Which heating scheme for a one-story house will satisfy the needs of the owner

Heating floor and plinth

Hot water pipes laid in the floor with a calculated step allow you to evenly heat the premises with the entire surface of the floor covering. From each heating circuit, whose length does not exceed 100 m, the connections converge to a collector with a mixing unit that provides the required heat carrier flow and its temperature within + 35 ° ... + 45 ° С (maximum + 55 ° С). The collector is powered directly from the boiler by one branch and controls the heating on 2 floors at the same time. The positive side of the warm floor:

  • uniform heating of the space of rooms;
  • heating is comfortable for people, since heating comes from below;
  • low water temperature saves up to 15% on energy;
  • any level of system automation is possible - operation from temperature controllers, weather sensors or according to a program embedded in the controller;
  • the system with the controller can be controlled from a distance - via GSM-connection or the Internet.

Similar automatic control systems are being introduced into the collector circuit of a two-story cottage. The disadvantage of underfloor heating is the high cost of materials and installation work, which are difficult to perform on your own.

Heating skirting boards are a suitable option for any private house, not just a two-story one. These heaters in the form of large plinths are copper or aluminum convectors connected in a two-pipe scheme. They encircle the premises around the perimeter, heating the air from all sides. Skirting board heating is easy to install and meets all interior design requirements.

Heating wiring options

1. Beam system

This is a pipeline with built-in manifolds and throttle valves near each outlet. Each battery has a pair of tubes coming from each outlet. The heat is regulated quite easily, but complications arise during installation: it is necessary to hide a dozen pipes in a concrete floor screed or under false walls.

Collector (radiant) scheme for heating a one-story house:

Which heating scheme for a one-story house will satisfy the needs of the owner

Installation of such a system will result in a round sum. But it is the most efficient in terms of saving heat.

2. Two-pipe heating scheme

Throughout the house, along the perimeter or under the floor, two pipelines stretch - supply and return. Batteries, fan coil units, convectors - all this plays the role of jumpers and creates a semblance of a short circuit. Water circulates from the near battery to the far one. Therefore, throttle valves will limit the hot water passing through the batteries. For uniform heat in each room, the system must be finely balanced.

Two-pipe heating scheme for a one-story house:

Which heating scheme for a one-story house will satisfy the needs of the owner

  • high consumption of pipes and materials;
  • without balancing, pipes and batteries freeze.

3. One-pipe house heating scheme

It is considered the simplest. Sometimes it is called, in the old fashioned way, "Leningrad". When installing such a system, a pipe of 25-32-40 mm is laid around the perimeter of the whole house and in all residential premises. Why is it necessary in living rooms? It's simple: the stray heat that is released by the pipe will also heat the entire room.

One-pipe heating scheme for a one-story house:

Which heating scheme for a one-story house will satisfy the needs of the owner

Or here is the heating scheme of a one-story private house in a single-circuit version:

Which heating scheme for a one-story house will satisfy the needs of the owner

Radiators and convectors cut in for loopback, but using a twenty pipe. Throttle valves and valves are installed on all supplies. The former equalize the temperature, while the others release air. If there were no valves (faucets), then the water would force air into the upper part of the heating element. And this, in turn, reduces the amount of heat given off.

  • practically no heat is lost;
  • simplicity and speed of installation work;
  • economical use;
  • in the absence of electricity, turning off the circulation pump, the movement of water will not stop;
  • saving materials.

So what kind of heating system to choose in a one-story house? We can note only one, but a significant fact that will affect your choice - the ability to install any of the listed schemes in one-story houses and cottages: beam, one-pipe, two-pipe, electric, air, and even a “water floor” system.

We did not mention the last three, but they are also popular. The last system (“warm floor”) was used only in saunas a couple of years ago, but today it is referred to as a full-fledged type of heating systems that fully provide heat to the whole house.

