Which bath is better

Acrylic bathtubs

Which bath is betterThese products appeared on our market 10-15 years ago and immediately became popular. They are made from a special polymer - acrylic. Technological methods for the production of acrylic bathtubs today are two options.

Under production conditions, the acrylic sheet is heated to almost 200 ° C, the material acquires a fluid state and is immediately placed under a press. With the help of a mold, acrylic is squeezed out of the molten sheet, the finished form gradually hardens, the resulting blank repeats the shape of the bath with its outlines.

Another method is similar to the first, only using extruded acrylic. It is also cast, but in the process of hardening it is given higher strength, reinforcing from the outside with a mixture of oxide resins from 2-3 types. The mixture helps to become more durable, the larger the layer, the stronger the bath.

These two production methods give different characteristics to acrylic products. Unlike cast products, acrylic bathtubs have poor heat resistance; after a short time during operation, the bathtub can become cracked and lose its original appearance. Cast bathtubs are more wear-resistant and durable.

10 Best Acrylic Bath Manufacturers

To be sure of the quality and durability of the bath, it is better to take a product from a trusted manufacturer who has been on the market for many years and will not spoil the reputation with products of dubious quality. The plumbing market is vast, but I would especially like to highlight some of the largest and most reliable acrylic bath companies.

Which bath is better

Foreign manufacturers:

  • Ravak is the best selling acrylic bathtub on the continent. The Czech manufacturer captivates with many years of experience, excellent equipment and quality materials. The wall thickness in products is rarely less than 5-6 mm. The range is so huge that we can safely say: absolutely everyone will find a solution according to their wallet and personal requirements;
  • Vagnerplast is another Czech manufacturer that was one of the first to start making acrylic bathtubs. It produces them only from cast acrylic, all products are guaranteed for 10 years. The range includes both very simple models and bathtubs with hydromassage;
  • Cersanit is a major Polish manufacturer of sanitary ware, which captivates with a pleasant price-quality ratio. The range is quite decent, the product is guaranteed for 7 years;
  • Pool Spa is a Spanish manufacturer that produces beautiful baths with hydromassage and lighting and impresses with the quality of accessories. There are also quite simple models in extensive collections;
  • RIHO is a Dutch manufacturer that also has production facilities in the Czech Republic and Poland. Produces bathtubs with a very unusual design, while maintaining excellent performance;
  • Italian companies Novellini Elysium, Artceram and BelBagno produce bathtubs with impeccable design and the highest quality, but such samples are not cheap either;
  • German companies GNT and Sunrans produce bathtubs that can be called the standard of quality. These are very strong and durable products with a guarantee;
  • we also note the Austrian company ALPEN and the manufacturer from Hong Kong Eago. The Polish company Kolo and the Chinese TEIKO showed themselves well.

Domestic manufacturers:

  • AQUANET-Russia manufactures bathtubs using modern European methods and equipment. Products with a thickness of at least 5 mm meet the highest requirements and are cheaper than European counterparts;
  • 1MARKA - a large domestic company, makes bathtubs exclusively from cast acrylic, gives a guarantee of 10 years, amazes with an assortment;
  • Bas uses European reinforcement technology, produces very practical and durable models;
  • Aquatek offers baths of various shapes, with and without hydromassage.There are interesting round and asymmetrical options. Prices are acceptable;
  • Radomir produces luxury and light baths (under the brand name Vannesa). The range of products is very good. Even inexpensive models have interesting features in terms of design;
  • Bell Rado produces about 40 models of bathtubs, among which are quite large, and small, and with hydromassage, and asymmetrical. Bathtubs of an economy class leave under the BellAqua trademark. The quality is not bad.

Finally, we note that in the store you should carefully evaluate the dimensions of the bathtub, examine it from all sides, inquire about the availability of relevant certificates, find out all the information about the manufacturer, find out the terms of the guarantee, and only then make a purchase.

