Use of electric convectors
If, despite the fact that electricity cannot be called the most economical of all types of heating, you still decide to use this option, then convectors that can be installed both on walls and on the floor will be an excellent solution. In the latter case, the device can be moved from room to room, making it mobile. Among the additional advantages, absolute safety can be distinguished, since the devices have protection against overheating, and their case does not heat up so much, the temperature does not exceed 80 degrees.
Considering that convectors cannot be called the most economical, it is best to purchase devices with built-in thermostats to reduce electricity bills, which make the system the most economical during operation. In terms of functionality, such units are the most innovative, which is associated with the use of an additional control unit. But as for the price, the convector will cost about 3000-7000 rubles. for the heater. If we expect that one device is required for one room, then the cost of such a heating system will cost about 20,000 rubles. Economical electric heating convectors can meet expectations if the house is small enough, and you choose the device taking into account the presence of a thermostat in it.
What heating to choose to provide heat to a private house
Scheme of a two-pipe heating system.
In order to decide which options for the heating system are suitable for your home, you need to correctly evaluate all its capabilities and functions that they will perform in the future. If you intend to live in a built house permanently, then natural gas heating becomes the most common option. However, this method differs from many others not only in that it is very convenient, but also in the costs necessary to implement the heating system with everything necessary. Indeed, today, even in those premises in which a gas meter is installed, the bills for paying for the relevant services still contain sky-high figures. This is especially true in the autumn-winter period.
And if you turn to the tenants of apartment buildings for an example, you can safely say that this service still does not meet many of the requirements of customers. So, in rooms with central heating, the temperature inside rarely differs from the temperature in unheated entrances. Another traditional option for a home heating plan is to build a stove. It is these units that have served people for many millennia. To this day, in harsh climatic conditions, it is stoves that are indispensable options for warming a house.
At the moment, despite the large number of fans of traditional heating options, many choose modernized means. These include air, heat guns, and completely new infrared heating systems. and "warm floor" and "plinth heating" systems and much more. It is quite natural that with such a huge choice, the problem of choice arises. What are the main advantages or disadvantages of one or another design option?
Electric boilers for heating
The boiler of any system is a heat generator, it heats the coolant and supplies it to the circuit. In principle, any heating scheme can work with any type of boiler.
Electric boilers for household heating are considered very convenient, but they require a power supply of sufficient power.
Advantages of installing electric boilers for private houses:
- Simple installation of heating boilers, much easier than gas boilers. Installation does not require a separate room.
- A chimney and a separate room are not needed. An electric boiler can be placed in any room.
- Small dimensions and weight, therefore, they are easy to fix.
- Environmental safety, no harmful gases are emitted.
- High efficiency - 95-98%.
The use of bimetallic radiators
If you decide to use gas as an energy source, then you can purchase a double-circuit boiler, which will become part of the heating system. Among the elements of the latter will be radiators
In order to get higher efficiency, it is important to choose the right batteries. The most modern of them are bimetallic radiators, which are characterized by lower cost and high heat transfer.
Aluminum fins are capable of excellent energy transfer, this indicator for bimetal is 3 times higher compared to steel batteries. Thermal energy is spent more rationally. You can save not only at the time of purchase, but also the operation of the equipment, because the high heat transfer of aluminum allows you to use a smaller amount of coolant. In this case, the heat flow remains equal to the flow from cast-iron radiators. This indicates that bimetallic radiators may be smaller, but their shape will be more attractive compared to their cast-iron counterparts.
Fan heaters in heating
Fan heater installation scheme: 1 - Stand, 2 - Fan heater, 3 - Screw, 4 - Locking washer.
In addition to heat guns, air heating components include fan heaters. They have much smaller dimensions than heat guns, but the effect of their work is almost the same. This difference becomes very advantageous for the use of a fan heater in small rooms where it is not necessary to maintain a constant temperature.