The reasons that led to the choice of a particular system include the area of ​​​​the house, the length of stay (permanent or temporary), and what the house is built of (brick, block or wooden beam).

Tips for minimizing heating costs

In addition to upgrading the autonomous heating installation, a number of actions can be taken, the result of which will lead to a decrease in current operating costs and payment for housing and communal services. Given the specific scheme of the heating system in Khrushchev, the installation of heat meters in the apartment is impractical. This is due to the lack of a central riser, i.e. even for a one-room apartment, you will have to install at least three counters - in the bathroom, in the kitchen and in the living room.

The total cost of installing one device can range from 25 to 30 thousand rubles. The way out of this situation is to install a common house meter. It will take into account the amount of heat energy consumed for the entire building. Fortunately, the centralized scheme, characteristic of all types of Khrushchev heating, allows this to be done. As an additional function, a mode for adjusting the supply of coolant depending on the outside temperature can be provided.

For the central heating circuit of a five-story Khrushchev building, you can install a balancing riser. It will perform the functions of evenly distributing the coolant over all floors of the house. However, which project is carried out only in agreement with the housing office, as it belongs to the category of changing the principle of supplying hot water.

If old steel pipes and radiators are installed in the house, it is recommended to carry out periodic chemical and mechanical cleaning. Before that, the socialists must carefully study the heating scheme of the five-story Khrushchev house in order to draw up a work plan. Cleaning is recommended to be done from the apartments of the upper floors. As a result of this, the permeability of the coolant through pipes and radiators will improve.

Some schemes of Khrushchev heating systems and their arrangement provided for hidden installation of radiators. This method of installation is effective only if the outer walls are insulated.

As an alternative type of heating, you can see the video on installing electric heating elements in radiators.

Autonomous heating is good for those who have it. But the rest of the tenants pay for the heating of common areas of use and common risers run in apartments with autonomous heating and heat them. Therefore, they do not include heating during the autumn and spring months. In addition, the entire box of the house is heated from the general heating. the cost of heating for autonomous heating is 10 times less. There is a theft of heat, permitted from above.

During the last months, the heating costs (at the rate of 1621.95) are 1829.34-November 16, 2414.69-December 16, 2656.10-January 17, 2895.22-February 17. Why? Some kind of individual heating in the house on Polyustrovskiy pr. dom11? During this period, there was no heating at all due to accidents for several days. An example of another nearby house: (norm-1621.95) 634.41-November 16, 1305.33-December 16, 1224.12-January 17, 1207.1-February 17. The truth is that they treat people in good faith and recalculate all losses, conduct conversations with non-payers, sue, withdraw money from non-payers' compensation, and do not scatter debts on conscientious tenants.

Types of radiators for heating apartment buildings

In multi-storey buildings, there is no single rule that allows the use of a specific type of radiator, so the choice is not particularly limited.The heating scheme of a multi-storey building is quite versatile and has a good balance between temperature and pressure.

The main models of radiators used in apartments include the following devices:

  1. Cast iron batteries. Often used even in the most modern buildings. They are cheap and very easy to install: as a rule, apartment owners install this type of radiator on their own.
  2. Steel heaters. This option is a logical continuation of the development of new heating devices. Being more modern, steel heating panels demonstrate good aesthetic qualities, are quite reliable and practical. Very well combined with the regulating elements of the heating system. Experts agree that it is steel batteries that can be called optimal when used in apartments.
  3. Aluminum and bimetallic batteries. Products made of aluminum are very much appreciated by the owners of private houses and apartments. Aluminum batteries have the best performance compared to previous options: excellent external data, low weight and compactness are perfectly combined with high performance. The only disadvantage of these devices, which often scares off buyers, is the high cost. Nevertheless, experts do not recommend saving on heating and believe that such an investment will pay off pretty quickly.