Rating of manufacturers and models

When choosing an acrylic bath, you need to take into account various nuances, including the manufacturer. Here is a brief overview of the most popular of them:

  1. Vagnerplast. Only the highest quality materials are used, in particular English cast acrylic. Product warranty is over 10 years.
  2. Kolo. This company has many medals and certificates confirming the high quality of products. The choice of models here is quite large.
  3. Pool Spa is a manufacturer from Spain. The choice of models is large. Acrylic, which is used in production, is very durable. The price is quite high, but the guarantee is appropriate.
  4. Ravak is a quality manufacturer from the Czech Republic. Bathtubs of this company are very popular all over the world.
  5. Cersanit - good quality bathtubs at an affordable price. The warranty period is seven years. A modern type of antibacterial acrylic is used, but because of this, it is not possible to install a hydromassage.
  6. 1Marka is a Russian manufacturer. In the production of bathtubs, German cast acrylic is used. 10 years warranty.
  7. Aquanet is another popular domestic manufacturer with reasonable prices. The range is large both in shape and size. Bathtubs of this company are made from high-quality acrylic with a thickness of 5 mm in several variations - oval, rectangular or asymmetrical.

Photo gallery: popular simple-shaped bathtubs

As you can see, not all standard-shaped acrylic bathtubs receive high consumer ratings. But the models presented in the gallery below can boast the maximum or close to the maximum ratings. These are the best options for value for money, according to Runet users.

8. Metal frame for acrylic bath

A bathtub made of cast acrylic is able to retain its shape when filled with water. Acrylic-coated ABS plastic tub may slightly deform under water load. In any case, the bath bowl needs to be reinforced with a special welded or prefabricated metal frame. After installation, the frame is hidden behind decorative overlays or tiles. Usually, manufacturers complete bathtubs with suitable screens to make everything look harmonious, with bona fide companies making screens from the same acrylic as the bath itself. Some companies, trying to save money, make the screen out of plastic, and then the surface of the bowl and the lining can differ quite significantly.

The cheapest option is a welded or prefabricated structure that covers only the bottom of the bath and takes on the vertical pressure of the water. A more reliable and expensive frame also has side elements that will support the walls of the bath.

Which bath is better

What's better

As you know, the most expensive containers made using injection molding technology. They have a long service life and are easy to care for. Some manufacturers give a 10-year warranty on them (subject to installation and maintenance recommendations). This is a great choice, but not everyone can afford such baths. A good option is bowls made of sheet acrylic. They are quite reliable, have a relatively low price.Both options are good in that if scratches or chips form, they can be repaired. Scratches are polished, and chips are filled with a repair compound.

Composite baths are the cheapest segment, but they cannot be repaired. Chips and scratches will remain forever. There is one more thing: when using cheap acrylic, the surface turns out to be porous, dirt clogs into the pores. It is very difficult to remove it, because potent agents cannot be used. So taking care of such bathrooms is difficult. Even if the acrylic layer does not crack, they lose their appearance quickly.

Which bath is better

Chips may appear, but they are being repaired

If you want to choose a good quality acrylic bathtub, take the time to go to the exhibition center to see and feel the samples of different manufacturers. When inspecting, pay attention to the thickness of the walls. On the cut in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe sides, you can evaluate how well the container is reinforced, and the thickness of the acrylic is also visible here

When inspecting, estimate how the declared thickness of the acrylic layer corresponds to reality.

If you have chosen several brands, ask for certificates before buying. Serious firms provide paper on acrylic, and also certify their products according to European and international standards. The presence of such papers is one of the signs of the seriousness of the campaign, and their absence is a reason to think: are you going to buy a fake.

Options for choosing an acrylic bath

Which bath is better

Dimensions and shape

If the bath needs to fit into a niche or a corner, the dimensions and shape are first selected, which can be both standard and exclusive. The optimal dimensions are given above.

As a result, the human body should be completely covered with water, and the back and head should be located at a comfortable angle. In this case, you need to understand that a non-standard product will cost relatively more.

Number of layers and thickness

A high-quality product is created from polymethyl methacrylate from the inside, from polyurethane from the outside. The thicker the PMMA, the more expensive the device, but it also lasts longer - it is advisable to stop at 5 mm and higher.

If there are 3 or more layers, then there is ABS plastic in the “pie” and, quite likely, a mixture of polyester resin with fiberglass.

In this case, the thickness of acrylic is minimal, therefore, PMMA will partially come off in about 3 years, and after another 15 months, porous acrylonetrile butadiene styrene (ABS) will collapse under the influence of water.


