Surface drainage systems advantages and working principle

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The Politep company offers to buy concrete drainage trays at a very favorable cost in Moscow and the region. The use of granite-filled concrete in the basis of all our products form their unique strength, durability, wear resistance and frost resistance. You can learn more about the different types of trays, the specifics of installing drainage systems, as well as their characteristics on the internal pages of our company's website.

Our experts will develop a project of a drainage system for drainage of any complexity for the desired object.

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On the
areas with low soil levels
water is used open
drainage system

or surface drainage (so
called storm water), which represents
is a prefabricated structure, consisting
from drainage channels made of plastic, concrete
or polymer concrete, sand traps,
sand collectors, decorative gratings,
road hatches, as well as additional
elements that allow you to easily
mount the system without disturbing
design intent.
Water flows down
in ditches with a width of about 1.5 m.

there are

: ground, reinforced concrete, prefabricated reinforced concrete, monolithic,
decoratively lined with stone ...
section shape

semicircular, trapezoid.

pollution (garbage and leaves) and
require frequent cleaning, increased
road width, shoulder required.

mainly on highways and for purposes

Linear and point drainage

Depending on the principle of installation and component parts, point and linear drainage systems can be distinguished. Most often, only a linear system is used, although in “difficult” areas there is a need to use a point drainage system or their complex combination. If the site is relatively flat, point systems are usually not considered as an alternative to linear systems due to complex installation, maintenance and a high likelihood of clogging.

Among the characteristics of point drainage systems are:

  • Installation on "difficult", uneven areas;
  • Installation of pipes at a relatively large depth;
  • The need to install in a funnel for good flow (all 4 sides must go under the slope);
  • High probability of clogging;
  • Poor access for cleaning pipes from debris;
  • High risk of flooding of individual sections of the system.

We see that the installation of a point drainage system and its maintenance is quite difficult.

If you are aware of the expected accumulation of large amounts of water in certain areas (for example, the flow of melt water from the roof), but there is no need for a linear drainage system, it is important to install at least a point drainage system

Care rules

Drainage structures will function properly for many years if the basic rules are followed during operation:

  • the top layer of soil should remain loose throughout the entire time so that moisture is absorbed as best as possible, which means that heavy equipment should not move directly over it;
  • collectors and wells must be regularly cleaned of contamination, otherwise the maintenance of the system may be difficult;
  • pipelines should be cleaned every 10-15 years.

Surface drainage systems advantages and working principle

Inspection drainage well at the turn

The choice of cleaning method largely depends on the location of the drains and their design features. Contaminants from elements on the surface can be removed manually without involving professionals.If the components of the system are deepened into the ground, then the measures become more complicated. The job may require a special machine with a cleaning roller that can remove deposits from the inside of the pipes.

For cleaning drainage wells can use such a pump

Channels of open and closed type

Soil drainage can be carried out using open trenches or specialized pipes placed in the ground. The first of them are simple in design, but do not look very aesthetically pleasing. In this regard, some developers create closed-type channels that do not violate the attractiveness of the landscape.

Outdoor drainage around a residential building using trays and gratings

surface lines

Although surface collection systems are relatively simple, they effectively remove moisture from the site in the form of precipitation. Through special trays and depressions, water is directed to the central gutter or drain well. Among the advantages can be distinguished:

  • high speed of construction;
  • small costs;
  • sufficient level of efficiency;
  • ease of cleaning.

Surface drainage systems advantages and working principle

Drainage trench at the edge of a suburban area

Closed drains

Depth line systems are ideal for both stormwater and groundwater in close proximity. Most often they are arranged using polymer pipes that are immersed in the ground at a certain distance.

Closed piping system designed for spot collection of moisture

In practice, two types of drainage with closed channels are well applicable:

  • point (water is collected in one place);
  • linear (moisture collection is provided throughout the pipeline through special holes).

Surface drainage systems advantages and working principle

Drainage well for a deep system from a pipe with a large diameter

Additional components of drainage systems

1. U-shaped nozzles
- to increase the service life of the system and resistance to significant weight loads, they are installed on the sides of the gutters.

2. Lattices
- in order to prevent their displacement under serious loads, special latches were invented with their fixation to the gutter. The following factors should be considered when choosing a grid:

  • the number, age and gender of people who permanently live on the site or often come to visit;
  • maximum loads;
  • movement frequency.

The operation of the drainage system and the safety of people depend on the right grate. For example, for playgrounds it is better to use products made of plastic, and in places where girls often walk in stilettos - welded steel structures.