The correct choice of batteries for a centralized heating system depends on the performance indicators that are inherent in the coolant in the area. Knowing the cooling rate of the coolant and the direction of its movement, it is possible to calculate the required number of radiator sections, its dimensions and material. Do not forget that when replacing heating devices, it is necessary to follow all the rules, since their violation can lead to defects in the system, and then the heating in the wall of the panel house will not perform its functions (read: “Heating pipes in the wall ").

It is also not recommended to carry out repair work in the heating system of an apartment building on your own, especially if it is heating in the walls of a panel house: practice shows that residents of houses, without having the appropriate knowledge, are able to throw away an important element of the system, considering it unnecessary. Centralized heating systems demonstrate good qualities, but they need to be constantly maintained in working order, and for this you need to monitor many indicators, including thermal insulation, equipment wear and regular replacement of spent elements.

Piping in a multi-storey building

As a rule, in multi-storey buildings, a single-pipe wiring diagram with top or bottom filling is used. The location of the forward and return pipes can vary depending on many factors, including even the region where the building is located. For example, the heating scheme in a five-story building will be structurally different from heating in three-story buildings.

When designing a heating system, all these factors are taken into account, and the most successful scheme is created that allows you to bring all the parameters to the maximum. The project may involve various options for filling the coolant: from the bottom up or vice versa. In individual houses, universal risers are installed, which ensure the rotation of the movement of the coolant.

Which heating scheme for a one-story house will satisfy the needs of the owner

Common installation errors

Above are the "Leningrad" schemes of horizontal single-pipe floor circuits with radiators connected to a common line by two tees. Only a part of the total volume of the coolant circulating in the circuit flows through each device. It is possible to encounter an erroneous connection without a main pipe (see the outline of the first floor in the figure below).

Which heating scheme for a one-story house will satisfy the needs of the owner

Types of connection of radiators in horizontal single-pipe circuits.

This method of connecting heating radiators is extremely cheap. For each radiator, there is one fitting for connecting a metal-plastic pipe Du20 or Du25 and a pipe segment between adjacent devices. Can't be cheaper. But retribution for cheapness is the poor performance of half of the radiators. The first of them (in the direction of movement of the coolant) is heated to a temperature of 55 ° C, and the last at N = 6-8 heats up to only 35 ° C, since the coolant, passing through the radiators, cools down intensively in them.

Gravity option

Which heating scheme for a one-story house will satisfy the needs of the owner

Gravity heating scheme. Click on the photo to enlarge.

It is the most simple and primitive. Therefore, such a system is cheap and not too difficult to implement, as it is carried out depending on the layout of the housing. But this is where its shortcomings lie. It is a large metal pipe connected to the boiler and passing throughout the house (this is a prerequisite), through which the coolant flows.

The disadvantage of such a scheme is the need for massive pipes with a large cross-section in diameter, since the installation of thinner ones or the addition of batteries to the system leads to a drop in heating efficiency due to a decrease in the water flow rate. In order to increase the efficiency of this heating system, not one, but two pipes are installed in the house, which causes even greater inconvenience to residents.

Heating system of a two-storey house with natural circulation

Owners of their own country houses know that home heating is a paramount and expensive task, but it is facilitated by the fact that almost all existing heating schemes can be repeated on their own without resorting to the paid services of professionals

A house with one or two floors does not matter, since in terms of purchases and labor costs, the indicators will increase not twice, but less. The implementation of a heating scheme with natural circulation (in everyday life it is simply called “gravity” or “physics”), which does not involve the inclusion of a circulation pump and related fittings, will help to save a little more.

Moreover, the circuit has been run in for decades, and during this time it has not shown any failures, since it consists of a minimum number of nodes and parts.

Which heating scheme for a one-story house will satisfy the needs of the owner

In which houses is it profitable to install single-pipe pumping systems

Reducing the length of heating pipes relative to two-pipe schemes is inherent in multi-storey residential buildings, industrial buildings (workshops, warehouses), characterized by lengths of heating circuits of hundreds of meters. The use of a "single pipe" in them really saves heating pipes. Widespread use in individual construction is explained by a misunderstanding of the real cost-benefit ratio of this type of heating by customers and heating practitioners.

