Auxiliaries for dry closet
In addition to the basic fluids, from time to time, cleaning, deodorizing and anti-freezing additives for water and drains are injected into the upper and lower chambers of the toilet. Good examples of such drugs are the following drugs:
Deodorizing liquid for dry closet Biola
Concentrate based on naturally degradable components. Does not harm the ecology of the site and human health. Removes unpleasant odors in a very short time. Therefore, Biola is used not only by the owners of dry closets, but also by the owners of country houses with amenities in the yard.
For a standard dry closet with a sump volume of up to 50 liters, a single injection of 100 grams of the drug is sufficient, which are dissolved in 3 liters of water and poured into the upper tank or immediately into the lower tank. The procedure is repeated if necessary.
- Composition — surfactant complex, aromatic additive, target additives, dye, water
- Does not contain environmentally harmful substances: phosphates, phenols, acids, alkalis
- The product is available in liter bottles.
- The price of the drug - from 400 rubles
Fermentation accelerator for composting dry closets
BIOFORCE BioToilet Comfort
- a biologically active drug that increases the concentration in the lower chamber of the dry closet. Accelerates the process of fermentation and splitting of solid fractions of organic effluents. In fact, this drug cleans the lower chamber from solid deposits, separating them into liquid and gas. It is recommended for use in case of increased load on the dry closet (unexpected arrival of guests, and so on).
- The BioToilet Comfort package contains 20 sachets, each of which is designed for a volume of up to 20 liters.
- The sachets are dropped into the lower chamber or dissolved in the cistern
- The cost of packaging is 2200 rubles.
Thetford Bathroom Cleaner
disinfectant for toilet bowls, sump, which has an antistatic effect and whitens the treated surfaces. Helps to maintain hygiene in places where dry closets are used. Unlike chlorine-containing preparations and acid-based products, Bathroom Cleaner does not harm the seals and the polymer body of the dry closet.
- Available in half liter spray bottles
- Cost - from 350 rubles
However, it is difficult to imagine how much waste is split in a chemical dry closet without the addition of catalysts. By adding a splitter for a dry closet, the intensity of the reactions is increased many times over. The use of chemicals destroys all living things in the container and completely breaks down the waste there.
When using biological additives, which are a set of enzymes and bacteria, the entire effect can be reduced to zero if the ampa green 2 l liquid for home biotoilet, added to the drain tank, contains chemically active substances. Yes, such a product in the waste tank and receiving container will destroy bacteria and remove unpleasant odors, however, if it enters the drive, all bacteria that contribute to natural processing will also die under the influence of chemicals. The recycling process will be significantly slowed down. For the same reason, it is not recommended to throw household chemicals into the dry closet.
To exclude such a situation, before filling the dry closet with liquid, you should make sure that it is compatible with the biological splitter used. The most convenient and reliable option is to use a splitter and antiseptic from the same manufacturer.Such funds are initially made in such a way that their action does not work by mutual exclusion, but rather complements each other.
A similar solution is offered by the American company Thetford, which has been operating on the market for more than fifty years. With Thetford's AquaKemGreen splitter, you can also buy thetford's AquaRinse bio-toilet liquid, which is designed to be added to clean water in a cistern. "AquaRinse" is a deodorizing liquid that does not affect the quality of waste processing by the "AquaKemGreen" splitter in a storage container.
The principle of operation of the dry closet
Waste disposal occurs under the influence of biological or chemical reagents. Waste is converted into a homogeneous mass, which is subsequently disposed of and does not have a harmful effect on the environment.
Depending on the reagent under which the waste is disposed of, dry closets can be divided into several types:
- Biological, containing biological substances - peat, sawdust, live bacteria. The resulting waste is useful as a fertilizer.
- Chemical, which use chemical liquids that destroy odors and germs.
- Electrical, where the waste is separated into liquid and solid phases and distributed in different containers. Operates using electricity.
The best liquids for the lower tank of a dry closet
Dry closet liquid Thetford Aqua Kem Green
- an environmentally friendly drug, created on the basis of biologically active material. It is introduced into the lower chamber of the dry closet every 3-4 days. The drug continues to work at ambient temperatures up to -20 degrees Celsius, therefore it is suitable not only for home, but also for outdoor toilets.
- The liquid is bottled in one and a half liter bottles.
- The consumption rate of the drug is 75 grams per 10 liters of the volume of the lower chamber.
- Cost - from 1100 rubles per bottle.
