Micro lift for toilet lid

What is the device used for?

A child's toilet pad is essential for convenience. The dimensions of the toilet are provided for adults, so the kids do not feel very comfortable. Often, children are simply afraid to fall into a hole, so they refuse to leave their favorite potty and give preference to the toilet. Of course, there is also a special plumbing for kids. However, not every family has the opportunity to install such an additional toilet. In this case, a special children's pad will come to your aid.

The device can be mounted on the toilet in several ways. Often manufacturers make special mounts that come with the kit. They allow you to hold the accessory on a standard seat. Also, some firms offer Velcro and staples that securely hold the pad when the standard seat is lowered onto it. How to choose a device? If you decide that you need a children's toilet pad, then you need to consider many parameters. Let's consider them.

Mounting options for seat cover

The type of toilet shelf plays a fundamental role in the installation process, since the overhead copy, popularly referred to as “eared”, will require more employment and attention than a solid model. This is due to the need to fix the cover in the same holes where the water tank is attached. Before you attach the lid to the toilet with "ears", you need to purchase auxiliary equipment - polyethylene clamps. They will be needed to fix the bolts holding the entire structure.

Micro lift for toilet lid

Mounting brackets for toilet lid

A few tips to make the process easier:

  • optimal fastening of the toilet lid is plastic or brass;
  • when screwing in brass parts, it is advisable to use intermediate washers made of plastic (otherwise you can easily break the entire toilet bowl);
  • you should not choose steel elements for new designs and, if possible, replace them with old toilets;
  • if, after installing a new seat, the toilet shelf shifts and water begins to leak, you need to check the rubber cuff (for this you need a flashlight and looking under the rim: if the structure just squinted, it is enough to fix it with wire, and if there is a gap or dilapidated element, a complete replacement will be required).

Micro lift for toilet lid

Mounting the toilet lid

Manipulation to replace the cuff is simple, but it still takes time. First you need to shut off the water supply, then disconnect the drain tank, and then remove the cuff itself. Before installing a new part, it is advisable to thoroughly clean the attachment point from lime and plaque. And then proceed with the installation:

  • the narrow part of the product is put on the toilet shelf;
  • the water tank returns to its rightful place;
  • the cuff is straightened and thrown over the wide part of the body bell;
  • by draining the water, the reliability and absence of leaks are checked.

Micro lift for toilet lid

Mounting the toilet lid on metal fasteners

On a solid shelf, fasteners for a toilet seat are installed as easy as shelling pears: in such options, separate mounting holes and special clamps for the “clamp” are already prepared.

First aid in case of breakdowns

It is not uncommon for a toilet seat lid or seat to break. There can be a lot of reasons for this: a long service life and regular wear, careless handling of the owners, a blow with something heavy, too much load on the surface of the product (for example, if you stand up with your feet), and many other options. If there is no opportunity or desire to purchase a new model, you can try to "revive" the old one.

Micro lift for toilet lid

Screw on the lid tightly

Acetone or dichloroethane will help to eliminate a crack on the surface of a plastic seat: just drop a little liquid on the accident site and tightly join the edges, then let it dry thoroughly.

Damaged polypropylene or polyethylene elements are subject to fire: the fracture points must be carefully melted to a soft state, connected and allowed to cool. And then sand lightly. With care, the joints will become almost invisible.

The "eared" toilet bowls have a characteristic unpleasant feature: with an erroneous initial installation, the weight is unevenly distributed during use and for the most part there is an emphasis on the plastic structure. Sometimes it’s enough just to lean harder on the tank or carelessly touch the product with your foot so that the surface of the lid or seat bursts and the “ears” fall off. The easiest fix is ​​to buy a new cover and install it carefully. However, you can fix everything with your own hands.

This will require:

  • thoroughly clean the damaged area from dirt and plaque;
  • dry thoroughly (you can resort to using a hair dryer);
  • completely degrease (for example, acetone, gasoline);
  • mix epoxy resin and hardener in any not too valuable container;
  • gently smear the cleavage points with the resulting composition, while it is very desirable to remove the excess mixture immediately, since the composition quickly hardens and is difficult to remove;
  • evenly connect the edges of the chips and press firmly against each other.

After the final hardening, you can put everything in place, while it is advisable not to forget about the cause of the damage and put up supports or correct the entire structure. Otherwise, after some time, the same problems will be revealed, but on a larger scale, which will require a complete replacement of the structure.

Plumbing, like any other technique, breaks down sooner or later. However, in most cases, it is not difficult to fix these breakdowns on your own. In this article, we will look at how to dismantle and install the seat cover.

