Air recirculation button where it is

Purpose of the air recirculation system

How useful is the recirculation mode? Firstly, it provides a much faster setting of the optimum temperature inside the car, especially after a long parking of the car. This is achieved due to the fact that at the same time the intake of external air stops. Consequently, only the air that circulates through the heating or air conditioning system participates in the blowing process. Accordingly, it does not cool in winter and does not heat up in summer due to mixing with the external flow, that is, its temperature almost immediately becomes optimal.

Secondly, if it is necessary to cool the interior during the hot season, the energy costs for the operation of the evaporator in the recirculation mode become half as much as when using the oncoming external flow.

Thirdly, the outside air blocking mode is very useful in cases where conditions outside are far from ideal in terms of the presence of various contaminants and unpleasant odors in the air. Such factors can be, for example:

  • driving on country roads with no hard surface - on such roads in summer there is a column of dust, and any oncoming car threatens to turn the air in the cabin even with the windows completely closed into a dense suspension, which becomes impossible to breathe;
  • traffic in a traffic jam, when the practical absence of dynamics and dense traffic lead to multiple concentrations of exhaust gases that freely enter the cabin;
  • driving past sources of unpleasant odors - for example, a barn, a pig farm, a poultry farm, a landfill or a production complex with specific odors;
  • movement in long tunnels in conditions of slug speed, when stagnation greatly increases the concentration of exhaust;
  • if foul-smelling or polluted outside air has already leaked into the cabin, and it’s still far from leaving the clean zone, turning on internal recirculation will also be useful - bad air is usually cleaned fairly quickly.

Note that, despite such useful features of the Priora air recirculation mode, its use should not be long, since there is no air exchange. This leads to a decrease in the amount of oxygen and a corresponding increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide. The latter, as you know, has a suffocating effect on the body, causing drowsiness in the driver and passengers. Therefore, a long ride (more than 15 minutes) in this mode is not recommended, since it has a bad effect on people's well-being.

Air recirculation button where it is

The second negative point is that if you breathe the same air for a long time, it is saturated with moisture, which is abundantly present in a person’s exhalation. And if, in addition to the driver, there are passengers in the car, an increase in air humidity leads to rapid fogging of the windows, which even the switched on air conditioner cannot cope with. In terms of physics, fogging is the result of exceeding the concentration of moisture in the air, the so-called "dew point", especially in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe windshield, which always has a temperature lower than in the cabin. For this reason, the climate systems in the “defrost” mode (defrost windows) automatically block the recirculation of cabin air.

Air recirculation in Priora main malfunctions

Many drivers never use the recirculation button, simply because, having once tried this mode in inappropriate conditions, they did not see any advantages in it. Others use the button regularly, well aware of all the local advantages of this mode.Despite the simplicity of the design (the recirculation system consists of a damper that blocks the access of air from the outside, and an electromagnetic valve that acts as a damper actuator), it is not uncommon for this mode to be inoperative on the Priore. The reasons for the inoperability of the system, respectively, may be either problems with the valve, or a violation of the integrity of the damper. The Priora recirculation button may also be faulty.

Air recirculation button where it is

The jamming of the damper occurs when, for example, it is covered with rust due to the presence of moisture in the air. Note that corrosion processes occur only with a damper on air conditioning systems of a new type, since in this case it is made of metal, and sealing gum is used as a gasket. On older models, the damper is made of plastic and protected by sealing foam rubber.

To find out if the damper is to blame for the inoperability of the recirculation mode, you should manually try to move it. True, for this you will have to disassemble the deflector of the main (central) panel. If the damper is metal and turns by hand, but with difficulty (or if it fails to turn), the reason really lies in the presence of rust. There are two options for solving the problem:

  • try to treat the place affected by corrosion with VD-40;
  • if the result turned out to be negative or the operability of the damper returns for a short time, you should simply replace this part with a new one.

Air recirculation button where it is

Plastic shutters, although not susceptible to corrosion, can also wedged due to deformation caused by exposure to heated air. In this case, it will not be possible to restore the damper geometry, and therefore the only way out is to replace the part.

Damper actuator does not work

It is impossible to check whether the Priora recirculation valve (on vehicles with the Panasonic climate system) is working by viewing errors in the system operation - the corresponding codes are simply not provided. Therefore, it is necessary to perform the following actions in accordance with the algorithm described in the diagnostic card:

  • use a multimeter to measure the voltage level between ground and contact No. 1, going to the mode enable key;
  • if the value obtained corresponds to the voltage of the on-board network, there is an open circuit in the area of ​​the recirculation switch;
  • otherwise, you need to measure the voltage between ground and contact No. 2 of the recirculation switch button when it is pressed;
  • if the measured value is equal to the voltage of the on-board network, the switch itself is faulty, and then it must be replaced;
  • otherwise, we measure the state of the recirculation key with a multimeter;
  • if the value is equal to the voltage of the on-board network, there is a break in the circuit in the area between the mode switch button and the SAUKU heater controller;
  • if not, we proceed to measuring the voltage in the area between the ground and contact No. 1 of the damper solenoid valve (the button for turning on the recirculation mode must be pressed);
  • if the value obtained corresponds to the voltage of the on-board network, there is an open circuit in this area;
  • otherwise, there is an open circuit in the ground circuit of the damper drive valve.

