Silence law comes into force in Lipetsk

What is the Law on silence in an apartment building

For the peace of mind of citizens living in an apartment building, the law on Silence has been adopted by the legislation of the Russian Federation. On the basis of FZ-52, citizens can defend their own rights if they believe that they are being violated.

Types of silence violations for which you can be fined:

  • loud conversations and screams;
  • the use of explosives;
  • carrying out repairs at the wrong time;
  • the use of a sound amplifier when listening to music or watching a movie that exceeds the permissible sound standards in decibels;
  • deliberate use of car alarms;
  • the use of noisy household appliances - a vacuum cleaner, an electric meat grinder, etc.;
  • barking of animals provoked by the owners.

For exceeding the permissible sound standards in decibels, a fine can be imposed regardless of the time of day.

Ask a lawyer about what to do with neighbors who do not follow the rules in Moscow. A competent lawyer is waiting for you here:

What type of noise can be fined by law?

  • loud music;
  • repair work;
  • crying baby;
  • animal barking;
  • family quarrel;
  • loading, unloading, moving furniture;
  • music from an institution located near a residential building.

Do not forget that there are times when repair work, cleaning, moving furniture and other household chores are acceptable.

When accepted?

Federal Law No. 52 was adopted on March 12, 1999. According to its amendments in 2017, the quiet time in apartments starts at 23.00 and ends at 7.00.

The noise level must not exceed the legal limits:

  • from 7.00 to 23.00 - up to 40 decibels;
  • from 23.00 to 07.00 - up to 30 decibels.

An example of how to understand the noise level in decibels: a car alarm near a residential building makes sounds at 80-100 dB.

If someone has broken your silence, especially at night, you can contact the district police officer. Based on the provisions of the Silence Law, you can punish the offender. The law on silence in an apartment building allows citizens to designate a time frame for permissible noise.

On a note! With the same number, the essence of the Federal Law "On sanitary and epidemiological well-being." don't confuse them!

Repair in an apartment when the law allows noise in 2018

If you are doing repairs in accordance with all laws and regulations, and you are being wrongfully complained about, read the article on what to do if your neighbors complain about noise. ⇐ How to protect your rights and where to complain If you are bothered by noise from your neighbors, there are several ways to restore justice:

  1. Agree.
  2. Complain to Rospotrebnadzor.
  3. To call the police.
  4. Go to court.

When it is better to agree It is known that repair is not a process, but a state. So just because your neighbor was tempted to make repairs just when you decided to take a nap, does not mean that sometime in the future you will not drop the drill, frightened by the knock of an angry neighbor on your door.

It should be borne in mind that according to the sanitary rules of any region, noise pollution from most construction equipment is higher than permissible at any time of the day.

Is it possible to do repairs on the weekend? holiday repair bill

So, for example, in both 2017 and 2018, repair work is prohibited in Moscow from 19 to 9 o'clock, as well as from 13 to 15 o'clock on weekdays. And on Saturday, Sunday and other non-working days, it is generally impossible to make noise with construction equipment. The only exceptions are new buildings, which are not more than 1.5 years old.

It is understandable, because at this time all the happy owners of a new home put it in order, and the knock of a hammer is heard everywhere. The only holiday when noise is allowed throughout Russia is January 1.

Here the logic of the legislator is also clear - no matter how many prohibitions there are, they will definitely make noise on the New Year holiday.⇒ We recommend reading: how to measure the noise level from neighbors at home. ⇐ Responsibility for violation of the Law on Silence For violation of the noise regime, administrative liability is provided, and in special cases, termination of the tenancy agreement.

Legislative regulation of the issue

When carrying out repairs, legal regulations must be observed. According to the sanitary and epidemiological requirements governing the rules for living in apartment buildings, a certain sound level is allowed, and it should not exceed forty decibels. This condition is provided for all regions of the Russian Federation.

The Housing Code spells out human rights to carry out repairs. According to its legislative acts, restrictions have been introduced on the time when it is possible to repair premises in residential buildings.Silence law comes into force in Lipetsk

The procedure for carrying out such types of work is regulated by state regulations:

  1. Federal Law No. 52, which provides for permissible hours when an increase in the degree of sound is permissible.
  2. In accordance with Government Decree No. 354 and No. 58, indicating the boundaries of loudness when performing redevelopment and restoration of premises.
  3. Sanitary standards: 2.2.4 /
  4. The Civil Administrative Code establishes measures of violations and liability for repair work.

Time limits

In many subjects of the Russian state, there are rules regarding the noise level:

  1. On weekdays, repairs are allowed to be carried out from nine in the morning until seven in the evening. Any activities must be carried out strictly at the specified time.
  2. On holidays, on Saturdays and Sundays, repairs are prohibited.
  3. Noisy nighttime activities must not be performed before 8:00 am and completed after 20:00 pm. The same requirements apply to the import of building materials and the removal of waste.

Continuous noisy work should not last more than six hours. If much more time is required, for example, a day, be sure to enter a break, lasting from one hour.

For some regions of Russia, it is possible to carry out repairs in the apartment until eight o'clock in the evening, the use of combustible substances - only on weekdays until four in the afternoon. In certain cities of our country, it is formally allowed to carry out repair work on premises belonging to residential apartment buildings on Saturdays. But if such an activity creates a loud sound, it is allowed to be carried out only from nine o'clock in the morning.

