Radiators How not to pour boiling water over neighbors when replacing batteries

Calculation of the number of radiators

Usually there are no problems with the number of heaters: they are put in place of the old ones, most often under the windows, in order to prevent condensation. However, if the room is large enough or non-standard, then it is better to calculate the number of radiators using a simplified formula: N = S * 100 W / ∆T, in which:

  • N is the number of radiators;
  • S is the total area of ​​the room;
  • ∆T is the heat transfer value of one heating battery (this parameter can be found in the technical data sheet of the product).

This formula is valid when the ceiling height does not exceed 3 m. In other cases, it is necessary to replace 100 W with 40 * h (the last character means the ceiling height in meters). If in the region in winter it is constantly over 30 degrees below zero, then the number of radiators should be increased by 15-20%.

Option 2 if you plan to replace the battery at will

If there is no urgent need to replace the battery, according to plumbers, but you still want to replace the radiator, there are two options.

1 way - classic (heating off)

To carry out repair work, you need to contact the organization that is responsible for the heat supply of the house and obtain permission to turn off the heating. As a rule, such a permit can be obtained if the temperature outside is not lower than minus 10 - minus 15 degrees. If it is colder outside, the heating may not be turned off. Also, permission to replace the battery will be difficult to obtain if you need to replace the radiators in the entire apartment. The service for disconnecting heating risers is usually paid.

The shutdown time must be agreed with the master who will carry out the work. It is necessary to notify all neighbors that the heating will be turned off in the house.

It is very important to choose a professional team of craftsmen so that the work is completed in the shortest possible time. If the work is delayed, residents and their neighbors will have to stay in cold apartments

2 way - modern (freezing heating pipes)

Technology does not stand still, and apartment owners are provided with new convenient opportunities. There was a special equipment for freezing heating pipes. The equipment creates an ice plug in the pipes, and the batteries can be changed without turning off the heating. The work is carried out much faster, you do not need to obtain permission to turn off the heating. There is a condition - freezing will work when the circulation in the system stops completely. Let's take a closer look at how it works.

To replace the battery, it is necessary to "stop" the water in the pipes. To do this, in the classic version, which we discussed above, the water is drained from the riser, and after the work is completed, the system is filled again. When using a pipe freezer, these two steps are not required. Separate sections of pipes are frozen, temporarily stopping the water. An ice plug does not allow water to move through pipes and lines.

There are several types of devices for freezing pipes. Most of them run on liquid carbon dioxide. Such devices have certain features:

  • The need for spare cylinders, which will be needed to maintain the formed ice plug during work.
  • Constant monitoring of the presence of gas in cylinders is mandatory.
  • High-quality ventilation is needed during work due to the risk of carbon dioxide accumulation.

There are other types of devices for which you do not need to buy refrigerant and bring cylinders. These include, for example, Rothenberger ROFROST TURBO 62206. Such devices provide fast and reliable freezing without the need to transport gas cylinders. The freezing performance of the devices is high - the apartment will not have time to “freeze out”.

Pipe freezing devices have a wide range of applications, but it is better to clarify the technical feasibility of their use specifically at your facility from the craftsmen. Whichever battery replacement method you choose, you now know that winter battery replacement is entirely possible.

Those who are faced with replacing batteries in an apartment know that summer is the most suitable period for this. Despite the fact that water is in the pipes in the summer too (to avoid rusting the inner surface of the pipes), in winter it is much more difficult to carry out this procedure. This is due to the fact that in summer people do not physically feel that the water has left the risers, and in winter the water is drained is fraught with a sharp decrease in the temperature in the apartments, and this can cause great inconvenience to you and your neighbors.

However, many people are forced to resort to the battery replacement procedure in winter. ZhEKs and DEZs are very willing to agree to a replacement during this period. Some even believe that carrying out work during this period gives more pluses than minuses, because you do not need to wait several months before the start of the heating season to check the quality. Can be done same day after renewal water supply to risers check the quality of installation and welding work. In addition, in winter, battery replacement services, due to low popularity, are somewhat lower.

