How to arrange forced ventilation in the apartment with your own hands

Clean and fresh air in a house or apartment is the key to the health and comfort of all residents. Supply ventilation, adjusted to clean the living space from unpleasant and harmful odors and dust particles, can provide such conditions. This is one of the most simple and easy to use devices. Do-it-yourself supply ventilation is equipped quite easily, which is a clear advantage of the device.

supply ventilation scheme

It is a simple system of pipes with external entrances and exits to the street. The supply air duct is assembled according to a pre-compiled scheme. There are no serious installation difficulties here. In the future, such a device is quickly and conveniently serviced. Each owner of the house can independently install it and use it in everyday life, regulating the flow of fresh air.

The need to install ventilation

Some residents believe: if there are vents and the ability to open windows, why install ventilation equipment? You can clean the air in the apartment in this way. But in reality, it turns out that natural ventilation does not cope well with this task, and there is no circulation of air masses. Unpleasant odors emanating from the kitchen and bathroom stagnate in the house, creating humidity or dryness, and the person begins to experience discomfort.


Following the fashion and advertising of manufacturers plastic windows, many of us install them in the apartment. This creates a sealing of the space and an obstacle to free natural air exchange. There is a heavy atmosphere inside the room.

Especially relevant is the issue of air purification in winter. Ventilation through windows causes heat leakage and drafts. If you do not open the windows and avoid ventilation, the air in the rooms becomes dry, the amount of oxygen in it decreases. It makes people feel bad.

Do-it-yourself ventilation allows you to avoid all these problems. It can be done in several ways:

  • install fans in the window or in a specially made hole in the wall;
  • arrange a supply and exhaust duct;
  • install a system of inlet openings (valves).

supply valve

Now the most popular is ventilation of the supply and exhaust type, driven by mechanical devices.

Supply or supply and exhaust ventilation: which is better

According to the principle of operation, supply and supply and exhaust ventilation are practically the same.

The supply type is the simplest and is associated with natural air purification through a system of pipes and holes located on different surfaces. In it, air circulation occurs naturally, following the laws of physics. The finished set of parts can be accompanied by a heating or cooling element.

valve with filter

Supply and exhaust involves the construction of a more complex system of pipes passing throughout the house. A convector is installed on the street, which is responsible for regulating the flow of air masses, cooling them in the heat of summer and heating them in winter. In such a system, there are ultraviolet lamps that contribute to the disinfection of the air coming into the room. There is a fabric filter that retains particles of dust, burning and other impurities that accumulate in the external environment.

components of ventilation

Both systems are easily mounted from ready-made, manufactured parts or any improvised means. However, supply and exhaust ventilation is more efficient. During its operation, processes occur that provide additional comfort to the room:

  • heating or cooling air;
  • its cleaning and disinfection;
  • humidification and ionization.

Modern supply and exhaust systems have a recuperation function. It is performed by a special device - a box - with radiators and tapes inside. The air leaving the room "leaves" heat in it, which returns back to the apartment or house. The recuperator is installed at the outlet. In summer, it is removed or looped so that the air in the room does not overheat.


Installing this device allows you to significantly save thermal energy. It is inexpensive, and the benefits of its use are great.

recuperator device

The supply and supply and exhaust systems have a natural and mechanical drive of fans located at the inlet and outlet of the air ducts. Mechanical actuation of the device allows you to significantly increase the speed of air flow and take additional measures to improve their condition. With good fan power in 2-3 hours, such an installation is able to clean and refresh a large area.

The main stages of the supply ventilation device

To make fresh ventilation in a house or apartment with your own hands, it is important to carry out competent preliminary work. It consists of several points.

Carrying out calculations. For a private cottage under construction, the ventilation system can be designed along with the general plan. For a finished structure and an apartment in a high-rise building, an autonomous air duct is created, taking into account the area of ​​\u200b\u200ball rooms and each room separately. All calculations are carried out according to a formula that uses the values ​​\u200b\u200bnecessary for optimal circulation of air masses. These include:

  • total power and performance of the supply system;
  • fan power at the inlet;
  • air intake rate;
  • maximum noise level from the operation of the device;
  • diameter of supply openings, dimensions and length of pipes;
  • power and energy consumption of additional devices (heater, recuperator, etc.).

When making calculations, the coefficients established by SANPiN are taken into account.

Based on the calculations performed, a detailed layout of all the components of the device is drawn up.

Further, the selection of parts from the remnants of building materials and the purchase of the missing elements are carried out.

Now it has become possible to purchase ready-made ventilation devices of supply and supply and exhaust types. Different manufacturers have different prices. But why spend extra money if every man can install such a system at home on his own. Do-it-yourself supply and exhaust ventilation is created longer and a little more complicated. It is much easier to equip a conventional flow duct.

Do-it-yourself ventilation installation

Supply ventilation in an apartment of a multi-storey building can be connected to a common house natural air duct system. To do this, you first need check her condition in a simple way. The notebook sheet is applied to the ventilation hole. If the paper adheres to it and is held, then there is a draft, and the air duct can be used.

In the case when the channels are clogged and clogged, you can try them clean. But in a large house, this can be problematic. Then install ventilation with valves. They are bought in the store. How many such parts are needed depends on the size and total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe space. Valves come in different sizes.

The simplest models of these devices include an indoor unit, a protective grill and a connecting pipe. They are usually installed above the battery to minimize heat loss.

  • In the selected place, the primary marking is carried out: the outline of the valve device is outlined.
  • If it was purchased assembled, then it is necessary to disassemble and free the case.
  • Using a perforator, a through hole is made in the outer wall, trying to withstand the slope angle of no more than 7 degrees.

preparation of the hole for the inlet valve

  • A tube covered with insulating material is inserted into it. It should be invisible from the outside, and protrude 1 cm from the inside.
  • In the places where the tube is attached to the wall, holes are drilled for dowel-nails.
  • They fix the body of the inlet valve, which is additionally clamped by the insulating layer of the tube.

valve body

  • When the base of the device is securely fixed, the parts that were removed during disassembly are inserted into it.
  • Outside mounted grate.
  • After that, the operation of the inlet valve is checked by opening and closing the valve.

checking the operation of the inlet valve

During operation, it is necessary to disassemble and clean the valve twice a year from dirt and dust that clog it through the slots in the grate.

Installing fresh air ventilation in an apartment is a simple and reliable way to improve the air and maintain a favorable microclimate.


