Glass shower care

Plaque cleaning of individual elements

Let us now analyze how to eliminate drips, traces of scale, and other pollution from individual parts of the shower cabin.

Faucet and mixer

Taps, mixers, shower and hydromass nozzles are made of metal. They can be cleaned with weak acids - acetic, citric. Solutions are conveniently applied from a spray bottle. After 10–15 minutes, the remaining acids are washed off with running water.


For the manufacture of pallets, several materials are used that differ in their properties. Usually this:

  • ceramics or faience;
  • acrylic;
  • cast iron;
  • enamelled steel.

When choosing cleaning methods, consider the material from which the pallet is made.

Acrylic is easily scratched, so the choice of means for cleaning it from scale should be approached especially carefully. Lime is formed here quite quickly. To remove small dirt from acrylic pallets, soap and a sponge are often used.

When using purchased products, you must make sure that they can clean acrylic surfaces. For old traces of scale, you can use toothpaste. It must be applied to the sponge, treat the entire surface, and then rinse.

In especially difficult cases, use the following method:

  1. Fill the pan with warm water and table vinegar in a 1: 1 ratio.
  2. Leave the mixture for 2-3 hours. If heavily soiled, you can leave it overnight.
  3. After that, the pan is thoroughly washed.

With this method, you can eliminate traces of rust, deposits, scale. Citric acid gives a good effect. Any abrasive substances, including soda, scouring powders, should be excluded.

Enamelled pallets made of cast iron, steel have a thin coating. It can be scratched by abrasive materials. Remove deposits and dirt carefully. Acetic, citric acid have proven themselves well for cleaning enameled trays. Among the purchased funds, the well-known Pemolux and Comet give a good effect.


Often, walls and shower doors are made of glass. To remove traces of scale, you can use special preparations for cleaning glass. Usually they are released in the form of a spray. Use like this:

  1. Spray the drug from a spray bottle.
  2. Leave for 10-15 minutes (the instructions indicate the exact time for each product).
  3. Clean the glass surface with a damp sponge.
  4. Wipe dry with a dry soft cloth.

Good results are obtained by cleaning with Mister Muscle, Sanelite, Cif. With old scale stains, a solution of citric or acetic acid helps. They can wash almost all impurities.

  1. These funds are applied to the surface.
  2. Wipe with a sponge or brush.
  3. Wash off with water and be sure to wipe the walls dry.

After their application, the glass will return to its original appearance and transparency.


Plastic is often used to make the walls of the booth. This is a soft material that can scratch. Therefore, when cleaning it, do not use abrasive substances. Good results are obtained by using the drug Antinakipin:

  1. Prepare a hot solution of Antinakipin.
  2. Apply the resulting mixture to plastic surfaces.
  3. Leave for 5-10 minutes.
  4. Wipe off the remnants of the product with a sponge.
  5. Washed with water.

In cases of severe contamination, specialized preparations are used in the form of gels and solutions.

Caring for tiles and ceramics at home

These home remedies should be used by those housewives whose walls in the shower are tiled.

Vinegar control.

From the use of chemical acid, stains often remain. You can wash the tiles in the bathroom and shower with ordinary vinegar.

About how to do it: a six percent solution can be used through a spray bottle.Spray vinegar on the surface, hold for a quarter of an hour, wipe off the solution with a clean rag or cloth (preferably microfiber).

Citric acid against plaque.

Citric acid can be used at least every day, it is completely gentle care. Fine-crystalline powder is applied with an ordinary damp sponge, the surfaces are cleaned and washed off with water.

How to get rid of mold in the cabin

In practice, the formation of mold occurs due to the fact that the room is poorly ventilated, that is, the evaporated moisture remains in the room, settling on the surface. Thus, living bacteria have every chance to "settle down" in their usual habitat.

To prevent it, you need to thoroughly ventilate the bathroom after taking a shower. Ideal - if the room has windows. As a rule, they are left in airing mode after bathing. Thus, the cabin will dry quickly and the tiles will not be covered with bacteria and mold.

No less popular when cleaning the cabin is citric acid. This is a kind of universal washing powder. To use it as a shower cabin cleaner, dilute 30 grams of acid and 20 grams of soda in 200 ml of warm water.

Transfer this solution to a spray bottle and then apply to the contaminated element. This solution is left for 10 minutes, and then washed off with warm water.

