How to make a homemade chipper with your own hands

Popular Models

We have prepared tables with a brief description of the most popular models of stump crushers.

We have included in the tables:

  • model name and a link to the manufacturer's or seller's website;
  • size and type of cutter;
  • chassis type (only for self-propelled devices);
  • engine type and horsepower With. or a method of connecting the unit to the vehicle engine;
  • weight of the device (only for manual and self-propelled models).


Model name and website link manufacturer or seller Type and dimensions of cutter Engine power, l. With. Device weight, kg Average price, thousand rubles
Husqvarna SG13 Disc vertical, diameter 35.5 cm, thickness 1 cm, 8 teeth 13 113 180
ECHO SG340 Disk horizontal, thickness 1 cm, 12 teeth 11 88 260
Sable SG450HS/23 Disk vertical, diameter 47 cm, thickness 2 cm, 12 teeth. 23 215 - non-self-propelled, 230 - self-propelled model 425 - non-self-propelled, 615 - self-propelled model


Model name and a link to the manufacturer's or seller's website. Chassis type Type and dimensions of cutter Power and type of engine, l. With. Device weight, kg Average price, thousand rubles
Laski F500H/27 Wheel minitractor Vertical disc 51 cm in diameter, 7 cm thick, 18 blades (teeth) Gasoline, 27 760 1000
Laski Predator P26M Caterpillar minitractor Vertical disc 51 cm in diameter, 7 cm thick, 18 blades (teeth) Diesel, 28 1000 2110
Caravaggi SG-31 HD Wheel minitractor Vertical disc 41 cm in diameter, 2.5 cm thick, 8 teeth Gasoline, 31 690 2155


Model name and link to the manufacturer's or seller's website Device type Type and dimensions of cutter Engine power and type (hp) or method of connection to the vehicle engine Average price, thousand rubles
Rotor Speedy 80/100 Hinged installation for a standard three-point attachment of tractors with a capacity of 80-100 hp. With. Drill, cylinder or crown with wings, choose when ordering PTO for drill rotation and standard hydraulic connection for drive operation Depends on configuration, please specify when ordering
Rotor Hydro 17/25 Attachments for installation on excavators weighing 17-25 tons. Drill, cylinder or crown with wings, choose when ordering Standard hydraulic connection Depends on configuration, please specify when ordering
Laski FZ500/27 Nozzle for a hydraulic boom of an excavator or loader. Installation on the hydraulic drive of the tractor is possible Disc vertical cutter with a diameter of 51 cm, a thickness of 7 cm, 18 teeth Standard quick-release point-to-point connection 480
Laski FZ 560TM Hinged installation for a standard three-point attachment of tractors with a capacity of 80-100 hp. With. Disc vertical cutter with a diameter of 56 cm, a thickness of 7 cm, 18 teeth PTO for drill rotation and standard hydraulic connection for drive operation 850
AMUR TFVJMF 130 Mounted rotovator for tractors with a capacity of 40-130 hp. With. Cutter length 130 cm, 22 carbide hammers PTO for drill rotation and standard hydraulic connection for drive operation Depends on configuration, please specify when ordering

Advantages and disadvantages of grinding

The technique for grinding stumps is used only in cases where the task of completely destroying large roots is not worth it. Most often, the need for crushing stumps arises during preparatory work before changing the design of the site or during the laying / repair of roads or footpaths.

In addition, stumps are crushed in cases where their uprooting can lead to too much disturbance of the soil structure.

How to make a homemade chipper with your own handsFor example, you can not uproot a stump that stands next to the house, because it is likely that one or more roots pass under the foundation.

During uprooting, such roots can damage the foundation or loosen the soil underneath, which will increase the fracture stress inside the foundation.

In addition, removing the roots under the foundation results in cavities that are then filled with water. If the foundation is installed above the freezing level of the soil, then during frosts the water in the cavities will freeze and severely damage the walls of the house due to frost heaving.

Also, grinding is preferable when preparing a trench for the foundation, because extracting the roots loosens the soil, so you will have to repeatedly compact the bottom, adding earth and sand as the voids are filled.

In addition, uprooting is preferable where it is planned to grow cereals or fruit plants, because when plowing or harrowing the soil, thick surface roots can damage the equipment or the tractor.


The industry offers wood chippers of various designs. The choice of one or another model directly depends on the scope of the proposed work. Large logging companies prefer stand-alone units that are mounted on tractors and are guaranteed to handle any amount of waste. For a country house or cottage, it is rational to purchase a portable electric crusher.

How to make a homemade chipper with your own hands

There are several main types of wood chippers, each of them has its own characteristics:

  • disc crusher;
  • drum grinder;
  • rotary unit with vertical or horizontal shaft;
  • hammer crushers of various designs.

How to make a homemade chipper with your own hands

Disc chippers and drum chippers are great for the woodworking industry. These units easily cope with thick branches, and if necessary, they will break whole trunks into chips. The quality of the chips, which is obtained at the exit, allows it to be used for the manufacture of wood-based panels, bypassing the stage of additional processing.

How to make a homemade chipper with your own hands

Rotary aggregates, or shredders, are ideal for processing construction waste wood. Wooden beams extracted from demolished dilapidated buildings, boards used as formwork, as a rule, are replete with various metal objects, these are self-tapping screws, staples, nails. These devices allow you to grind wood and separate it from metal.

How to make a homemade chipper with your own hands

The hammer mill for wood is great for crushing finished wood chips, to bring them to the desired size. The main part of the device is metal hammers on a pendulum suspension.


