It often happens that when preparing an apartment for repairs, it turns out that all the walls are full of holes and resemble Swiss cheese. Holes and strobes remain from old wiring, nails for cabinets and shelves, former sockets and switches, and simply from plaster that has fallen off with a piece of wall. The ceiling window in the bathroom is also an eyesore. But it is not in vain that they say that the eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing. Let's roll up our sleeves and start repairing defects, especially since there is nothing complicated here.
Closing small holes
To begin with, we clean small holes on the wall from screws or dowels with a nail of a smaller diameter. We blow it with a compressor to expel dust from there, we moisten it with plenty of water to equalize the surface moisture and the raw repair composition. The resulting holes are filled with putty to the maximum depth. The final touch is sanding flush with the main surface.
What to do with the middle hole in the wall?
Repairing a hole from an old outlet or a carefully removed utility pipe is not much more difficult than getting rid of a small hole. The principle of surface treatment is the same:
- We remove all parts falling off the wall. Including suspiciously staggering ones - they can bring a lot of trouble at the end of the repair.
- Using a brush or vacuum cleaner, remove crumbled pieces and dust.
- Spray the surface liberally with water from a spray bottle.
- For better adhesion of the solution to the wall, it is necessary to use special primer.
- We fill the hole with a solution of sand, cement and water (3: 1: 1) or use a ready-made plaster mixture, let it dry.
- We control the drying process: if cracks appear, we rub it with a primer, leveling the surface. Dry, and then, if necessary, repeat the priming.
- Finish with a sander or by hand using medium grit sandpaper.
- After complete drying, we can assume that the hole is sealed and the surface is ready for finishing.
Drying of the solution takes at least 12 hours. During this time, no manipulations with the treated surface can be performed.
Through holes from pipes are pre-supported on one side with a piece of plywood. Having closed the surface on one side of the wall, we similarly carry out the procedure on the other.
How to close a large hole?
Sometimes it happens that when repairing walls, not only pieces of plaster fall out. They can be joined by broken pieces of concrete or brick. In this case, it is necessary to use additional reinforcement of the wall surface.
- Similarly to the previous cases, we clean the hole from everything superfluous.
- We drive in dowels or screw in powerful screws. If the pothole is large enough, they need to be additionally tied with wire.
- We remove debris and dust with a dry brush or vacuum cleaner.
- Wet the surface with plenty of water.
- In a standard cement-sand mortar, add broken brick or crushed stone.
- With the resulting mixture, we close up the fallen piece of the wall, let the solution stand and dry.
- If necessary, we plaster the surface of the entire wall or locally a section of the hole, followed by drying and overwriting the cracks.
- Now you can start finishing.
Apply cement mortar in thin layers, allowing them to dry thoroughly. A thick layer is guaranteed to crack or fall off.
What to do with large holes in the wall?
After inaccurate dismantling of pipes, large holes remain in the walls. To restore the integrity of the surface, you will first have to lay the main part of the breach with bricks. We expand the hole so as to make the masonry even. Then we lay out the brick on the mortar as the main patch.Further manipulations are carried out according to the algorithm described above.
Fixing holes in drywall
hole in drywall partition after the screw is pulled out, it looks like a hidden camera, and makes you feel uncomfortable. To eliminate it, you will need:
- a small amount of plaster
- knife,
- piece of wallpaper or applique.
Carefully remove a small piece of old wallpaper around the hole. On a wet surface, apply gypsum diluted with water with a knife. Glue a new piece of wallpaper on top of it. You can also stick a decorative application on the damaged surface.
If the GKL is damaged by a “fallen” locker, the repair algorithm will be as follows:
- Draw a square or rectangle around the hole with a pencil, capturing the cracked surface.
- With a hacksaw, cut a hole along the marked lines.
- From the wrong side, we fasten two parallel tires to the drywall with screws, on which the patch will hold. The number of tires increases depending on the size. As a frame, you can use wooden slats, durable plastic, metal profile.
- We transfer the contour of the cut piece to a new sheet of drywall and cut it out as accurately as possible.
- We fix the patch to the rails previously screwed to the wall, driving the screws so that the caps do not protrude above the surface of the sheet.
- We seal the seams with gypsum putty.
- We remove irregularities with sandpaper.
- We produce further primer either in the area of the former hole, or on the entire surface of the wall.
There are times when the damaged area is too large. In this case, we calculate what is cheaper and easier - to repair a piece or replace the entire sheet.
If the plasterboard wall is not broken through, but only slightly pressed in and cracked, there is another way to seal the surface: we paste it on the damaged area reinforcing mesh, and then overwrite it with a repair compound. After drying, smooth the surface with sandpaper.