Wooden partitions for zoning the space in the room (10 photos)

An original and inexpensive way to highlight a separate corner in a studio apartment or a large room - decorative partitions for zoning space. With their help, you can separate the dining room from the kitchen, the living room from the hallway, the bedroom from the workspace and implement many more design ideas and practical solutions. At the same time, it is not necessary to spend a lot of money on redevelopment work or storm furniture stores, because you can make a beautiful dividing structure with your own hands from inexpensive materials. We recommend aesthetes and nature lovers to pay attention to wooden partitions used for zoning the space in the room and bringing cozy warmth and nobility of natural wood into the interior of the apartment.

Partitions made of wood for zoning rooms

What are the partitions

For zoning a room, it is most often used decorative partitions, as they perform not only the practical part of the task, but can also harmoniously complement the interior.

A decorative partition can be made in the same style as the whole room, if you do not want to focus on it. For example, in a bedroom with white walls, a low wall in the same light colors will look good. This technique will allow you not to overload the room with unnecessary details.

In general, two types of partitions can be distinguished:

  • Stationary, that is, fixed partitions. These include false walls, half-walls and those interior items that perform the function of dividing space. Such a barrier can even serve as a cabinet or rack, having sufficient length and height. In this case, with the help of a partition, you can also solve the issue of storing things or souvenirs.

Lightweight and practical stationary partition made of wood with shelves

  • Transformable. It can be curtains, screens, sliding doors. The advantage of such partitions is that, if necessary, they can be moved away or hidden, making the space one. Dividing a room with screens will also be a great stylistic decision.
HELPFUL INFORMATION:  Scandinavian style hallway design (9 photos)

Transformable sliding wooden structure

In the manufacture of a room-dividing structure, almost any material can be used, not limited to certain shapes and structures. The most common materials are:

You can independently make a curtain dividing the room space from any materials at hand. It can be plastic bottles, vinyl records or thick cardboard - the choice depends only on your imagination.

The easiest way, of course, is to make a textile curtain. But it has its downsides:

  1. A huge curtain will not fit into every interior.
  2. Such a partition will let in light.
  3. The curtain will become a dust collector, and it will have to be cleaned quite often.

A curtain made of fabric, acting as a zoning element, looks impressive, but not very practical.

Of the other options, wooden partitions are easy to manufacture and quite budgetary, which are perfect for zoning space even in a small room.

DIY wooden partitions

Partitions made of wood are perfect for a room in a classic style, as well as for modern bright and even minimalist interiors. Wood is easy to process, paint and combine with various other materials.

If you want to decorate your home with original decor items, use the principle of combining the incongruous. For example, a wooden screen will look beautiful with glass or lace inserts.

Let's look at the options for making a wooden partition with your own hands.

Homemade partition from boards with backlight: simple but stylish


To make a partition from a lining, you will need to make a frame that is sheathed with this building material.Such a false wall will look especially good in a wooden house, and it will bring comfort and warmth to the stop of an ordinary city apartment. But to use this material in the bathroom, you will have to treat the wood with a moisture-repellent solution.

Brushed lining will look spectacular in the interior

To create a decorative partition, the lining of class "A" and "Extra" is best suited. Pine lining class "B" or "C", which is popular in the decoration of saunas and cottages, loses significantly in its appearance.


The advantage of this material is the ability to cut any shape you need. The plywood partition will be thin enough, so it won't take up much space. A flat surface will make it possible to decorate the barrier to match the style of your room.

HELPFUL INFORMATION:  Partitions-racks for zoning the space in the room (9 photos)

A beautiful carved plywood structure can be made using a jigsaw

wooden window frame

To create a dividing structure, several frames interconnected will be required. Thus, you can get an original and stylish partition. You can leave glass in the frames, or fill the empty space with textiles, hanging decorative elements, lanterns.

wooden pallets

The idea of ​​using regular wooden pallets to zone a room may seem strange at first, but it's a really interesting and easy solution to a space problem. Minimal processing of natural material combined with bright accents, such as posters and commemorative photographs, will create a spectacular atmosphere in the room.

Original and non-standard partition and wooden pallets

Partition of wooden doors

If you have a few old wooden doors to spare, try making an extra wall out of them. Firstly, in this case, the tree will require minimal processing in the form of painting and giving the desired style, and secondly, such a design will look really original. From the doors you can also make a movable screen on wheels.

Here is such an original screen can be made from old door panels

tree branches

Zoning a room can be done not only from solid opaque half-walls, but with the help of various vertical decorations. One of them can be tree branches or thin trunks. Such a partition will perfectly fit into the interior in an eco-style, and you can decorate it with artificial greenery.

Zoning decoration from bamboo trunks

Decorative wooden barriers will help you effectively solve the problem of space division even in a small room. All you need is a maximum of imagination, a minimum of cash costs and physical effort, and a partition made by yourself will delight you with beauty and functionality for a long time.


