VII. The procedure for determining the amount and procedure for compensating the expenses of the water supply and sewerage organization when discharged by subscribers of wastewater that has a negative impact on the operation of the centralized sewerage system

Water disposal in receipts, what is it in utility bills for housing and communal services, how water supply and sanitation are calculated in receipts for an apartment

September 19, 2018 September 19, 2018 12:54

Disposal of used water. Water from the sink, bathroom, washing machine and other consuming units enters the common pipeline. On it, she is taken out of the house and enters the public sewer. It is designed in such a way that all wastewater moves in one direction - for example, in the direction of the location of the treatment plant.

Transportation of water to treatment facilities. The sewage system transports wastewater to a wastewater treatment plant. If you live in a city where gravity transportation is not possible in the sewer system, a water tower or several towers are in operation. They distill the used water to the place of treatment.

Cleaning and disposal. At treatment facilities, large and medium solid particles of dirt, foreign objects, and dense clots are removed from the water. The waste caught by the gratings is taken to specially equipped landfills. Water undergoes further purification - it is driven through filters and disinfected, after which it is disposed of. Rarely processed and used for technical needs.

The management company, receiving payment for water disposal, pays for:

maintaining the sewerage system in good condition;

maintenance and repair of water towers used for transportation;

operation of treatment facilities;

disposal of treated waste water.

How is drainage calculated?

According to the current regulations, the amount of payment for water disposal is calculated by multiplying the amount of the consumed communal resource by the tariff. Tariffs are different for all regions - they are published annually in the media, and the current values ​​can always be found on the official websites of management companies.

Management companies use three ways to calculate the amount of payment:

What is water disposal in utility bills

VII. The procedure for determining the amount and procedure for compensating the expenses of the water supply and sewerage organization when discharged by subscribers of wastewater that has a negative impact on the operation of the centralized sewerage system

When paying for services for the supply of cold water, many probably wondered what the water disposal is in the housing and communal services receipts. What kind of service is it, how is its volume calculated and, most importantly, on the basis of what consumers are obliged to pay for it.

Definition of concepts

Without delving too deeply into regulatory legal acts, we will nevertheless consider on the basis of what laws public services are provided to citizens of the Russian Federation and what “water disposal” means.

According to Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 dated May 6, 2011, the supply of cold and hot water, as well as wastewater disposal, are public services that contractors provide to consumers.

In this case, the performers are communal and private enterprises, and the consumers are the owners of private houses, tenants in apartment buildings, budgetary organizations, enterprises, etc.

Services provided include:

  1. Preparation and supply of cold water. This service includes the preparation of drinking water and its transportation to consumers. The first stage is water treatment, including filtration, purification, and laboratory analysis. The second is the maintenance of pumping stations, the repair of central water supply networks, and the implementation of work packages for the supply of water through distribution water pipelines to internal consumer networks.
  2. Preparation and supply of hot water. If we are talking about centralized hot water supply, this includes the maintenance of boiler houses where water is heated, the maintenance of the routes along which it is supplied to consumers - to apartments, hospitals, schools, etc.With individual hot water supply, that is, if there are autonomous boiler rooms or gas water heaters in apartments, this service is not available.
  3. Water disposal. This is the withdrawal of wastewater from consumer premises to centralized technical networks (sewerage), their transportation for treatment, waste disposal and wastewater disposal.

As you can see, the supply of water (hot or cold) and its removal are completely different processes performed by different enterprises under separate contracts.

How is drainage calculated?

Drainage is the removal of waste from the premises. It would theoretically be possible to calculate it by installing a meter, however, metering stations are not provided for sewer networks in apartments, for quite obvious reasons.

Therefore, wastewater is considered according to the following formula: Vst.v. = Qx.v. + Qg.c. , where:

  • Vst.v. - the volume of wastewater (water disposal);
  • Qx.v. - consumption of cold water;
  • Qg.c. - hot water consumption.