By law, night hours start at 23.00 in the evening and end in the morning at seven o'clock. No noise is allowed during this time. Only a quiet conversation with a volume indicator not exceeding thirty decibels is allowed. Accordingly, during the night period, it is impossible to carry out repair work, assemble furniture, as well as other construction and reconstruction activities.

Is it possible to do repairs on weekends in Lipetsk

Grounds for a complaint to Rospotrebnadzor A complaint to Rospotrebnadzor should be made when the violation of the silence regime occurs systematically. For example, a neighbor is engaged in carpentry in his apartment and makes a lot of noise every day, including during the day when, according to regional laws, it seems to be not prohibited. In such a situation, real responsibility will come only in case of systematic violations. And to fix them, you will need to measure their strength, as well as the conclusion of a specialist about their excessiveness. This can only be done by a special body in the field of supervision over compliance with sanitary rules - Rospotrebnadzor. In order for him to protect your rights, you must write a complaint in which you describe in detail on what days and at what time the neighbor bakes you with construction noise.Without the knowledge of the violator, the supervisory authority will measure the noise level near the neighbor's apartment, and, based on the data received, draw up an act.

Silence law comes into force in Lipetsk

On November 28, the Law of the Lipetsk Region No. 14-OZ of November 16, 2016 “On Certain Issues of Ensuring Peace and Peace of Citizens in the Lipetsk Region” came into force.

The law regulates relations related to ensuring the peace and quiet of citizens at their place of residence or stay on the territory of the region as additional conditions for the implementation of the rights and freedoms of man and citizen enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation, incl. to health, recreation and a healthy environment.

Thus, on the territory of the region, it is not allowed to commit actions that violate the peace and quiet of citizens at their place of residence or stay.

These include:

  • 1) the use at high volume of sound-reproducing and sound-amplifying devices and mechanisms (television sets, radios, tape recorders, microphones and other devices, installations and equipment) that create high-level noise that impedes the rest and leisure of citizens at their place of residence or stay, as well as the failure to take measures to eliminate such high-level noise;
  • 2) loud shouting, whistling, singing, playing musical instruments and other actions, accompanied by sounds that create an increased level of noise that impedes the rest and leisure of citizens at their place of residence or stay, in the period from 22:00 to 08:00, as well as non-acceptance measures to eliminate such elevated levels of noise;
  • 3) failure by the owner (owner) of the vehicle to take measures to timely turn off the unreasonably functioning or faulty sound security alarm installed on the vehicle, which creates high-level noise that interferes with the rest and leisure of citizens at their place of residence or stay;
  • 4) organization and production of excavation, construction, repair, handling and other types of work, carried out both with the use of mechanical means and technical devices, and without it, creating high-level noise that interferes with the rest and leisure of citizens at their place of residence or stay , during the period of time: from 22 to 8 hours - on working days, from 20 hours to 10 hours - on Sundays and non-working holidays established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • 5) the use (application) of pyrotechnic means and products (fireworks, firecrackers, rocket launchers and other products) that create high-level noise that impedes the rest and leisure of citizens at their place of residence or stay, from 22:00 to 08:00.

The provisions of the law on silence do not apply to actions related to the conduct of:

  • 1) measures to ensure the security of the state and public security, the security of citizens;
  • 2) measures to prevent and suppress crimes, offenses and other unlawful acts;
  • 3) measures to prevent and eliminate the consequences of accidents, catastrophes, natural and other disasters, as well as other emergency situations;
  • 4) urgent work to ensure and restore the functioning of life support facilities for the population of the region;
  • 5) divine services, other religious rites and ceremonies in accordance with the Federal Law of September 26, 1997 No. 125-FZ “On Freedom of Conscience and Religious Associations”;
  • 6) official sports, cultural and other mass public events organized and held in accordance with the procedure established by the state authorities of the region and local authorities, including in accordance with Federal Law No. 54-FZ of June 19, 2004 "On meetings, rallies, demonstrations , processions and picketing”;
  • 7) events using pyrotechnic means and products (fireworks, firecrackers, rocket launchers and other products) carried out in accordance with the fire safety requirements approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 22, 2009 No. 1052 “On approval of fire safety requirements for the distribution and use of pyrotechnic products ”, from 22:00 on December 31 to 2:00 on January 1 of the calendar year (New Year's Eve).

Violation of the peace and quiet of citizens at their place of residence or stay entails administrative liability in accordance with the Code of the Lipetsk Region on Administrative Offenses in the form of a warning or imposition of an administrative fine for citizens in the amount of 500 rubles to 1 thousand rubles; for officials - from 2 thousand rubles to 5 thousand rubles; for legal entities - from 3 thousand rubles to 10 thousand rubles.

Definition of concepts

As for constant noise, during the day it can be equal to no more than forty, and at night - up to thirty decibels.

For example, the sound of a quiet whisper reaches thirty decibels, a car engine - forty, a working vacuum cleaner - seventy. The raised tones during a quarrel are seventy-five decibels; in a jet aircraft, the noise level corresponds to one hundred and forty decibels. For human hearing, sound from 120 to 130 dB is considered a pain threshold. The presence of people during such a sound for more than fifteen minutes can cause physical and mental disorders of their body.

A drill during operation reproduces a sound equal to at least ninety decibels, a hammer drill has a noise level of one hundred and ten or more decibels. The operation of these tools violates the rules regarding neighbors in an apartment building. Noise-suppressing devices are used to avoid causing discomfort to other residents of the house.


