Presentation on the topic What law is manifested in this experience. Why does water flow out of holes Which implies that water pressure increases with depth Transcript
What law is manifested in this experience?
Why does water leak from holes? What does it mean that water pressure increases with depth?
Which container has the most water? Is the pressure of the water at the bottom the same in these vessels? Does the water press with the same force on the bottom of these vessels?
There is air on the left side of the vessel above the liquid. What height of the liquid column should be taken into account when calculating the pressure on the bottom of the vessel: H or H1?
Communicating Vessels Vessels that are connected to each other below the liquid level are called communicating vessels. The scientific discovery of communicating vessels dates back to 1586 (the Dutch scientist Stevin), but, judging by the structure of the sacred inexhaustible bowl, it was known even to the priests of ancient Greece.
Used by the priests of ancient Egypt to demonstrate their "miracles". In one of the ancient Greek temples, for example, there was an "inexhaustible" cup A filled with water. There were two communicating vessels: one in plain sight - an "inexhaustible" bowl, and behind the wall, invisible to visitors, the second vessel - a large tank B with water. It was he who connected with the bowl hidden under the floor pipe C, and fed it as soon as the water level in it dropped. "Inexhaustible Cup" It's interesting
1. What do the vessels shown in the figure have in common? How do they differ from each other? 2. Will water overflow from one vessel to another if the partition is opened? Why? Questions
Conclusion In communicating vessels of any shape, a homogeneous liquid is installed at the same level. р 1=р 2 ρgh1= ρgh2 h1= h2
Conclusion Heights of columns of dissimilar liquids in communicating vessels are inversely proportional to their densities. р 1= р 2 ρ1gh1= ρ2gh2 ρ1h1= ρ2h2 h1 / h2 = ρ2 / ρ1
Homogeneous liquid. Conclusion: p 1 \u003d p 2 ρgh 1 \u003d ρgh 2 h 1 \u003d h 2 Heterogeneous liquid. Conclusion: p 1 \u003d p 2 ρ 1 gh 1 \u003d ρ 2 gh 2 ρ 1 h 1 \u003d ρ 2 h 2 In communicating vessels of any shape, a homogeneous liquid is installed at the same level. The heights of the columns of dissimilar liquids in communicating vessels are inversely proportional to their densities.
Ship locking. Gateways are chambers located between reservoirs with different water levels. Look at the picture and explain the operation of the gates. This is interesting Ship locking. Locks allow the ship to move from one reservoir to another, lying above or below the level of the first reservoir
Ship locking. This is interesting The Panama Canal connects two oceans.
An aqueduct that supplied water to the Nemaus (now Nimes in southern France). This is interesting Aqueduct What is an aqueduct? The word itself comes from two Latin words: aqua - water and duco - I lead. And they call so bridges or overpasses, on which pipes for water are located. In other words, it is part of the plumbing.
Aqueduct in Segovia, Spain. Aqueduct at Caesarea (now Banyas in Syria). It's interesting Aqueduct
The Roman aqueduct is a fantastic structure in the form of aqueduct bridges, winding around, making the most intricate pretzels. One of the Roman aqueducts - Aqua Marcia has a length of 100 km, although in a straight line the distance between its beginning and end is half as long. Why is Roman plumbing on pillars? It is interesting
Plumbing is interesting.
The system of natural communicating vessels This is interesting. Explain how the communicating vessels are related to this photograph?
Fountains This is interesting. Explain how such a fountain works?
Fountain model Interesting Requires a reservoir of water, such as a wide jar 1, a rubber or glass tube 2, a low tin basin 3. The higher the reservoir is raised and the thinner the outlet, the higher the water jet will hit.
Continuous Ink Supply Systems CISS (Continuous Ink Supply System) is a retrofit kit for inkjet printers.Thanks to the application of the principle of communicating vessels in the CISS, the flow of ink into the print head of the printer occurs continuously, as it is consumed in special cartridges (ink tanks). It is interesting
The principle of operation of such jacks is based on the principle of communicating vessels. The working fluid is hydraulic oil. Hydraulic jack. It is interesting
Question Explain the operation of a gauge glass that serves as a liquid level sensor. Suggest where such a device can be used.
Question: Explain the principle of operation of the model and the purpose of the communicating vessels shown in the figure. What would you name this model?
Fountain scheme Explain how such a fountain works? Question
Groundwater occurs at a depth of 100 to 1000 kilometers. To use them, artesian wells are built. Explain the structure and principle of operation of an artesian well. artesian well
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Flows - the verb in the 3rd person of the present tense singular is written through the letter “h” in the middle of the word and does not have any other spellings. Depending on the gender, the form of the verb may change, which is associated with the historical traditions of the pronunciation of the word.