So, in a private house, this unit is indispensable when the main heating system does not cope with its direct duties. And if you suddenly wake up in the morning from too cool air, then by turning on the fan heater, you can provide comfortable conditions in a short period of time. Another advantage of a fan heater is that it is used not only as a heater, but it is quite possible to operate it throughout the year. In order for you to be able to provide yourself with comfortable living conditions in hot weather, it will be enough just to turn off the thermal component and enjoy cool air flows in a private house.
Such units can be both stationary and portable. Therefore, do not worry about the fact that he will not be able to provide you with the proper conditions in all areas of the house. Fan heaters differ in the fuel they run on. The most common types of such fan heaters are electrical units. In addition to them, fan heaters operating on gas (including liquefied gas), fuel oil and kerosene are also used here. The last 2 options are usually used in industrial enterprises, as well as stationary varieties of fan heaters.
Electric types are preferred due to the fact that during their use you do not have to worry about incorrect operation or about a too high heating coefficient. While in the process of operation of oil units, they are constantly turned off, which is necessary in order to prevent their overheating and possible ignition.
What types of fuels are best to avoid
Owners of suburban buildings and private houses within the city use heating systems, which can be powered by hot water, electricity, wood or gas.The most expensive form of heating today is electricity. You can verify this if you connect a simple heater. At the end of the month, the electricity bill will be quite impressive. If it is only necessary to maintain room temperature, then electric boilers can be used.
When deciding what kind of heating in a private house is the most economical, consumers quite often pay attention to the wood used to heat stoves, which have proven themselves to be a proven and reliable method of heating. You can equip your home with a fireplace, enjoying the crackling of logs on long winter evenings.
However, this type of fuel has some disadvantages, expressed in increased fire hazard, as well as the high cost of firewood. But the price of such fuel is somewhat lower compared to electricity.
Gas consumption
When choosing economical heating for a summer residence, consumers most often pay attention to gas. If you also decide to follow the experience of the majority, then you should know what is the fuel consumption for a certain area of \u200b\u200bthe house
As practice shows, for a dwelling with an area of approximately 140 square meters, about 13 kilograms of gas per day will be needed. This statement is true if the windows are well insulated in the house, there are no cracks and crevices, and the temperature outside the window varies from -18 to -23 degrees. Indoor temperatures will vary from 21 to 23 degrees. The mentioned gas consumption for heating is approximately half of the cylinder.
Inappropriate Options
There are several types of electrical equipment designed for space heating, but not recommended for use as the main source of heat:
- Thermal fans. These devices have the simplest device and are a large hair dryer, consisting of an incandescent spiral and a fan that drives a stream of air through it. Their use will definitely not be cheap - the air cools extremely quickly, and it will not work to maintain a comfortable temperature for a long time. Do not forget also about the loads on the electrical network and the harm - too dry air is harmful to domestic plants and people.
- Oil radiators are probably the most common device used by residents of apartment buildings when there is not enough central heating power. Surprisingly, this is still the least efficient way of heating. And even if it is possible to heat the room to a comfortable temperature, it will not come out cheap at all.
Why is this equipment so common if it is inefficient. The fact is that all these are auxiliary devices designed to help out in emergency situations or when the main heating does not cope with its tasks. For a garage, for example, constant heating is not always needed. For the period of repair work, it can be heated with a heat gun (fan heater) powered by electricity or gas. But in a house where it is necessary to constantly keep the temperature at a certain level, infrared panels are much more effective.
