Toilets with direct outlet

Toilet bowl with oblique outlet

The pipe with this release is connected to the toilet at an angle of 30 ° - 45 °. Due to the fact that this type of sewer pipes is very common, finding a suitable toilet model is not difficult. With the help of a branch pipe, a model with a horizontal outlet can also be installed.

Pros and cons

Oblique release is a reliable option. In addition, as we have already decided - it is sufficiently universal. But, nevertheless, attaching a toilet with an oblique outlet to a pipe that goes straight into the wall is troublesome. It is easier to do the opposite (attach a toilet with a direct outlet to an oblique pipe).

In addition, there are no wall-hung toilet models for sale that are designed for oblique outlet. It should be remembered that when using low-quality corrugations and unprofessional connection, the service life of the device is reduced.

Toilet-compact with oblique outlet

Toilets with direct outlet


As already mentioned, finding a toilet with an oblique outlet is not at all difficult. Let's consider several options:

  • IFO Frisk 21030000. Compact porcelain WC with oblique outlet. Joint production of Sweden and Russia. Two drain modes, the absence of a splash and the presence of a micro-lift system are the advantages of this model. The price of such a toilet bowl with an oblique drain and a microlift is 6,000 rubles;
  • Supercompact is a porcelain toilet bowl from the Oskol Ceramics factory. There is only one drain button in it and a microlift is not provided, but the price is pleasantly pleasing - 3,400 rubles;
  • Santeri Orion. This is also a Russian-made model, so there is a shelf in its bowl, and there is only one drain button. You can buy a toilet bowl with an oblique outlet for 3,600 rubles.

Photo of toilet bowls with an oblique outlet

Toilets with direct outlet

IFO Frisk 21030000

Toilets with direct outlet

Super compact

Toilets with direct outlet

Santeri Orion


