Is it possible to paint drywall without prior putty?

Drywall - This is one of the most popular building materials at present. From it you can assemble a complex structure for a multi-level ceiling, make a partition or screen, align the walls, etc. However, this raises questions regarding the finishing of elements from the GKL. The fact is that the material is quite demanding on the observance of the technology of work, and painting drywall without putty causes the most questions.

How to paint drywall without putty

Is it possible to paint the walls without putty?

Drywall can be called a universal material. However, for all its versatility, it is very demanding. It is necessary to observe all the subtleties of the technology, otherwise it will lose most of its wonderful qualities, quickly become unusable, crack and become untidy. Therefore, when carrying out any work, it is necessary to comply with the manufacturer's requirements so that walls and partitions made of gypsum plasterboard serve for many years.

Painting walls from plasterboard It is considered one of the simplest and most economical ways of finishing: materials for work are inexpensive, and, importantly, almost everything can be done independently. But some craftsmen want to cut costs and time even further and suggest skipping the plasterboard wall puttying step. They explain this by the fact that the walls are even and covered with a protective film, so there is no need to apply a building mixture. But not everyone knows for sure whether drywall can be painted without additional processing.

In fact, puttying is needed not so much for leveling, but to protect the sheets themselves from aggressive external influences. Manufacturers always insist on additional processing of the material.

Is it possible to paint plasterboard without putty?

Note! In the absence of putty on the walls, you will need to apply more layers of paint to achieve an even color.

Savings at this stage of work looks doubtful. You can skip it only in the most extreme case, when there is simply no other option for painting walls or partitions.

Work technology

If for any reason plastering the wall before painting turns out to be impossible, then it is necessary to strictly observe the technology. This will extend the life of the walls, make the job easier and make it possible to avoid fatal mistakes. All work is carried out in stages.

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Drywall painting technology

Preparatory work

First of all, you need to prepare the plasterboards themselves for the upcoming painting procedure:

  • Before work, the walls or ceiling must be thoroughly cleaned of all kinds of contaminants: dust, dirt, drops of fallen solution, etc.
  • It is advisable to additionally walk on drywall with a vacuum cleaner - the device will remove the smallest dust particles. However, they, despite their invisibility, greatly reduce the ability of materials to adhere. It is not recommended to use wet rags for cleaning GKL.

Cleaning the wall from dust before painting

Cleaning is carried out no earlier than 1-2 days before the start of work. Otherwise, the dust will again accumulate on the walls, and they will have to be cleaned again. It is better to carry out work on cleaning the room a few hours before painting.

  • It is necessary to check with a spatula the caps of all self-tapping screws screwed into the GKL sheets. To do this, a spatula is carried out along the seam. If it touches the head of the screw or gets stuck on it, it means that it is not twisted deep enough. It needs to be tightened, otherwise noticeable and ugly bumps may form on the wall or ceiling.

Primer plasterboard walls

Drywall has a porous surface, so it absorbs a lot of paint. To reduce consumption and improve adhesion, it is necessary to process the wall without fail special primer deep penetration. Also, thanks to the primer, the material will become more durable.

Primer plasterboard surface

Apply the product so as not to miss a millimeter of the surface. Otherwise, color differences will be provided in the future. There are three ways to apply primer:

  1. It is recommended to use a roller (preferably with a long pile, but it is also possible with a medium one) and draw stripes from top to bottom with it.
  2. Can be used wide brush-brush.
  3. Many people like to work with a spray gun, but in this case there is a high risk that dry spots will remain or the application will be uneven.

Alignment of seams

It will not be possible to completely avoid puttying before painting: there are always small gaps at the joints of the sheets that need to be repaired. You also need to disguise the caps of the screws, so you still have to make friends with the spatula.

HELPFUL INFORMATION:  Tape for sealing drywall joints: perforated paper and sickle

Alignment of seams before painting

  • Before plastering the seams on the walls, they are glued with a sickle mesh. It will strengthen the seam and will not allow later the joints of the sheets to disperse in this place and crack. The mesh width can be from 5 to 10 cm, depending on the condition of the walls.
  • Then putty is diluted, following the instructions, and the seams are coated. If necessary, the work is repeated. Do the same with all self-tapping screw heads.
  • The mixture is allowed to dry, as a rule, it takes at least 10-12 hours, but it is better to clarify in the instructions.

The raw solution has a darker shade, and the dried one becomes light in appearance and hardens.

  • When all the seams on the wall dry, they are carefully polished. This work is best done with a hand grater, on which a piece of fine-grained sandpaper is attached, since it is necessary to control the pressing force and the thickness of the layer to be removed. When working with a grinder, you can easily damage the protective paper layer on the GKL.

Hand grater for grinding

Grind until the putty on the seams becomes even and smooth, also trim the mortar on the heads of the screws. Of course, it will not work perfectly to align them with the wall, but you need to get as close as possible to this.


After all the seams are processed, you need to re-clean the surface of the walls from dirt. You can again walk along the GKL with a vacuum cleaner. Apply a second coat of primer before painting. This step should not be neglected - the foundation will become more durable. The pores in the material will be filled, and as a result, paint consumption will be significantly reduced, it will lay down more evenly, and absorb less. As a result, there will be practically no color differences on the wall.

The process of painting walls from plasterboard

When the base is ready and the primer has dried, you can proceed to the actual painting of drywall. The process itself is not much different from the usual painting of walls and ceilings. Drywall can also be applied with both acrylic and water-based paint. However, there are a few things to keep in mind while working:

  • It will not be possible to paint over a wall of plasterboard in one layer: in any case, there will be differences in color, it will be clear that there is putty in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe seams, but there is none in the rest of the space. Therefore, you need to immediately tune in to the fact that you will need at least 2-3 layers. And in some cases even more. You need to prepare for this before the repair.
  • For painting it is better to use a roller. In this case, the paint lays down more evenly, while stains and streaks remain behind the brushes.
HELPFUL INFORMATION:  Original solutions for walls to be painted in the interior

The process of painting plasterboard floors

  • In order for the paint to lay down evenly, it must be rolled out in a tray.
  • A thick layer of paint will not help hide the flaws on the wall. Due to the abundant coating layer, streaks will form, which will lead to the opposite result.
  • A new layer can be applied only after the previous one has completely dried. Otherwise, they will be smudged.
  • The next layer is applied perpendicular to the previous one: this is the only way to achieve uniform coloring and avoid gaps and color differences.
  • It will not be possible to qualitatively process the corners with a roller; here you will have to use a brush. The same applies to the perimeter of the wall or ceiling near the baseboard. It is better to start painting with the treatment of precisely these insidious zones.

It is difficult to name the required number of layers exactly. This is determined in the course of work: drywall is painted until the color evens out. The absence of drops and stains indicates that the work was done with high quality.

Roller for patterned painting

That's all for the painting of walls, partitions and ceilings from plasterboard. The technology itself is not much different from working with any other type of surface. However, the base for painting must be carefully processed.


