Sewer blockage in an apartment building, who is to blame

Whose property is the sewer riser

Legislative documents

Sewer blockage in an apartment building, who is to blame

If pipes flow outside the apartment, they must be repaired by public utilities, without charging an additional fee.

  1. The term "common property" is contained in Art. No. 36 of the Housing Code of Russia. In addition - in the "Rules for the maintenance of common house property", which were introduced by the government of the Russian Federation by its Decree No.

Paragraph 5 of this document indicates that the risers of cold and hot water supply are part of the common property of the owners of apartments in a residential building.

  1. As for sewerage, its property is determined by paragraph No. 5 of Decree of the Government of Russia No. 354. Below is a quote from that document.

“Under the common property of the owners of apartments in a residential building is meant the engineering infrastructure for the building's wastewater disposal. It includes sewer outlets, fittings, plugs, risers, fan and exhaust pipes, riser branches to butt joints in apartments.

Note! Since sewer risers are common property, they should be maintained and repaired by the company that maintains your home. Funds for this are taken from the monthly utility bills of the apartment owners.

  1. In other words, the instruction clearly says that you do not have to pay anything extra to your utilities if a sewer pipe that is located outside your apartment flows.

What to do in case of an accident

  1. If the apartment is flooded, write a request to the management company. When it's an emergency, call the emergency services.

Sewer blockage in an apartment building, who is to blame

Sample act of leakage.

  1. Employees of these bodies, in the presence of witnesses and interested parties, will draw up a “Leakage Act”.
  2. The document will record which apartments were flooded, indicate the cause of the problem, describe the affected property, etc.
  3. This act is extremely important, because it names the culprit of the situation.

For example, if it is proved that the dwellings were flooded due to a rotten riser, then the communal services will be blamed. Then the question: “the sewer riser is flowing - who should repair it” should not arise.

When experts establish that the owner of the apartment has changed equipment without taking permission for this, or caused mechanical damage to the system, he will be to blame.

Sewer blockage in an apartment building

Even with remote clogging, all the work can be done by hand. Folk methods of dealing with sewer clogging - method 3 Of the many non-traditional ways to deal with blockages, there are several of the most effective:

  • using a conventional pump;
  • with a hose;
  • creating pressure in the sewer.

Using a conventional pump, air is forced into the pipeline.

According to the principle of operation, it is almost a complete analogue of working with a plunger, with the difference that the possible pressure is limited by the power of the pump and the strength of the pipeline. The device, which, according to the principle of operation, resembles a pump, creates a pressure drop in the pipe. You don’t need to be too zealous; after creating excess pressure, if the plug does not collapse immediately, you need to sharply open the pipe so that the pressure equalizes.

Then repeat the process, thanks to such rocking, sooner or later the pipe will be cleaned.

Where to go if you smell like sewer in the stairwell

How to get rid of the sewer smell in the apartment? It often happens that the smell of sewerage in an apartment is not removed by any aromas, and in order to know how to get rid of it, you need to find out the cause, and then it will not be difficult to eliminate it. Possible reasons Consider some options why the apartment may have a bad smell from the sewer: 1.If you live on the ground floor and the sewer smells throughout the apartment, not only in the bathroom, but also if you go into the entrance and immediately smell the nose, then definitely the sewer is flooding in the basement. If you have a cast-iron riser and the wiring of sewer pipes is also made of cast iron, then a crack or fistula may have appeared somewhere in the pipe. It often happens when the pipes in the bathroom are filled with cement and it is not visible that they have rotted, maybe a gap has appeared somewhere on the connections of the toilet bowl outlet into the cast-iron pipe, a gap has also formed on the connection of the washbasin or washstand, and from there the smell comes, in principle, then the same goes for plastic pipes. If the smell is present in both the bathroom and the kitchen, and the sewer connections are sealed, look carefully at the siphons to see if there is water in them. It happens that after a long absence, the water evaporates, and then a sewer smell appears in the apartment. And it also happens that a vacuum is created, and when the toilet is flushed, it draws water from the siphons, and the same effect is obtained.