If a fungus began to form in the cabin, then a non-concentrated chlorine solution will help to eliminate it. Be sure to thoroughly ventilate the room after treating the surface of the booth with chlorine.

Experienced housewives know that toothpaste is the best way to remove stubborn dirt from an acrylic tray. It is its use that allows you to immediately clean the acrylic bath from yellow spots, remove plaque and dirt, without damaging the fragile surface of acrylic.

Tips & Tricks

The shower shines with whiteness and purity only upon purchase, but in the process of use, the shine is lost. The cabin becomes unsightly, with remnants of stains from soap and streams of water. In order to avoid this, it is necessary to clean the installation from traces of use in a timely manner, using appropriate and suitable means, in particular sprays, aerosols, etc.

All means are very harmful to humans, which means that when using such solutions, it is necessary to observe safety precautions, keep the cabin doors open and preferably the windows in the ventilation mode in order to avoid possible poisoning.

If rust has begun to appear in the booth, you can get rid of it with vinegar. It is also applied to the surface - using a spray gun. Leave on for at least 30 minutes and then wash off.

The best way to remove pollution is considered to be special means for washing acrylic bathtubs - if the tray is made of plastic, as well as for washing windows - if it is a glass cabin. It is necessary to apply such products on the walls when cleaning. The funds should be left for 10-15 minutes, then rinsed with water. Thus, it is possible to prevent the appearance of plaque on the walls in advance, which means to carry out prophylaxis on the fly.

If it is necessary to restore the shower cabin, use the appropriate specialized restoration tools.

At the same time, it is important to distinguish that for a specific material there is its own line of products.

Do not use powders, even if they are universal.

In order to prevent contamination, you need to use the right tool. In particular, scrapers and brushes, as they perfectly remove plaque without detergents.

It is better to use a scraper constantly.

Caring for a shower cabin is a guarantee of its long-term use, therefore it is necessary to constantly wipe the surface of the walls and doors of the cabin from dried drops, as they become the founders of plaque. All this is due to the content of salts and minerals in the water.If this is not done in a timely manner, after a while yellowness will appear on the surface, as well as mold.

If we talk about the pallet, then in no case should you clean the acrylic pallet with abrasive particles. When using a detergent, it is necessary to distribute the substance evenly, when using a synthetic sponge, the product. Then it must be left for 10 minutes, then washed off with warm water.

The best option for cleaning the acrylic tray is to use a soft sponge. It can be replaced with a cloth napkin. So that the pallet always pleases with its brilliance, it is rubbed with a special wax-based polish.

It is strictly forbidden to use acetone or ammonia as a cleaning agent, as well as various formaldehydes and formic acid.

Everything you need to know shower owners

The appearance of plaque is associated with water quality - this is sometimes impossible to fight. Pollution from hard water accumulates, staining the walls, the booth tray, and glass. They need to be removed with a soft scraper, but in some places they are inconvenient to work with.

Glass shower care

  1. After each water procedure, it is required to leave the cabin doors open for ventilation. This will help prevent mold formation.
  2. To remove plaque and traces of water hardness on glass, special products are used. They can be purchased at the economic network of stores. Before use, you need to study the instructions, the composition. Pollution is removed in protective gloves, in a ventilated area.
  3. The fight against mold is carried out with chemical compounds with chlorine or hydrogen peroxide. The products are sprayed on the required surface, kept for the recommended time, washed off with water, wiped dry with a rag.
  4. Cleaning of pallets and walls of the booth is carried out with detergents (acids and other substances) in accordance with the materials of manufacture of the surface to be cleaned. An improperly selected product can ruin the pallet and cabin walls.
  5. The choice of a chemical aggressive composition must be made taking into account the individual intolerance of the components and the possibility of allergic reactions. Allergy sufferers are better off using alternative folk methods for cleaning the surface of the cabin, glass, shower, bathroom, pallets, tiles.


In order for the shower cabin to always be clean and last for many years, you need to follow a few simple recommendations from experts.

Acrylic cleaners are ideal for washing shower cabins made of plastic. To wash the glass doors and walls of the product, you can purchase a window cleaner. It must be applied to the surface of the cabin, and then washed off with water after 15 minutes. This procedure will prevent the formation of soap scum.

Experts do not recommend using powder products to clean the shower stall, as they can damage the surface of the product. In order to prevent the formation of pollution, you can use a brush, scraper. Scrapers called rails perfectly help to remove plaque from the surface of the shower cabin. They adhere tightly to the surface and are soft. Cabin cleaning should be done every time after taking a shower.

