How to apply liquid wallpaper on drywall and can it be done?

Liquid wallpaper is a relatively new material for wall decoration. They perform two functions at once: decorative coating and plaster. However, many users are confused by their name: "liquid wallpaper". Hearing it and not understanding the features of the material, people decide that it cannot be used to finish drywall, because the latter is afraid of water. How true or false is this statement? And is it possible to apply liquid wallpaper on drywall? This needs to be looked into in more detail.

We find out whether it is possible to use liquid wallpaper in combination with GKL

So is it possible or not?

Do not think that this wallpaper is as liquid as water. In fact, in finished form, they have a rather dense structure, reminiscent of putty or plaster in consistency. Wallpaper is made from a mixture of cellulose, glue, decorative elements (for example, glitter, curly particles), cotton fibers, silk or other textiles. Dry ingredients are mixed with water (the proportion is indicated in the instructions). Then the mixture is infused and a rather thick solution is obtained, which can be applied to walls made of any material.

Liquid wallpaper does not contain very much water. Such an amount of liquid will not be able to harm the material. partitions. Therefore, you should not be afraid that the drywall will swell, change shape, etc. By the way, if this material is properly prepared, then large volumes of water will not be afraid of it.

Liquid wallpaper is quite compatible with drywall

Features of liquid wallpaper

After drying, the wallpaper becomes soft, even silky. However, an interesting design effect is not the only advantage of this finishing material. The advantages of liquid wallpaper include:

  • the absence of joints, overlaps and other types of seams on the finished coating;
  • ease of repair of any damage (it is enough to dilute a small amount of the dry mixture and cover up the dirt or scratch);
  • unlimited space for a flight of fancy, with the help of these wallpapers you can perform complex drawings;
  • environmental friendliness - they contain only natural ingredients;
  • ease of application;
  • leveling of irregularities and surface defects;
  • long service life - up to 10 years.
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Of course, they also have a number of disadvantages:

  • easily absorb odors;
  • do not wash;
  • contaminants easily penetrate into the structure of the material;
  • the effect of water on dried wallpaper can be fatal;
  • upon contact with furniture and other objects, they can quickly wear out at the points of contact.

This finishing material has many interesting and unique properties.


Depending on what material is used as a base, liquid wallpaper is divided into:

  • cotton;
  • silk;
  • cellulose;
  • combined.

There are ready-to-use mixtures, to which you only need to add a certain amount of water. There are also wallpaper mixtures that you can make yourself, that is, mix the components with your own hands in the right proportion: dye, filler, decorating elements.

Fillers for liquid wallpaper

How to prepare liquid wallpaper

The cooking rules will be as follows:

  1. The required amount of slightly hot water is collected in a plastic basin (temperature not higher than 50 degrees).
  2. Then the dry mixture is poured into the container and mixed.

It is better to mix the wet wallpaper mass with your hands so as not to damage the components of the mixture, and also to knead all the lumps with high quality.

  • Then the prepared mass is left for several hours to infuse.
  • The finished mixture can be used immediately or stored in a closed container for several days (usually no longer than 5 days).

The process of preparing the mixture for application

How to prepare drywall

Drywall preparation is one of the most important elements. It is on how this stage will be performed that the quality of further work, as well as the safety of the drywall itself, depends.

What should be done:

  • Qualitatively putty all seams between sheets. Otherwise, tears or cracks in the finish will appear over time. In addition, the material cannot be evenly applied to a bumpy surface.
  • Process the hats of self-tapping screws. First they are treated with a primer or painted. This is necessary so that the steel does not corrode corrosion. Due to rust, ugly stains and stains can appear on the wallpaper.
  • Coat the caps of the screws with putty. This will ensure that the surface is completely level.
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The main condition for obtaining a quality result is the correct preparation of a plasterboard wall.

  • If time permits, completely to putty the entire surface of the wallsby pre-priming them. This will prevent contact of liquid wallpaper with the top layer of drywall. Also, spots will not show through the material, since the entire surface will be monophonic.
  • Treat drywall or putty with a primer. The liquid will fill all the micropores on the walls. Thanks to this, the finishing material will not penetrate inside the walls, so it will be easy to remove it later. In addition, this will completely exclude the contact of wallpaper with drywall. Also, applying a primer improves adhesion.

When the drywall is processed, you can start applying liquid wallpaper. They are evenly rubbed over the entire surface of the walls. For primed and putty material, such a finish does not pose a threat at all. Therefore, we can safely say that liquid wallpaper can be applied to drywall.