To distinguish polyurethane from tarred fiberglass, you must again inspect, but now the outer coating.

1. The reinforcing material has high thermal insulation and environmental properties - it is smooth with a dark tint

2. The heat strength enhancer has a strong chemical smell - it is rough with streaks in the structure.

Of course, it is better to choose polyurethane.

Internal coating

The internal coating is also subject to inspection - it is checked visually and tactilely. The surface should be perfectly even, as well as glossy and shiny.


You can check the quality of the material with a flashlight. If you turn it on and apply it to the surface, then no light should break through from the opposite side. Otherwise, either the acrylic layer is too thin, or it is not there at all.

To further test the strength, you can sit on the side of the bowl and sway slightly.

Support metal frame

An important selection parameter is the supporting metal frame. It is made of a rigid rectangular pipe, coated with anti-corrosion compounds, connected by welding or hardware.

Along the perimeter in the corners there should be legs that can be adjusted in height. An excessive number of supports may indirectly indicate the low quality of the product, namely, the inability of the walls to keep their shape.


It is advisable to buy a bath together with the following elements:

1. Overflows and plums;

2. Decorative panels;

3.Mounting fasteners.

Well-known companies always have these mandatory components in stock.

Additional functions

If desired, you can always choose a model for your needs with the following additional features:

1. Aero and hydromassage;

2. Diode lighting;

4. Ability to listen to music.

Pros and cons of acrylic bathtubs

Acrylic bathtubs won their popularity not by chance, they have a number of positive characteristics that make them much more attractive than products made from other materials.

  1. Minor weight
  2. Easy to use, very easy to clean
  3. hygiene
  4. Doesn't form rust
  5. Good ductility, withstand heavy weight without forming cracks.
  6. Variety of shapes and colors.

Despite these advantages of acrylic bathtubs, they also have disadvantages, the disadvantages include:

  1. Surface can be damaged by metal objects
  2. Products may gradually lose their luster
  3. Over time, the walls of the bath are able to deform
  4. A solid frame is required for installation.

Selection Tips

To choose not only a beautiful, but also a high-quality acrylic bath, when buying, you should pay attention to the following points:

  1. type of acrylic. It makes sense to buy a bathtub made of extruded acrylic only if it is rarely used, for example, for a summer residence. For a living space, it is better to opt for a product made of cast acrylic.
  2. The thickness of the acrylic layer. The standard material thickness is 3-4 mm, for the most durable and expensive models it can reach 5-6 mm.

The number of layers of reinforcement. You can see how well the product is strengthened along the edge of the rim, on which its structure is clearly visible. Acrylic bathtub consists of two layers: acrylic and polyurethane. The presence of the third layer indicates that the product is made of cheap ABS plastic coated with a thin layer of acrylic and a reinforcing compound.
Strength. When you press your hand on the bottom of the bath, the product should not vibrate or bend. The sound when tapping will also tell about strength: the more muffled it is, the stronger the product.
Surface appearance. Solid acrylic has a uniform color and a perfectly smooth surface. Roughness, unevenness or streaks indicate poor product quality.
Smell. If the bath has an unpleasant chemical smell inherent in low-grade materials, it is better to refuse it.
Manufacturer. When choosing a bath, you should not be guided by the price. It is better to buy quality products from a well-known brand than a cheap fake.

Tips & Tricks

Experts recommend taking a flashlight with you before heading to the store to buy. For example, the thickness of the product can be clearly seen with the included flashlight, if you lean it against the side, the light spot should not be visible from the opposite side. Bathtubs of poor quality may have uneven thickness, so it is better to inspect the entire product from different points.

Having “knocked” an object, one can judge its strength by sound, a dull sound indicates the reliability and good quality of the bathroom.

Not all consultants have a complete understanding of the product, some tell only from the description of the manufacturer. Very often, stores cannot provide complete information about the product.

Choosing an acrylic bathtub is a rather difficult task for an ordinary consumer, so it’s better to read the reviews of people who have already made such a purchase in advance, decide on the manufacturer and take the time to inspect the product. To make the purchase successful, you must also heed the advice of experts. Replacing a bathroom should not be a common thing, because it is chosen for more than one year, it will depend on how comfortable it will be to take a bath every day.