If you need to eliminate pollution, then you can use folk remedies. The best choice is a solution that consists of water, citric acid and soda. It should be poured into a spray bottle, and then sprayed on the walls of the booth. To prepare a cleaning solution for 200 ml of warm water, you need 20 grams of citric acid and 20 grams of soda. The product is applied for only 10 minutes, after which it must be thoroughly washed off the walls with water. It will add shine to the shower.

If the shower enclosure has an acrylic coating, then only products designed specifically for cleaning the acrylic bathtub should be used. Other cleaners may damage the acrylic finish.

It is very difficult to get rid of mold, so it is better to engage in prevention and not bring it to its formation. The cabin requires regular ventilation, the sealant must be regularly treated with special sprays. If mold still appears, then it is better to replace the old sealant with a new one.

It is better not to use chemical solvents, as they can damage the finish of the shower enclosure. They negatively affect the condition of acrylic pallets and plastic walls.

Cabin doors should always be kept ajar. This will allow moisture to evaporate faster and will be an excellent prevention of mold formation. Vinegar is great for fighting rust. It is better to use a spray bottle to use it. After spraying, wash it off with water after half an hour.

For information on how to clean a shower cabin without a brush and effort, see the following video.

Folk remedies

If for some reason you do not want to use cleaning products from modern manufacturers of household chemicals, then the following recommendations will help you clean the shower cabin at home:

You can independently prepare a fairly effective spray for cleaning the surfaces of the shower cabin. Make a solution of water, to which citric acid and soda should be added in a ratio of 1.5: 1, then mix the resulting composition thoroughly. After adding it to a spray bottle, spray the product onto the surface of the walls and leave for 10-15 minutes. Then it will be enough just to rinse the surface with running water.

  • The chrome-plated surfaces of the structure can be cleaned of limescale by wiping with your favorite Coca-Cola drink.
  • Areas of heavy contamination can be cleaned with toothpaste, which is squeezed out of a tube onto stains and simply washed off after 15-20 minutes.

Hello everyone!

I washed myself - wash the bath! Alas and ah, we do not always follow this wisdom, although we should. Washing the bathtub and shower stall becomes a real problem over time: an unpleasant coating from water and the remnants of soap, gels and shampoos accumulate on the walls.

And if cleaning the bathtub is a relatively small problem, then the shower cabin, due to its very design and dimensions, brings a lot of trouble to the housewives.

But with the help of my tips, collected below, you can easily cope with the most persistent pollution and will no longer be tormented by the question of how to clean the shower from plaque.

Shower cabin cleaners

Folk recipes from ingredients that are almost always in the kitchen or store-bought cleaning products are easy to clean the shower cabin. It is advisable to do this regularly, as this is the best place for the spread of mold and fungus that are dangerous to people.

professional tools

Professional formulations are produced in various forms - in the form of pastes, gels, sprays. There are compositions immediately ready for use, there are concentrates from which you must first prepare a working solution. The following drugs are often used:

  • Cif, Unilever's thick cream cleanser, often found with fragrance and whitening ingredients;
  • Tilex is an American manufacturer with antibacterial properties;
  • Acrylan is a domestic preparation that effectively removes rust, scale and traces of dirt;
  • Sanelit is a domestic drug that is distinguished by its effectiveness and pungent odor;
  • Mister Muscle - cleans glass surfaces especially well.

Be sure to check the composition of the drugs. Solvents, strong acids, alkalis, abrasive materials can damage the finish of the booth parts and spoil its appearance.


Folk methods are still quite popular. These methods have been proven in practice. In addition, purchased drugs are expensive.

  • Lemon acid.Citric acid must first be dissolved in water. Then carefully treat all contaminated surfaces with the resulting solution using a soft cloth. After a few minutes, everything should be washed off well. The acid dissolves the deposited hardness salts without affecting the plastic, glass and faience parts. Use a solution at the rate of 100 grams of acid per 500 ml of water.
  • Vinegar. Vinegar is often used together with a small amount of laundry soap diluted in it. This mixture is applied to contaminated surfaces, waiting for some time. Then the remaining solution is washed off abundantly. Acetic acid removes scale, traces of rust, and other contaminants. The disadvantage is the strong smell of this substance.
  • Baking soda. Soda is applied to a damp surface, then the dirt is wiped with a soft cloth, everything is washed with water. The tool has abrasive properties, so it can not always be used. It can leave scratches on plastic parts.
  • Steam generator. This tool, in addition to removing hardness salts, effectively disinfects surfaces, kills fungus, microorganisms, and their spores. Steam penetrates almost everything, even the most inaccessible places. But the steam has a high temperature, so it can deform the plastic parts of the product. In addition, the steam generator itself is an expensive device.
  • Toothpaste. Toothpaste effectively cleans metal, acrylic surfaces. A thin layer of paste should be applied, which is then washed off with plenty of running water.

