Natural ventilation is the best choice for a country toilet
For a suburban area, especially if they are not used regularly, there is no need to install complex and expensive devices. It is enough to observe the necessary measures for the installation of important structural elements. A window in the toilet will not solve the problem. It is necessary to create an inflow of fresh air and an extract directly from the waste collection point. The ventilation for outdoor toilets collected in this way will radically change the processes taking place there. The natural thrust created is enough for the normal operation of the system.
It is advisable to equip the closet with forced exhaust devices when, for example, it is decided to divert the outlet duct to a certain distance from the toilet, or the pipeline section is in a horizontal position. Such route schemes do not differ in functionality in the natural regime of inflow and exhaust. Often an outdoor toilet duplicates the main bathroom located in the house. They do not use it so often, so the issue of cleaning and care is not so relevant, in comparison with the sewerage system, where the main flow of effluents goes. An outdoor toilet is very convenient in the summer, and with due attention during construction, it will not become a source of unpleasant odors, but a comfortable addition to a country holiday.
Types of ventilation systems and their principle of operation
The organization of air exchange depends on the chosen type of ventilation system, each of which has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. In this regard, ventilation in the toilet in the country can be natural or forced.
Natural air circulation is carried out as a result of natural processes. Such ventilation is characterized by:
- minimal financial costs;
- ease of installation;
- complete dependence on weather factors (wind, difference between internal and external pressure).
Type of toilet
Forced ventilation is a method of artificial ventilation, which includes the use of special electrical equipment (fans, air conditioners, etc.).
- fast reverse of air masses;
- does not depend on external factors;
- relatively high cost;
- the need for maintenance.
The intensity of ventilation is affected by the direction and strength of the wind.
Scheme of functioning of the air exchange system
Ventilation of the cesspool of a street toilet in the country with a photo
One of the main disadvantages of a cesspool is the release of gases. The decomposition of faeces is a process of acidic fermentation, as a result of which organic acids are formed and fetid gases, including hydrogen sulfide, are released.
It is almost impossible to make the cesspool completely airtight. Gases must be removed from the cesspool, otherwise they can penetrate through various cracks into nearby living quarters. The hygiene of the toilet is ensured by a mosquito net installed on the window of the toilet, and a ventilation pipe brought to the level of its roof or 70-80 cm above it.
Exhaust ventilation in the toilet in the country from asbestos-cement or plastic pipes with a diameter of 100 mm should be fixed to the rear wall of the toilet cubicle using metal brackets.
It is recommended to install a spigot in the ventilation hole before concreting. It should be noted that the hood is not always enough to ensure high-quality and efficient ventilation in an outdoor toilet in the country, sometimes odors cannot be completely eliminated even with the help of a special ventilation pipe.
A cesspool cannot be arranged if there is an intention to use feces as fertilizer, therefore, when building new buildings, it makes no sense to arrange such toilets.
To eliminate odors when installing ventilation in a country toilet with your own hands, it is necessary to increase the draft in the pipe. The easiest way to do this is to use the energy of the sun or wind to increase traction.
The back wall should be covered with a sheet of metal painted black. In this case, the sun will heat the duct, and hot air, which is much lighter than cold air, will rise up.
The photo of the ventilation in the toilet in the country house shows how the installation is done:
To use the force of the wind for the same purposes, it is necessary to place a deflector from a conical nozzle and a cap protecting the booth and cesspool from precipitation on the head of the pipe.
The nozzle can be made from a small galvanized bucket with a broken bottom. It must be fixed to the pipe with a clamp. The cap in the form of a cone should be tightly fixed to the nozzle using three metal "legs". The deflector, with which the wind will increase the upward flow of air in the ventilation pipe, can also be made of galvanized iron sheet.
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Forced ventilation
The organization of forced ventilation with mechanical stimulation will solve the problems of excessive humidity and lack of air exchange. But natural ventilation should be kept in working order. Both natural and forced systems must fulfill their tasks.
