Causes of smell in a separate apartment
An unpleasant smell can come from plumbing located in a particular apartment. This means that the search for the causes of its occurrence is narrowed to the boundaries of a separate housing and, if possible, should be carried out by the people living in it.
There are several reasons for the release of the sewer smell (and it is important to determine as quickly as possible in which apartment it appeared). The cause may be a leak in the sewer pipes.
Its appearance is initially very difficult to notice even for a professional, since the practice of mounting pipelines into a wall or into the floor (their so-called covert placement) is common. The search is especially complicated if they are located in the ceilings between floors. Leaks can be detected using plumbing fixtures, and the problem can be eliminated by replacing a damaged pipe or sealing the damaged area (if it is small, then smearing with a quality cement solution is enough)
The cause may be a leak in the sewer pipes. Its appearance is initially very difficult to notice even for a professional, since the practice of mounting pipelines into a wall or into the floor (their so-called covert placement) is common. The search is especially complicated if they are located in the ceilings between floors. Leaks can be detected using plumbing fixtures, and the problem can be eliminated by replacing the damaged pipe or sealing the damaged area (if it is small, then smearing with a quality cement solution is enough).
If it becomes necessary to replace the pipe, then during this process it is recommended to fulfill a number of requirements:
- use only high quality connecting elements;
- minimize the number of joints that become sources of effluent flow;
- place pipe connections in places accessible for the implementation of the necessary repair work;
- make high-quality waterproofing of wall and floor surfaces in rooms associated with the active use of water (in the bathroom, in the toilet and in the kitchen).
The reason may be the looseness of the connections in the sewer pipe system. If the survey has installed it, then in order to eliminate the smell from the sewer in the apartment, it is necessary to immediately seal the holes between the elements.
Often the cause of an unpleasant sewer smell is a poor-quality or broken connection in the bathroom or in the kitchen of plumbing equipment (for example, to a sink or sink). In this situation, a more solid reconnection or sealing will be the way out.
Sometimes it is possible for the water to dry out in the knees of the siphons. This means the absence of a water plug in them ( water seal), which, being in proper condition, successfully prevents the sewer odor from entering the premises of the apartment. In this case, it is necessary to check the siphon for serviceability.
Often there is a violation of the sewer ventilation (which is accompanied not only by unpleasant sewer odors, but also by the "aroma" of urine coming from the toilet). This leads to damage to the water seals. The water plug they represent can be (due to the complete overlap of the pipe section with drains) pierced by air or pulled out of the siphon by it.
The reasons for this situation may be:
- the use of pipes for the sewerage device of a diameter reduced in comparison with the required building rules;
- laying pipes without maintaining the slopes necessary in such cases (2 cm per 1 m of pipe);
- complete filling of the gap with sewage or ice if the pipe is laid in a cold room (in the attic).
Depending on the specific reason, either changing the diameter of the pipe, or its high-quality cleaning, or (in the case of icing) rinsing with hot water will help get rid of the blockage.
With the increasing use of shower stalls, a common cause of bad odors is the installation of a corrugated pipe that does not form the elbow necessary to form a protective water plug. In the event of such a situation, the water seal must be created independently by bending the pipe. We must not forget about its systematic cleaning.
Causes of an unpleasant smell from the sewer
The sewer system of any housing is designed to remove various sewage: human waste products, dirty water after washing, washing dishes, wet cleaning. The remains of spoiled food are sometimes drained into the toilet.
The process of decomposition of waste occurs with the help of putrefactive bacteria, a significant amount of hydrogen sulfide is released. This foul-smelling gas comes from sewer pipes.
You should not postpone the elimination of this problem for a long time - upholstered furniture, carpets, curtains or other home textiles quickly absorb all kinds of odors, accumulate them, and then it is difficult to get rid of a barely noticeable, but persistent stink. Hydrogen sulfide, methane, mold bends released into the air can cause allergic reactions in households, attacks of bronchial asthma, and in high concentrations - poisoning.
To effectively eliminate the specific smell from the sewer in the apartment, you need to find its source. The main reasons for the appearance of stench:
- clogged pipes and siphons;
- lack of a water seal;
- problems of the ventilation system;
- the presence of hidden leaks;
- improper installation of plumbing structures.
Methods for improving the smell in the apartment
You have eliminated all the pipeline problems, increased the ventilation of the premises, and the heavy, musty smell is still noticeable. At the last stage of the struggle, add products that have a pronounced pleasant aroma. Aromatherapy will help improve the atmosphere of the apartment, fill it with comfortable tranquility, or, conversely, add vivacity and a sense of celebration.