In small two-story houses with an area of ​​\u200b\u200babout 100 sq.m (50 sq.m - first floor, 50 sq.m - second), a “single pipe” is often mounted, which works well with short circuits containing 4-5 heaters. Large houses with many radiators are not well suited for single-pipe schemes, although objects with a dozen batteries in a storey circuit do work, as in the mixed vertical-horizontal single-pipe scheme shown below.

Which heating scheme for a one-story house will satisfy the needs of the owner

Single-pipe system of mixed (vertically - horizontal) type.

Features of heating an apartment in a multi-storey building

After carefully reading the instructions for the heating scheme of a multi-storey building, you can make sure that all norms and requirements must be observed without fail.

The scheme of the heating system of an apartment building provides for its competent installation, thanks to which it is possible to achieve such a temperature and humidity.Which heating scheme for a one-story house will satisfy the needs of the owner

In the process of designing such a heating scheme, highly qualified specialists should be invited who will be able to qualitatively calculate all the necessary aspects for work.They must also ensure that uniform pressure of the coolant is maintained in the pipes. Such pressure should be the same both on the first and on the last floor.

The main feature of the modern heating system of a multi-storey building is manifested in work on superheated water. This coolant comes from the CHP and has a very high temperature - 150C with a pressure of up to 10 atmospheres. Steam is formed in the pipes due to the fact that the pressure in them rises greatly, which also contributes to the transfer of heated water to the last houses of the high-rise building. Also, the heating scheme of a panel house assumes a considerable return temperature of 70C. In the warm and cold seasons, the water temperature can vary greatly, so the exact values ​​\u200b\u200bwill depend solely on the characteristics of the environment.

Which heating scheme for a one-story house will satisfy the needs of the owner

As you know, the temperature of the coolant in the pipes that are installed in a multi-storey building reaches 130C. But such hot batteries in modern apartments simply do not exist, and all due to the fact that there is a supply line through which heated water passes, and the line is connected to the return line using a special jumper called the “elevator node”.

Such a scheme has many features, since such a node is designed to perform certain functions. The coolant with a high temperature must enter the elevator unit, which performs the main function of heat exchange. The water reaches a high temperature and with the help of high pressure passes through the elevator to inject the coolant from the return. In parallel, water is also supplied from the pipeline for recirculation, which occurs in the heating system.

Which heating scheme for a one-story house will satisfy the needs of the owner

Such a heating scheme for a 5-storey building is the most efficient, therefore it is actively installed in modern multi-storey buildings.

This is how heating in an apartment building looks like, the scheme of which provides for the presence of an elevator unit. On it you can see many valves that play an important role in heating and uniform heat supply.

Which heating scheme for a one-story house will satisfy the needs of the owner

When installing heating in an apartment building, the scheme should also provide for the presence of such valves at all possible points so that in the event of an accident it is possible to shut off the flow of hot water or reduce pressure. This is also facilitated by various collectors and other equipment that operates in automatic mode. Therefore, this technique provides greater heating performance and efficiency of its supply to the last floors.

Depending on these aspects, the coolant can be supplied both from top to bottom and from bottom to top. Some houses have special risers that act as a supplier of hot water up and cold down. Therefore, in many apartments, cast-iron batteries are installed, which are very resistant to temperature extremes.

In which houses is one-pipe gravity flow advantageous?

Just not in a 3-storey building. "Self-flowing" coolant moves "lazy". The existing 20 kg difference in the weight of a ton of heated and cold water will not create a sufficient pressure difference between the “supply and return” for intensive movement through pipes and batteries.