It is not difficult to check whether the ventilation shaft is clogged; for this, you need to bring a lit match to the grate. The flame will show if there is air draft. You can bring fire only to the grate, you should look into the channel, highlighting it with a lantern. Sometimes a clogged shaft can be cleaned without leaving the apartment, using some kind of device in the form of a rod with a hook. A very dirty and unsafe job, but rewarding - cleaning the ventilation shaft, as a rule, reanimates natural ventilation. It is very dangerous when there is garbage in the mine, because it is dried there, and fires spread instantly in vertical ventilation ducts to all floors. That is why it is impossible to highlight in the mine with matches or a candle. In multi-storey buildings, this work belongs to the tasks of the departments of operation and maintenance of the housing stock.
Simultaneously with the solution of the problems of the hood, the issue of air flow should be solved. Sealed doors and windows allow you to save heat in the house, and at the same time block the circulation. Occasional ventilation by opening windows will do nothing but cool the premises; air exchange for normal ventilation must occur continuously.
We have to resolve the issue according to the principle of the golden mean - equip windows with supply valves, install infiltration valves into the walls (KIVs) and install decorative grilles with ventilation holes at the bottom of the doors of bathrooms and toilets. These grilles are available in hardware stores in several types and sizes, and look quite aesthetically pleasing. The door leaf will have to be cut at the bottom to install such a grille. It is not a good idea to remove thresholds at the entrance to bathrooms and toilets, they are installed there so that in case of accidental flooding, water does not flood the entire dwelling and it is possible to eliminate the consequences with little damage.
When installing plastic windows today, the issue of adjustable infiltration valves is easily solved. But if fully sealed window units are already installed, then for some models of these units it is possible to embed inlet valves into the upper parts of the window frames.
In the case when it is impossible to “depressurize” the windows, they solve the problem with the help of KIVs, but for their installation it is required to drill a bearing wall.KIVs are placed next to windows, preferably behind a heating radiator, which provides a thermal curtain and warms up cold air from the street. The valve grilles of KIVs are quite aesthetic, even if they are not hidden behind window curtains.
After the restoration of natural ventilation, the question of the need to supplement it with forced ventilation is easily solved. If "foreign" smells from the bathrooms and bathrooms in the house are not felt and the humidity in these rooms is close to normal, everything is in order. Although it is not a fact that this situation will persist throughout the year. Natural air exchange is too dependent on the difference in air temperatures in the house and on the street. A radical, but quite practical measure would be to install a duct fan.
The main types of duct fans
- Axial. The air flow is formed during the axial rotation of the working element with blades, the air flow is directed along the axis of rotation. In terms of efficiency - no more than 70-75%, are considered noisy.
- Radial, or centrifugal. In terms of noise level - it is preferable than axial. The efficiency is excellent, about 80%. The extract is carried out by rotation of the wheel with blades, due to centrifugal force. The blades are bent back, this increases the speed of air movement.
- Mixed. In the literal sense - centrifugal-axial, the centrifugal force in these fans acts on the axis of the motors, the efficiency is also 80%.
For a duct fan, the advantages are noiselessness, a compact device and easy installation in an air duct or ventilation duct.
The duct fan should be selected according to the cross section of the duct in which it is to be installed - round, rectangular or square, and you also need to know the dimensions of the cross section of the ventilation duct or duct. The shapes of the duct fans correspond to the sections of the air ducts; a rectangular section is considered economical. To select a fan and determine the place of its installation, calculations are necessary and, preferably, a project.
The duct fan can be installed anywhere in the duct and at any angle. Household fans have standard diameters of 90; one hundred; 120; 150; 200; 250; 300 mm. It is possible to install duct fans in parallel if you need to increase performance. To increase the working pressure, duct fans are installed in series.
Fastening of duct fans to the wall and ceiling is carried out on special brackets, and connection to the air duct using adapters and branch pipes. All connections and joints are sealed. Installing anti-vibration pads or seals on all connection surfaces is a must to minimize noise and vibration effects from fans.
Additional equipment for regulation and control, mounted simultaneously with the installation of fans, will allow turning the fans on and off, as well as changing their rotation speed, when using thyristor motor speed controllers or autotransformer voltage regulation. Automatic control systems have air humidity sensors and regulate the operation of the equipment as needed. The fan control panel can be mounted in any convenient place.