Is it possible to solve the problem on my own? Oddly enough, unpleasant odors can occur both in old basements and in the basements of fairly new houses and new buildings. Not only the inhabitants of the first floors suffer from this, but the entire entrance, because the smell gradually rises up the landing. The appearance of an unpleasant smell in the apartment may be due to: Flooding of the basement with groundwater. A breakthrough or violation of the integrity of the sewer pipe, as a result of which the drains of the house began to accumulate in the basement. Water leakage as a result of damage to water pipes with the further formation of mold and fungi.

Let's figure out how to get rid of the sewer smell in the apartment. The smell of sewage is not only unpleasant, but also harmful to health. Therefore, if.

Download sample complaint Causes of stink from the basement Unpleasant odors occur in the basements of both old and new apartment buildings. If an unpleasant smell has appeared in the apartment, but it is not in neighboring apartments, you need to call a plumber and check the integrity of the pipes in the room. Sometimes cracks in old pipelines, cast iron, are simply walled up with cement. Leaks can be emergency, but in buildings that have been in operation for more than a dozen years, pipes can have small gaps and stink for a long time. A terrible smell penetrates up the ventilation pipes, it is felt on the landing, in the dwellings. The air in the basement is warm, so it rises easily. The main reasons are: A break in the integrity of the pipes of the sewer system, as a result of which all drains accumulate on the basement floor. This often happens after heavy rain or sudden snow melt.

The constant smell of vinegar in your entryway indicates the following factors: Lack of tightness of the sewer. This state repeats periodically. Workers clean only the plumbing, forgetting about the complete cleaning of the floors and disinfection; Keeping prohibited items is a common cause of a dangerous smell in the stairwell. In such cases, it is easy to attract violators; The lack of bars on the windows of the basement leads to the appearance of uninvited inhabitants. Most often these are cats and rats. Animal feces gradually accumulate, exuding a stench. What actions are reasonable? If the smell of sewage is not strong, then the duration of the analysis is not so deplorable. Complications arise with absolute stink, when the patience of the tenants is already running out.

Repair and replacement of sewer risers in an apartment building

Instead of obsolete cast iron, it is now customary to install plastic pipes, they are light, inexpensive and have an aesthetic appearance.There is also a drawback: thin plastic walls do not isolate sound well, so the draining of drains by neighbors from above will be heard throughout the house if you keep the bathroom door open. Noise can be reduced by purchasing and installing thick-walled PVC pipes, but they will cost more.

Replacing risers is a rather laborious operation, and it is better to perform it when there are no other options left: the fistula is large and sewage flows constantly, emitting a terrible smell in the house. If the horizontal branch leading to the bathroom and kitchen sink is damaged, it is not necessary to change the riser.

Smell of sewer throughout the hallway. UC is inactive. What to do

1. Apply in writing to the Criminal Code.

In your application, describe the reason for the appeal (there is a sewer smell in the entrance). Next, write the legal rationale

By virtue of paragraph 2 and subparagraph "a" of paragraph 16 of the Rules and norms for the technical operation of the housing stock N 491, approved by the Decree of the Gosstroy of the Russian Federation of September 27, 2003 N 170 "On approval of the Rules and norms for the technical operation of the housing stock" (hereinafter referred to as the Rules), the proper maintenance of common property , including common areas, roofs, inter-apartment stairwells, stairs, load-bearing walls, floor slabs, basements, is provided by the owners of the premises by concluding an agreement on the management of an apartment building with a managing organization - in accordance with Part 5 of Article 161 and Article 162 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation.

According to paragraph 10 of Rules N 491, in an apartment building, the common property of an apartment building must be maintained in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation, including the legislation on technical regulation, which are enshrined in the Rules and norms for the technical operation of the housing stock.

These Rules list what exactly should be included in the maintenance and maintenance of the house, regardless of the desire of the owners of its individual premises and their inclusion of the relevant works and services in the contract with the managing organization.

Paragraph 1.8 of the said Rules N 170 establishes that the technical operation of the housing stock includes the maintenance and repair of building structures and engineering systems of buildings, their inspections, preparation for seasonal operation, current and major repairs.

In accordance with subparagraph "c" of paragraph 5.8.3 of Regulation N 170, housing maintenance organizations must ensure the elimination of leaks, leaks, blockages, blockages, defects due to sedimentary deformations of parts of the building or in case of poor-quality installation of sanitary systems and their shutoff and control valves , breakdowns of hydraulic seals, hydraulic shocks (when air penetrates into pipelines), burrs at the joints of pipes, defects in hydraulic seals of sanitary appliances and leaks in the joints of connections in sewer systems, freezing of the heads of sewer hoods, etc. within the stipulated time.