Toilet seat replacement instructions

You don't need to call a plumber to replace a broken lid or cracked seat. The design of modern devices is such that any person can handle its installation; even the usual tools are not needed for installation. To give you a better idea of ​​how to properly remove the seat from the toilet, we offer a brief instruction with a photo.

First, buy a new kit, which should be exactly the same size as the old model. After analyzing the cause of the breakdown, you will understand which device is better to replace. For example, if the place where the lid is attached has burst or the plastic has lost its original appearance, rubbed and cracked - consider replacing cheap plastic with a more durable Duroplast.

Then remove the old seat by unscrewing the two nuts threaded on the long bolts.

Micro lift for toilet lid

If the design is very ancient and cannot be manually unscrewed, try using pliers (for nuts - a wrench), in extreme cases, cut it with a hacksaw

After removing the old seat, tidy up the fixing point of the new set (seat + cover).

Micro lift for toilet lid

The place to which the seat is attached is located near the drain tank. In some cases, it makes sense at the same time to carry out preventive maintenance of the drain mechanism and check the reliability of the fastening of the tank so that there are no smudges

When the attachment point is completely ready, unpack the new kit.

Micro lift for toilet lid

Budget model made of plastic: a pair of seat / cover and two mounting bolts with nuts are included in the kit. The cost of inexpensive plastic models - from 150 rubles. up to 500 rubles

Insert the bolts first into the holes in the lid (instead of the holes there may be special grooves that allow you to adjust the position of the product), then into the holes on the toilet shelf. Tighten the nuts.

Micro lift for toilet lid

Plastic fasteners must be handled very carefully: with insufficient twisting, the structure will move in different directions, with too much pressure, the fasteners may not withstand and burst

This is the procedure for fixing a simple device. If you bought a model with a microlift or automation, carefully follow the attached instructions. There are models that require the connection of electricity and plumbing.

Mounting a conventional toilet seat:

Choosing a new seat

Before you remove the seat from the toilet, which is broken for some reason, you should buy a new one. Since the range of these products is huge, making a choice is not easy. Therefore, below are the main features of seats made of different materials:

materials Peculiarities
Plastic This material includes:

  • PVC;
  • Polyethylene;
  • Polypropylene.

Seats made of plastic have stiffening ribs and rubber inserts or plastic protrusions on the underside. Their main advantage is low price, while fragility can be distinguished among the shortcomings.

Duroplast This material, in fact, is the same plastic, but with a denser structure resembling ceramics. Duroplast products are resistant to UV and chemicals, as a rule, have an antibacterial coating that prevents bacteria from multiplying. The advantage is an attractive appearance and good strength, however, the cost of such seats is higher than plastic ones.
Polymer fabric with foam rubber (soft seat) The design is a rigid plastic base, covered with a polymer fabric, under which there is a soft foam rubber. Such a seat is more comfortable, however, it breaks rather quickly.
Chipboard, MDF or wood Seats of this type usually look very attractive, however, their disadvantage is their high weight. When falling, the design can simply crack the toilet.

Micro lift for toilet lid

Having decided on the material, you should decide which functions of the product are important to you. After that, you can select specific models.

Micro lift for toilet lid

Toilet lid repair how to remove the old one and fix the new one

Repair plumbing, as a rule, does not bring much trouble. Of the frequent breakdowns, there is a leakage of the tank, damage to the fasteners or the seat itself.

In the first case, you can tinker a little with it yourself and fix the situation. In others, you will need a new seat with a cover. Repairing the old, most often, will not work. Therefore, it would be better to go to the store.

But before visiting the store, you need to decide on the material and shape of the seat.

Choosing a new lid

You can pick up a toilet lid without any problems. Moreover, not only classic models are available, but also versions with additional options: an intestinal gas analyzer, a microlift or the possibility of heating.

Modern toilet lids can be equipped with additional features

There are even seats with a built-in radio tuner and acoustic system to improve the psychological mood of the client. Sometimes a manufacturer builds a speaker into the toilet lid that makes the sound of flowing water to improve the process of emptying the bladder.


The material can also be selected from various options:

  • Plastic. Seats of this type rest on bottom ribs with rubber or plastic inserts. Their advantage is low price, the disadvantage is low strength.
  • Duroplast. This material is a more durable type of plastic, and looks like ceramic. Of the advantages of it should be noted bacteriological and acid resistance and a pleasant appearance. A conditional disadvantage is a higher cost than plastic.
  • Plywood. This type of seat, rather, greetings from the past. True, sometimes they can be found in the store, but now you can use them, except perhaps in the country.Their advantage is an extremely low price, but the disadvantage - unpresentability - significantly limits their use in apartments and cottages.