How to properly install a ventilation system
It is possible to make effective ventilation of a country toilet with a cesspool with your own hands only with an integrated approach. Stable air circulation is required not only for the toilet cubicle, but also for the cesspool.
Installation of a natural ventilation system
The main element in the implementation of natural ventilation is most often a window provided in a door or wall. In order to prevent precipitation, it is recommended to place it at the highest possible level. It is not necessary to glaze the window, it is better to simply equip the opening with a mosquito net. It will also protect against mosquitoes, and will not interfere with the ventilation of the internal space.
You can increase the intensity of air exchange with the help of holes, which are best located in the lower part
It is important that the window is on the opposite side of the bottom holes. Air access to the cesspool is provided by a vertical pipe
The main condition for installation is the location of its lower part above the maximum filling level of the tank. The pipe must be at least 7 cm higher than the closet, and its circumference is greater than 10 cm
Air access to the cesspool is provided by a vertical pipe. The main condition for installation is the location of its lower part above the maximum filling level of the tank. The pipe must be at least 7 cm higher than the closet, and its circumference must be greater than 10 cm.
PVC pipe is ideal for this task. It is easy to install and allows you to quickly install a deflector on the outer end to prevent freezing of water.
The pipe is attached to the back of the building
Step-by-step instruction:
- Calculations are made to determine the required pipe length.
- With a shovel, they dig a passage to the cesspool.
- The pipe inserted into the dug hole is fixed to the wall of the building.
- The entry point is covered and rammed with sand.
Installation of a forced ventilation system
The fan extracts air from the toilet room here. If the cabin area is about 2 square meters, a power plant with a power of 30 watts is quite suitable. The fan attached at the top must be powered. To do this, you must first carry out work on the connection of the electrical cable.
Fan for forced air exchange
Due to the fact that the cesspool does not have sufficient air volume, it is not recommended to apply artificial ventilation to it. During the operation of the power plant, a rarefied atmosphere will be formed. And it can be restored only due to the air from the booth.
Having decided to do the ventilation of the country toilet with your own hands, it is very important to carry out all construction work in strict accordance with technologies and standards. In case of the slightest lack of self-confidence, it is strongly recommended to seek help from specialists.
Ventilation in the bathroom and toilet in apartment buildings
In multi-storey buildings, the ventilation system of bathrooms and toilets, as a rule, is solved according to a single-pipe system. All sanitary facilities are equipped with ventilation openings under the ceiling, covered with grilles. These openings lead to one ventilation shaft, which goes through all the floors and goes out to the roof. In order for this system to work, it is necessary that the following conditions are met: the supply air enters the bathroom and toilet rooms freely through windows, doors or air ducts, and secondly, that the ventilation shaft is free and clean.
It happens that during repairs, construction debris clogs ventilation shafts. The outlets of the ventilation ducts on the roof should be closed with bars, and yet there are incidents - the remains of birds and small animals are found in the ventilation ducts, especially in private houses. Another reason for poor draft is a violation of air circulation as a result of the backflow caused by the forced inflow created when installing fans in the bathrooms of adjacent apartments. The draft also depends on the season, in summer the air outside is heated more than indoors, and forms air plugs at the outlet of the ventilation ducts, blocking the air outlet. Therefore, in the heat, it is usually necessary to slightly open doors and windows in order to increase the speed of air movement.
Features of the ventilation system
Toilet ventilation in a modern private house practically does not differ from the ventilation of a bathroom in apartments. This is if it was designed during construction.
But in many houses not so long ago they began to make a bathroom.How it happens: The house was built several decades ago, when there was no sewerage in it, and the toilet, like many at that time, was, but only on the street. But under the influence of fashion, or simply wanted amenities, it was decided to equip one of the premises of the house as a toilet room. As a rule, this is one of the auxiliary premises in which ventilation was not initially provided. A sewer pipe was laid that leads to a cesspool, a toilet bowl was installed and water was supplied from a well using a portable pumping station. It seems to be all, but there was no ventilation, and no. As a result: the smell spreads throughout the house, the bathroom is damp and there is mold on the ceiling and walls. And convenience remained again in dreams.