Sand traps
are an important part of any drainage system, because it is in them that all the garbage, liquid dirt that enters the sewer from the surface is collected. Connect the sand traps to the last pipe at the end of the drainage system

Thanks to them, various garbage, including sand, accumulates in the garbage bin, which is located at the bottom of the tank, and already purified water enters the storm sewer. Periodically, sand traps must be cleaned of accumulated dirt by removing them from the drainage system. There can be several sand traps in the canal line if the area of ​​the site is large enough. They can also be installed in a cascade drainage system (where pipes with different depths are connected). For the manufacture of sand traps, the same materials are used as for pipes.

Surface drainage systems advantages and working principle

4. Crevice nozzles
are used in places where the road is paved on the surface. With their use, the drainage line is practically invisible, so it is easy to fit the drainage system into an already finished project. Also, when using such nozzles along the edges of the road or site, beautiful lines are obtained that complement the architectural solution.

It is important to understand that the choice of a drainage system for a private house should be approached with all responsibility. There are two types of system - metal and plastic, and your choice will depend on who will perform the installation

If you are going to hire an installer, you can choose the system that is most suitable for your site. In the case of installing the system with your own hands, keep in mind that installing a metal drain requires special skills and takes a lot of time and effort. Therefore, it is better to choose a plastic system, for its installation you do not need special knowledge and tools.

In Russia and Ukraine, with their climate, it is better to use PVC gutters made using co-extrusion technology. The advantages of such systems:

  • they are resistant to ultraviolet radiation;
  • practically do not freeze and are completely resistant to corrosion;
  • they hold a blow well and have high tightness.

An important point - during installation, the air temperature should be positive (more than 5 degrees). In plastic drainage systems, the connection elements can be glued and on rubber seals, the latter are easier to install.

One of the options for a linear drainage system

Consider the example of a class load of one and a half tons. The trench is dug in such a way that there is a distance of at least 10 centimeters on the sides of the pipes. A layer of hard concrete about 10 centimeters thick is poured at the bottom of the trench. If the system is installed on a slope with a steep slope or the weight of the load on one wheel is more than one and a half tons, concrete slopes 10 centimeters wide are made on the sides of the channel. The place where the connection point to the drain of melted, rainwater will be located is determined. Direct installation of the drainage system is carried out.

Surface drainage systems advantages and working principle

1. Taking into account the "mother - father" connection, channels are mounted in a concrete base.

Surface drainage systems advantages and working principle

2. Install the grate and tap the channel with a hammer for better fixation

Surface drainage systems advantages and working principle

3. Connect the channel with drains, finish concreting in the form of a slope

Surface drainage systems advantages and working principle

4. Complete the system with tiling. Its level should be 3 mm above the grate.

Stages of arrangement of the drainage system

After the most suitable scheme is selected, calculations are made for the diameter of the pipes and the optimal slope for each section of the chain. Next, the assembly of the entire system is carried out according to the plan.

Stage # 1 - calculation of the diameter of the pipes

To determine the diameters of the pipes, you need to make a calculation of the passage of wastewater that will pass through this network.

First, find out what is the rate of water consumption per day. It differs and depends on where you live. In a small city, an adult uses about 200 liters, and in a metropolis - about 700 liters.

The diameter of the pipes is also selected for a specific receiver. If this is a toilet, a large amount of waste is implied, so a pipe with a diameter of at least 85 mm is needed. Pipes with a diameter of 32 mm are usually connected to washbasins, washing machines, dishwashers.

Stage # 2 - determining the slope for laying

Wastewater flows by gravity, so a slope is needed. With its help, the movement of the flow at the desired speed is ensured. The end point is the lower part of the drainage basin.

The maximum allowable slope for horizontal pipelines is 15 cm per meter of pipe laid. But it is categorically impossible to make such a bias throughout the entire length.

If the terrain is favorable, the slope is natural and close to the slope of the earth's surface. If there are watersheds in the network, there is a transfer of runoff from the bottom up, or the total depth is greater than the allowable one, a pumping device is needed.

Stage # 3 - executing the installation of the pipeline

A pipe of the required diameter is connected to each receiver. It is permissible to lay pipes in an external way, it is less laborious, but not ergonomic.More often, communications are sewn into the walls, for which ditches are made in the surfaces.

According to the specifications, a shut-off valve must be inserted into each outlet. Threads are cut in metal pipes, a coupling is installed in plastic pipes.

All taps are connected in a closed circuit. Here it is necessary to provide for the impossibility of redirecting fluid flows.

After laying the internal sewage system, an external one is created: trenches and a pit are dug for cleaning. Further, the walls of the trenches are strengthened and, if necessary, insulated with textiles or a clay, concrete casing. After that, pipes are placed in them.

Now you need to connect external ones to the external taps. Each joint must be sealed and tested for strength.

At the last stage, a treatment plant is installed and drains are connected to it, serving as receivers for drainage from the roof, drainage installations, and internal sewage pipes. At the docking points, it is recommended to equip special hatches for the possibility of prompt elimination of breakdowns.

