As can already be understood from the foregoing, the Tichelman Loop heating has a rather simple design. In any case, it will not be more difficult to assemble it than a conventional dead-end system. However, it should be borne in mind that the Tichelman loop is most often mounted in houses of a very large area. The assembly of heating systems in such buildings already has a lot of nuances in itself. In addition, the calculation of communications for such an object should be made as accurate as possible. Simply taking the average values (10 kW of the boiler per 1 m 2 of the room, pipe diameters 26 and 16) will not work in this case. It will be quite difficult to make the correct calculations according to the tables and even using the appropriate programs on your own. Therefore, it is still worth hiring specialists to design and install the Tichelman Loop system in a large house.
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Hydraulic calculation of a one-pipe and two-pipe heating system with formulas, tables and examples
The cost-effectiveness of thermal comfort in the house is ensured by the calculation of hydraulics, its high-quality installation and proper operation. The main components of the heating system are a heat source (boiler), a heat main (pipes) and heat transfer devices (radiators). For efficient heat supply, it is necessary to maintain the initial parameters of the system at any load, regardless of the season.
Before starting hydraulic calculations, perform:
Collection and processing of information on the object in order to:
determining the amount of heat required;
choice of heating scheme.
Thermal calculation of the heating system with justification:
volumes of thermal energy;
heat loss.
If water heating is recognized as the best option, a hydraulic calculation is performed.
To calculate hydraulics using programs, familiarity with the theory and laws of resistance is required. If the formulas below seem difficult to understand, you can choose the options that we offer in each of the programs.
The calculations were carried out in the Excel program. The finished result can be seen at the end of the instructions.
Hydraulic calculation basic rules
Hydraulic calculation is carried out according to a compiled and tested heating scheme, which takes into account all built-in elements and devices. In order to calculate a two-pipe heating system, axonometric functions and equations are used.
As a rule, the most loaded heating pipeline ring is taken as the main object of calculation and it is divided into corresponding sections.
As a result of the procedure, the required value of the heating pipe cross section, the required surface area of the pipeline and the possible pressure loss in the system circuit are calculated.
Such a hydraulic calculation has many varieties, however, the most common and rational are the following:
Carrying out a calculation in terms of linear specific pressure losses, which assume equivalent temperature fluctuations in all elements and wiring devices.
Carrying out calculations on the conductivity value and resistance characteristics of the heating system, which also involve possible drops and changes in thermometer readings.
At the end of the work of the first method, it consists in the fact that as a result of the calculations, a clear picture is formed with a realistic distribution of resistance indicators in the circuit of the heating system. The second one is accurate information about the upcoming coolant consumption and the temperature conditions in all components of the heating system circuit.
Installation of a two-pipe heating system at home
Installation of a two-pipe system
Installation of a heating system with a two-pipe type of network is carried out in compliance with the following mandatory rules and technical standards:
The circuit of the two-pipe system includes two heating branches: the upper one with hot water and the lower one with chilled water.
The slope of the pipeline with natural circulation of the coolant towards the last battery should not be less than 1% of the entire length.
In the event that the heating system has two wings built in parallel, then the radiators must be installed at the same level.
When compiling the heating system, care must be taken that the lower gasket is symmetrical and parallel with respect to the upper line.
For the necessary repairs and maintenance, all closing units, pump, bypass and radiators must be equipped with valves.
In view of the need to exclude the loss of the temperature regime of the coolant through the wiring, the supply pipeline must be insulated with special materials.
In no case should heating pipes have straight knots and possible overlaps that create air stagnation and traffic jams.
In the case of the upper type of wiring, the distribution tank must be installed in an insulated attic.
The dimensions of tees, taps and valves must fully comply with the parameters of the pipelines themselves.
For a standard steel pipeline, the fastening of the line must be provided every 1.2 meters.
Ways to connect radiator batteries
At its core, the installation of a heating system consists only in installing an expansion tank, boiler, batteries, radiators and pipelines in accordance with the preferred wiring diagram.
The main pipeline is discharged from the heat generator, supplying the heat carrier in hot mode.
The supply line must be connected to an expansion tank with a drain.
Usually, a bypass with a circulation pump and valves is mounted as close as possible to the initial design point (at the exit from the room with the installed heating system)
The upper pipeline is removed from the compensatory tank, from which pipes with the coolant are laid to all incoming radiators.