There are situations when an auxiliary room is not chosen for the bathroom, but as a result of redevelopment of the house, a place is purposefully made for it. And it even has ventilation, but still, the smell, mold, in general, everything is according to the old scheme. And this happens because the room for the bathroom used to be part of the living space, and ventilation was done for it, as for a room. For a bathroom, air circulation is needed much more intensively, at least 25 cubic meters per hour. It's just that the ventilation system is no longer able to cope with the new requirements. In addition to the necessary air exchange, proper ventilation of the septic tank is also required.
We described this situation in some detail, since a huge number of residents of the private sector of cities and villages of our vast Motherland did just that. What can be advised in this situation? To study the mat.chast and engage in the arrangement of ventilation, in the toilet of a private house.
Sanitary ventilation
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- Published on Tuesday, 22 September 2015 20:44
- Hits: 16340
Inspection and certification of ventilation of sanitary facilities is usually carried out during reconstruction or the need to extend state certification and licensing of the complex of an administrative building with the issuance of a Ventilation Inspection Act or a passport of ventilation systems: ventilation inspection; certification of ventilation. The cost of examining the ventilation of toilets: 2,500 rubles for the Certificate of inspection of one ventilation system or the passport of the ventilation system, an engineer's visit to the site to measure air with an anemometer: 3,000 rubles. Attached is an anemometer verification certificate and a certificate of compliance with state measuring instruments. Upon arrival at the facility, our engineer will inspect the ventilation of the toilet and the equipment for automatic control of the ventilation system, draw a diagram of the air ducts and photograph the general plan for the location of diffusers and grilles in the ceiling, measure the air flows in the main air ducts and in the cabins with an anemometer, which will allow us to draw a conclusion about the effectiveness of ventilation systems and compliance with their standards SNiPam and SanPinam and what will be displayed in the Survey Report or in the passports of ventilation units ...
Tips for installing ventilation in the bathroom
Installation of forced ventilation in the bathroom and toilet of the apartment is most often carried out in the exhaust version. To do this, a small axial fan of the required power is placed in the existing ventilation duct and fixed there. Air ducts already exist, it is impossible to expand or completely replace them with new ones. If necessary, it remains only to install an exhaust fan in them.
Scheme of installation of forced ventilation with a common ventilation shaft
For the cottage, you can choose any type of ventilation in the bathroom. But even here, if the house has already been built, then in most cases a system with a conventional channel hood is installed. It is easier and cheaper than others to do it yourself. This is not water supply from a well, for the installation of which you need to invite installers with special equipment. Here you can do it yourself.
Fan wiring diagram
If the bathroom already has natural ventilation, then it is not difficult to supplement it with an electric fan to increase efficiency. It is only necessary to correctly calculate its power.
Electrical diagram of a bathroom with forced ventilation
If there are no ventilation ducts in the room, then you will have to punch them. However, first you need to correctly calculate their size and location. In such a situation, it is better to entrust the design of ventilation for the bathroom to a professional. Here it will be necessary to take into account the air exchange in the whole house, and not just in the bathroom. Without proper knowledge, it is unlikely that it will be possible to make calculations correctly and accurately.
Ventilation system mounting options
Ventilation should be built so that the air ducts have a minimum of bends inside. The fan installed inside must exactly fit the ventilation duct in size so that it does not create unnecessary noise and works with maximum efficiency.
Structural elements for ventilation installation
Also, do not place ventilation equipment near heating devices. The fan itself heats up during operation, additional heat from other devices is contraindicated for it.
Stoves and fireplaces for ventilation of small cottages
Natural ventilation oven
Modern execution of ancient building technologies: this is a one-story house made of timber, with a fireplace or stove and, of course, wooden window frames. Such a country house is well ventilated without special investments.
Wall material will not let the summer heat into the rooms. In winter, the stove will serve as a hood and a heater at the same time. But to assemble such a dacha ventilation system with your own hands, you will need the skills of a stove-maker.
A good option for ventilation in the country can be a fireplace. The air flow will go through the cracks in the frames or open windows (if the windows are made of plastic). Blowing - through the chimney.
At the same time, the problem of heating for a country house used all year round is also being solved.