According to paragraph 9.2. SanPiN, 9.2. When operating residential premises, it is required to take timely measures to eliminate malfunctions of engineering and other equipment located in the residential premises (water supply, sewerage, ventilation, heating, waste disposal, elevator facilities, and others) that violate the sanitary and hygienic conditions of residence;

Based on the foregoing, I ask you to IMMEDIATELY eliminate the sewer leak.

Make an application in 2 copies: let them put a mark on acceptance on one. the second one will remain with them.

2. Contact the administration (housing and communal services department) with a complaint about the inaction of the Criminal Code.

attach a copy of the application to the Criminal Code with a mark of acceptance.

3. Contact the department of Rospotrebnodzor. Let them draw up an act stating that you have a sewer leak in your stairwell.

Clogged sewer down the street where to complain

Of course, in case of systematic or long-term non-removable violations in the operation of residential buildings, it is necessary to contact the supervisory authorities to take administrative measures against the management company. But, most often, in order for the apartment to become warm or the basement to be cleaned and dried, it is enough to contact your managing or contracting organization. The name of the management company and contact numbers are always indicated in the receipt or invoice for services.

Another problem that citizens often come up with is complaints about the wrong, from their point of view, actions of their housemates (keeping animals in the apartment, pollution and littering of their own living quarters, noise, etc.). It should be noted that such issues are not regulated by the current sanitary rules. Rospotrebnadzor considers citizens' appeals for violations of the law in the field of sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population and legislation in the field of consumer protection. Hygienic requirements for the maintenance of residential buildings are set out in SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for living conditions in residential buildings and premises." These sanitary rules regulate the maintenance of the local area of ​​an apartment building, the placement of public facilities in residential buildings, the requirements for heating, ventilation, microclimate and indoor air, natural and artificial lighting, noise levels, vibration, electromagnetic fields, the current maintenance of residential buildings, waste disposal and other issues.

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Do you have an answer to this question? You can leave it by clicking on the button Reply Any work related to the engineering systems of an apartment building should be carried out by professionals. If the responsible persons are in no hurry to carry out work to eliminate the stench, and it is no longer possible to endure inconvenience, the safest option is to invite the masters of a private company in the corresponding line of business. Her services will be paid, but it will still be possible to quickly eliminate the fort of living in the house with a disk.

Where to go for help? By law, the management company or other organization serving the house is responsible for the condition of the basement. These structures should be contacted when an odor is found in the basement. Employees are required to respond quickly to the appeal, eliminate the cause of the breakthrough, clean the premises, and do not forget to replace leaking pipes.

Also, at the end of the work, disinfection is carried out after the breakthrough.

The first step is to contact the company responsible for the house.

Clogged sewer causes, emergency measures, maintenance

The work is carried out in several stages. First, all drain holes in the apartment are closed. Then a plunger is inserted into the toilet drain, suction cup down. The next step is to fill the toilet with water (up to 5 liters)

Then you need to push the plunger up and down, performing rotational movements with the handle. ATTENTION! Before cleaning procedures, it is recommended to pour up to 5 liters of hot water into the toilet bowl, it will soften the paper, food waste that clogs the pipe

The cleaning rules are not complicated, it is only important to complete the process on time, without bringing the situation to a critical point. Mechanical cleaning is an effective method, as is chemical

Plumbing service professionals advise pouring a quality cleaning agent into the toilet every few months.In this case, sewage problems will occur very rarely.

Mechanical cleaning is an effective method, as is chemical cleaning. Plumbing service professionals advise pouring a quality cleaning agent into the toilet every few months. In this case, sewage problems will occur very rarely.

What refers to the overhaul of engineering networks of an apartment building, and what about the current replacement of cold water and hot water risers, electrical wiring

The current repair of engineering systems is carried out in a planned mode, the purpose of which is to restore working capacity, partial restoration of their resource, which is expressed in the replacement or repair of certain components that are directly prescribed in the relevant provision.