Store flavors
On the shelves of retail chains you can find a lot of products for flavoring the air in the apartment. These can be sprays, diffusers (transparent bottles with aromatic liquid and bamboo sticks inserted into it), scented candles, aroma lamps with essential oils, automatic sprayers. Their purpose is to make indoor air pleasant for our sense of smell. All of them mask bad sewer fumes, but do not affect the source of their occurrence. Separately, there are neutralizers and absorbers of unpleasant odors. They are small devices filled with some kind of absorbent component. Air enters the converter through numerous holes, where it is cleaned of harmful impurities.
Strong-smelling improvised products
Folk remedies will help to make the home atmosphere more comfortable. Rooms with high humidity can be refreshed by placing small containers filled with coarse sea salt mixed with a few drops of any essential oil. Salt will remove excess moisture, and essential oil will fill the room with a light aroma. Coffee beans, citrus peel, dry herbs have a rich smell. They are poured into bowls or packed in sachets made from natural fabrics.
Placed in different parts of the dwelling, such ecological fragrances will give the apartment a subtle, subtle smell.
Thorough cleaning and regular airing of the premises will help improve the air in your home. Modern cleaning products successfully remove any dirt from plumbing. Apply the cleansing gel to the faience surface of the toilet bowl - it will instantly dissolve the limescale. The antibacterial components of detergents inhibit the reproduction of microorganisms and prevent the appearance of unpleasant smell from the bathroom. Do not forget about the prevention of blockages: close the drain holes of the kitchen sink or shower cabin with special nets - this way you will protect the siphons from small debris. At the first sign of blockage, try to clean the siphons with any organic-dissolving agent. They are produced in the form of a solution, thick gel, dry granules. Otherwise, the unpleasant smell of sewage will fill the house.
Get rid of excess dampness: after washing, leave the door of the automatic machine ajar, do not dry clothes in the apartment, equip the bathroom with additional ventilation. If you have pets, keep the litter box clean. Change the filler more often, disinfect the tray and the floor around it. Special aerosols will help neutralize the smell of urine.
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Why there is an unpleasant smell from sewer networks
It can smell like sewage in an apartment for several reasons; you can fix some malfunctions of engineering networks yourself.
Problems with the general sewer system of the house
The following reasons can contribute to the appearance of an unpleasant odor:
- Incorrect installation of sewer pipes. If the norms are ignored, the system cannot work normally. When laying pipes with an incorrect slope, sewage stagnates, which contributes to the penetration of malodorous gases into apartments. Such a problem can also arise when replacing an old pipeline with a new one.
- Malfunctions in the basement sewer system. If the pipe is damaged, sewage flows out, emitting a pungent odor. In this case, the sewer smells on the lower floors of the building.
- Blockage of the general system. Occurs when large debris is thrown into plumbing fixtures that are not intended for this. In this case, not only stink appears, but pathogenic microorganisms spread.
Problems of the sewerage networks in the apartment
If the sewer stinks in the bathroom and toilet rooms, the reasons lie in the malfunctions of the internal drainage system.
Blockage in the drainage pipe.
These include:
- Pipeline damage. Metal elements corrode, causing leakage. Even a small opening lets in fetid gases. Damaged areas can be embedded in walls or floors, and it will not be easy to identify them. Less often, cracks and chips occur on plastic pipes.
- Incorrect operation of the water seal. Check all drains located under bathtubs and kitchen sinks. They look like curved pipes, in which there is a certain amount of water. When the siphon overflows with drains, the water seal is drained into the sewer. A dry appliance cannot prevent the penetration of gases into the room.
- Increasing pressure in the system. If this figure exceeds the normal value, gases begin to flow into the apartment. Such a situation can arise with a single discharge of a large volume of water, due to which the hydraulic seals lose their water barrier.
- Blockage of a sewer pipe. Contributes to improper operation of drain devices and the release of gases into the room.
- Clogged drains. Household waste that stagnates in the flask begins to decompose, emitting an unpleasant odor. Water drains slowly, which prevents it from flushing the system.
- Installation of pipes of the wrong diameter.If the neighbors on the top floor make repairs and use smaller elements, in winter there are problems with the ventilation of the fan pipe. The siphon water seal may disappear when the toilet is flushed.
- Clogged drain hoses of washing machines and dishwashers. Contaminated places become sources of fungus and mold. Clogged hoses are facilitated by particles of food and tissues, hair. They begin to decompose, emitting an unpleasant odor.
The constant penetration of sewer smell is fraught not only with discomfort, but also with the appearance of chronic diseases in residents.
Why are sewer gases dangerous?