Of the minuses, it can be noted that the replacement procedure during the heating period should be carried out in the shortest period of time so that heat losses in your and neighboring apartments are minimal.

As we can see, replacing batteries during the heating season is quite possible and even has some advantages compared to the summer period.

Heating pipe laying

When the old heating system is removed, it's time to think about a new one. One of the questions of the instruction on how to change the battery in an apartment is the method of laying new pipes. First of all, one of two options is selected:

From an aesthetic point of view, hidden gasket is much better. Communications will be hidden from the human eye. However, this method has a number of disadvantages:

Radiators How not to pour boiling water over neighbors when replacing batteries

  • Further maintenance of the system is difficult
  • The cost of the work being carried out increases, the estimate will include additional costs for building materials
  • A certain percentage of heat will be spent on heating the decorative structure

The advantages of open heating systems, due to which they are preferred, are obvious to everyone:

Radiators How not to pour boiling water over neighbors when replacing batteries

  • Lower installation costs, as materials are used in a minimum amount
  • Pipes are in direct contact with the environment, which eliminates heat loss
  • Easy further maintenance of communications
  • Small time spent on laying pipes

Concealed pipe laying

As noted, hidden pipe laying is laborious and lengthy work. First, prepare:

  • For natural circulation of the coolant, the pipe is placed directly in the suspended ceiling, and the outlet risers are launched along a protective decorative box
  • For forced circulation, a good solution would be to lay pipes in the walls or in the floor.
  • Markings are applied to the working surfaces and strobes are made with a puncher or grinder

Radiators How not to pour boiling water over neighbors when replacing batteries

Directly in the gates, the pipe is fixed with clips. At the same time, near future radiators, the line should end with removable threaded adapters.

It is necessary to start decorating surfaces only after all the batteries are in place and crimping is carried out.

Pipe laying by open method

Pipe laying by the open method is more popular. At the first stage, you need to install radiators, an expansion tank, a boiler and other heating equipment.

To make the pipes look aesthetically pleasing, their exact location should be calculated. Not superfluous will be diagrams sketched on paper, taking into account the location of the furniture.

Radiators How not to pour boiling water over neighbors when replacing batteries

Laying by the open method can be organized in one of the following ways:

  • An injection upper pipe of large internal cross section is laid between the radiator plugs under the window sill, while the pipe running along the bottom is led along the floor
  • Both pipes are led along the floor, but this method is only suitable for forced circulation
  • For natural circulation of the coolant, the lower pipe is launched directly from the floor, and the upper one is placed as high as possible

Radiators How not to pour boiling water over neighbors when replacing batteries

Having decided on the method of laying the pipe line, you need to mark the walls and install retaining clips. The frequency of their location is 1-2 m. It should be noted that the areas between the radiators are recommended to be made whole. On non-standard sections, two clips are placed at the junctions - on one side and on the other.

Particular attention is paid to branches and turns. Before trimming, you will have to make careful measurements, have a design and engineering vision

We also advise you to learn more about individual heating in the apartment.

Installing new batteries

Before installing radiators in an apartment, it is necessary to calculate everything again and accurately measure their location. In this case, one should not violate the rules prescribed in specialized documents (SNiP):

  1. Approximate distance between the floor and the bottom edge - 15 cm
  2. Approximate distance between the window sill and the top edge - 15 cm
  3. The gap between the radiator and the wall is at least 2 cm

First you need to fix the brackets on which the new radiators will be hung. Then nuts are put on them. All connections must be well sealed to prevent water seepage. It is also recommended to apply tow. There will be taps at each entrance.

Radiators How not to pour boiling water over neighbors when replacing batteries

The final working stage will be to check the entire heating system for operability. To do this, one end of it should be plugged, and on the other side, create a pressure with a pump or compressor that exceeds the working pressure by 1-2 atmospheres. If after some time the readings of the measuring pressure gauge do not change, you can screw up all the connections and connect to the central system.