  1. Central heating system - 25 years.
  2. Replacement of hot water risers during major repairs - 30 years (if the risers are not galvanized, then 15 years).
  3. Cold water risers - 30 years (if the pipes are not galvanized, then 15 years).
  4. Overhaul of the power supply system - 20 years.
  5. Sewerage - 60 years (if the pipes are ceramic or plastic) and 40 years (if the pipes are cast iron).
  6. Roof - depending on the material. Accordingly, a roof made of slate lasts 30 years, a roof made of galvanized steel - 15 years, and a roof made of rolled materials - about 10 years.

What to do if the sewer is clogged, and how to avoid a recurrence of blockage

Sewer Cleaning Methods When the sewer is clogged, it needs to be cleaned. Cleaning can be done in several ways, but the most effective is the use of household chemicals.

  • in granules.
  • In the form of a gel.
  • Powdered.
  • In the form of a liquid.

Before starting cleaning work in sewer pipes, you need to wear home clothes and rubber gloves so that skin areas are covered.

You can also clean the pipes with a plunger or a cable. But it’s easier to pour household chemicals into the sewer pipe and wait until it corrodes the existing blockages.

Where to turn and who is to blame

Who to call and where to go in an emergency when the sewer is clogged and there is a threat of a flood:

If a blockage occurs in the toilet, a pipe breaks, a riser is clogged, the first floors or basement are flooded, it is necessary to call the fitters of the housing office, or the management company.
Sewer wells are under the attention of the water utility. He must also serve the yard sewer.
Emergency services are called in emergency situations when water in a continuous stream floods several floors at once.
The telephone number of dispatching and emergency services that carry out repairs and control of sewers should be written on utility bills.

It's important to know! Before the arrival of the workers of the above services, you need to try to fix the problem yourself, warn other residents about the danger, if necessary, turn off the water in the riser

It's important to know! Before the arrival of the workers of the above services, you need to try to fix the problem yourself, warn other residents about the danger, if necessary, turn off the water in the riser. If the sewer is clogged and clogged constantly, the reason for this is the negligent attitude of services that do not carry out preventive maintenance and cleaning in time

The search for the perpetrators and the proceedings, due to which the sewer is clogged, can take a long time

If the sewer is clogged and clogged constantly, the reason for this is the negligent attitude of services that do not carry out preventive maintenance and cleaning in time. The search for the perpetrators and the proceedings, due to which the sewer is clogged, can take a long time.

In the event of a serious clogging of the sewer system, resulting in flooding and significant damage to property, it is necessary to call representatives of the management company, repairmen, plumbers, eliminate pollution and record the consequences.Minor blockages can be eliminated on your own by buying chemicals at the store or preparing solutions at home. It should be remembered that timely preventive measures, monitoring the operation of the sewage system and proper handling will prevent breakdowns and eliminate negative consequences.

In the basement, the sewer is constantly clogged.

Its specialists must serve the yard sewerage.

  • There are also emergency services. You can contact them when you managed to clog your neighbor's pipe, and he floods several apartments. Such services go to the call in case of an emergency.
  • Phones of dispatch services that carry out repairs and cleaning of sewers should be in receipts for utility bills.

ATTENTION! If in an emergency it is difficult to find the telephone of the dispatcher, you can dial the hotline number operating under the city administration or the rescue service. You should provide your contact details there.

Before the arrival of the masters, you should also act according to a certain algorithm. If liquid appeared on the ground floor from the sewer pipes or in the apartments above, in the basement, it is advisable to warn other residents and turn off the water for a while.

How to write an application to the UK

Good afternoon. We smell like sewage in the entrance, how to write an application to the Criminal Code?

Where "State Housing Inspectorate"

"Management of housing and communal services and energy"

"Prosecutor's Office" - (choose the desired institution)

Postcode, city, street, house, apartment

under Article 7.23 of the Code of Administrative Offenses "Violation of the standards for providing the population with public services"

In accordance with paragraph 31 of the Rules for the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings adopted by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation on May 23, 2006 No. 307, an organization providing utility services to a consumer is obliged to independently or with the involvement of other persons carry out maintenance of in-house engineering systems , with the use of which utility services are provided to the consumer, as well as to recalculate the amount of payment for utilities, including in connection with the provision of utilities of inadequate quality and (or) with interruptions exceeding the allowable duration.

In accordance with Article 154 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, payment for residential premises includes payment for the maintenance and current repairs of common property in an apartment building, as well as payment for utilities.