If there are cold and hot water meters in the apartment, it is necessary to enter the amount of expenses, respectively, of cold and hot water for the billing period, in the column "drainage".

This is an aggregated indicator. It does not take into account the volume of water for watering indoor plants or other expenses that are not drained into the sewer. What does this mean for the average consumer? For example, having spent 12m3 of cold water and 5m3 of hot water per month, he will have to pay for the disposal of 17m3 of wastewater.

Service cost

According to Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 392 of July 30, 2004, the amount of payment for the provided utilities should be determined by multiplying the volume of the consumed communal resource - in this case, the wastewater consumption - by the amount of the approved tariff.

In the absence of metering stations, the consumption of consumed cold and hot water, and, consequently, the amount of water disposal, is determined according to the standards approved by local authorities in each region of the Russian Federation and in federal cities - Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Tariffs for the supply of water (cold and hot) and for the implementation of wastewater also differ in different regions of the Russian Federation. You can find them on the official websites of local authorities or on the pages of enterprises providing these services.

More about wastewater

This service includes not only the disposal of wastewater from residential and non-residential premises to a centralized network and the maintenance of sewer pumping stations.

In accordance with Federal Law No. 416-FZ of 07.12.2011 "On Water Supply and Sanitation", a set of works on wastewater disposal involves wastewater treatment and ensuring environmental protection from pollution during its implementation.

The implementation of measures for the treatment of wastewater discharged from consumers in the residential sector and from public buildings ensures that the level of groundwater pollution is maintained at an acceptable level. And this affects the quality of drinking water and technical water, which is used to water fields and gardens.

Design of water supply and sewerage networks in Moscow

VII. The procedure for determining the amount and procedure for compensating the expenses of the water supply and sewerage organization when discharged by subscribers of wastewater that has a negative impact on the operation of the centralized sewerage system

When it comes to designing water supply and sewerage systems, you can rely on BAU MIX. Our experts have many years of experience in this area.

We offer comprehensive solutions for the development of project documentation and installation and construction works for enterprises and organizations of any form of ownership.

External water supply is a complex system of structures designed to provide water for domestic and industrial facilities. There are four main types of water supply (divided according to purpose):

  • Household - designed for supplying drinking water and other household needs;
  • fire fighting - the water supply serves as a source of water for extinguishing fires;
  • Industrial - supplies water for technical needs;
  • Combined – satisfies the conditions of all the above parameters.

Sewerage is a structural element of a water supply system or a sanitary facility designed to drain wastewater. There are several main types of external sewerage, classified according to their purpose:

Separate has different pipes and containers for collecting runoff of fecal, domestic water and collecting rain, melt water;

Alloy has one common pipe for all types of wastewater and one sewer tank;

semi-divided sewerage has different pipes for different types of wastewater, but one collector for collection and further disposal.

Get a quote for your project!

Water treatment and water meters

A complex process of developing documentation that ensures further high-quality construction and uninterrupted operation of communications for a long time.

Plumbing design (VP) involves designing a piping system that supplies water to plumbing fixtures, fire hydrants, and technical equipment.

The design of external water supply implies the development of a complex of facilities for the intake of water from sources, its purification in accordance with established standards.

Sewerage design includes the development of a pipeline scheme and a set of necessary facilities for wastewater disposal.


The finished project is approved by BAU MIX specialists in all relevant authorities and departments in a record short time, thereby saving your time and effort.

Construction of water supply and sewerage

Mandatory structural elements of the water supply system include: pipelines, water intake facilities, pumping stations, wells, water intake facilities, water treatment plants.

Installation and construction work is carried out in two directions, which are determined by the distribution of pipes: dead-end - for small objects, ring - used for objects of any size, requires large financial costs due to the use of a large amount of building materials.

Sewerage construction includes the following structural elements: pipelines, wells, pumping stations, local treatment systems.

Highly qualified specialists with extensive experience

Individual approach and support of the project from start to finish

Ensuring the smooth operation of the finished facility

Compliance with the law, all norms and rules in the performance of work

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