The return flow is carried out in parallel with respect to the main, connected to all radiators and introduced into the lower third of the boiler.
As a result of the whole procedure, a closed circuit of the heating system should be obtained, which will maintain a comfortable stable temperature regime in the house or apartment.In order to monitor and control the consumption of thermal energy, it is necessary to install thermostats, modern varieties of which automatically turn on or off the gas burner as needed.
You can find out more useful installation tips by watching the video below:
Although it is not so easy to launch a complex communication heating network, but together with specialized equipment and a ready-made plan with all the calculated possible nuances, a two-pipe system can be assembled and launched at home.
Braking of motors electronically and supersynchronously
The effect of electronic braking is relatively easy to achieve with a speed controller equipped with a braking resistor.
The induction motor acts as a generator. The mechanical energy is dissipated in the limiting resistor without increasing the losses in the motor itself.
The braking effect occurs when the motor reaches the top of the synchronous speed with a transition to higher values.
Here, the asynchronous generator mode is actually initiated and the braking torque develops. The resulting energy losses are recovered by the power grid.
A similar mode of operation is manifested on the motors of the lifts when lowering the load at a nominal speed. The braking torque is fully balanced by the torque from the load.
Due to this balance, it is possible to brake not by reducing the speed, but by bringing the engine into operation at a constant speed.
For the variant of operation of motors with a wound rotor, all or part of the rotor resistors must be short-circuited so that the motor does not develop movement significantly above the rated speed.
The oversynchronous system is functionally seen as ideal for limiting movement under load because:
The speed remains stable and is practically independent of the torque,
Energy is recovered and renewed in the network.
However, oversynchronous braking of electric motors only maintains one speed of rotation, usually rated rotation.
On frequency-controlled motors, oversynchronous circuits are used, due to which the speed of rotation of the shaft changes from the upper value to the lower value.
Super-synchronous braking is easily achieved with an electronic speed controller that automatically starts this system when the frequency drops.
Other brake systems
Rarely, but still there are single-phase braking systems. This technique turns on the motor power between two mains phases and connects the idle terminal to one of the other two mains connections.
Stopping option by simple reverse switching - reversal of the rotation field formed by the stator windings
The braking torque is limited to 1/3 of the maximum motor torque. This system cannot stop the motor at full load.
Therefore, such a scheme is traditionally supplemented by a countercurrent method. The single-phase blocking option is characterized by significant unbalance and high losses.
Braking of electric motors by weakening eddy currents is also used. A principle similar to that used on industrial vehicles works here in addition to mechanical braking (electric gears).
The mechanical energy is dissipated in the speed reducer. The deceleration and stopping of the motor is controlled by simply energizing the winding. A pronounced disadvantage of this method is a significant increase in inertia.
Rules for the selection and installation of radiators
The calculation of the types and number of radiators is made individually. Buying batteries “like a neighbor” is a fundamentally wrong decision. When calculating, the following must be taken into account:
shape, number of sections, size and power of radiators;
installation locations in the room;
planned installation schemes.
Equipment is selected based on the parameters of each room. It is necessary to take into account what is the area of the room, what material was used for thermal insulation of external walls, whether there are adjacent rooms, as well as the number of windows and doorways. It is better to select batteries and pipes made from the same or similar materials.
In this video you will learn how to properly connect the heating battery:
Installation nuances
All manufacturers of heating equipment give the same recommendations on how to properly connect a heating battery. The ideal place is the space under the window. If the room is large and the gap between the windows is large, it is recommended to add another radiator between the openings. Can be installed along a blank outer wall or in a corner between two outer walls. The heat transfer of a radiator closed with a screen is significantly reduced.
The number of radiators depends on the area of \u200b\u200bthe room
Batteries in one room are mounted at the same height, the ribs should be perpendicular to the floor
When installing a radiator under a window, it is important to maintain the following gaps:
the distance between the device and the window sill is more than 10 cm;
the height of the lower edge of the battery above the floor is 12 cm or more;
the width of the gap between the wall and the rear panel of the device is at least 2 cm, taking into account the thickness of the heat-reflecting screen;
the length of the device must be at least 3/4 of the width of the window opening;
the centers of the window and the battery must match.