In this regard, the performance of work to eliminate this violation does not require additional funding from the owner.

Article 5 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 26, 1994 No. 1086 “On the State Housing Inspectorate in the Russian Federation” states: “the bodies of the state housing inspectorate monitor compliance with the regulatory level and regime for providing the population with public utilities (heating, electricity, water, gas supply etc.)".

In addition, in accordance with Article 28.4 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, the Prosecutor's Office has the right to initiate a case on any administrative offense.

Paragraph 149 of the Rules establishes that the contractor - the organization providing public services, is responsible for violating the quality of the provision of public services to the consumer, including administrative.

Violation by persons responsible for the provision of communal services of the standards for providing the population with communal services forms an administrative offense, liability for which is provided for in Article 7.23 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

In connection with the above, on the basis of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 26, 1994 No. 1086 “On the State Housing Inspectorate in the Russian Federation”, the Federal Law “On the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation”, the Federal Law “On the Procedure for Considering Appeals from Citizens of the Russian Federation”, I ask:

- organize an on-site verification of the stated facts;

- eliminate the cause of the malfunction;

- issue an order to carry out the necessary measures and work to eliminate the violation and recalculate, set the deadlines for their implementation;

- initiate administrative proceedings under Article 7.23 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, identify the perpetrators and bring them to administrative responsibility.

This is an example and you will need to modify it according to your situation. The last paragraphs can be removed (as well as some in the text of the complaint itself) and only elimination can be left if the complaint is sent only to the Criminal Code.

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Causes of clogging and their consequences

Having dealt with the causes, you can always prevent their occurrence. The most common and permanent of them are:

  • Wear, existing communications or initially incorrectly selected pipe diameter.
  • Violation of laying technology. On horizontal sections, a slope of 2 cm per meter of pipeline must be strictly observed.
  • Wrong toilet installation. During installation, it is necessary to rationally use the solution and make sure that it does not narrow the diameter of the drain passage.
  • Not tightness of the drainage system. All sewers are equipped as self-cleaning. If a large object gets into the pipe and gets stuck in a horizontal section, an increase in water pressure occurs. Due to this, the garbage will fly out, acting as a ruff, sweeping away all other pollution in its path.
  • Overgrowing of risers and water supply at home with deposits over a long period of operation. Over time, roughness and irregularities appear on the walls of the pipes, for which hair, pieces of paper, pieces of cotton wool, small debris cling to, gradually filling the entire passage. Fat from dishwashers and kitchen sinks first accumulates, and then freezes, crystallizes and forms whole growths.

And of course, the most basic cause of blockage is the negligent attitude of the residents themselves. A drainage system is a pipe through which drains flow from apartments to a basement or cellar, then to sewer chambers and, along large-diameter highways, overcomes the distance to treatment facilities. Many negligent users constantly operate the sewer as a garbage chute, throwing rags, clothes, household waste, personal hygiene products through the toilet, washbasin or bath. Garbage gradually accumulates in the corners, in the wells, reduces the performance of the system, pollutes the chambers and, in the end, leads to clogging.

It is important to note! Blockages are small, which special services can eliminate in a relatively short period of time. But there are also large-scale ones, in the case of which, the drains first flood the basements, and from the flooded lower room, then they flow out, filling the yards

In this case, the main victims are usually the inhabitants of the first floors.

The sewer pipe can also get clogged inside the house, then the water will go up the risers and begin to flow out through the bathtub, toilet bowl, washbasins. Eliminating such a blockage will take a lot of time, and drains at this time will fill the entire apartment with an unpleasant smell, ruin furniture, decoration and may lead to the need for major repairs.

Sewer blockage in an apartment building, who is to blame

How can we influence neighbors who pour sewage into our garden

By draining sewer waste into your garden, your neighbor violates the requirements of the sanitary legislation of the Russian Federation and your constitutional right to health protection. So, for example, in accordance with Article 10 of the Federal Law of March 30, 1999 No. 52-FZ “On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population”, citizens are obliged not to take actions that violate the rights of other citizens to health protection and a favorable living environment.

In the described situation, we recommend that you file a complaint with the local sanitary and epidemiological supervision authority, which will have the right not only to issue a warning to your neighbor about the need to eliminate violations of the law and your rights committed by him, but also to bring him to administrative responsibility under Article 6.3 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative offenses:


