Method One Filtration with Oxidation
Good afternoon. We agree with you: few will endure an excess of ferrous iron in water. Although according to sanitary standards, such an additive belongs to substances of the third category of danger. Simply put: ferrous iron brings more aesthetic inconvenience than real harm to the body.
Therefore, two technologies are successively used to remove such an additive:
- Oxidation ferrous iron to trivalent state. Such an admixture no longer smells, but forms the very brown suspension that all housewives struggle with.
- Filtration ferric iron, organized mechanically or by absorption.
The first stage of purification technology - oxidation - is implemented using reagentless cartridges with catalysts for the oxidation process. Water passes through the cartridge and at the exit from it all ferrous iron passes into the ferric state.
All stages of well water filtration
The second stage of purification - filtration - is carried out using carbon cassettes that absorb unpleasant odor residues, or reverse osmosis systems based on membranes with one-way permeability.
At the outlet of the filter, you will get absolutely pure water of drinking quality, with a natural smell. However, the cost of such cleaning is not affordable for every well owner.
Method Two: Oxygenation and Settling
In addition to industrial cleaning with oxidants and filters, you can use handicraft systems that work without expensive catalysts and absorbents.
One such setup works like this:
- Water from the well is poured into a tank with a capacity of one and a half daily consumption. Moreover, at the entrance to the tank there is an aerator nozzle that saturates the supply water with oxygen.
- An excess of oxygen in water provokes the transition of ferrous iron to the ferric state. After that, rust flakes settle to the bottom of the tank under the influence of gravity.
- Water is taken from the tank through a fitting cut into the wall at a distance of 10-20 centimeters from the bottom.
The main advantage of such a system is efficient operation without consumables and energy supply. In addition, the system of aeration oxidation and subsequent gravitational filtration can be assembled practically from improvised materials. As a container, you can use ordinary plastic barrels, and as an aerator - a nozzle for a shower head. As a result, such a cleaning system will cost you a penny. And any locksmith or the owner of the house, accustomed to working with his own hands, can assemble it. Just do not forget about the float valve that stops the water supply after filling the tank.
The main disadvantage of this design is the need to mark out a sufficiently large tank in a residential or unheated part of the house. In the first case, this leads to a decrease in the usable area of \u200b\u200bthe dwelling, and in the second, to the need to take care of the insulation of the container, which can freeze in the cold season.
Where does the iron in water come from?
Possible reasons for the increase in the concentration of iron in water:
- If the soil contains deposits of sulfate ore or rocks of volcanic origin. In this case, even at a great depth of more than 50-60 m, the water may contain more than 100 mg/l.
- If the soil is marshy. Swamp water may contain 1-5 ml/g of iron.
- If there is an industrial facility nearby: metallurgical, chemical, petrochemical, and it discharges wastewater into local water bodies. In this case, metals from the reservoir can be absorbed into the soil and get into underground sources.
- If the house has old rusty pipes (not relevant for wells, but for old high-rise buildings or for new buildings that are connected to the old water supply network).
- If the pH balance is disturbed in the soil.
Types of iron-containing impurities
Water may contain the following types of iron-containing impurities:
- divalent iron. Dissolved in water. Visually, a liquid with such an impurity may look normal (transparent, without noticeable sediment). At an increased concentration, a metallic taste will appear, and if you leave an open container with liquid to stand, the water will take on a reddish tint.
- trivalent. Insoluble: small particles of a reddish hue are visible in water, even without settling. On standing, a reddish precipitate appears.
- Bacterial metal (iron bacteria). A mixture hazardous to health and pipelines, which, in addition to iron, may contain mercury, cadmium, and lead. It looks like a slimy soft deposit that remains on the surface of the dishes. An oily film may form on the surface of the water when settling in an open container.
Why is it important to clean water from iron from a well?
Possible consequences:
- skin problems (after bathing, there is a feeling of dryness, tightness, with prolonged exposure, dermatitis, allergies can develop);
- problems with the liver and kidneys, which have to constantly remove excess iron from the body;
- increased risk of heart attack;
- increases the risk of developing cancer (primarily cancer of the colon, bladder and esophagus).