Nikolaev Oleg Petrovich

How to choose a good acrylic bath

First, they must match the bathroom, both in size and design.When choosing, it is worth considering the parameters for connecting to the water supply and sewer system.

It should not be forgotten that a good bathtub should be made of an acrylic sheet with a thickness of at least 5 mm, and should have several layers of reinforcement. The more layers, the stronger the product. In order to understand how well the product is reinforced, take a closer look at the edge of the rim, the reinforced layer looks just like the annual rings of a tree.

Which bath is better

When tapped, a quality product should make a dull sound, when choosing, pay attention to this nuance. If you buy a low-quality acrylic bath (thin sheet, few layers of reinforcement ...), one day your bath may simply fall apart and fill everything with water

Economy-class products made from cheaper plastic (acrylonetrile butadiene styrene) with a thin natural acrylic coating are rapidly losing their appeal. It contains about 10 percent acrylic, so they have little strength. They are attractive only for their low cost, they can be replaced more often with new ones.

Unlike natural acrylic, plastic is almost impossible to restore. Do not chase cheapness when choosing an acrylic bath, such a purchase may disappoint you over time. By choosing high-quality sanitary ware for the bathroom, you will appreciate the advantages of this material over cast iron or other metal.

Which bath is better

Advantages of acrylic bathtubs

1) Acrylic bath is much lighter than cast iron. Weight does not exceed 45 kilograms, which is very convenient for transportation and installation. Weight plays a big role when it is installed in a country house, because. excess load on the floors is undesirable for these buildings.

2) Due to the fact that it has 8 legs, and not 4 like cast iron, the weight is distributed more evenly.

3) It has high thermal insulation performance - an acrylic bath, unlike a steel one, holds heat well. In an acrylic bath, the water will cool down by one degree in half an hour, and in a cast-iron bath in 15 minutes. Due to this property, it is always warm and pleasant to the touch.

4) They are very durable. They withstand impact well, do not break or break.

5) Durable. The service life of this product is on average 20 years.

6) The bathroom is easy to care for, it is well washed and cleaned, it will retain its shine and gloss throughout the entire period of operation.

7) It does not darken and does not lose its qualities, it is not afraid of chips; it is quite easy to restore it at home.

8) Environmentally friendly and safe product. Bacteria and pathogenic flora do not multiply in such baths.

9) The design of acrylic bathtubs is varied. There are rectangular, round, oval, triangular, semicircular, five, six and octagonal.

10) Diverse colors: there are any conceivable and unthinkable colors and shades. The color of the product is given during manufacture, so that it does not affect the technical characteristics, service life and restoration.

Which bath is better

Disadvantages of acrylic bathtubs

The disadvantages include the fact that the surface of the bath can be easily scratched and deformed. But since it is easy to restore, this disadvantage disappears.

Probably the biggest and main drawback of this product is the price. And yet, a high-quality acrylic bathtub is simply a great choice, combining quality and limitless design possibilities.

Watch the video: Bath Tips

9. Additional functions of the acrylic bath

The main advantage of acrylic bathtubs is the ability to equip them with a host of additional features and turn an ordinary bathroom into a kind of spa. Typically, the following options may be present as additional features:

jacuzzi. Acrylic hydromassage bathtubs are used to being called jacuzzis by the name of the Italian Jacuzzi, who is the author of this idea. The principle of operation of such a bath is as follows.A special motor takes part of the water from the filled tub and returns it to the bowl through special nozzles that mix the water with air. Aerated jet of water, supplied under pressure, creates a massage effect, relaxes and tones muscles, allows a person to relax

When choosing an acrylic whirlpool tub, pay attention to the quality of the nozzles - ideally they should be metal, not plastic. Also pay attention to the nature of their placement.

It is desirable that the pump does not make much noise during operation. Naturally, the water pressure from the nozzles must be regulated;

chromotherapy is often combined with hydromassage, but can be used alone. It is carried out due to the blue LED lighting with prismatic reflectors built into the side walls of the bathroom. In theory, such an effect on the skin stimulates blood circulation and has anti-inflammatory properties. It is difficult to evaluate the effectiveness of future chromotherapy treatments by looking at the bath. It all depends on the power of the backlight and its focus;

There are bathtubs that can be built into a smart home system via Wi-Fi, but for many, these features still seem like an unnecessary excess, and there is some truth in this.