Varieties of heating systems
There are several ways to organize electric heating in your home. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. Some are cheaper at the purchase stage, and some save significantly during operation. Let's look at what features each method has:
Installation of an electric boiler designed to heat water flowing through the pipes of the heating system. Perhaps the most well-known method, but it is far from the most effective today. Manufacturers claim that current models have become much more productive and now consume 80% less energy, but this is a moot point.Manual switching on and off of the boiler, of course, is impractical, and automatic at a given interval does not take into account the temperature regime of day and night. A more or less economical option is to install thermostats and appropriate automation to turn on depending on the temperature in the rooms, but this is difficult in terms of installation and very costly. Reduced power models with equal performance too − not more than advertising. Such a boiler, most likely, will not have enough “strength” to heat a large private house.
infrared panels. This is not just a way to heat rooms, but a fundamentally different technology. The point is not to warm up the air (which has a very low efficiency), but to influence the objects located in the room. Under the light of IR lamps, floors and furniture heat up and begin to emit heat themselves. The fundamental difference is that the traditional "radiator" method of space heating actually heats the ceiling (warm air from the battery rises), and the floors remain cold. With infrared heating, the opposite is true. The light is directed downwards, which means that the warmest place is the floor. Supplement the system with thermostats - and economical heating of a country house, private house or garage is ready. And the opinion about the dangers of infrared radiation on a person is nothing more than a myth. The main thing is not to be under the lamp for a long time, and nothing dangerous will happen.
The use of convectors. According to manufacturers, this is the most efficient way of space heating, which combines high performance and economical energy consumption. Both of these statements are the subject of a long dispute, since the technology is based on the same "radiator" principle, and many individual characteristics should be taken into account in heating a house. The main difference lies in the significant ease of installation and operation and lower price.
An important advantage of convectors is fire safety, which is very important when heating a country or private house made of wood. Convectors allow you to install them sequentially from room to room, they are compact and pleasant to look at, and are also protected from power surges.
Use of solar energy
If you live in a sunny region of Russia, then solar panels will be an excellent solution for you, which will generate heat and heat water for most of the year. You will not have to pay monthly utility bills, and the heat will be taken “out of thin air”. This is suitable for owners of summer cottages that are used only periodically, for example, for planting crops in the backyard and for summer holidays in a cozy country house. Consumers who install such systems are not afraid of power outages. You can also use photovoltaic panels, which are used as an additional power source. If there are power outages, then the energy of such devices will be enough to keep boilers and heaters running for several hours, as well as watch TV and charge the phone.
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Geothermal systems
New heating systems for private houses make it possible to obtain energy that can be used not only for heating, but also for other purposes. The most popular way to obtain energy is the use of geothermal installations. Such installations work on the same principle as a heat pump. The heat intake is provided from the ground, which is located in the immediate vicinity of the house.
Geothermal heating system
A geothermal installation, as an innovation in home heating, has the following design: a heat pump is installed in the house, which will be fully responsible for pumping the coolant. In the mine, located near the house, it is necessary to lower the heat exchanger. Through this heat exchanger, groundwater will be transferred to the heat pump. As they pass through the pump, they will lose some of their heat. This is because the pump will take heat and use it to heat the house.
If geothermal innovative heating of a country house is necessary, then the coolant should not be groundwater, but antifreeze. To do this, you will need to equip a tank designed for this type of coolant.
Why electricity
Electric heating differs from classic water-furnace and gas systems in greater efficiency and practicality. We will leave the first aspect for discussion a little lower, and describe the operational advantages here:
Electric heating is not only silent, but also environmentally friendly. It is transported safer than gas and does not emit harmful substances at all, both into the atmosphere and into the room. In the absence of waste, the need for exhaust chimneys and traction structures also disappears. Heating on coal or wood is not at all comparable to electrical systems.
Heating with electricity does not require large one-time costs. You can make a comparison using the example of gas: in order to connect a house, you must purchase equipment for each room, install communications, a boiler, and crash into a common highway. Moreover, it is necessary to do all this together, since it is impossible to postpone bringing some part of the house to the system. And the electric method allows you to organize sequential installation: first, the most important parts of the house are connected, and then, as funds accumulate, peripheral ones.
Due to the possibility of using a multi-tariff meter in a private house or apartment, as well as the constant development of technologies in this area, heating with electricity is already the most economical among analogues
Do not focus on the high price of equipment - it quickly pays off due to low energy consumption.
