well.

The main parameter of submersible types is high pressure characteristics, which allow water to be supplied over long distances with a source located remotely from the house.

Centrifugal electric pumps specially designed for water intake from wells are equipped with float switches that prevent their operation when the water level in the source drops to certain limits.

Rating of the best pumps for wells

Fig. 2 Scheme of home water supply with water intake from a well with an electric pump Gileks

A submersible well pump for individual water supply systems for domestic use can perform the following functions:

  • Produce water intake to supply a private house from depths of more than 9 meters, providing a supply volume within a wide range.
  • To supply water to the surface for irrigation, it can be used to fill barrels, tanks and various containers with water, which, after warming up in the air, water the garden. If drip irrigation is organized on the site, using a submersible electric pump, you can fill a large volume tank and turn it off with a float switch installed on the walls of the tank when filling.
  • A submersible well pump can fill pools, artificial reservoirs, ponds or pump water out of them.
  • In critical situations during flooding during the spring flood of underground basements, garages, cellars and other premises, an electric pump can pump out water if it is not very dirty, or install a home-made filter on its suction pipe, which prevents dirt particles from entering the working mechanism.
  • With a submersible electric pump, you can immediately pour the coolant into the heating system directly from a well or barrel, with a pressure of about 1.5 bar necessary for its operation, or use it to fill an expansion tank located in the attic of the house.
  • Some types of submersible pumps (vibrating, screw) are effectively used to combat silting of water sources - for this, the unit is released into the well at a short distance from the bottom and the turbid liquid is pumped out with its help.

Wells collect water from shallow water layers (perch water), and are designed for the use of mechanical means of supply using a gate and a bucket. If it is planned to draw water on the site for the constant supply of a residential building using an electric pump, it is much easier and cheaper to drill a shallow Abyssinian well (many people drill with their own hands) and use it as a water source. The use of a well is justified only if the site is completely absent or often loses electricity.

Rating of the best pumps for wells

Rice. 3 Well electric pump for water supply at home in the source



Calculation of a well pump for water supply at home

When calculating a well electric pump for permanent water supply of an individual house, the main results of the calculations obtained are the height of the water column and the volume of the pumped liquid. The initial data are the estimated or calculated volumes of water consumption according to tables or using online calculators.

Consumption volume

There are two main methods for calculating the volume of water consumed: the first is to calculate the water consumption of each resident, the second is to calculate the total water consumption of plumbing fixtures. In both cases, tables or online calculators are used. The indicator of the average daily water consumption by one person is more significant in calculating the ability of the source to maintain a static water level with constant water consumption with a certain volume.

The main task of the electric pump is to sufficiently fill the mains with water while turning on the maximum number of plumbing fixtures that can be used by residents, taking into account working household appliances (washing machines and dishwashers).

Therefore, when the tables calculate and add up the water consumption of all plumbing fixtures, this is not entirely true - for convenience, an individual residential building may contain several sanitary facilities, an excess number of showers and bathtubs, which the owners rarely use. If this plumbing is taken into account when calculating the total water consumption, the result will be excessive throughput parameters of the purchased pump - this will lead to energy overruns and unjustified financial costs.

To calculate the maximum volume of water consumption per unit of time for a family of three living in an individual residential building, you can use an online calculator or make simple calculations manually. If we take the three sources with the highest water consumption and add a small amount from household appliances (the tables show values ​​\u200b\u200bthat should not be taken into account - water consumption by appliances does not occur in a constant mode), then as a result of simple manual calculations, we get peak water consumption per family from 3 people - 2.5 cubic meters / h. The indicator was obtained using the most water-intensive plumbing equipment - a bathroom, in the absence of such amenities, a water supply of 2 cubic meters / h is quite enough.

Rating of the best pumps for wells

Rice. 13 Table of water consumption by plumbing fixtures


When calculating the pressure, the formula given above for organizing irrigation (H = Hv + Hg + Hp + Hd) is used, the calculations are carried out according to the same method, the main problem is the calculation of hydraulic resistance, more precisely, that part of the pressure that will be needed to overcome pipe resistance sections.

There is also a table taking into account the resistance of fittings, taps, bends, tees and other parts of plumbing fittings. Using online calculators, you can calculate the hydraulic resistance of a pipeline of a given length, depending on the material of its manufacture and diameter. If the line is made of hydraulically smooth HDPE pipes with a diameter of more than 1 inch and assembled in accordance with standard regulations, its hydraulic resistance can be taken equal to 20% of the entire length of the line.

For example, let's calculate the pressure characteristics of a submersible pump installed at a depth of 10 m, while the distance to the house is 50 meters, the line length in the house is 50 meters, the lift height from the basement to the second floor is 5 meters, the highest pressure in the system is 3 bar. Similarly to the method discussed above, we get the result:

H \u003d 10 + (5 + 5) + 5 + 115 x 20 / 100 + 30 \u003d 78 (m.)

According to the graph of pressure characteristics, we determine a suitable electric pump, the choice of a Gileks brand device for solving the tasks set is not suitable for us (a supply volume of 2.5 m.cub./h corresponds to 41.6 l./m.), so we do not consider it. The corresponding model SQ-2-85 is in the Grundfos equipment line (Fig. 14, point 5), with which you can make a water pipe with calculated parameters.

Rating of the best pumps for wells

Rice. 14 Grundfos pressure characteristics