The consequences of the spread of fetid gases in the apartment are:
- Damage to property. The sewer smell interferes with residents, it is absorbed into furniture, decorative wall decoration, clothes, food products. It is difficult to eliminate it, air fresheners with a pronounced aroma only temporarily solve the problem.
- Resident poisoning. When food waste breaks down, poisonous methane gas is formed, which negatively affects human well-being. When large volumes of material are released, an explosion may occur. Hydrogen sulfide contained in sewage is no less dangerous.
- The development of chronic diseases in residents. The fungus and bacteria that spread when the sewer is clogged cause allergic reactions, dermatological pathologies and asthma.
The problem with the operation of the water seal
When the cross section of the sewer pipe is completely filled with drains, the water plug is removed. The lack of a water seal or its poor functioning can be called the most common cause of an unpleasant smell in the bathroom. A water seal is a water plug in a siphon under plumbing fixtures. It serves as a kind of barrier to sewer gases. In the absence of this barrier, gases freely enter the bathroom and the whole house or apartment smells like sewage from the toilet.
Let's further understand how to eliminate the smell of sewage in the apartment, if the cause has not yet been found. Each toilet has the main plumbing equipment - a toilet bowl, under which there is also a siphon. In this case, the siphon is a curved pipe, in the bend of which liquid can accumulate. Such a water seal serves as a fairly effective barrier to unpleasant odors from the sewer system.
The slightest deviations in the operation of the siphon cause the constant presence of the smell of sewage in the toilet. If the siphon ceased to perform a barrier function, then this happened for one of the following reasons.
Sources of stench common variants
Modern homes are equipped with an elaborate sewer system designed to remove residual waste products. Its functioning is accompanied by specific odors, since the sewage flowing through the pipes emits hydrogen sulfide and other unpleasantly smelling substances.
With proper operation of the sewerage system, the “aroma” in the premises (including the bathroom, kitchen, toilet) is almost imperceptible. Its appearance indicates a malfunction in the functioning of technical communications or plumbing fixtures.
When a sewer smell occurs, it is important to identify its source. If this cannot be done on your own, it is important to contact a specialist immediately. The most common causes of stench can be:
The most common causes of stench can be:
- Mistakes made during the installation of the sewer system. The appearance of odors in the room may be due to improper installation of pipes or loose connections.
- Breakthrough of a sewer pipe in the central or apartment wiring. A leak can be both obvious and almost imperceptible: for the leakage of gases and moisture, it is often enough to have a microcrack or a joint that has not been treated with a sealant.
- Inadequate assembly quality of the siphon or its malfunction. This component of plumbing construction plays an important role in preventing the entry of malodorous gases.
- Clogged pipes or drains. Household waste, hair, food waste accumulating in siphons or pipes begin to rot, releasing a specific “aroma”.
- Violation of the water seal, as a result of which the “water plug” is destroyed, which prevents the appearance of sewer odors.
- Defects in the functioning of ventilation, which are equipped with apartment and private houses. The system is designed to remove stench from the sewer; if she does a bad job, the stench penetrates the apartments.
- Incorrect connection or violation of the rules for operating the washing machine. In some cases, a useful unit becomes a source of a specific odor.
In addition to those listed, there are many other reasons that cause "aromas" in the room. Some of them are easily eliminated, others require the help of specialists, and often voluminous expensive work.
Below, we will take a detailed look at the various sources of stench and explain what measures to take in specific cases.
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Smell - the cause of violations in the sewerage system
Lack of ventilation and clogged pipes
Clogged siphon and leaking water seal
Major damage to pipes and equipment
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How to avoid sewer smell
The composition of the gases leaving the sewer system when it fails can have an unpleasant effect not only on life, but also on health. To ensure the competent installation of the sewer system is the task of housing and communal services. However, some measures to improve the quality of water and the water supply system in the house, residents can take themselves.
Pipes should be cleaned regularly to avoid foul odors.
How to protect yourself from possible problems with the sewerage system in the apartment:
- Use only high-quality pipes, including those with knees for the formation of a water seal.
- Periodically take an active part in preventive maintenance of the residential complex or initiate cleaning of the pipeline.
- Follow the rules and measures for waterproofing walls and floors.
- When self-repairing, do not resort to complex installation of pipes, which will subsequently lead to difficult access to their cleaning.
- Make pipeline joints as tight as possible and, if necessary, strengthen them with building materials.
If you find a fetid smell in the bathroom, toilet or kitchen, and then in any other room and the whole apartment, you must first find the cause of such a problem.
To reduce the likelihood of blockages in the sewer, it is advisable to install a special mesh on the drains of plumbing fixtures. It will become an additional filter on the sewer path.
