How to make forced ventilation in the bathroom

Proper air exchange in the room plays no less a role in ensuring comfort than temperature and light. If the air stagnates, then an unfavorable microclimate will be created in the room: a person will feel stuffy, dampness and odors will accumulate, and the oxygen content will decrease. These shortcomings are especially noticeable in small and damp rooms, so ventilation in the bathroom must be good. How to achieve this?

We deal with the proper organization of ventilation in the bathroom

Different countries have their own SNiPs. They also specify the requirements for ventilation of the room. In accordance with these documents, for a private bathroom, an air flow of 25 cubic meters is considered the norm. m / h, for a combined bathroom with a toilet - 2 times more. However, ventilation ducts in houses do not always cope with this task. If the room is constantly damp, there is no air exchange, then, most likely, forced ventilation will be required.

Varieties of ventilation

There are 2 main types of ventilation: natural and artificial. In the first case, air exchange occurs due to the pressure difference between the room and the street. Natural ventilation is provided by windows, vents, doors, and various slots. That is, no devices are used for air circulation.

Forced (or artificial) ventilation in the bathroom is provided by the operation of a special device that sets air currents in motion. The principle of its operation is simple: the fan pulls the air out, and air enters the room from the street or from other rooms.

By appointment, the following types are distinguished:

  • exhaust ventilation, i.e., removing polluted air;
  • supply, aimed at the supply of additional volumes of air from the outside;
  • mixed, i.e., performing the functions of both of the above types.

The principle of operation of natural ventilation in the apartment

How to check if ventilation is working

In old houses, the operation of ventilation shafts is often disrupted: over time, they become clogged and cease to perform their functions. Therefore, first you need check the condition of the duct. If it is clogged with something, the efficiency of not only natural, but also forced ventilation will decrease.

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Finding out if the ventilation in the bathroom is in working order is simple:

  1. The apartment opens the windows and the door to the bathroom.
  2. They take gauze, a napkin or a handkerchief and apply it to the opening of the ventilation duct.
  3. With the quality work of the air duct, the fabric or paper itself will stick near the hole. The tighter the handkerchief or napkin is pressed, the better the draft in the mine. If they do not hold, fall, then something is wrong with the channel, you need to find out the reason why the ventilation does not work.

Checking the draft in the ventilation shaft

You can conduct another test, it is also very simple and indicative:

  • also open windows and doors;
  • light a candle and bring it to the exit of the mine;
  • if the light leans towards the hole, then there is thrust; if it burns without moving, then the air stands still.

Then the experiments should be repeated with closed windows and doors. If in this case the light is deflected or the leaf sticks to the hole, then the traction is good, strong. In this case, it is unlikely that there will be a need to install forced ventilation. If there is no draft, then it will not hurt to install an additional fan.

The main reason for the lack of traction is channel clogging. In this case, it is necessary clear the mine, if necessary, contact the management company. It happens that the residents of the upper floors wall up the ventilation, which also interferes with air circulation. This issue will also have to be resolved through the Criminal Code.

Fan selection

The fan must meet a number of requirements:

  • Safety.The device will be connected to electricity, and installed in a damp room, so moisture protection must be provided, and the fan must also be resistant to steam.
  • Low noise level. This parameter during operation of the device should not exceed 35 dB. Otherwise, a constant hum will annoy residents, and in some cases neighbors. You will have to spend money on soundproofing.
  • Fan throughput. It should be enough to provide a change of air in the room 5-8 times per hour.
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Variety of bathroom fan

Fan power calculation

The fan power level should provide optimal air circulation, at least at the level of SNiPs. If he cannot drive enough volume through himself, then there is no point in installing it. Therefore, it is important to correctly calculate the required minimum. There are different calculation formulas.

  • By area of ​​the room. Multiply the area of ​​the room by 5 and add 20%. This is the required minimum fan power that will be needed to provide fresh air to a room of a given size. However, it is recommended to buy a more powerful device.
  • Taking into account the number of people - 6V or 8V. In this case, the volume of the bathroom (V) is calculated and multiplied by a factor. If the premises are used by 2 or fewer people, then a coefficient of 6 is taken, if 3 or more - a coefficient of 8.

Another formula for calculating fan power

Fan installation

In most cases, there are no problems with how to ventilate a bathroom. There are several general rules for placing the hood in the room:

  • It should be at the highest possible height, as close to the ceiling as possible, this will increase the volume of air being cleaned.
  • Keep away from water and plumbing fixtures as moisture can cause a short circuit.
  • At the maximum distance from the windows, doors and other natural sources of fresh air, otherwise the ventilation will not cover the entire volume of the room. Air masses that have just entered the room will immediately be removed through the shaft, while the rest of the air will stagnate.

In most cases, the bathroom does not need additional complex air duct structures: the cooler is mounted directly into the opening of the ventilation shaft.

Installing a fan in the bathroom correctly

You can connect the device to electricity in different ways:

  • make a separate switch, i.e. the device will only work when someone presses the button (the switch can be both outside and inside the room);
  • connect to the bathroom switch, in this case the fan will work when the light in the room is on.
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Here everyone is free to choose the option that he considers more convenient for himself.

Good ventilation in the bathroom is very important. Here, air stagnation can lead to the appearance of mold, fungus, and also create an unfavorable microclimate for humans.