Soft pads on the toilet lid

Plastic with foam. The seat is upholstered in various fabrics. The advantages are in its comfort, and the disadvantages are in its fragility.

Wood and wood materials. The quality of such seats depends on the manufacturer. Their advantages are in possible interesting forms of covers and seats, the disadvantage is a lot of weight.

Seat shape and inserts for babies

In addition to the material, the shape of the seat also plays an important role: for example, for a square toilet, a round seat will not only be illogical, but also uncomfortable.

In order not to miscalculate with the shape of the seat and lid, you can take a picture of your toilet on a mobile phone, measure and record its overall data and the distance between the fixing bolts on the toilet.

This distance must match the one on the purchased cover, otherwise the installation will fail.

Our review of which toilet is better to choose - read in a separate article.

Most of the lids offered in the store have a semi-oval shape. Rectangular models are much smaller; their corners are rounded so that the client does not get hurt during use. For those who want to create a positive atmosphere in the restroom, you can pick up original covers with ducks, frogs or flowers, in the form of folk instruments (guitars or domras).

Pad for small children and a seat with a step

If there are small children in the family, for whom the pots are already small, and the toilets are still large, you can look at a special seat with an insert for babies.

Pay attention to the bidet attachments for the toilet

Removing the old seat

Before removing the old seat, you need to prepare the necessary tools. The degree of complexity of the work will depend on the material of the bolts. If they are plastic, then you can simply cut them off with some old knife, previously heated on fire. Even if the melted plastic gets on the toilet, there will be no particular problems with its removal.

Breakage of cover fasteners is the most common cause of repair

We tried to tell all the secrets of repairing a toilet bowl with our own hands in our review.

Brass bolts can also be removed fairly quickly. If the nut on them does not give in even with a little effort, moisten the thread with a drop of kerosene or kerosene grease (from an auto shop).

Harder to handle with steel bolts. High humidity in the restroom can negatively affect them - rusty, they are difficult to physically attack. You can remove them using one of two methods.

  1. Carefully cutting off the heads with a grinder for metal.
  2. Sawed with a hacksaw for metal, after placing plywood or thick paper under the cut so as not to touch the toilet itself.

Overhead shelf

This design is also called "eared". Install will be in the same holes as the drain tank, which complicates the work

Attention is paid to:

  1. Type of fasteners. For fastening, only brass or plastic fasteners are used, since steel is susceptible to corrosion.
  2. Plastic washers are provided for brass bolts. When fastened with metal elements, the toilet bowl may be damaged.
  3. Prevention of displacement of the shelf relative to the toilet bowl. In this case, the tightness of the tank design will be broken and leaks will occur.
  4. Do not use steel fasteners. Their use will lead to corrosion and problems in the further repair of the device.

You need to install the seat. At the same time, the integrity of the cuff between the tank and the toilet is checked.

Installation work

Removing the old cover

So, a new seat is bought, before installing it, you need to remove the old one. It won't take long to complete this operation.

The only thing you may need some tools:

  • socket wrench;
  • Pliers;
  • Hacksaw.

The instructions for dismantling the cover are as follows:

  • Regardless of the type of construction, the seat is fixed with two nuts
    . Before using the tools, you can try to spin them with your hands.
  • If the nuts do not "give in", you should use a socket wrench
  • In some cases, the bolts may turn
    . To prevent this, they should be clamped with pliers.
  • If for some reason it was not possible to unscrew the fasteners, the bolts must be cut with a hacksaw
    . However, before taking drastic measures, you can lubricate the thread with silicone or oil and try to unscrew it again.

Micro lift for toilet lid

Installing a new cover

Now let's look at how to install a toilet seat.

It should be noted that depending on the product model, the installation scheme may differ slightly, but in general, the sequence is as follows:

  • First of all, you need to install fasteners in the seat structure.
  • Then the bolts need to get into the special holes in the toilet and screw the nuts onto the bolts.
  • Next, you need to adjust the position of the lid relative to the toilet and tighten the bolts. If a cover with a microlift is installed, before tightening the bolts, you should make sure that the structure fits snugly against the plumbing. Otherwise, the position should be adjusted with special adjusting elements.

For products with a microlift, adjustment is of great importance, since their durability depends on it.

  • When installing complex ones, it may be necessary to connect the structure to plumbing and electricity.
  • After the toilet seat is installed with your own hands, the structure should be raised and lowered to make sure that it works.

Here, perhaps, is all the information that you need to know in order to remove and install the seat yourself.