Homemade way to remove hard water and soap deposits from acrylic surfaces

Surfaces made of these materials must not be cleaned with aggressive agents.

Acid (citric).

2 packets of the product are diluted in 1 liter of water, stirred until the crystals dissolve. Using a large sponge, the solution is applied to all surfaces, convex zones and recesses. Holding time 20 minutes.

Then a second pass with the solution is required, paying more attention to the most difficult areas with dirt. After the procedure, rinse well with water. The appearance of an acrylic tray or bathtub will again please with its novelty.

Acid (oxalic).

Every hostess knows what actions this product has. Prepared formulations with oxalic acid are used to clean carpets, upholstery, remove stains on fabrics, and much more. This ingredient does an excellent job of removing dirt in the bathroom, where it can be used. The prepared solution does not have an aggressive effect. Preparation: the product purchased in the store is diluted 5: 1 with water. Having moistened a sponge or a rag, it is required to rub the necessary places, the exposure time is 20 minutes, if the dirt is not strong, a ten-minute exposure is enough. Then you should rub the plumbing well, then moisten the cloth in ammonia and repeat the steps, leaving it to stand for 10 minutes. Rinse with water (pressure - cold, and then warm).

Peroxide (hydrogen peroxide).

Hydrogen peroxide has a higher concentration than ordinary peroxide. Water (30 ml), hydrogen peroxide (90 ml), gelatin (60 g) are combined. The exposure time is a quarter of an hour (until it swells).

An abundant amount of the prepared mass is applied to the required areas, left for the whole night, wipe thoroughly with a sponge in the morning, rinse with water, and wipe dry. If necessary, the steps can be repeated.

Chlorine solution.

Whiteness has long been used to process pallets and panels of any material. Care with this solution is popular. Chlorine easily copes with mold, limescale, rust spots and streaks. All objects are rubbed with whiteness, including glass, wait 4 hours, rinse with pressure, wipe dry, walk with glass composition (remove whitish stains on doors and glass walls). To use this tool, you need to use protective gloves and a gauze bandage.

Cleaning products

Taking into account the characteristics of the surface of the cabin, you will need to choose one or another household chemical product

It is very important that it fits your coating and surface. No need to use chemicals containing aggressive substances

Stop using content

No need to use chemicals containing aggressive substances. Stop using content

  • acetone;
  • formic acid;
  • gasoline;
  • formaldehyde.

Glass shower care

And no matter what material your shower cabin is made of, you should never wash it with abrasives. Such products can quickly spoil the appearance of your plumbing, because. they easily scratch any surface, which leads to damage

Glass shower care

How to wash

To eliminate various kinds of pollution on the surface of the shower at home, you must follow the recommendations of experts and follow the following algorithm of actions:

  • Cleaning a sanitary ware can begin with doors and walls. They can be made of glass or plastic. The latter option requires more frequent cleaning, since the plastic walls and doors very quickly become covered with plaque and become dark.
  • If the cabin in the bathroom is located near the wall, then it is necessary to move on to cleaning the ceramic tiles. Ceramic is durable, so it can be cleaned with a variety of alkalis and abrasives.

After that, you can proceed to washing metal parts (shower, taps). With these elements, you must be very careful, because when in contact with strong agents, they can lose their luster.
At the very end of washing the cabin, you can proceed to cleaning the pallet. When choosing cleansers, it is necessary to build on what material it is made of.

Attention must be paid to the joints, since this is where mold usually forms.