Liquid Aqua Kem Blue
Another drug from Thetford, poured into the lower chamber. One dose of the drug is enough for 5 days of the lower chamber
. Completely suppresses odors, disinfects the contents of the sump, breaks down the solid component of fecal effluents. Does not harm the environment. When introducing Aqua Kem Blue, the proportion of 75 grams of the drug per 10 liters of sump volume should be observed. Before administration, the dose of the drug is dissolved in a liter of plain water.
- Available in 2 liter containers
- The price of one bottle (2 liters) - from 1200 rubles
Overview of popular tools
Given the huge selection of products for cesspools and toilets on the Russian market, we will talk about the drugs that are in the greatest demand.
Bio Favorite, this imported liquid product is highly effective and absolutely safe. A distinctive feature is that it can process not only organics, but also cellulose and fats. Ensures the absence of unpleasant odors.
Microzim SEPTI TREAT is a domestic product containing microorganisms that accelerate the decomposition of organic matter. Residues after decomposition can be used as fertilizers. This drug prefers moisture, it is recommended to pour at least a bucket of water into the septic tank or tank before adding.
Atmosbio is a French remedy for the processing of fecal matter. The bacteria included in the composition are able to process the bottom sediment and the resulting crust. It is an excellent compost activator. The only drawback is the short shelf life, the drug must be used no later than six months after manufacture.
Saneks is a Polish-made powder product. The drug has a characteristic red color. Effectively destroys microorganisms and an unpleasant smell. Before adding it is necessary to dissolve in water at a temperature not more than 40 °C. This tool can also be used for cleaning sinks or toilets.
Tamir, the microorganisms included in the product (about 80 different species) make it possible to process fecal matter into fertilizers within two weeks. It is considered one of the best drugs.
Bioactivator Green Pine is an excellent Belgian remedy, consisting of freeze-dried bacteria. Promotes the decomposition of fats and feces. The sludge after processing can be used as fertilizer.
ARGUS GARDEN is a Canadian bioactive septic tank and cesspool care product. Supplied in two bags of 18 grams each. One package is enough for a volume of 2 cubic meters.
System Septic Mainteiner DVT-360 - a preparation (made in the USA), serves for the complete cleaning of local sewers of any type. Promotes the breakdown of organics, oils, fats, tissues, cellulose, hydrocarbons and other elements.
BIOFORCE Septic is a concentrate of bacteria and their essential nutrients. Breaks down organic waste and reduces sludge volume. Significantly reduces odor.
Biodom is a biological agent for individual sewer systems that allows you to restore the processing processes after the use of chemically active preparations. Accelerates the decomposition of organics, fats, cellulose and starch. Can be used at low temperature.
Roetech - restores biological processes, promotes the decomposition of solid fractions, reduces silting.
Wherever a person is, he always strives to create comfortable living conditions for himself. An important factor in convenience is the usual restroom. Mobile toilet cubicles and portable dry closets have long entered the life of a modern person. For them to work properly, a number of related products are required, including a special liquid for dry closets.
Liquid for dry closets in comparison with septic tanks
Proper toilet care
- an important task of organizing a comfortable life. To accomplish this task, it is best to use liquid for dry closets.
The tool allows you to achieve the following results:
- Facilitate the maintenance of closets with septic tanks and dry closets;
- Decompose waste products to a homogeneous consistency and reduce their volume;
- Prevent gas formation in septic tanks and country toilets;
- Ensure hygienic cleanliness and destroy pathogenic bacteria, viruses and fungal infections;
- Prevent the formation of unpleasant odors and siltation of systems;
- Maintain drains, tanks and pipes in good condition and prevent corrosion.
The composition does not oxidize metals, and also does not react with plastics, rubber, cement mixtures. Liquid for a dry closet should be bought by everyone who uses country and cesspool closets, as well as latrines with tanks such as septic tanks. contains chemicals that are safe for humans, there is no chlorine or formaldehyde, volatile solvents.
Characterization of the organic reagent
The properties of such a product are manifested in such a way that the living bacteria that make up its composition and produce special enzymes destroy waste. As a rule, the reagent consists of a mixture saturated with natural beneficial microorganisms and enzymes that correspond to them.
The organic reagent for dry closets is peat. The principle of operation is that a small amount of peat mixture is placed in the lower waste tank, which creates an aerobic environment that promotes the decomposition of waste. The composition of such a mixture includes microorganisms that process waste; leavening agents that increase air access; special odor absorbers. With a dosed supply of peat mixture, waste is converted into environmentally friendly compost.
How to make liquid for a dry closet with your own hands
Compositions for the lower tank are produced by dozens of manufacturers of chemical and biological preparations, as well as companies engaged in the production of dry closets themselves.However, such liquids can be prepared at home using this recipe:
- 75 grams of any starch and 25 grams of ordinary kitchen salt are poured into an enameled saucepan.