Repair work

It is worth saying that the microlift system is characterized by faster wear in relation to conventional systems. Also, when you close the lid of the toilet bowl, which is inherent in the microlift system, manually, then you reduce its service life. Of course, in this case, the system can be used further, but it is best to make repairs so that it does not creak. In order to properly repair such a system, it is necessary to correctly determine the cause of the problem and only then carry out repairs. Quite often there is such a problem that the base with the lift mechanism is disconnected directly from the toilet. You can fix this breakdown both independently and with the help of specialists. If you nevertheless decide to repair such a cover with your own hands, then first of all it will be necessary to unscrew the nuts that are screwed to the bolts connecting the back of the cover near the tank and the elevator mechanism. If these nuts have deteriorated, then they must be replaced with new ones.

If you can’t get to the nuts, then you can’t do without removing the tank and the toilet itself. In this case, it will be necessary to disconnect the toilet bowl from the drain and disconnect it from the floor, then install the cover in the right place and reinstall it. After such a procedure, there may be problems associated with the operation of the tank.

For example, water can continuously flow inside the tank or, conversely, it always leaves from there. The solution is to set the float inside the tank to the optimum position for you, approximately 2.5 cm below the inlet of the underwater pipe. In addition, quite often there are other problems associated with the operation of the tank. For example, a malfunctioning trigger valve. In this case, repairing the valve is most likely the last resort, apart from a complete replacement of the valve.


To solve this problem, it is necessary to drain the water so that the valve advance is caused, and then leakage follows.If the valve advance was fixed, but the water did not leak, then the point is in the float, which is most likely already worn out, which means it must be replaced with a new one. If advancing the valve and replacing the float did not solve the immediate problem, then the cause of the failure is most likely something else, which means replacing the valve or float will not help you.

How to attach a lid to a toilet

Removing the old cover

Before carrying out this process, you need to prepare a tool that is selected depending on the material of the bolts:

  • Plastic products
    you can simply cut it with a sharp knife, only its blade needs to be heated over an open fire. If the rest of the melted plastic gets on the toilet, it's okay - they are easily scraped off in a frozen state.
  • Bolts made of brass and other non-ferrous materials
    are removed quickly, if the nut on them does not unscrew, then you can moisten it with kerosene or kerosene grease.
  • Steel bolts
    dismantling is the most difficult, since rust can form on them after prolonged contact with moisture, due to which they are difficult to unwind. You can use a grinder and cut off their heads or use a hacksaw, but in this case, in order not to accidentally hit the toilet, put plywood or thick paper under the cut.

Micro lift for toilet lid

Installing a new seat

The selected seat is first applied to the toilet, if this is an option with built-in fittings, then you can immediately check the symmetry of its bolts relative to the holes in the bowl of the plumbing fixture. If the fittings come separately, then you need to combine the ears of the cover with the places for fasteners on the toilet and insert the fixing bolts into them.

Micro lift for toilet lid

The process of installing a toilet seat with your own hands is presented in the video:

The shape of the toilet seat and its types

Most often, the lid on the toilet repeats the shape of the seat - semi-oval
. It is a familiar, safe and convenient form. But for admirers of everything unusual, stores offer products of other configurations: rectangular or chopped, in the shape of a frog or duck, musical instruments, hearts.

sharp corners round off a little
for safety purposes, so as not to cause injury or tear clothing. There are also seats for children, which are equipped with an intermediate insert with a small hole, or are equipped with a lowering seat. This accessory will help teach your child to be neat and tidy.

Micro lift for toilet lidChild seat preferred purchase with stand
, thanks to which it will be easier for the baby to sit on the toilet, the legs will stand on a support, and not hang in the air. Children's seat models are full of different colors, shapes and sizes. For those who like to travel, a portable folding seat will come in handy on the road, because you will have to use a public toilet. When folded, the toilet seat takes up very little space and, if necessary, it can be quickly unfolded and installed on the toilet using special fasteners
, which firmly fix the seat and do not allow you to move from side to side.

For people with disabilities, there are covers with soft seats and folding armrests
in the form of supports. Armrests help the disabled or the elderly to sit down and stand up comfortably. Some toilet bowls are equipped with adjustable height.

In addition to differences in design, size, material, all toilet seats have rubber or plastic shock absorbers.
Usually there are at least 4 of them. Plastic shock absorbers are mainly made as one piece with the toilet seat.

Basic rules for choosing a seat

Various types of seats

The toilet seat has different properties depending on the design and material. To decide how to choose it, it is recommended to follow certain rules:

  1. The comfort of the seat depends on the degree of its rigidity: soft and hard seats are available. But it should be remembered that soft ones are more comfortable, but have a shorter service life.
  2. The seat must match the dimensions of the toilet in terms of dimensions and mounting distances.
  3. The color is chosen taking into account the entire interior of the toilet: it is not recommended to make a bright spot from the lid against the background of light colors.
  4. The quality of the seat should not allow the presence of defects (chips, cracks, etc.), surface roughness and heterogeneity, uneven coloring.
  5. When choosing, special conditions must be taken into account: the presence of small children, certain diseases, the need for additional functions.
  6. Finally, the choice is based on the financial capabilities of the buyer.