Something definitely difficult and impossible in how to change the battery in an apartment cannot be met. However, it is also not necessary to count on easy work. After completing the work, it is recommended to call the mater and let him make sure that the system is assembled correctly.

Some requirements during the execution of works

The fact that the heating system is in working condition during the winter period will allow you to immediately assess the quality and efficiency of the work performed. it is necessary to carry out alternately, when not all radiators are turned off in the apartment, but only one of them. After it has been put into operation, it is the turn of the next one. Installation of one battery can be completed within one hour, but for this (previously) measurements must be made, all tools and accessories must be prepared.

In addition, it must be remembered that the radiator is mounted in a horizontal position, while it must be parallel to the wall. It is mounted on three brackets, one of which is at the bottom, and two at the top, they will bear the main load. In the case of a large number of battery sections (more than 12), another bracket is fixed in the upper part in the wall (additionally). It is necessary to observe the distance between the top of the battery and the bottom of the window sill, it must be at least 10 cm, otherwise the thermal curtain in front of the window will be weak.

The representative of the service organization (after completion of all work) is obliged to turn on the risers of the heating system. You must check the tightness of the joints so that there are no leaks at the joints of pipelines, shut-off and control valves.

Replacement of batteries in winter is carried out in emergency cases when they do not warm up the room. This issue is coordinated with the organization serving the house. The work is carried out by a specialized organization. There are many reasons why batteries need to be replaced in winter.A situation is possible when an accident occurs, the replacement period cannot be postponed until the end of the heating season, then this work must be done immediately. Replacing the heater, installing a screen or other dismantling and assembly work can be carried out without hindrance in these cases. For example, heaters that have worked for more than twenty years cannot fully perform the functions assigned to them for heating rooms, and therefore must be replaced.

Some requirements during the execution of works

The fact that the heating system is in working condition during the winter period will allow you to immediately assess the quality and efficiency of the work performed. Replacement must be carried out in turn, when not all radiators are turned off in the apartment, but only one of them. After it has been put into operation, it is the turn of the next one. Installation of one battery can be completed within one hour, but for this (previously) measurements must be made, all tools and accessories must be prepared.

In order to avoid heat loss and your own health, not to pay extra money for heating your home, the batteries must be installed correctly. In addition, you must remember that the radiator is mounted horizontally, while it must be parallel to the wall. It is mounted on three brackets, one of which is at the bottom, and two at the top, they will bear the main load. In the case of a large number of battery sections (more than 12), another bracket is fixed in the upper part in the wall (additionally). It is necessary to observe the distance between the top of the battery and the bottom of the window sill, it must be at least 10 cm, otherwise the thermal curtain in front of the window will be weak.

The representative of the service organization (after completion of all work) is obliged to turn on the risers of the heating system. You must check the tightness of the joints so that there are no leaks at the joints of pipelines, shut-off and control valves.


Housing office activities when changing radiators

When tenants come to the conclusion that their heating system is outdated, they ask themselves the fair question of who should change the radiators in the apartment.

In this matter, you need to rely on the following facts:

  1. The change is caused by a failure (depressurization or other reason) of the system, which means that All work must be carried out by public service employees
  2. Old radiators heat, albeit badly, but there is a desire to embellish the apartment with their more modern counterparts, then this “whim” will fall on the shoulders of the user himself

In any case, the replacement of heating batteries in the apartment is carried out through the Housing Office, even if all the expenses are covered by the residents. Without permits, any work is considered illegal. Sometimes consumers ignore such a requirement, wanting to issue documentation after the work has been completed. This can only happen if the housing office employees consider the new heating system safe for the entire structure.

If residents have a question, is it worth changing the heating batteries in the apartment, then the answer is unequivocally “yes”, if they have become unusable or just old. The replacement procedure is not so complicated, even taking into account the paperwork. Choosing a team suitable for these works is also not difficult, but knowing that for the next 25-30 years the apartment will be heated by beautiful and modern radiators is worth it.