The pinout of the Priora recirculation button is described in detail in the Panasonic climate control circuit diagram. If the recirculation malfunction is not caused by an open circuit or a breakdown of the solenoid valve itself, but by a damper malfunction, replacing it for an unprepared car owner can be quite a difficult undertaking.

Air recirculation button where it is

If you go to a car service, it will cost a pretty penny (about 10 thousand rubles), because the masters will say that you need to remove the entire stove, drain the antifreeze and also remove freon from the air conditioning system.You can do this yourself, and without draining the antifreeze and pumping out the refrigerant. Therefore, it makes sense to describe the procedure for replacing the vacuum drive if the Priora cabin air recirculation damper does not work:

first you need an L-shaped screwdriver - it is not sold in stores, but it is not difficult to make it by bending any available one, made of fairly soft metal

We unscrew the lower self-tapping screw with it, which is located very inconveniently - there is a hole there, sufficient to stick a hand in and perform the necessary manipulations; the upper self-tapping screw is hidden behind the plastic of the stove body - it must be drilled exactly opposite the self-tapping screw; disconnect the damper rod, for which it needs to be pulled to the left with a little effort; now the drive is free, it remains to pull it out (take it a little to the left and push in the direction of the engine compartment - it should fall down), you need to pull it out carefully, because it can cling to surrounding parts; the procedure for inserting a new vacuum actuator is also quite tedious - first we try to insert the valve into its original place; the second step is to get the drive tube into the hole located at the bottom of the heater; put the hose on the valve itself; we tighten the screws in the reverse order (you will have to tinker with the bottom one, so you don’t need to tighten it - the valve will be held quite securely even without the bottom screw)

As you can see, the Priora recirculation damper actuator can be replaced independently.

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Where is it located and how is it filmed

VAZ designers placed the DTVS module in a very original way. It is located in the plastic housing of the interior lighting assembly. Directly under the rear view mirror. Under the two backlights for the driver and passenger, you can see the air intake holes for supplying to the diesel engine.

Dismantling the module is quite simple. First, the rear view mirror is removed.

Air recirculation button where it is

After that, two bolts are opened that secure the light module to the body and interior upholstery. They are simply unscrewed with a screwdriver, or a hexagon, depending on the type of bolts. When this node begins to separate, it becomes possible to disconnect the wire connectors from the Priory cabin air temperature sensor and directly from the backlight node.

The DTVS itself is a plastic box fixed to the module body with two screws. And a wiring harness with a connector coming out of it. Having unscrewed these bolts, it is possible to separate the DFVS freely.

And when the node is removed, it is already possible to carry out various actions with it. But most often, it's just cleaning and lubricating the fan. Or replacing one of the nodes.

Although practice shows that most often drivers prefer not to bother much, just replace the DFA assembly. It's really easier, since its cost is not so high. Around 400-500 rubles.

And to install a new one according to the description above, acting in the reverse order, in general, will not be difficult.

And you can watch a short video on this issue:

Why you need an air conditioner in a car, you don’t need to explain - the heat sometimes reaches the mark “+35” and higher, and even more in the car. This is very uncomfortable, and even dangerous for the driver and passengers - you can get a heat stroke. Open windows are not an option. The noise of the street will accompany you all the way. Yes, and there is little use for this if the air is very hot.

Air recirculation button where it is

Car air conditioning is not a novelty for a long time - it can be ordered when buying any new car, even domestic. For most of them, air conditioning is already offered as standard.

And if there is no air conditioning - if you wish, you can put it even on the VAZ "classics" - now there are enough specialists and equipment.However, in recent years, instead of air conditioning, more and more car buyers order climate control in Prior.

What is the difference between Priora climate control and a conventional air conditioner? If you have a simple air conditioner in your car, then you have to do everything manually - turn the air cooling on and off, adjust the temperature, strength and direction of flows.

This is certainly better than frying in a pan, but still - not very convenient. You have to constantly be distracted from control in order to adjust the climate in the cabin in a way that is comfortable for everyone - or ask passengers to tweak something.

Air recirculation button where it is

If climate control is installed on your Lada Priora car instead of an air conditioner, then, of course, you can be envied. The driver only sets the air temperature with the regulator - the climate control will do the rest. It monitors the current readings of the thermometer in the cabin and, in accordance with this, changes the ratio of hot and cold air flows, as well as the strength of the flows supplied to the cabin.

Climate control on Priore can be two-, three- and even four-zone. In this case, the driver and passengers can set the temperature each in their own part of the cabin, independently of each other (or with a certain maximum difference).

Such systems, however, are not always effective - it depends, first of all, on whether the manufacturer has saved on the number of fans, air tunnels and other details of the climate system.

Air recirculation button where it is

As for the main faults, everything is pretty interesting here. An ordinary air conditioner is a rather simple thing, its repair and maintenance are not difficult (among the main malfunctions are tube rupture, compressor and evaporator breakdown, insufficient freon level in the system).

Climate control on Lada Priore is a much more complicated device, and therefore mechanics have to puzzle over its malfunctions much more.

On a Lada Priora car, climate control is single-zone, but still, it includes, in addition to the usual components of an air conditioner, a lot of control modules (especially an expensive part) of sensors, sensors, cables, electric motors, resistors, printed circuit boards and other things. When replacing these parts can cost a tidy sum!

Air recirculation button where it is