An excellent solution in the fight against limescale is the use of a steam generator. It allows not only to get rid of various contaminants, but also disinfects the surface. But this method is not suitable for a plastic surface, since this material deteriorates under the influence of hot steam.

soap scum

The most common contamination of the surface of the shower cabin are stains from soapy water. To wash the booth, follow the instructions below:

  • Regular cleaning. In order to avoid large pollution, it is necessary to wash the cabin after each use. You can get rid of soap scum by using a regular dishwashing detergent. To rinse the walls and tray of the product, it is better to use hot water. The cabin must always be dry, so after cleaning it must be wiped dry.
  • Scheduled cleaning. Twice a month, you should clean the shower stall using special products, the choice of which should be made depending on the material of the product. The agent must be applied evenly over the entire inner surface of the cabin with a sponge. After 15 minutes, it should be washed off with hot or warm water, then repeat the procedure, but only using cold water, and wipe dry.


Mold is very dangerous to health, therefore, at its first manifestations, you should immediately proceed to active actions to eliminate it.

The main secrets to quickly and easily eliminate mold:

  • If you use store-bought products, then you should purchase only fungicides. They have a strong effect, so before using them, you should carefully read the instructions.
  • A folk method that allows you to eliminate mold manifestations is to use a special solution consisting of ammonia and vinegar in a 1: 1 ratio. It should be applied to contaminated places with a brush.Rinse off the cleanser with a soda solution. To prepare it, you need one teaspoon of soda for one tablespoon of water.


When cleaning a shower cabin, due attention must be paid to the care of plumbing. Chrome steel parts need careful cleaning to avoid scratches

Remember that painted aluminum should not be cleaned with harsh cleaners as this may cause the paint to come off.

If the faucet is covered with a large layer of salt deposits that does not even open, then you should take a rag, after soaking it in vinegar, and wrap the faucet completely, covering it with cling film to prevent the vinegar from evaporating. The tap must be left for three hours, and then cleaned from softened plaque. Vinegar can also be used to remove scale from nickel and chrome parts, rubber gaskets, hoses, drains and faucets.

If the shower head is clogged, then this may be due to the formation of limescale. CilitBang is a good choice. You can also use warm vinegar. The solution should be applied to the sprayer and after 20 minutes simply rinse with water. After you need to unscrew the watering can and clean all the holes using a toothpick or a sewing needle.

Overview of detergents recommended by housewives


Glass shower careThere are many reviews on the forums with photos, videos before and after about how plaque is eliminated after treatment with Sanelite. Pollution dissolves before your eyes, complex stains need to be lightly rubbed with a sponge. The tool can be used often, the only drawback is a sharp aroma. The composition is allowed to be used for cleaning the acrylic bathtub, the surface of the pallet.


Designed for cleaning from plaque on the cab windows. Has a foam trigger (for easy spraying). The work of household detergent composition is very simple. It is necessary to spray on the surface of the glass of the booth from the outside and from the inside. After a quarter of an hour, inside it is washed off with water, outside - wiped with a rag. Divorces, stains disappear, there is no trace of plaque. The tool has a ridiculous, penny price.

Toilet duck.

This is an aggressive composition designed for toilets, but for those who have increased water hardness, with traces of a terrible plaque remaining, you can use it for cleaning:

  • glass;
  • pallets;
  • shower walls;
  • to remove difficult pollution on a tile in a bathroom.

The tool is made on the basis of acid, so it is better not to use for nickel-plated products. How should you clean shower walls and shower trays?

First you need to moisten the walls of the shower with water. With a sponge on which the product is applied, you need to smear the cab panels, glass and pan. Acid holding time is a quarter of an hour. Then, with the same sponge, wash off the composition with water (strong pressure from the shower).

Surfaces are wiped dry and treated with glass cleaner, rubbed with a dry cloth. The shower room looks like it came from a store. Such care can be done once every two weeks (if necessary), the rest of the time it is better to use more gentle shower formulations.

Use of cleaning products

To clean the shower enclosure, choose only a soft fiber cloth. A metal sponge, hard cloth or brush can leave scratches.

What cleaning products can be used to wash the shower cabin, and which ones should not be washed?

Chemical detergents vary in form and consistency. There are various types: creams and pastes, gels, foams, sprays and liquids.

The most popular of these are sprayable products that simply apply to the surface, rinse with water and wipe dry. There is no need to grind anything. Very handy for glass cleaning.

In order not to spoil the appearance of the shower cabin, when washing, do not use cleaning products that contain formaldehyde, alkalis, formic or other types of acids, abrasives, organic solvents, as well as cleaning products with coloring pigments.

Detergents containing abrasive substances leave scratches on the surface and thus spoil the appearance of the cab. These include, first of all, various powders. You should not buy "universal" powders for washing the cabin, as they still contain abrasive substances, although the manufacturer may not indicate this.

