Calculate the amount of drywall and profile per ceiling: online calculator

When installing a false ceiling from a plasterboard, it becomes necessary to correctly determine how much material is required for the work. There are different calculation methods, and meticulous masters combine several calculation methods at once. In order not to get confused, avoid mistakes and test yourself, it makes sense to use special calculators for calculating the amount of drywall on the ceiling, which are presented for free on our website.

We calculate the amount of materials for a plasterboard ceiling

Components taken into account in the calculation

For the construction of a suspended structure, not only drywall will be required, but also numerous fasteners, as well as means of preparing the surface for fine finishing. Therefore, the calculation - independent or using a calculator - includes:

  • Sheets (plates) of drywall. As a rule, the material is laid on the ceiling in one layer, and is sold in whole sheets.
  • Profiles bearing and ceiling. They are available in lengths of 3 and 4 meters, therefore, when buying, a selection is necessary to minimize waste.
  • Vertical suspensions, various connectors.
  • Dowel-nails for attaching profiles to walls and ceilings.
  • Self-tapping screws for metal fastening the profiles to each other.
  • Reinforcing mesh-serpyanka and putty for sealing joints.

Ceiling materials recommends: buy all materials with a small margin. The surplus will come in handy for other repairs. But the lack of components, for example due to installation errors, often leads to significant time costs: it is not always easy to find the missing material in the nearest stores.

Methods for calculating drywall on the ceiling

There are several ways to calculate how many parts of each type are required for assembly. false ceiling made of gypsum board in the apartment.

  • Graphic method. A sheet of paper shows a detailed diagram of the design, according to which the calculations are made. The advantage of this method is clarity: it is easier to arrange GKL sheets with minimal waste. It is indispensable if the ceilings have a shape other than rectangular. Disadvantage: It is easy to get confused and “lose” any fasteners. Or count them twice.
HELPFUL INFORMATION:  How to hang kitchen cabinets on drywall

Graphical counting method

  • mathematical method. The number of parts is calculated in stages, according to the installation steps. Gives the most accurate result, but difficult to understand.
  • Method "Knauf". A well-known German manufacturer of drywall and fasteners for it offers its own calculation method. A special table contains the number of all parts per 1 m2. It remains only to measure the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ceiling and multiply each position in this table by the number of resulting square meters. Below we have posted an online calculator based on this technique.

GKL ceiling accessories calculator

Suspended ceiling scheme

Please note: we signed the components with numbers so that you can find them on the diagram.

We did not indicate the number of profiles in pieces due to the fact that there are at least 3 types of profiles in stores: 3 meters, 3.5 meters and 4 meters. Knowing the total length, it is not difficult to divide it by the length of the profile and get the number of slats.


Principles for calculating GKL and fasteners

Regardless of the chosen method and type of calculator, the general rules for installing plasterboard ceiling structures are the same.

  • The length of the guide profile is equal to the perimeter of the ceiling. It is produced in strips of 3 and 4 meters long. The size is selected so that, if possible, there is no waste at all, or they would be minimal.
  • The footage of the ceiling profile depends on the scheme of its location. Schematic examples can be found here. Most often, cells are made with a side of 0.6 m. In this case, whole profiles are used in one direction, and trimmings of the appropriate length are also suitable for jumpers.
  • Direct hangers are placed on each ceiling profile with a step of 50 cm.
  • Multiplying the number of hangers by 2, get the number of dowels needed to fix them to the ceiling. Dowels are added to it for attaching the rails to the walls, which are arranged in increments of 30–40 cm.
  • Crab connectors are counted according to the number of ceiling profile joints.

The layout of the frame elements

  • Self-tapping screws for metal are purchased with a margin: hardware often breaks, and is lost even more often. In addition, the surplus can be used anywhere.
  • Drywall is sold in sheets, so proper layout is very important. GKL trimmings of small sizes will subsequently be difficult to find application.

Plasterboard layout

The calculation of everything necessary for arranging a plasterboard ceiling is simple. Attentiveness, consistency, accuracy, plus a handy calculator guarantee success and help save materials.

Dear readers! If the calculator helped you with the calculations during the repair, write about it in the comments. Suggestions for improving our online tools are welcome.