Almost every method of organizing electric heating allows you to do the installation yourself, without many additional tools.
Of course, the use of electrical systems for heating cannot be called ideal. Work on high-quality heating of each house requires taking into account many features. In some regions, the cost of electricity can be so high that gas cannot be abandoned.In old apartment buildings, it is difficult to switch to electric heating for two reasons: it is very difficult to disconnect from the central highway, and the power grid will have to be built again, taking into account powerful equipment.
Despite this, the overall picture tips the scales in favor of electricity. For rooms in which there is no gas or there is no possibility of supplying it, it is a real salvation.
Economical gas boilers
If you want to get the highest degree of savings, then it is important to understand the varieties of existing gas boilers. They can be floor, hinged and condensing
The first are installed on the floor, others are mounted on the wall. While others can be wall-mounted or floor-mounted, a distinctive feature of such equipment is high efficiency, which can reach 100% or more. The most economical heating boilers are of this type.
Such a high efficiency is due to the fact that such units use two sources of energy, the first is gas combustion, but the second is the energy that is released during the condensation of steam. If you choose a mounted boiler, you will be able to save even when purchasing, since such equipment is cheaper compared to other gas boilers.
Modern heating systems
- mini radiators. One of the novelties, so far little known, is a system that uses mini-radiators installed under the baseboard. Such equipment allows you to effectively warm up the premises without taking up precious space and without affecting the interior.
The principle of operation of mini-radiators is based on the fact that they do not heat the air, but transfer heat to surrounding objects. They, in turn, contribute to the heating of the air. As a result, the entire room is evenly heated, and at the same time, you can save up to 30% of electricity. Thus, it is not only convenient, but also economical heating for the home (more details: "Economical boilers for heating a private house").
Inside the system are heating elements that heat running water. The equipment uses a small amount of water - for a plinth 12 meters long, 4 liters of coolant is enough. Manufacturers give a guarantee on their products for 3-5 years.
Infrared heaters. They allow you to save up to 60% of electricity, and they do not take up much space. For space heating with the help of such devices, the installation of boilers and pipe laying is not required. Therefore, if you are interested in how to save on heating, then you should pay attention to infrared heaters - they consume a small amount of electricity, but are easy to install and do not require expensive communications.
Infrared film allows you to improve the indoor climate without consuming a lot of electricity. However, it is not enough to effectively heat the house, it can only be used as an additional source of heat.
The system of "warm floors", based on the use of infrared film, solves such a problem as a cold surface underfoot. Therefore, warm floors are often made in bathrooms, children's rooms. These are economical heating systems that complement the main heat source well. However, when laying the film, it is necessary to ensure that it is not under furniture, carpets and household appliances.
Air systems. They were invented about 70 years ago, although in our country they became known only recently. The principle of operation of such devices is as follows: in gas heaters, the air temperature rises, and then heat enters the house through pipes, and the cooled air follows back. The operation of such systems does not require large financial costs.As for the dust that rises with the air, there are filters in the air systems that trap even the smallest particles.
Solar panels. Working principle of solar heating system
Solar heating can also be included in the list where all the new technologies for home heating are present. In this case, not only photovoltaic panels, but also solar collectors can be used for heating. Photovoltaic panels have practically fallen out of use, since collector-type batteries have a much higher efficiency indicator.
Heating the latest heating systems for a private house, which are powered by solar energy, include components such as a collector - a device consisting of a series of tubes, these tubes are attached to a tank that is filled with coolant.
Heating scheme with solar collectors
According to their design features, solar collectors can be of the following varieties: vacuum, flat or air. Sometimes a component such as a pump can be included in such modern heating systems of a country house. It will be designed to provide mandatory circulation along the coolant circuit. This will contribute to more efficient heat transfer.
