Working documentation working draft of ventilation, stage P

to receive a complete package of project documentation, i.e. creation of a working draft of ventilation, additionally developed:
added to the main set of drawings:

  • detailing the nodes of the main ventilation equipment (piping of ventilation units);
  • block diagram of the main ventilation equipment;
  • detailing the nodes of the terminal ventilation equipment system;
  • overall dimensions and service areas of ventilation ducts;
  • notes for installation of the ventilation system;

added to the explanatory note:

  • heat consumption and installation electric power of ventilation equipment;
  • characteristics of the ventilation system (dimensions, energy consumption, etc.);
  • table of calculations of air exchange by premises;
  • design of ventilation system automation;

assignment to adjacent systems (integration table);

axonometric diagrams of the ventilation system;

specification of ventilation equipment with details;

licenses and certificates for design and installation works;

coordination of design solutions for ventilation with architects and designers.

The scope of the working design of ventilation allows you to fully implement the designed ventilation system.

Project calculation

The ventilation power is expressed in cubic meters per hour (m3/h) and shows how much air the entire ventilation system can pass through in a unit of time. This value depends on two parameters - the required air exchange rate of a given volume and the maximum number of people in the room served by the designed supply and exhaust ventilation, as well as their type of activity. The ventilation project requires the calculation of power depending on both parameters, after which the larger value is selected.


Powerful ventilation system

The air exchange rate is a dimensionless value showing how many times during an hour there is a complete air exchange in a given room. Building codes and regulations (SNiP) provide for different norms for the frequency of air exchange for premises of various functional purposes. For residential premises, in accordance with SNiP, the air exchange rate is 1, but not less than 30 m3 per person per hour. For kitchens and bathrooms, the air exchange rate is 1.5, but not less than 60 m3 per person per hour. The required ventilation power depending on the air exchange rate is calculated by the formula

L = n * V, where:

L is the required ventilation power; n is the standard air exchange rate; V - the volume of the room, equal to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room multiplied by the height of the ceiling.

Depending on the number of people, the required ventilation power is calculated using the following formula

L=N*LN, where:

N is the maximum number of people in the room; LN- standard hourly air consumption by each person, depending on the functional purpose of the room (which implies the corresponding occupation of people in this room).

SNiP 41-01-2003 provides for the following values ​​of LN:


A more flexible assessment of the volume of required air exchange, and hence the ventilation capacity, is made possible by the standards drawn up by various public and professional international and federal organizations, such as ABOK, ASHRAE and others. The standards compiled by them are of a reference and advisory nature, their inclusion in the ventilation project is not necessary, but their usefulness for improving the efficiency of design and installation is difficult to overestimate.


Air exchange standards compiled by non-governmental professional organizations

Typically, the required capacity of the ventilation system is in the range: 100-500 m2/h for apartments; 1000-2500 m2//h for private cottages; 1000-15000 m2/h for industrial, warehouse and administrative premises.

With a required capacity of 1000 m2 / h or more, the project provides for a separate room - a ventilation chamber in which the main equipment is installed, as well as an automatic unit that can manage the entire system in accordance with the programmed program. The ventilation chamber must meet the following parameters: positive temperature at any time of the year, sufficient sound insulation, sufficient power supply. If a water heater is used as the heating element of the air heating integrated into the ventilation system, a water supply and installation of a waterproofing of the room are also required.

When designing and installing the supply and exhaust ventilation of residential premises, sound insulation should be given special attention. The noise level, which is barely noticeable during the day, can seem completely unbearable at night


In accordance with the calculated power, the equipment of the ventilation system, the length and cross section of the air ducts are selected. In the presence of air heating, air ducts must have a layer of thermal insulation.

Based on the results of the development of the terms of reference, a scheme of the ventilation system is applied to the general drawing of the house (if the ventilation system is designed before the start of construction). Or, if the ventilation system is being developed for a finished house, a separate drawing of the ventilation system of a country house is drawn up.


An example of a drawing of the ventilation system of a private house

At the end of the design, an estimate is drawn up - the final cost of the ventilation project and a program of further work. After the end of the design phase, the installation of ventilation begins.

Drawing up a design plan for the ventilation system is a crucial stage, which is the key to the entire construction. It is better to entrust it to specialists.


The design of heating, ventilation and air conditioning should be treated as responsibly as possible. The high degree of integration and interaction with other systems makes their repair and restoration extremely difficult. In addition, the shutdown of these complexes can make staying on the site very uncomfortable, and the shutdown of internal heating networks can even cause an industrial accident.

Experienced employees of the design workshop "Spetssection" are ready to complete an order for the design of ventilation, heating and air conditioning systems in the shortest possible time, providing customers with documentation that meets all current standards. We carry out development at the stages of PD and DD, using the following input data:

  • • Terms of reference from the customer;
  • • Communication plans for water supply and sanitation;
  • • Accepted architectural and constructive solutions;
  • • Plans for electrical communications and equipment placement.

At the PD stage, drawings and schematic diagrams of heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems, an explanatory note, as well as technical specifications necessary for making certain design, engineering and architectural solutions are developed. The HVAC design at the DD stage is as close as possible to the performance of construction and installation works. The list of finished documentation includes detailed drawings, specifications for materials and equipment, as well as construction tasks that are required for adjacent sections of the project.

The company "Spetssection" performs the design of heating networks with connection to external highways or using its own energy source on the territory of the facility. Our employees also have considerable experience in developing plans for exhaust, recirculation and supply ventilation and air conditioning systems.In addition to the design of heating and ventilation, our competence also includes the development of smoke exhaust systems to ensure safe evacuation and quickly eliminate the consequences of a fire.

The timing of the design of HVAC sections varies depending on the complexity, as well as other factors. Development of PD takes at least 5 days, RD - from 14 days. You can get more detailed information about the terms of execution, the cost of the order and other aspects of cooperation by contacting our specialists using the form provided on the website or by phone.
If we did not answer you within 2 hours, we guarantee you a 10% discount on the total cost of the work. To do this, we ask you to write to project@specrazdel.ru, indicating in the subject line OB,TS 10% discount. Section OV, TC more