Top best iron water filters
The list of the best filters for iron removal of water in the country is included.
- Aquaphor OSMO 50 version 5. The device demonstrates high cleaning efficiency with the removal of turbidity and iron. During the production of the filter, a semi-permeable membrane with special carbon modules is installed. This helps to remove harmful impurities, ranging in size from 0.0005 microns. These include chlorine, rust, nitrates and heavy metals. The processed liquid becomes pleasant on taste and useful to an organism. At the same time, the unit is compact and has a long service life.
- Geyser Prestige PM. The model is distinguished by its original design and the presence of a high-pressure pump. Osmosis supports 3 stages of iron removal: at the first stage, water passes through a foamed polypropylene cartridge and is cleaned of insoluble particles, at the second stage it is transferred to the carbon block, and at the third stage it is passed through the CBC cartridge, which removes chlorine and other chemicals. The design provides for a 12-liter storage tank.
- Atoll A-550 STD. The unit for cleaning water is characterized by high build quality, since it is made of durable plastic with several stiffening ribs. This gives the structure additional reliability, making it as functional as possible. Of the advantages, the possibility of obtaining large volumes and an extended operational period are distinguished. The disadvantages include the high cost and lack of a model in many stores.
- Barrier EXPERT Standard. It is a highly efficient household device made using osmosis technology. With this filter, you can purify water from harmful impurities, chemicals and iron. In the process, multi-stage filtration is used, which removes all kinds of contaminants, sand, rust and other particles. The second module fills the liquid with valuable ions, eliminates chlorine, lead and copper compounds.
- Geyser Nanotek. The filter is equipped with a capacious tank of 20 liters and provides effective cleaning through five-stage filtration. It must be connected to the water supply to reduce the concentration of iron and minimize hardness. A smart system is able to preserve mineral elements and at the same time completely remove the remains of the dissolved metal.
Since the quality of life directly depends on the water used, its purification must be treated with special responsibility. Before buying filters, it is necessary to conduct a laboratory analysis in order to determine the amount of iron salts.
Water from the well smells of iron what to do
If we are talking about city water supply, an iron-removing filter is usually sufficient. For a country house, multifunctional installations are often required - for hard water, from sand, chlorine, swamp smell and other things.
Dissolved iron filters
Another method, often even more expensive, is reverse osmosis. By pumping water through a special membrane, the device cleans literally all impurities from its composition, except for directly H2O, leaving a distillate at the outlet. It, in turn, has to be artificially mineralized, since it is not recommended to drink it. Also, the disadvantage of osmosis is the high consumption of water - about two-thirds of the original volume is drained into the sewer during the cleaning process. Despite all the disadvantages, osmosis is good in cases where literally nothing else helps at all, and the concentration of iron exceeds the norm by tens or even hundreds of thousands of times. In this case, the installation of such a device is more than justified. Fortunately, even outside the city, impurity levels are usually not so high.
Sometimes you can get by with a cation exchange filter. Originally designed to soften, it will also remove some of the dissolved iron. But if there is rust in the water initially, then the softener will instantly clog with it and stop working.
The most economical and compact option for purifying dissolved iron is a titanium filter that does not require cartridge replacement. Due to the anti-corrosion properties of titanium, it does not wear out during the cleaning process. Therefore, as it gets dirty, it is enough just to clean it in a solution of ordinary citric acid, after which it is ready for use again.
Water analysis is a way to save money
If the problem is in country water, we strongly recommend that you have the water analyzed at the nearest laboratory. In addition to dissolved iron, a well or well may contain a variety of impurities. If their concentration complies with SanPin standards - excellent. So, for example, if the amount of iron does not exceed 0.3 mg / l, then a filter from iron is not needed, this is a completely acceptable amount. Therefore, if there are no noticeable contaminants in the water, then before purchasing filtration plants, it makes sense to first do an analysis, it is quite possible that you can get by with just one filter or without it at all. Having accurate information about the composition of the water will allow you to choose the purifier as correctly as possible or make sure that it is not needed.