Why you need to install a storm system

Most of the territory of our country is subject to the destructive action of the environment. After frequent rains and long winter frosts, tons of melt water remain. All this has negative consequences for the appearance of our cities and towns. If we exclude the harmful effects of stagnant water, precipitation and melt water on the foundations of buildings, then most buildings, roads and sidewalks will be more durable. A water drainage system can save a building from basement flooding or dampness. But in any case, the site equipped with it will retain its aesthetic appearance for a longer time, and the buildings will serve the owners longer.

Drainage surface drainage systems

Point drainage
- water collection tanks are installed in those places where the lowest point of the catchment is located. It is at this point that the slopes intersect. Such drainage systems are used not only in private houses, but also on city streets, so everyone should know them. Tanks are storm water inlets with gratings at the top, water flows down to them along the created slopes. They have a rectangular shape, plus there are outlets on the tanks with which they are connected to the sewer. The purpose of storm water inlets is to collect locally storm water from the surface and roof. In the latter case, they are installed under the water drain pipe. Also, the kit may include drainage systems that purify water from dirt when arranging a watercourse into the ground. In order to prevent unpleasant odors from appearing in vertical drainage systems, siphons are installed in them.

Surface drainage systems advantages and working principle

A common use case for point drainage, which can be not only practical, but also aesthetically valuable

Linear drainage
are by far the most popular system. It consists of buried drains and drainage channels, as well as sand traps (they collect sand and small debris from the flowing liquid). For the safety of people, the drainage system is closed with gratings, which can be removed if necessary. The material and type of drains depends on the type of soil, the amount of water collected, traffic intensity, etc. When installing a linear drainage system, the location of buildings and the relief of the site must be taken into account.

Surface drainage systems advantages and working principle

Linear drainage has many advantages:

  • you need to lay a minimum of pipes (this reduces the risk of clogging and the number of cleanings);
  • it is possible to remove water from a large area in the shortest way;
  • the cost of installing the system is small;
  • thanks to the connections of the parts, the drainage system can be of different lengths.

tubular drainage
- its system includes manholes (shafts with a separate tray located above the pipes). They are placed in those places where the pipe changes its slope, size and direction, in other cases once every 50 meters.Also, nodal wells are installed in the tubular drainage, they are located at the points where more than two channels connect.

Surface drainage systems advantages and working principle

Drainage system of the closed type for the garden plot

The principle of operation of such a system is practically no different from the open drainage described above - their obvious difference lies in the fact that the grooves located on the surface of the site, as in the first case, descend underground to a depth of 0.6 to 1.5 m. Do not worry about the appearance of the garden plot, such drainage, in principle, is not able to spoil the landscape.

Surface drainage systems advantages and working principle

Closed lawn drainage

Through the entire site, depending on its size, one or more inclined trenches are dug, which later combine into a single trench-main, which drains excess fluid outside the territory of the garden plot. The point of collection of unnecessary moisture, as in the case of open drainage, can be a river, a beam, or an artificially constructed reservoir.

Surface drainage systems advantages and working principle

Closed drainage system on site

Surface drainage systems advantages and working principle

Closed drainage on site

Surface drainage systems advantages and working principle

Closed garden drainage

During the construction of a closed-type drainage system, the question arises - how to fill up such a trench, while maintaining its functional purpose on the site? As such, there are no difficulties with this. A layer of crushed stone 15-20 cm thick is poured at the bottom of the trench - it is through the voids formed by small stones that excess water will leave. But that's not all.

Surface drainage systems advantages and working principle

Drainage system of a garden plot of a closed type

Surface drainage systems advantages and working principle

Drainage system of a garden plot of a closed type

To avoid the rapid silting of artificially created drainage with wet soil falling into it, a filter element made of sand is made on top of the rubble. A layer of sand 20-25 cm thick, poured on top of the rubble, will not allow the ditch to silt up for a long time. Only after the creation of such a filtering and water-removing "pie" can the trench be completely buried with fertile soil.

And finally, once again I would like to repeat at the expense of accurate calculations of the drainage system of the garden plot - it is necessary to take into account all the factors that affect the condition of the soil. Only by involving competent specialists in these works, you can avoid mistakes and prevent excessive drying of fertile soil layers.

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Drainage system design

The composition of various drainage systems may include the following modular elements: drains, drainage channels, drainage pipes, pallets, hatches and receiving grates. Pipes for receiving water have different slopes depending on their diameter - from 1/1000 to 7/1000.

Also, the choice of pipes depends on the load that will be carried out from above. There is a special classification with several indicators: A15, B125, C250 and so on. For private plots, the first three systems are enough. The figure in the indicator indicates the number of kilonewtons, in one kN - 100 kilograms.

Load classes of drainage systems for private land plots:

1. A15
- maximum load of one and a half tons. Used on surfaces that are used only by cyclists and pedestrians. For example, it can be lawns, paths or sidewalks.