The main condition for the right choice is taking into account the required dimensions. Before buying a fixture, you must measure the following dimensions of the toilet:

  • center-to-center distance between the holes in the tide of the toilet bowl for attaching the lid;
  • length from the front border of the toilet bowl to the center of the mounting hole;
  • the largest width of the toilet.

Features of the installation of the seat with soft lowering

If a seat with the “Microlift” function is selected for installation on the toilet, this means that the manufacturer provides for a smooth lowering

Carefully fasten such a seat through the 2 holes that are on the toilet

The installation of the soft-lower cover is carried out according to the same plan as the installation of a simple seat, however, it must fit very tightly to the surface of the toilet. If the fit is loose, then this will very soon lead to a breakdown of the device, and then again you will have to spend money on buying a new cover.

Micro lift for toilet lid

In this regard, carefully check exactly how the lid fits on the porcelain, and if necessary, make adjustments.

In order to adjust such a seat, you need to screw the adjusting cups onto the mounting bolts. Tighten all nuts well and remember that the "soft-down" cover cannot be forced down, otherwise it will simply break.

It happens that the holes in the porcelain base are much larger than the diameter of the bolts intended for fastening the seat. To prevent backlash, it is recommended to wrap electrical tape around the bolts so that they sit firmly in the holes.

Micro lift for toilet lid

The rules for mounting the toilet lid remain unchanged, no matter what additional functions it has. How securely the structure will be fixed directly depends on the quality of the fastening of the bolts and on the material from which they are made.

Remember that during work it is necessary to take into account all the principles and rules described above. The cover will serve you for a long time only if you do everything right and do not forget to check the quality of the fasteners.

Micro lift for toilet lid

Requirements for cover fasteners and their varieties

  • Mounts can be a structural part of the seat.
  • Installation of the seat to the toilet bowl is carried out with the fittings provided with it.
  • The threads on the cover fasteners must be free to unscrew without special tools.
  • The fixing bolts must be rated for 25,000 lid opening and closing cycles.
  • The fittings should not interfere with the free rotation of the lid circle.
  • Fastening can be made of any polymeric material: polypropylene, polyethylene, polyurethane.

When choosing between plastic and metal fastening of the cover, the first variety should be preferred, since it facilitates installation, although steel fasteners are more reliable.

  • With a shelf
    . To fix the lid, holes are used through which the fasteners of the tank pass. In this case, separate fasteners are not needed.
  • Without shelf
    . To fix the seat, the holes in the toilet bowl are used, the fittings for this are included in the kit.

How to remove the seat from the toilet

The design of the seats in almost all toilet models is identical.In particular, the seat is fixed with two bolts or a special plastic screw that connects the cover and, in fact, the seat itself.

Changing a seat in an old toilet

In older toilets, it is sometimes difficult to reach the locking nut, so the household must have a socket wrench.

The seat in an old toilet is usually secured with a bolt located underneath. Such a bolt can be easily removed with a socket wrench, an ordinary wrench or trite pliers

  1. Plastic or wooden toilet lid.
  2. Iron hinge.
  3. Rubber gasket.
  4. Rubber or plastic washers.
  5. Seat.
  6. End key.
  7. Bolt with nut.
  8. Loosen the nut counterclockwise.
  9. Wash tank.
  10. Toilet.

When replacing an old toilet seat, you will usually need a socket wrench. If you can't unscrew it, drill a 3 or 4 mm hole in the base of the nut with a drill bit. loosen the fastener and use the key again.

If there is no socket wrench - it does not matter, it is enough to use pliers. In old toilet bowls, the nut can “stick” and it is not so easy to unscrew it. It is enough to treat it with a special WD40 liquid or just pour it with ordinary oil. Wait about half an hour, after which the nut, as a rule, is unscrewed.

A conventional toilet seat with a secure metal mount. This will last much longer than the cheap plastic version.

Plastic seat mounts are cheap, but less reliable than metal.

Fasteners for the toilet seat attachment mechanism can be purchased separately. Again, metal fasteners, as shown here in the photo, are much more reliable than plastic ones, but are quite inexpensive.

In a critical situation, the bolt has to be cut with a hacksaw. Carefully cut the part of the bolt above the washer. The faience toilet bowl is very easy to damage, so be extremely careful.