If your goal is to buy an acrylic bathtub with a hydromassage, then preference should be given only to large proven manufacturers, since we are talking about a rather complex system.

Advantages and disadvantages

Acrylic bathtubs have a number of advantages due to which they are popular among consumers:

  1. Keep warm. The surface of the bath quickly heats up from hot water and maintains the temperature for a long time;
  2. Do not form chips. Thanks to its elasticity, the surface of the bathtub will retain its integrity for many years;
  3. Easy to care for. High-quality acrylic is easy to maintain in perfect condition. To do this, just rinse the surface with warm water and wipe dry;

They are light in weight. Relatively light weight allows you to transport and install the bath yourself;
Hygienic. Acrylic surface prevents the formation of fungi and bacteria;
Easily repaired. In the event of a scratch, it can be easily removed with liquid acrylic.

The disadvantages of acrylic bathtubs include: high price, the need for an additional frame, a tendency to mechanical damage.

How much does an acrylic bath cost

When choosing an acrylic bath, the question of cost invariably arises. The fact is that the price for a bowl of approximately the same size can differ by 3-5 times. It's not so much about the "appetites" of manufacturers, but about production technology. Acrylic bathtubs are made in three ways:

  1. The so-called casting baths. The finished form is filled with acrylic. After it hardens, the front surface is covered with a layer of fiberglass, filled with epoxy resin. The thickness of the acrylic layer with this production method is the same - there are no thinner sections in the places of bends / kinks. Since sanitary acrylic is expensive, bathtubs made using this technology cost a lot.

  2. From sheet acrylic. In this case, the acrylic sheet is heated over the mold until soft, after which, with the help of vacuum, it is “sucked” into the mold, and remains in it until it cools. Acrylic bathtubs made using this technology have different thicknesses. At the bottom, where there is usually the most active wear, the thickness of the acrylic is less, since the stretching of the sheet in this place is maximum. But, with good quality of the source material, the thickness of acrylic here is 3-4 mm, which is quite enough for long-term operation.
  3. Extrusion or composite baths. Strictly speaking, these are not acrylic baths, but many unscrupulous sellers also call them acrylic. A bowl is formed from a sheet of ABC plastic, its front surface is covered with a layer of acrylic.Usually these are the cheapest products - plastic is cheap, acrylic is often used cheap. Despite the low price, these "works" are better not to buy. The fact is that plastic and acrylic do not have very good adhesion and different thermal expansion. As a result, during operation, the protective surface peels off, the acrylic layer cracks and begins to peel off. There are many negative reviews for this product.

So in order to choose a good quality acrylic bathtub, you need to understand what technology it is made of. To determine this "by eye" is unrealistic. You can try only by indirect signs to understand whether it is good or not. The most accessible indicator is the strength of the sides. If they bend and look unreliable, it is better not to take this copy.

You can also see the thickness of the acrylic around the drain hole. Of course, the thicker the white layer, the better. Another indirect sign of good quality is a large mass. It happens that bathtubs of the same manufacturer have the same size, but the difference in weight is about 50%. The one that is heavier usually has more acrylic. Well, another indicator is the price. Good acrylic bathtubs are not cheap. Plumbing acrylic is an expensive material. The more it is, the more expensive the bath. So “cheap and high quality” is not about this product.

Since outwardly it is impossible to understand by what technology this or that bath is made. Therefore, manufacturers supply their products with passports, which describe the manufacturing method, the installation procedure and conditions, and the care method. Before buying, you need to study this information and only after that buy. And then, if everything suits you.

How to choose an acrylic bath

During the overhaul, an invariable part of it is the complete replacement of plumbing equipment with more modern and practical models, from faucets and fixtures to the toilet and bathroom. In the vast majority, when replacing an old font, preference is given to acrylic analogues, since these are practical and beautiful products. But when they come to a specialized store, many people immediately face the most difficult question of how to choose an acrylic bathtub and not miscalculate. In this article, we will give recommendations on choosing a quality product and attach a video material that will answer all your questions, which will make your choice of an acrylic bath conscious and independent of the desires of sales consultants.