- Bulk substances are mixed and poured with 100 milliliters of water.
- The saucepan is put on fire and, stirring the starch-salt mass, they achieve the formation of a thick consistency of the composition, excluding the appearance of lumps.
- After that, the composition is removed from the fire and allowed to cool for one minute.
- 15-20 milliliters of table vinegar and a few drops of aromatic oil (for cosmetic purposes) are poured into the cooled, viscous mass.
- The resulting mixture is thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous consistency.
That's all, the composition for the lower tank is ready. In addition, liquid soap can also be added here, which increases the washing properties of the composition. The validity period of such a homemade remedy is 1-2 weeks. Of course, in terms of effectiveness, such a tool is inferior to professional preparations, but in the absence of such, it copes with its task quite well.
The dry closet is an autonomous system. All waste accumulates in the lower tank, where they are disposed of. The process goes with the use of a liquid that breaks down waste, turning it into a kind of homogeneous mass. In addition, the reagent liquid contributes to the destruction of unpleasant odors and microbes.
Once in the lower tank, the reagent will work until the tank is full. Its duration is practically unlimited.
Since the bottom tank is filled periodically, any mobile toilet needs access to either a sewer or a compost heap.
Liquid Aqua Kem Green
Features of chemical cleaning
A chemical product for dry closets and cesspools can work at absolutely any temperature, which allows you to reduce the level of requirements that apply to the operation of such drugs.
If chemicals are used, then it does not matter at all what household chemicals will be used. In addition, such means are indifferent to the quality of water.
Chemical preparations have the following disadvantages:
- there is a risk of toxic substances entering the soil;
- aggressiveness of the composition in relation to metal sewer pipes and other elements of the system.
Chemicals are best used for tanks and pipes made of polymeric materials that are resistant to such exposure.
Rating of the best brands according to user reviews
Liquids of Russian and foreign manufacturers are on sale.
The leader in all respects is the Thetford brand produced in the Netherlands. The company sells liquids for the upper (bottles with pink caps) and lower (bottles with green and blue caps) compartments of dry closets.
Liquids for dry closets Thetford are made in the Netherlands
Products with blue lids are formaldehyde-based, and waste processed with them can only be poured into the sewer. In bottles with green caps, the composition includes bacteria that destroy unpleasant odors and turn waste into a safe liquid. Users note the advantages of the brand:
- no smell in the bowl;
- excellent work at temperatures close to zero;
- pleasant unsharp aroma of the deodorizing liquid;
- Ease of use - child-resistant lid.
The only downside to this product is the high price.
Buyers respond well to the products of the Russian brand Goodhim (Goodhim BIO-T concentrate). It contains ammonium and a deodorizing fragrance. Advantages:
- universal - used for the upper and lower compartments;
- does not contain formaldehyde, therefore it can be disposed of in compost;
- cleans the dry closet bowl well and prevents the formation of an unpleasant odor;
- cheaper than imported.
There were no shortcomings in the reviews.
Good reviews can be read on the Internet about the Russian brand BIOLA.The manufacturer has bottles for the upper and lower dry closet tanks, you can buy them individually or as a set. The liquid consists of biodegradable components. Advantages:
- safe for humans and the environment;
- hypoallergenic, does not irritate the skin;
- does not lose sanitary properties at temperatures close to zero;
- costs about three times cheaper than Thetford and twice as expensive as Goodhim, but its consumption is economical (100 ml per 10-liter container).
Users do not indicate shortcomings.
BIOwc is a Russian brand. Liquid BIOwc Eco Green does not contain formaldehyde, belongs to the ammonium types of liquids for dry closets. It is used to disinfect and dissolve solid waste and eliminate unpleasant odors in the lower tank.
- well cleans plaque on the walls of the dry closet;
- economical (one liter costs about 300 rubles);
- eco-friendly, can be poured into compost.
The disadvantages of buyers include inconvenient packaging and lack of measuring capacity.
The market offers a variety of brands of dry closet products. Despite the different prices, most of them work equally well, completely clean the walls of the dry closet from plaque, eliminate unpleasant odors, and prevent putrefactive bacteria from multiplying. Imported funds are more convenient to use, but domestic ones can work quite effectively.