2. B125
– maximum load 125 tons. It can be parking lots, gardens, artificial landscape, garages.

3. C250
– maximum load of 250 tons. They are installed in places where there are roadsides and streets, parking lots, footpaths and garages.

Classification of storm drains depending on the site of operation

Stormwater drainage can have completely different characteristics depending on the place of operation. Therefore, we divide the system into several categories:

  • Garage drainage system;
  • Road drainage system;
  • Channel drainage system;
  • Cottage drainage system;
  • Plastic drainage system.

Each of these categories has an excellent drainage system. The components of the systems differ - the drainage tray for each system has unique characteristics. For example, a road storm drainage system must withstand high loads, both static and dynamic. The drainage trays in such a system should be as strong as possible, and the drainage gratings should be flexible to ensure maximum service life (inflexible gratings break more often when subjected to heavy loads).

Channel storm drainage systems are characterized by high throughput, and cottage systems are equipped in such a way that it is easy to combine several systems into one and withstand medium loads (for example, the roadway of non-densely populated areas).

Surface drainage system from Politep company

Nowadays, any prudent builder makes a drainage system for his facility and installs a high-quality surface drainage system. This is a decisive moment in the issue of protecting the house and surrounding areas from flooding and increasing soil moisture.

For the surface sewerage system, special drainage trays are used. They are of three types:

  1. Plastic. Most often used in urban areas, where the surrounding landscape must maintain an attractive appearance. Plastic also allows for color variety.
  2. Composite. They have the main qualities of plastic products, but increased strength. They are quite light and due to the smooth surface, debris is not deposited on the side walls. Composite trays are made from polymer concrete or polymer sandstone.
  3. Concrete. The most durable, reliable and practical sewer products. From other types of trays, this option is distinguished by a rather high strength and reliability, combined with a low price. Basically, concrete trays are used in the construction of large residential or industrial facilities. Thanks to them, the surface drainage system reliably protects the foundation and adjacent areas from the negative effects of water.

Drainage in a summer cottage is the easiest way to arrange a device for specific conditions

Before you make a drainage system on the site, you must choose its type, based on operational features. It is worth considering the most optimal options for arranging water drainage systems, which are popular under certain conditions.

Construction of a drainage system from the foundation of the house is underway

An example of site drainage with a high groundwater level

With a close occurrence of groundwater, a deep system of a linear type may be the best option. It will remove moisture from the entire site to a sewer, ravine or ditch located one level below. It is proposed to use perforated plastic pipes in the geotextile filter as the main elements.

Surface drainage systems advantages and working principle

Special pipeline with perforation and geotextile

One of the simplest methods of drainage in a summer cottage with groundwater located near the surface comes down to the following scheme:

  • A trench breaks out to the distance of soil freezing. Its slope should be 2 cm per linear meter towards the liquid collection point. For leveling, a layer of sand is poured.
  • Geotextiles are spread on the prepared bottom so that its edges overlap the walls of the pit by at least 1-2 m. A small layer of gravel is poured on top.
  • Next, plastic pipes are laid, after which they are again covered with approximately the same layer of gravel. The ends of the geotextile roll up to form a protective barrier. The rest of the trench is covered with soil.

Visual diagram of closed-type drainage with linear collection

Surface drainage systems advantages and working principle

At high GWL, the drainage system takes on a tree-like form.

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Do-it-yourself open drainage device on a site with clay soil

For land with clay soil, a system with an open channel arrangement is more suitable. With a closed piping system, water will not be able to seep through such soil and go to specialized septic tanks or other suitable places.

Surface drainage systems advantages and working principle

Land works for the drainage system are underway

In places where water accumulates, ditches are dug with a depth of at least 50 cm. Their width should increase as they approach the place of reception. It is necessary to make the widest trench, which collects water from the ditches adjacent to it. To facilitate draining and protect the edges from collapse, the side walls are cut at an angle of 30 degrees.

Since the open view of the trenches spoils the appearance of the site, it is necessary to decorate them. It not only allows you to increase the aesthetic properties, but also to strengthen the side surfaces of open lines. In this regard, the operation of the system is significantly increased.

The process of decorating open channels with stone

Stones of various sizes can be used as material for decorating pits. The largest of them should be laid on the bottom, and medium and small - on top. If there are good financial opportunities, the surface can be covered with marble chips, which will give the branch lines a respectable look.

If money is tight, then regular brushwood can be a good option for decoration. It is necessary to find dry branches of any wood species that grow nearby. They should be tied in bunches and laid on special stands installed at the bottom of the ditch.

Surface drainage systems advantages and working principle

Lines in the invisible part of the site can be reinforced with ordinary slate

The thickness of the bunches of brushwood should be no more than 30 cm. It is better to place the branches so that the larger ones lie in the center, and the smaller ones at the edges.

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