Other cases involve contacting the competent service authorities for centralized troubleshooting. Self-intervention can lead to a worsening of the situation. Monitor your sewer, carry out preventive maintenance and follow the rules for the operation of plumbing.
Smell coming from the washing machine drum
It indicates that in the cuff of the hatch intended for loading laundry, or in the container for falling asleep washing powder and other detergents, colonies of extremely unhealthy varieties of fungus and mold have “settled”. The most common reasons for the appearance of these uninvited "guests" are as follows:
- Frequent use by the owners of washing modes with low water temperatures. To get rid of pests in this case, it is necessary to fill the machine with a special odor-eliminating agent and carry out a washing course with the highest water heating.
- Clogging the drain pump with cloth, hair and other materials that very quickly begin to rot and exude an unpleasant odor. Cancels the problem of its quality cleaning.
- Blockage in the drain hose. If such a trouble occurs, the hose must be cleaned.
A general recommendation to prevent the appearance of fungus and mold in the washing machine is to air it (and at the same time the entire bathroom) after each washing process.
There are a lot of reasons for the appearance of unpleasant sewer "aromas" in the apartment. Before you fix the problem, you need to accurately determine its source. Only by determining it, it is possible to remove sewage odors for a long time with the highest quality (on your own or by means of an organization servicing the house).
Leakage and blockage
Several factors contribute to the spread of the smell of sewerage on the access floors and premises of apartments.
If it is persistently felt in the entrance and apartments on the first floors, this is a sign that it is time to go down to the basement of the house and carefully examine the sewer wiring that was carried out through it. Most often, in the process of this, damage is found in the pipes. Their appearance entails the outflow of effluents. Since the central sewerage service serving an apartment building is most often run by a management company, it makes sense for residents to apply there with a statement to eliminate the leak.
You should not hesitate with this, because due to an accident, dampness forms in the basement, and moisture quickly washes away the wall structures of the house, which leads to their destruction. The service organization decides whether to replace the pipe or (more rarely) to make the damaged area watertight by using welding and other necessary equipment. After the complete completion of emergency work, the premises of the house basement must be well ventilated.
The smell from sewer drains can occur if residents use the central sewer improperly, as a result of which it becomes clogged. The actions of people living in the house in this situation are similar: an immediate call for help from representatives of the organization serving the sewer networks of the house. Problems are solved by breaking through the created garbage "congestion" with specialized equipment or (if this method cannot be used) by replacing the problematic section of the pipe.
How to get sewer smell off your hands
After repairing breakdowns in the sewer network or plumbing, you may encounter another problem: the smell remains on your hands and haunts. Even working in rubber gloves does not guarantee the absence of such a nuisance. And it seems you wash your hands with fragrant soap, but there is no sense. Try one of the following methods.
- Alcohol is a disinfectant, it will help to quickly wipe the sewer smell from your hands. If it is not available, wipe the skin with vodka, cologne or other alcohol-containing liquid.
- Rub a few sprigs of parsley in your hands. Its essential oils have a strong aroma and persistence.
- Food acids also perfectly interrupt odors. Wipe your hands with a slice of fresh lemon or a cotton swab dipped liberally in table or any other vinegar.
After any of these methods, wash your hands under running water and lubricate with a mild cream (it's just great if it has a citrus smell - this way the effect will be achieved faster).
Even rubber gloves don't always save your hands from sewer smells.
Improper installation of communications
If the tenants who have moved into a new house do not feel a very pleasant “aroma” in the rooms, perhaps the builders or independent home craftsmen made mistakes when arranging the sewer system.
Due to violations associated with laying pipes - especially non-compliance with the angle of inclination, which is prescribed in the regulations, sewage in pipes can stagnate, causing a specific smell.
When laying the sewer system, it is important to comply with engineering requirements: all work must be carried out in strict accordance with current regulations
The cardinal way to get rid of the stench will be the complete replacement of communications with the laying of a new system in strict accordance with the technical specifications.
In some cases (when using metal-plastic pipes), the situation can be saved by adjusting the tightened pipe connections, replacing gaskets, installing specially selected sealing cuffs.
In order to prevent clogging, it is periodically required to flush the sewer system, the rules for which will be introduced by the article we have proposed.
The smell of sewerage in a private house
Private houses are usually equipped with a local sewer system, which is characterized by extreme sensitivity. The slightest change in operating conditions can cause the appearance and rapid spread of stench.
In addition to the above reasons (blockages in pipes, leaks, disruption of the siphon and water seal), residents of cottages and country houses often encounter a specific source of stench. Namely, the operation of a wastewater treatment facility (septic tank), where wastewater settles with their subsequent post-treatment by microorganisms.