It is also not recommended to use metal brushes and hard microfiber sponges, which also leave scratches.

You can wash the shower cabin with a soft scraper made of rubber or polyurethane, a synthetic sponge, a soft cloth made of non-woven fiber. You can also use a special steam cleaner.

Shower cabin care

Comprehensive shower care includes several types of cleaning

Daily care. As a measure of daily care, it is recommended after each use: rinse all internal surfaces and sanitary elements with water, wipe everything dry with a rag or sponge, and ventilate the booth. These procedures do not take much time, but can significantly reduce the formation of limescale.

Periodic cleaning. It is recommended to wash the booth more thoroughly on average once a week. After treating the surfaces with care preparations, the interior of the cabin is thoroughly washed, then wiped with a soft cloth so that no drops of moisture remain. This is the main care

By paying due attention to it, you can avoid the formation of rust, limescale deposits on the internal parts of the shower cabin.

Intensive cleaning. If the cabin has not been used for a long time or it is necessary to remove old, deeply ingrained traces of scale, they resort to a thorough thorough cleaning using strong preparations.

It is necessary to wash off scale, dirt, rust carefully and methodically. Means are applied to contaminated places, and after a while they are thoroughly washed off. After that, all surfaces are wiped, and the cabin is ventilated, since such compounds contain active chemical compounds that can be harmful to health.

Using the described recommendations in practice, you can achieve a significant increase in the life of the shower. A competent choice of cleaning products and regular maintenance can preserve all the performance characteristics of the product and preserve its attractive appearance for a long time.

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Causes of plaque and dirt

A dirty and untidy bathroom is a sentence for the hostess. Keeping it clean is not so difficult, just clean it regularly and follow our simple tips.

Folk remedies that can be found in any home are suitable in almost any case.

Cabins are a convenient thing, especially for those who prefer a shower to taking a bath and who save space in the room. Cabin designs are different, most often it is a completely enclosed space in which after water procedures it becomes very warm and humid. And that causes mold.

To avoid such a nuisance, always ventilate the cabin well, and while cleaning, do not forget about the joints and nooks and crannies. After a shower, do not forget to wash off all dirt with warm water and a soft cloth. Take care of your shower every day if possible. It is possible without additional funds, it is enough to rinse the booth with water and wipe it dry with a microfiber cloth or a simple soft cloth.

Dealing with limescale is very difficult. This is due to the quality of the water itself, which is almost impossible to fight. Hard water will accumulate on the tray and walls over time, it must be removed with a soft scraper after a shower.

Glass shower care

Here are some tips on how to clean your shower stall at home.

You can use household chemicals: anti-scale liquid for the base and glass cleaner and any improvised means. However, avoid hard sponges and brushes and powders that can scratch the surface. Otherwise, you will spoil the booth not only externally: microbes will accumulate in the damage.

Be especially careful with acrylic coating. But still, it’s better to stop at folk methods.

The doors are the most visible and therefore the most problematic part of the booth.Even a dried drop of water becomes a stain on them.

You can restore shine to glass and chrome-plated plumbing with a mixture of vodka and water (dilute in a ratio of 1 to 2). Soak a cloth in the solution and wipe dry.

Vinegar will deal with rust. Spray it on dirt, leave for half an hour and rinse.

Limescale from the door will remove ammonia. Pour it into warm water in a ratio of 1 to 10.

The shower head also accumulates plaque on itself, which can worsen the pressure. We clean the watering can as follows: remove it and soak for several hours in 3% table vinegar.

Glass shower care

You can get rid of mold with home remedies as follows: pour hot water into a container and add vinegar and ammonia (half a glass of liquids for three liters of water) and ¼ cup of soda. Protect your hands with gloves, moisten the sponge and treat problem areas. Rinse with water afterwards and pat dry. The smell is not pleasant, but it's worth it.

To spend less time cleaning, protect the doors from sediment. How to do it? It is enough to treat them with furniture polish and rub with a soft cloth.

Stains on doors can be cleaned with an unusual cleanser such as toothpaste. Of course, it is better if it is without dyes. In this case, the sponge will perfectly replace old toothbrush. Then wash off the foam with water or vinegar.

That's all. These simple steps will keep your bathroom clean and tidy, you and your family in good health, and your family treasury in abundance.

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Natalia Bryantseva