Any doubts? Send us your results by email. If the water is good, we will immediately tell you about it, and if the pollution is minor, but requiring cleaning, we will select the most economical option.
How to choose the right filter
Based on the information received, you can choose a suitable iron removal system. So, if the level of hardness is very high, it is better to use a filter with a membrane. The installation is not cheap, but it is justified by the high efficiency of work.
When choosing methods for purifying water from iron salts, the following recommendations should be considered:
- The membrane filter is used to remove various bacteria and viruses from the water, so the treated liquid becomes completely clean. Of the minuses of such systems, the removal of useful minerals is distinguished, so the nutrient moisture becomes useless for the body.
- Budget units work only on the principles of ion exchange. The quality of cleaning remains satisfactory.
Expert answers
Vladimir Z:
You can drill another shallow well not for dolomite, but for sand, 15 meters. Purely for drinking (it is no longer suitable for anything = there is too little of it). And iron removal filters are removed without any problems - they are on any household. market, in any plumbing store. There is another way, cheaper. Place the accumulator and bubble (blow) the water there with air through the compressor. Then filter it through a conventional mechanical filter.In our suburbs, all the water from deep wells is from dolomite horizons, deeper than 45 meters, ferruginous. And there is little water above, or it is dirty.
Of course, you can put filters, but this is also not a cheap pleasure. Most likely, the depth of the well is small and you are not using deep water, but surface water. You need to add depth or make a new well. This needs to be clarified.
Elena the Wise:
Put filters. They'll clean up. water.
Oleg Losev:
Iron settles, though for several, at least three days, so you can defend somewhere and then filter from that container through a simple filter, there are also iron removers. there it is necessary to look at consumption models. I think the option with a sump is not bad if there is room for a container, better than two. At the dacha itself, I defend it for a week and then it is already in use
Yulia Borzykh Artemovna:
We have a filter, though we often have to change it, when we get bored, we also take water from the well.
in Rostov all water with iron, even a spring, even a river, filters or boil
if there are wells with clean water, why a well? use what you have for technical needs, but bring it for food, so very good. many people live, including in cities. =0)
No, by no means, because metals are very harmful to our body, and they are not excreted from the body by any means, it is very harmful!
Shadow of Death:
Yes, it's almost METAL!!!!
Murtaugh II:
Only with iron deficiency anemia!!!
Igor Viktorovich:
you can, but adding CALGON ... :)))
MiG-15 MiG-15:
no. this is not the iron that is useful! I once had a rest in a children's camp and got very poisoned, then it turned out that the iron content in the water was increased.
utah vita:
I have been drinking this water for 20 years, and the family does not seem to have any particular health complaints. Harmful perhaps, but how? now I’ll look in Yandex myself, it’s already interesting ..
Ivan Vasilievich changes profession:
In Jurmala, from water on plumbing, the strongest brown coating from rust in the water. People live hundreds of years.
User deleted:
Don't drink! become a tin lumberjack!
Just Pooh:
No difference. People just say hard water.
Zinaida Tarasenko:
In our city, all water with a high content of ferrous oxide. So what? Used to. We live and do not take offense at anything! And our health is excellent and our mood is excellent! And we are kind to the people around us. And we are all smart and beautiful!!
Well water smells like iron
The most likely cause is dissolved iron, that is, in ferrous form. To be sure, you can, firstly, do a water analysis, and secondly, pour the liquid into a transparent container without a lid and leave it in the open air. If turbidity and a yellowish or brown tint appear within 12 hours, dissolved metal is present. Also a characteristic consequence of the presence of this impurity is the need for constant cleaning of the bathtub, sink, toilet bowl and other enamel or metal surfaces from rust deposits, including stainless steel. And if this can still be understood with metals, then where does an even rusty coating on the bathtub come from with clear water from the tap? The answer is dissolved iron.
Reasons for the presence of iron in water
As with many other contaminants, there can be several causes:
- violation of the conditions of operation or maintenance of urban communications by the relevant services
- natural causes - the presence of a large amount of iron in the source water, as a result of which it cannot be cleaned entirely by the forces of treatment facilities