In a two-story house, "gravity flow" will work well, but the second floor should be full-fledged, with an attic that allows you to install an expansion tank. From the boiler in the basement (pit) to the tank there is a main vertical supply riser. The so-called. "bed", evading down. From the "lounger" I descend the risers to the storey radiators. This vertical system, shown in the figure below, resembles the heating device of a multi-storey building.

Which heating scheme for a one-story house will satisfy the needs of the owner

Gravity one-pipe vertical system of a 2-storey building.

The attic second floor of your house, which has windows in the roof (low walls) makes it difficult to install a gravity system. The attic excludes the installation of an open expansion tank filled with antifreeze.A sealed tank with a vent pipe brought out to the outside will save the day, increasing costs.

Inclined pipes - "beds" do not fit well into the attic space, they can cross window openings, spoiling the interior of the room.

"Samotek" is more suitable for one-story houses in areas characterized by unreliable power supply.

closed type

A closed system of pumpless coolant circulation is successfully used for heating a one-story and two-story house. It functions as follows:

  • when the coolant expands, excess liquid is displaced from the heating circuit;
  • the liquid enters a membrane-type expansion tank - this is a closed container with an elastic membrane that separates the part intended for the coolant and the section of the tank filled with air or nitrogen;
  • the heated liquid stretches the membrane, compressing the gas in the second section of the tank, when the coolant cools, the gas expands and pushes the liquid back into the system, as a result of which the water circuit remains constantly filled.

Installing a membrane tank in a gravity heating circuit reduces the risk of corrosion of the metal elements of the system. But in Russia, such a solution is used relatively rarely, since the cost of a membrane tank is several times higher than the cost of buying or independently manufacturing an open-type tank.

Which heating scheme for a one-story house will satisfy the needs of the owner

Single pipe circuit

A single-pipe heating system with natural circulation is not an efficient one. It is not suitable for heating the premises of a two-story house and is used in one-story buildings of a small area.

The coolant passes vertically upward through the accelerating section of the pipeline, then enters the pipe, which leads to a horizontal pipeline connecting the heating radiators in series. From the extreme radiator, the cooled coolant returns directly to the boiler.

With such a scheme for connecting heating devices, the temperature of the radiators decreases as they move away from the supply riser - this is a serious drawback of the system. To increase efficiency, bypasses are used - they connect the supply pipe with jumpers in those places where radiators are connected. This contributes to a more uniform heating of the premises.

The advantages of a single-pipe system include a simple design, minimal financial costs for its installation. In addition, it is not required to mount pipes under the ceiling, worsening the interior of the room.

A single-pipe horizontal scheme, even with accurate calculations, rarely justifies itself, if we are not talking about heating two or three small rooms of a one-story house. In other cases, it is modernized by adding a circulation pump.

Which heating scheme for a one-story house will satisfy the needs of the owner

Two-pipe circuit

Design features of a gravity two-pipe circuit:

  • separate pipes are mounted for supply and return;
  • the supply pipe is connected to each heating device through a separate inlet;
  • the return pipe is connected to each heating device separately.

The two-pipe gravity heating system of a private house differs from the one-pipe one in that all radiators are supplied with a coolant that has not had time to cool down, due to which:

  • heat in the house is distributed evenly;
  • it is not required to increase the number of sections in the radiator in order to improve heating;
  • easier to regulate the temperature in the system;
  • for the installation of the pipeline, pipes of a smaller diameter are required than for a single-pipe circuit;
  • there are no strict requirements for observance of the slope during the installation of system elements - some deviations from the calculated values ​​are not critical.

A two-pipe heating system with top and bottom wiring is easy to install and efficient, it can be used to heat a two-story house.

Which heating scheme for a one-story house will satisfy the needs of the owner

Bottling type

The natural circulation of water in the heating system depends on the principle of supplying the coolant from the boiler to the heating devices.There are contours with lower and upper filling.

The lower filling makes it possible to do without the installation of high vertical pipes - communications are laid at floor level. This option is only suitable for single-pipe circuits and is considered inefficient without installing a circulation pump.