Replacement of batteries in winter is carried out in emergency cases when they do not warm up the room. This issue is coordinated with the organization serving the house. The work is carried out by a specialized organization. There are many reasons why batteries need to be replaced in winter. A situation is possible when an accident occurs, the replacement period cannot be postponed until the end of the heating season, then this work must be done immediately. Replacing the heater, installing a screen or other dismantling and assembly work can be carried out without hindrance in these cases.For example, heaters that have worked for more than twenty years cannot fully perform the functions assigned to them for heating rooms, and therefore must be replaced.

Some requirements during the execution of works

The fact that the heating system is in working condition during the winter period will allow you to immediately assess the quality and efficiency of the work performed. Replacement must be carried out in turn, when not all radiators are turned off in the apartment, but only one of them. After it has been put into operation, it is the turn of the next one. Installation of one battery can be completed within one hour, but for this (previously) measurements must be made, all tools and accessories must be prepared.

In order to avoid heat loss and your own health, not to pay extra money for heating your home, the batteries must be installed correctly. In addition, you must remember that the radiator is mounted horizontally, while it must be parallel to the wall. It is mounted on three brackets, one of which is at the bottom, and two at the top, they will bear the main load. In the case of a large number of battery sections (more than 12), another bracket is fixed in the upper part in the wall (additionally). It is necessary to observe the distance between the top of the battery and the bottom of the window sill, it must be at least 10 cm, otherwise the thermal curtain in front of the window will be weak.

The representative of the service organization (after completion of all work) is obliged to turn on the risers of the heating system. You must check the tightness of the joints so that there are no leaks at the joints of pipelines, shut-off and control valves.


Is it possible to change batteries during the heating season

The fact is that I want to change the heating radiators to new ones (the old ones are still in good condition). I have already agreed with the housing cooperative on the replacement, but as it turned out later, they do not install polypropylene pipes. She returned the money back for a service not rendered, while quarreling with the head of the department. I found a company that installs such pipes. I came to the housing cooperative to pay a receipt for draining the riser and I was refused, citing the fact that they do not do this during the heating season. As far as I know, this is not mentioned anywhere.

Am I wrong? And what should I do in this situation? (I'm not going to bow to the boss). Yes, and yet, it’s not clear to me, I’m going to change 2 radiators in one room, but they say that it’s necessary to drain not 2 risers, but 4, supposedly these risers also communicate with the neighbors. :009:

And in general, they also do not understand the prices. First, they told me the amount of 800 for draining 2 risers, then it turned out that supposedly the risers were paired with someone else there, i.e. it is necessary to turn off not 2, but 4 risers and the amount was announced to me 1200 rubles. So I don’t understand 400 rubles for a riser, multiply by 4, well, 1200 doesn’t work. And when I asked to see their prices, at first they didn’t want to show them to me, and then they counted them, as much as 1900 rubles (this is draining and filling 4 risers + 2 rubles multiplied by the volume of water drained from subsequent floors and from each riser). Generally confused as they could. How to achieve the truth in the cost of this event? In general, they fight as best they can.

The fact is that I want to change the heating radiators to new ones (the old ones are still in good condition). I have already agreed with the housing cooperative on replacement, but as it turned out later, they do not install polyurethane pipes. She returned the money back for a service not rendered, while quarreling with the head of the department. I found a company that installs such pipes. I came to the housing cooperative to pay a receipt for draining the riser and I was refused, citing the fact that they do not do this during the heating season. As far as I know, this is not mentioned anywhere.

Am I wrong? And what should I do in this situation? (I'm not going to bow to the boss). Yes, and yet, it’s not clear to me, I’m going to change 2 radiators in one room, but they say that it’s necessary to drain not 2 risers, but 4, supposedly these risers also communicate with the neighbors.:009: And who is going to install "polyurethane" pipes for you? That's why they refused you, if there were "POLYPROPYLENE" they probably did it themselves.: 010:

And who is going to install "polyurethane" pipes for you? That's why they refused you, if there were "POLYPROPYLENE" they probably did it themselves.: 010:

Ouch! Thank you for noticing.: flower: Of course, I meant polypropylene pipes. Already corrected. Our housing cooperative puts only metal-plastic pipes.