When bacteria die, waste processing stops, and residents are faced with the problem of how to urgently eliminate the monstrous smell from the sewer that has captured the entire house.
The death of microorganisms, which are important in wastewater treatment, can provoke the appearance of an unpleasant odor in a private house
The extinction of microorganisms can be triggered by the following factors:
- Using aggressive household chemicals with the presence of chlorine or other similar components.
- Shallow laying of pipes and a septic tank zone into the soil. To prevent icing of water in the sewer system, they must be below the freezing level of the soil.
- Prolonged absence of drains, which may be caused by the long absence of the owners. In this case, the bacteria are left without a nutrient medium, as a result of which their colonies die.
To eliminate these reasons, you should know the rules for using a septic tank well and strictly follow them.
Errors in the installation of sewer pipes
An improperly assembled sewerage system causes an unpleasant odor even in a new apartment or house almost after the first days of using the toilet or bathroom. The question involuntarily arises why the toilet stinks in this case.
Sewer pipes are recommended to be laid in accordance with certain norms and rules in order to avoid unpleasant moments and unforeseen breakdowns. Violation of these norms can cause low efficiency in the sewerage system.
The main reason why the room smells like sewage from the toilet is the wrong angle of inclination of the sewer pipes. The solution to the problem in this situation and the elimination of a persistent fetid odor lies in the complete dismantling of the sewer system in the house and the installation of pipes in compliance with the optimal angle of inclination.
Also, the smell of sewer gases may appear due to poor tightness at the junction of pipes and fittings. This is especially true when using plastic elements in the construction of sewers. You can eliminate such a reason why the toilet stinks of sewerage yourself by installing new sealing cuffs, or by replacing the gaskets.
How to fix a broken water seal
Particular attention is required to such a problem as pushing back and breaking the water seal in the pipe. This is one of the most common problems in modern apartments, since the causes of such a problem lie either in atmospheric pressure or in filling the water seal tank with sewage.
Reasons for the failure of the water seal in the sewer:
- Changing the dimensions of pipes established by technical regulations. This is often sinned during repairs, adjusting important sewer objects to interior design, for example.
- Blockages in the sewerage system also contribute to an increase in pressure inside the pipes and, as a result, the displacement of the hydraulic seal with filling the sewage system with sewage.
- In especially old houses, the shutter breaks due to icing of the sewer in the basement or in the attic of the house.
Most often, when repairing water seals with their own hands, they resort to chemical agents that allow them to clean the pipes with high quality. Depending on what stinks - the drain hole of the bathroom or the sink in the kitchen, you will need the appropriate tool.
If the cause was indeed icing of the pipes, you need to resort to a centralized cleaning of the sewer from ice. This is done quite simply - hot water is poured into the water supply system in the place where ice accumulation is found. A separate case is a pipe in an apartment, which simply does not have a knee where a water plug would form in the form of a water seal. In this case, you can bend the pipe yourself, but it is better to replace it with a more suitable one.
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Drying of the water seal
A long break in the operation of any plumbing equipment leads to the drying of the water plug. In this case, there is no obstacle in the way of unpleasant odors from the sewer. It is easy and simple to eliminate the causes of sewage smell in the toilet, it is enough to ensure the flow of water into the toilet bowl or other device until the water seal is completely filled.
In addition, you can reduce the rate of evaporation of water during a long absence in a residential building. It is enough to pour a small amount of vegetable oil into the drain hole, which forms a film on the surface of the water. As a result, the water plug will dry much longer.
Causes of bad odors
A bathroom is a necessary sanitary and hygienic room in any apartment or house. To prevent the appearance of foreign odors, special care and hygiene in the toilet is required. If an unpleasant smell from the sewer system still spreads in the rooms, it is necessary to find out what causes the sewer smell in the toilet.
Most often this is due to the following violations:
- Too low pressure in the sewer system.
- Improper installation and connection of plumbing equipment.
- Low efficiency of the ventilation system.
Sewer gases carry pathogens and harmful substances, including hydrogen sulfide, sulfur oxide, ammonia and more. Inhalation by a person of such a composition causes irreparable harm to the body, therefore, it is necessary to take urgent measures to identify the causes of the appearance and look for ways to eliminate them.
In most cases, residents who have no idea about the features of the sewerage system try to solve the problem of how to get rid of the smell of sewerage in the toilet with the help of modern air fresheners. However, flavored aerosols can only kill the unpleasant odor, and not eliminate it completely. In order to independently decide why an unpleasant odor appears, you need to know the sewerage scheme in the toilet, have the slightest idea about the composition and principle of operation of such communication and the plumbing equipment used.