Preparations with ammonium
Means used to decompose fecal matter containing ammonium are considered high quality. They act quickly and effectively, and remarkably eliminate unpleasant odors. The disadvantage of such a tool for and cesspools is a high sensitivity to the aggressiveness of the environment, as well as poor interaction with various household chemicals. For example, if after a shower or washing soap solutions get into the drains, the ability of such a preparation to liquefy waste is reduced several times. It is worth noting one more important point: the effect of ammonium on the environment has not been fully studied.
Features of biological preparations
Any biochemical agent for dry closets and cesspools contains various bacteria, which, once in the mass of drains, contribute to the displacement of putrefactive microflora and help the decomposition of solid inclusions, as well as the formation of sludge. The latter is usually used as an environmentally friendly organic fertilizer.
Biological preparations can be in the form of solutions, tablets or powder, which are pre-diluted in water. They also have disadvantages, among which is sensitivity to environmental factors. Such microflora can exist only at temperatures from +5 to +35 degrees. In addition, using a product for dry closets and cesspools, you should carefully choose detergents for dishwashers and washing machines, disinfecting and cleaning compounds for plumbing. Some of them lead to the destruction of beneficial bacteria if they get into the sewer or septic tank.
Properties of liquids
When choosing consumables for your portable toilet, they mainly pay attention to toxicity, cost and volume. But any liquid for dry closets should:
- ensure complete elimination of odors;
- prevent the reproduction and spread of bacteria, microbes;
- help to comply with sanitary and hygienic requirements;
- accelerate waste disposal.
In addition, they provide long-term operation of the product. They significantly increase the strength of some component parts, protect them from corrosion. This is true for rubber and plastic elements of the toilet.
This is their intended purpose. It is strictly forbidden to use dishwashing detergent or any other detergents instead of special liquids.
First, they will not cope with an unpleasant smell.Secondly, they will not fulfill the main function of such liquids: they will not be able to utilize (decompose) human waste products, and ensure the disinfection of waste. This can not only lead to a breakdown of the toilet, but also threatens with such troubles as dysentery.
Why do you need a dry closet liquid and what it can be
Any dry closet consists of two parts-tanks: a waste receiver and a compartment with water for flushing.
Sanitary Breaker Fluid
Due to the small volume, water cannot be poured into the lower compartment much, as in a centralized city sewer. Therefore, a special sanitary splitter liquid is added to it, which speeds up the processing of waste. After adding it, a film forms in the tank.
The advantages of using such a liquid are obvious:
- the unpleasant smell disappears;
- parts of the dry closet do not deteriorate from waste (this is especially true for rubber parts);
- harmful bacteria do not multiply;
- waste recycling is faster;
- the toilet is clean.
Sanitary liquids for dry closets are different in composition:
- ammonium, in which the chemical reaction occurs with the help of nitrogen. For the operation of such a composition, it is necessary to limit the ingress of oxygen into the tank. Waste is processed into compost in a few days and is safe for humans and the environment;
- formaldehyde, the basis of which is formalin. This is a toxic compound, but the waste is broken down very quickly;
- biological, consisting of bacteria that process waste into fertilizer. Environmentally friendly, but their action is long - about 10 days.
Photo gallery: sanitary liquids for dry closets of different composition
The choice of one or the other option depends on where the recycled waste from the dry closet will be poured.
The sanitary properties of toilet fluid are lost after two weeks of use. After this time, it must be replaced.
Scented cleanser
Flavored products are poured into the upper water tank, which serve only to eliminate the unpleasant odor during flushing. The advantages of their use:
- flush improves;
- the smell from the toilet disappears;
- cleaning of the bowl is facilitated, plaque does not form on the walls;
- saves water.
Acquisition of liquid
The website of the network "Vashe Zdorovye" presents a large selection of various liquids. Consultants will help you choose the right product and tell you how to use liquid for dry closets.
Main brands:
- B-Fresh Green, produced by Thetford, Holland, is designed for splitting solid waste and up to 90% surfactants. Improves the patency of sewer pipes, disinfects the surface of the toilet bowl and reduces unpleasant odors. Improves the breakdown of waste in the lower tank. Products formed under the action of liquid are environmentally friendly, they can be used as fertilizer.
- Aqua Kem Blue is a portable chemical product for dry closets with a deodorizing effect. Accelerates the breakdown of waste, prevents the accumulation of gases. The agent is poured into the lower tank.
- Duopack Campa Green and Campa Rinse Plus - set of fluids for the bottom and top drain tank. It is used to maintain the hygiene of the toilet, facilitate the draining of waste and eliminate unpleasant odors. Absolutely safe for people, the recycled waste is used as fertilizer. For portable dry closets. Completely destroys pathogenic microflora.
- Campa Green, Thetford (Holland) is a bottom tank cleaner that dissolves the solids, does not include toxic compounds and can be disposed of naturally.