Connection options for heating radiators

Scheme of installation of heating batteries.

When you have to change radiators, the question inevitably arises of how to connect them. There are 2 options for mounting radiators: series or parallel. The choice depends on the type of radiator. The best heat transfer from aluminum and bimetallic devices is achieved when connected in parallel. The serial version is better suited for cast iron, steel radiators. However, if you live in an apartment building where, for example, there is a serial system, then you can connect radiators in parallel in your apartment only after approvals and consultations with representatives of the Housing Office. Another thing is a private house. Here you can connect radiators in any way:

Scheme of a horizontal sequential heating system.

  • serial connection. This method involves the direct inclusion of heating devices in the overall system. After installation is completed, the coolant is driven under pressure. Serial connection, incl. and repairs are made only in the summer, because. it is required to turn off the heating on the riser to which the batteries will be connected;
  • parallel connection. The bottom line is to connect to a common heating system through a separate embedded heat pipe. This option allows you to repair your heating system without shutting down the overall system. It is enough to install ball valves at the inlet and outlet. The downside is the poor heating of the heating batteries with insufficient pressure in the line. This is due to the fact that the coolant will go where there is less resistance, i.e. through the main pipeline, and not through a separate branch.

Best Answers


Change in the summer, always with the participation of the office that deals with your heating, even with an overpayment, but you will also receive advice and check for strength, and if the entrance is repaired, it will not be at your expense. By the way, buy SECTIONAL bimital batteries (if there is a lot of hydrogen in the water)


if you want to freeze, then in winter, and if not, then in summer!

Marina Okuneva:

for any summer when there is no water in the system. It is better closer to the heating season - so that when the heating is turned on or when the crimping will see if there are any leaks.


Probably when the heating is turned off


what do you think? of course in the summer!


better in the summer when water is not allowed on them

User deleted:

probably when the heating is turned off.

Lyolik (Alena):

of course it does, it’s better to change the batteries in the summer, only if they don’t leak themselves, can you imagine changing the batteries when the heating zones are in season, you have to drain the entire riser, all floors along your riser without heating, it’s cold


when there are preconditions for leaks


when the season is non-heating. firstly, you will need to drain all the water, and secondly, I think the neighbors will not appreciate it if they freeze just because you wanted to change the batteries)


better before the start of the heating season!! ! the truth is more expensive


If there are special valves blocking the system, then this will facilitate the work of changing the heating radiators in your room, but there will be a lot of dissatisfaction from the neighbors, believe me!! ! Especially for those with small children. So have a conscience and coordinate your repair work with your neighbors, if, of course. you are not in an emergency... Therefore, it is most painless to replace batteries in the summer, when water is drained from the system.Be sure to get a permit for repair work from a service or some other service serving your house: just go to the housing department or REU and write a corresponding application, or simply call a specialist from this service to your house who will give you all the necessary explanations on this topic. If you have doubts about the correctness of the advice of this specialist, then read the Housing Code of the Russian Federation (look on the Internet). You should also remember that if you install radiators yourself, and they do not meet the technical specifications specified in the registration certificate of your apartment, then this will threaten you with fines and other problems with regulatory authorities, but do you need it? So - draw your own conclusions! Good luck!

Elena Belyaeva:

At any time, a friend took off the batteries in the summer and just now bought it and put it in - nothing, it didn’t freeze.



Replacing heating batteries in an apartment through the UK ZhEK

At the time of the accident (for example, the radiator leaked), the replacement of the heating battery is entirely the responsibility of the organization, to whose account the residents transfer money for the maintenance of common property and major repairs. You can not say that such a replacement is free. Cases of coercion to purchase new appliances are not uncommon. It happens that receipts are issued for the cost of work performed.

The most unpleasant thing is if the battery replacement process is needed in emergency mode during the heating season. And the representatives of the Criminal Code will begin to evade their obligations, referring to the fact that they have neither time, nor employees, or even the radiators themselves. They will remove the old one, put the plugs in and politely offer to wait.

It turns out that tenants cannot change the batteries in their apartments at will, because.