Such a system is suitable for a building made of any materials, a small area and used mainly in the warm season.
Natural ventilation in the bathroom and toilet
Natural ventilation provides air exchange through windows, doors and ventilation ducts, passing through walls or created from a duct system. Moreover, the air flow must be constant, and preferably from above, so that the air exchange occurs correctly.
If you do not provide a constant inflow and outflow of air (according to the norms for bathrooms, bathtubs and showers, this value in the maintenance mode is regulated at least 40 m3 per person per hour, and at least 5m3 / hour constantly), then high humidity and heat will lead to constant formation of condensate, and in the long term to the appearance of mold and fungus.
There is no need to even talk about comfort and clean air indoors in such conditions. Even in the case when natural ventilation provides air exchange, experts advise installing an additional forced ventilation system to eliminate the possibility of unpleasant odors in other rooms.
What is an exhaust fan and what is it for?
This device looks like a small device that, by means of blades on a shaft, moves air through the pipes of the ventilation system. At the same time, it does not affect the natural exhaust into the bathroom, provided that a check valve is installed in the supply pipe.
The product for the hood will be in demand in places where dampness, smoke or a specific smell accumulate. Since unfavorable aspects lead to rotting and the formation of fungus or the appearance of dark spots on the walls and ceiling. And for the timely solution of these problems, it is required to restore the purity of the air to the state of sanitary standards.It is in these situations that the ventilating device can solve the problem.
Do-it-yourself supply ventilation of the cottage
Air flows during forced ventilation of the house
Do-it-yourself construction of forced ventilation of a summer house is a complex and rather expensive process. But some craftsmen, having thought about how the ventilation of the dacha is done, come to original solutions. The air supply is carried out with the help of an air intake. It is mounted from the north wall. The installation consists of a pair of duct fans and two pipes through which air enters the body of an old but sealed refrigerator. Here, 2 radiators from the car are connected, connected to the recuperator. 2 - 4 pipes are sent to each cottage room (depending on the installation capacity and the area of \u200b\u200bthe room) with ventilation grilles. Supply grilles are placed 0.2 - 0.3 m from the floor.
The outflow of air is carried out in a natural way. Increased pressure inside the rooms squeezes air into the corridors, kitchens and bathrooms. Ventilation pipes are equipped here.
Prudent owners use the exhausted warm air in cold weather to heat the greenhouse. Those who want to take advantage of their experience will have to run the ventilation pipe not up through the roof, but in the direction of the greenhouse. The air will be evacuated forcibly by the “snail” pump.
Country house floor ventilation
Floor ventilation scheme
To ensure good ventilation of the country house, you should also take care of air exchange in the underground. Ventilation of the floor in the country house protects it from decay and the whole house from distortions, prolonging the service life.
If the basement is not planned, the ventilation of the floor of the country cottage is provided by a system of vents (holes) in the basement. Most often, country houses are built with basements. The vents are left at different heights of the plinth, which improves the movement of air flows. The size of the vents is usually 10 x 15 cm. The number of holes is calculated depending on the terrain, the architecture of the building, the wind rose and the climate.
The ventilation of the floors of wooden dachas consists of wall gratings that are mounted above the air vents in the floor (also called ventilation sockets).
The grate must be placed at the junction between the boards.
In this way, it is possible to make a recess in a smaller board, so the strength of the floor does not suffer.
Before installing sockets, you should definitely calculate the air flow pattern, which depends on the arrangement, type and power of heating devices.
Do not lay carpets, cabinets or sofas on top of the grilles for ventilation of the country floor.
To improve the movement of air in the subfield of a country house, ventilation plinths will also help.
Holes are drilled in the baseboards through which air circulates freely from the room to the basement. This is a simple and affordable method of building ventilation in a country house with your own hands. The holes in the baseboards should be up to 1.5 cm in diameter. They are installed along opposite walls. Sometimes a ventilation plinth is required on only one side of the room, and a ventilation pipe is used to ensure sufficient air movement. Its exit is located 1.5 meters above the roof.
Try to make such ventilation of a country house with your own hands, just ask a specialist to make the necessary calculations.