Top filling is the best option, since the distribution pipe of the two-pipe system is located under the ceiling and provides an active supply of heated coolant to each radiator, from which the cooled water goes into the return pipe located along the floor. For a one-pipe system, top-type filling is also preferable.

Which heating scheme for a one-story house will satisfy the needs of the owner

Two-pipe heating system with top filling

Reasons for the lack of water circulation

Often, users of one- or two-story houses are faced with a situation where the heaters begin to work less efficiently. If there is no circulation in the heating system, there may be reasons for this.

The lack of circulation in the heating system can be caused by:

  • system contamination. Batteries must be periodically flushed, otherwise the structure may become clogged over the entire diameter. If this happens, you will have to change the pipes.
  • The pipe diameter is too small. And the smaller the diameter of the pipes, the greater the hydraulic resistance. This can also be the reason that there is no circulation in the heating radiator, or it is, but very weak.
  • Airing the heater. To solve this problem, Mayevsky cranes are installed.

Very often, in heat supply systems with natural circulation, wet-type pumps with a power of up to 40-60 W are installed. You can read more about the operation of heat pumps for heating here. This is one of the options for improving the circulation of water in the heating system of the house. In addition, pumps can help save up to 25% on costs.

  • How to pour water into an open and closed heating system?
  • Popular Russian-made outdoor gas boiler
  • How to correctly bleed air from a heating radiator?
  • Expansion tank for closed heating: device and principle of operation
  • Gas double-circuit wall-mounted boiler Navien: error codes in case of malfunction

Recommended reading

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Auxiliary heating in Khrushchev

Which heating scheme for a one-story house will satisfy the needs of the owner

Insulated wall in Khrushchev

What to do if, even after the improvement and replacement of elements, the temperature in the apartment is far from ideal. The best option is autonomous heating in Khrushchev. However, this is not always possible - the installation of a gas boiler is not allowed due to low pressure in the line or due to inappropriate chimney channels.

Then they begin to develop alternative ways to increase the temperature in the room. The negative point is that the heating scheme of the five-story Khrushchev house does not provide for the connection of additional radiators. This can lead to a decrease in pressure in the pipes and a significant loss of heat for residents living below. To avoid unpleasant moments, you can perform a number of actions that contribute to energy saving in the apartment.

Insulation of the outer walls of Khrushchev

It is recommended to install a heat-insulating layer on the outer walls. It will help reduce heat losses and will not affect the current state of the heating system in Khrushchev. It is also necessary to replace old wooden windows with new ones made of PVC or glued beams.

Particular attention should be paid to the thickness of the double-glazed windows. For effective thermal insulation, this parameter must be at least 28 mm

Warm floor in Khrushchev

Which heating scheme for a one-story house will satisfy the needs of the owner

Underfloor heating system

This is one of the best mechanisms for raising the temperature in an apartment.It can be installed not only in the bathroom and kitchen, but also in living quarters. It is best to choose infrared floor heating models, since their installation requires a minimal increase in the thickness of the floor covering. The Khrushchev heating scheme is not designed to connect a water heated floor. Its installation can lead to improper operation of the entire heating circuit of the house.

Apartment heaters

They can solve the problem with the rate of air heating in the apartment and do not affect the operation of the main heating system of apartments in Khrushchev. Along with traditional oil and converter-type electric heaters, infrared models have become very popular. They increase the temperature not of the air, but of objects, heating their surface. However, the disadvantage of such devices is the increase in financial costs for electricity.

Before connecting the heaters, it is necessary to check the wiring. Often the cross section of the wire is not designed for large loads. The heating scheme for a five-story Khrushchev building is designed only for a water coolant. Therefore, it is first recommended to replace it, only after that install powerful electrical appliances.