For example, when the replacement has already been made, and you plan to legalize it, you should contact the expert commission, which, in turn, if there are no violations of design indicators, can confirm the legality of installing radiators.

Radiators How not to pour boiling water over neighbors when replacing batteries

An examination of the compliance of heating units with the primary project and the admissibility of their installation in an apartment without prejudice to the overall system of the whole house is paid by the owner of the apartment in which he wants to replace the batteries, because.

For example, if the batteries purchased by the owner do not correspond to common house heating devices, then in this case the HOA may prohibit their installation. The resident of the apartment must carry out such work through the housing office and coordinate with his service organization the replacement of batteries.


If he establishes similar to those provided for during the design and construction of the house, it is enough just to notify the Criminal Code without waiting for a special permit. Coordination of work with the HOA When replacing radiators with heaters of a different type (other than those envisaged by the architects), increasing its area or choosing a new installation site, an experienced specialist is required to help calculate the possibility of installing heaters, since the load on the entire thermal home network.

Shutdown of risers

At the Management Company, at my request, they said. Show more Hello!

Tell me, please, such a situation. They turned off the control valve on the fifth floor (no need to throw slippers, it happened by accident - they turned off the battery, they forgot to open the control valve).

since it happened in winter, overnight. See full text Hello. When contacting the Management Company Zhilischnik in the Rostokino district (Moscow) regarding the shutdown of the cold water and hot water risers, as well as the overcooking of the heated towel rail, they received a refusal from paid work on the heated towel rail (“at the moment we do not provide these services.

Show more Good afternoon!

I live in a multi-storey building, I want to replace a heated towel rail that is made of a plastic pipe with a metal one and, accordingly, arrange pipes for hot and cold water, as it is convenient for me, I contacted the Criminal Code with which I.

Who needs to pay {q} Is there an official price {q} They require payment of 1000 rubles for disconnecting the riser.

Is it legal {q} Who needs to pay {q}

Is there an official price list {q} They require payment of 1000 rubles for turning off the riser. Is this legal {q} Keep that in mind, otherwise there MAY be trouble.

But the replacement of the radiator was about 1000 r, although in life they ask for three. And even they should do it for free (if there are no shut-off valves according to the design of the house). You just need to know your rights and laws and not mumble in UO-ZhKS.

They gave me new radiators for FREE.

In general, of course, the price is too high, they have, what, the standard hour is 30 dollars {q}

The work consists of turning the faucet in the attic, then in the basement and draining the hot water from the riser through the air outlet valve. Work 15 minutes. By the way, I wonder if the prices are set by the general director of the housing and communal services, and in other housing and communal services how, or the prices are the same in the city and set by the Housing Committee {q}

Part 2 of Article 162 of the HC RF establishes: Clauses 1 and 2 of Part 3 of Article 162 of the HC RF establish: “3.

Based on the presented norms, the service for disconnecting water supply risers can be included in the maintenance, if it is provided for by the HOA estimate, which seems unlikely for the same reasons as in the case of managing the house of the MA.

In view of the foregoing, it seems necessary to execute the MA / HOA: 1.

they also like to spread caviar on bread Starnet122, 3 points, 2 pipes each - supply and return.

Total 2x3x300 = 1800. Not everyone lives in Moscow. Not yours, but common with your neighbors. The water in the house and in the risers is common, so if you drain it or at your request, then you pay for it, but there is not much water in the risers, and if it is in the estimate, it will not be very expensive.

3 points for 2 pipes - supply and return. Total 2x3x300 = 1800. Not everyone lives in Moscow.

So in Moscow, it’s also 500-600 rubles for a riser (I don’t know how it works with two pipes, maybe they take it for one riser). If it is not the UK that does it, but someone from the outside, disconnecting the risers can be 2-5 times more expensive and payment for each hour of disconnection. If the levy is illegal, then everything is simple: a complaint to the housing inspectorate and I will recalculate everything as it should be.


If the levy is legal, then the residential spice will simply explain why it costs money and how much it costs.