One of the main indicators of a comfortable life is the efficiency of natural waste disposal, in simple words, the organization of a toilet.
Dry closets
allow to solve this problem most effectively.Mobility, simplicity and independence from sewerage have made this device very popular, and at the same time - such an accessory as dry closet liquid. We present an overview of the most effective means.
The presented accessories are suitable for the care of all types of toilets with a self-cleaning and sewage system, including country toilets, latrines, dry closets, septic tanks. The use of these compositions helps to solve the main problems of the operation of the listed objects, namely, to eliminate an unpleasant odor, accelerate decomposition, kill dangerous microorganisms and reduce the amount of waste.
Liquid for dry closets is
a special chemical composition, the components of which kill a specific smell, destroy pathogenic microflora, and decompose solid residues. Thanks to the use of the product, gas formation, silting and rotting of the contents of the tanks are reduced.
How to make a dry closet liquid with your own hands
Compositions for the lower tank are produced by dozens of manufacturers of chemical and biological preparations, as well as companies engaged in the production of dry closets themselves. However, such liquids can be prepared at home using this recipe:
- 75 grams of any starch and 25 grams of ordinary kitchen salt are poured into an enameled saucepan.
- Bulk substances are mixed and poured with 100 milliliters of water.
- The saucepan is put on fire and, stirring the starch-salt mass, they achieve the formation of a thick consistency of the composition, excluding the appearance of lumps.
- After that, the composition is removed from the fire and allowed to cool for one minute.
- 15-20 milliliters of table vinegar and a few drops of aromatic oil (for cosmetic purposes) are poured into the cooled, viscous mass.
- The resulting mixture is thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous consistency.
That's all, the composition for the lower tank is ready. In addition, liquid soap can also be added here, which increases the washing properties of the composition. The validity period of such a homemade remedy is 1-2 weeks. Of course, in terms of effectiveness, such a tool is inferior to professional preparations, but in the absence of such, it copes with its task quite well.
There are conditions in which the arrangement of a full-fledged sewage system is impractical or impossible for technical reasons, for example, in a country house or at a temporary tourist campsite. In this case, the most acceptable option would be the arrangement of a dry closet.
Consumable types
Buying a portable restroom will allow you to enjoy all the benefits of civilization even in the country. However, for its normal functioning, various chemicals are needed.
It is subdivided into:
- Toilet liquids
- Breakers in the form of powders
- Tablets
- Cleaning preparations
Their range is quite wide, but before you buy this or that tool, you should find out how to use them.
Products from Thetford
Let's start with liquids for processing. They are needed for the lower tank and help to eliminate unpleasant odors, as well as the rapid dissolution of waste. Their use avoids the accumulation of gases and clogging of the dry closet. Thanks to them, a portable toilet can match the convenience and hygiene of a conventional home toilet.
Among the most popular are:
- AquaKemBlue by Thetford
- Biolan (locally produced)
The first product has a pleasant smell and a high concentration of substances, which indicates its efficiency. This drug is biological and safe for humans.
Powder splitters are also presented by this manufacturer. They have similar properties and are easy to use. They are easier to dose.
Liquids for the upper tank of the dry closet are added directly to the water. They appeared on the market quite recently, but managed to establish themselves as excellent hygiene products.They are produced by the same Canadian manufacturer. Thanks to the use of these compositions, a protective film is formed on the surface of the dry closet, which makes it possible to most effectively maintain hygiene standards.
CassetteTank Cleaner
Cleaning preparations from a Canadian manufacturer are represented by the CassetteTank Cleaner series. These are products with a whitening effect that can not only keep the surface of the equipment clean, but also give it antistatic characteristics. They have a high concentration, which allows you to provide a perfect surface for a long time.
To care for the equipment, silicone lubricants are also produced that protect surfaces from various kinds of impact. They are applied to any materials and prolong their service life.
Another type of dry closet products is tablets. They are a lime-based concentrate and are used both in autonomous sewage systems and in cesspools.
Finally, for maximum hygiene of the dry closet, special paper is required. It is produced under the AguaSoft brand. Its distinctive properties are complete and rapid solubility in the receiving tank, which avoids clogging of the dry closet.
Having considered the types and brands of various consumables for a portable restroom, one can understand that only with the right choice will it function normally. Which manufacturer to prefer depends on your financial capabilities.
But, of course, all the advantages are on the side of foreign companies. They have extensive experience in this area and their products are unrivaled in the Russian markets. It is the best and will allow you to keep the dry closet in perfect shape.