Purpose and principle of operation of the elevator unit

It was said above that the water in the heating system of a multi-storey building is heated to 130 degrees. But consumers do not need such a temperature, and it is absolutely pointless to heat the batteries to such a value, regardless of the number of floors: the heating system of a nine-story building in this case will not differ from any other. Everything is explained quite simply: the heating supply in multi-storey buildings is completed by a device that goes into the return circuit, which is called an elevator unit. What is the meaning of this node, and what functions are assigned to it?

The coolant heated to a high temperature enters the elevator assembly. which, according to the principle of its action, is similar to an injector-dispenser. It is after this process that the liquid carries out heat exchange. Leaving through the elevator nozzle, the high-pressure coolant exits through the return line. In addition, through the same channel, the liquid enters the heating system for recirculation. All these processes together make it possible to mix the coolant, bringing it to the optimum temperature, which is sufficient to heat all apartments. The use of an elevator node in the scheme allows you to provide the highest quality heating in high-rise buildings, regardless of the number of storeys.

Single pipe arrangement

This option is also easy to assemble and install, so you can mount it yourself. It largely repeats the gravity system, but differs from it in the presence of a circulation pump - there is also a pipe (but already equipped with heating radiators), a boiler and a pump, which can be either separate or integrated into the boiler. It is the pump that is responsible for the water cycle in the system.

Optimum is a closed system, the design of which is devoid of an expansion tank (separate), which is facilitated by the presence on the market of boilers with integrated tanks. This solution makes it possible to prevent the formation of corrosion foci, which is very important if there is no anti-corrosion coating on the metal.

Functioning of the gravity system

The heating scheme of a private house with natural circulation has several advantages:

  • there is no need to purchase expensive equipment;
  • non-volatility (an appropriate boiler unit is selected);
  • installation is easy to do with your own hands;
  • undemanding maintenance.

Circulation in such a system is ensured by the fact that the density of the liquid decreases as a result of heating (it becomes lighter), and during cooling, the density returns to its original value.

There is practically no pressure in the gravity structure - calculations show that the pressure is 1 atmosphere per 10 meters of water column pressure. Thus, the hydrostatic pressure in the heating system of a one-story building will be 0.5-0.7 atm. and in the pipeline of a two-story house - will not exceed 1 atm.

Which heating scheme for a one-story house will satisfy the needs of the owner

Gravitational circulation occurs due to the expansion and decrease in the density of the heated coolant - it rises along the vertical accelerating section and from the upper point moves down the pipeline, mounted with a slope and passing through the heating devices connected in series, on the way back to the boiler.

An expansion tank is connected to the pipeline with gravity water movement - a reservoir for the "surplus" of the coolant, which is formed due to the thermal expansion of the liquid. The buffer tank (membrane or open) is mounted at the top of the circuit on the supply pipe.

The heating gravity system is able to function in the complex:

  • With indirect water heater. If the boiler is installed in the upper part of the system below the expansion tank, DHW heating will be carried out without the use of electrical equipment. If such installation is not possible, the boiler is equipped with a pump and a check valve is installed, which will prevent the recirculation of the coolant.
  • With underfloor heating. A circulation pump is installed on the circuit laid in the floor. During a temporary power outage, the room will continue to be heated by a wall-mounted radiator.

Design features of the heating circuit

There are different valves in the heating circuit behind the elevator unit. Their role cannot be underestimated, since they make it possible to regulate heating in individual entrances or in the whole house. Most often, the adjustment of the valves is carried out manually by employees of the heat supply company, if such a need arises.

Which heating scheme for a one-story house will satisfy the needs of the owner

In modern buildings, additional elements are often used, such as collectors, heat meters for batteries and other equipment. In recent years, almost every heating system in high-rise buildings is equipped with automation to minimize human intervention in the operation of the structure (read: “Weather-dependent automation of heating systems - about automation and controllers for boilers with examples“). All the described details allow to achieve better performance, increase efficiency and make it possible to distribute heat energy more evenly throughout all apartments.