In order for solar heating technology to be the most efficient, some rules must be observed. Firstly, such new technologies for heating a country house can only be used in regions where it is sunny at least 15-20 days a year. If this indicator is lower, then additional new types of heating of a private house should be installed. The second rule dictates that the collectors be placed as high as possible. You need to orient them so that they absorb as much solar heat as possible.
The most optimal angle of the collector to the horizon is considered to be 30-45 0 .
To prevent unnecessary heat loss, it is necessary to insulate all pipes that connect the heat exchanger to the solar collectors.
Thus, we see that the development of technology does not stand still, and novelties in home heating are as much a necessity as the modernization of equipment that we use every day.
Innovations in the heating system use something completely new and unusual for us - thermal energy from different sources.
Modern types of heating a private house sometimes amaze the imagination, however, in modern times, each of us can already purchase or make such modern heating for a country house or a private one with our own hands. New in heating a private house are efficient systems that continue to develop the field of heating equipment, and we hope that all the most effective options are yet to come.
The heating system in a newly built house is the basis for many other activities in private homes. After all, it is heating that is the condition under which it is possible to carry out internal finishing work and the construction and installation of communications. This process is especially necessary when the construction of a house is delayed and all activities related to internal work fall on the cold season.
The scheme of heating the house with a gas boiler.
Many homeowners are forced to put them off due to the fact that the houses do not yet have an adequate heating system. Therefore, even at the stage of building a house, and even better before it, it is necessary to carefully consider all the options related to the organization of the heating system in the house. Depending on the style in which your house will be decorated and how often you intend to use the finished structure, it is necessary to select materials for construction and, accordingly, determine which heating system is suitable for these specific conditions.Both traditional and modern heating systems for private houses can be selected.
Organization of economical heating
You should not have a long debate about which equipment of the listed options best combines economy, efficiency and safety. It will be much more practical to use one or another option in the most suitable conditions. The following are the basic principles that should be followed in order to create economical heating with electricity at home:
- The first rule is common for both gas and electric systems - keep heat loss to a minimum by insulating walls, ceiling and floor. Thanks to this, you can reduce the required heat output to maintain the temperature. Of course, additional costs are necessary for this, but they pay off with energy savings. The temperature inside an insulated garage in winter rises above zero in half an hour if a car is running inside. In an insulated house, you will only need to maintain heat, and not constantly pump it, forcing the equipment to work at increased power.
- Design an optimal electric heating system. For example, an electric boiler can be quite effective for heating a small one-room apartment (if the heat loss is very small). But for a house with a large number of rooms, this is not the best option. Here it is more convenient to install a convector system with thermostats that control the climate in each room. Infrared panels are good for a garage, closet, or utility room that doesn't need to maintain a constant temperature.
- In rooms and houses that are not used throughout the day, it is optimal to combine electric heating equipment. As an example, let's take a kitchen with a main convector and an auxiliary IR panel. The convector allows you to maintain a minimum temperature throughout the day, and the panel turned on before the evening meal will quickly warm the room for a comfortable dinner. Similarly, you can arrange the heating of a bathroom, outbuildings or a heated garage.
- Thermoregulatory automation allows you to accurately adjust the temperature. Depending on specific models and devices, you can set "hot" and "cold" periods, use photo sensors to make the room warmer in the presence of people, and apply other settings. All these seemingly insignificant little things can greatly help in reducing costs.
- A large proportion of the consumption of the heating system falls at night, when all residents are at home. You can significantly reduce bills for this period by switching to two-tariff electricity metering. The night rate, as a rule, is 3-4 times lower than the main one. To replace the meter and change to the new metering rules, contact your local power supply company.
As we can see, economical heating of a private house without gas is quite feasible. The main thing is to carefully plan the transition to electricity, consider which devices to use for the main premises, and which ones for the periphery (garage, bathhouse, and other buildings). Of course, buying everything you need can cost a pretty penny, but these expenses are offset by the amount that you will save over the coming years.
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