I am flowing You are flowing He/she is flowing We are flowing You are flowing They are flowing
A stream flows along the road Cold water flows from a faucet This river flows through several large cities Water flows along the roads after rain
Doubting how to write: “flowing” or “flowing”? This is not surprising, because mistakes come from everywhere, and sometimes we mistake the wrong for the right. Let's try together to figure out how to write and speak.
What diseases in women cause liquid discharge
The cause of watery discharge can be inflammation and infection of the genital tract, uterus and appendages.
Salpingoophoritis is an inflammatory process in the fallopian tubes and ovaries. As a result, damage, engorgement and scarring of the mucous membrane occurs, and tissue edema occurs. There is a narrowing of the lumen of the fallopian tubes, a violation of their patency. It is difficult to capture the eggs and move them through the tubes to the uterus. The fluid released in the areas of inflammation accumulates in the uterine cavity and comes out in the form of copious mucous secretions.
If the inflammation is not treated, then it becomes chronic, while the discharge thickens, acquires a green-yellow color due to the admixture of pus.
Bacterial vaginosis (gardnerellosis). This disease is associated with the reproduction of pathogenic gardnerella microbes in the vagina due to a violation of the natural microflora. The cause of the violation can be improper douching, change of sexual partners (unprotected sex), use of unsuitable contraceptives, use of antibiotics.
Inflammation further spreads to the uterus and appendages. A characteristic sign of gardnerellosis is watery, often yellow discharge with the smell of fish.
Note: Gardnerella in moderate amounts is normally always present in a woman. Dysbacteriosis contributes to their enhanced reproduction.
Candidiasis (thrush) is a fungal infection of the vagina. The reproduction of fungi present in the microflora occurs due to dysbacteriosis. This causes vaginitis (inflammation of the vaginal mucosa) or vulvovaginitis (simultaneous damage to the external part of the genital organs). At the same time, the discharge from a woman is of a curdled appearance, has a sour smell. There is a strong burning sensation, swelling of the genital organs, general weakness. It becomes painful and frequent urination.
Video: Symptoms and treatment of thrush
Cervical erosion. The causes of erosion are diverse: inflammatory and infectious diseases, trauma to the cervix during abortion and childbirth. Mucous fluid discharge may have blood impurities. In the advanced stage, they become mucopurulent.
Cervicitis. Inflammation of the cervix, often accompanying erosion. There is a great danger of infection spreading along the ascending path to the uterus and appendages.
Cervical cancer. Abundant secretions, liquid, like water, appear due to the fact that lymph seeps through damaged tissues.
Endometritis is a pathology associated with excessive growth of the inner lining of the uterus, its spread into the tubes and even into the abdominal cavity. This disrupts the processes associated with the work of the ovaries, and the production of hormones. Watery discharge has streaks of blood, an unpleasant odor. They intensify before menstruation, appear immediately after them.
Venereal diseases (causative agents of infection are sexually transmitted). These include: gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomoniasis and others.The discharge in the initial stage is profuse, watery, with an unpleasant odor. The consequences in women are extensive inflammatory processes with severe complications. Both sexual partners should be treated at the same time.
How to spell wrong
It is completely wrong to write "teket". This is a terrible mistake that should never be made at all.
Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949-1992.
See what "leak" is in other dictionaries:
flow - 1, and ... Russian spelling dictionary
FLOW - FLOW, flow (flow, flow, south, west flow, flow), about thinner: strive, pour down a slope. All rivers flow downhill. Wherever it goes, it flows there. In general: run like a stream, ooze. Water flows from the barrel into the tub. Blood flows like from a nail, techma ... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary
FLOW - 1. FLOW1, flow, flow, flow, d.n.v. no, past temp. flow, flow, inconsistency. 1. To pour out, to flow in some direction. “The river has spread. It flows, lazily lazy and washes the shores. A. Blok. “If not for the valiant blood flowing into you, I would be silent.” ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov
FLOW - 1. FLOW1, flow, flow, flow, d.n.v. no, past temp. flow, flow, inconsistency. 1. To pour out, to flow in some direction. “The river has spread. It flows, lazily lazy and washes the shores. A. Blok. “If not for the valiant blood flowing into you, I would be silent.” ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov
flow - vb., nsv., use. often Morphology: I flow, you flow, he/she/it flows, we flow, you flow, they flow, flow, flow, flow, flow, flow, flow, flow, flow 1. If any liquid flows, then it pours in drops, stream or stream. Tears ... Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary
flow - pour, ooze, flow, sharpen, drip, roll. The key is spouting. The Volga flows into the Caspian Sea. Blood oozes (bleeds) from the wound. The spring bores from underground. Actual form: . . See ... Dictionary of synonyms
FLOW 1 - (flow, flow, 1 and 2 liters not used), flow; teki; flowed, flowed; flowing; nesov. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary
FLOW 2 - FLOW 2, and, well. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary
Leak - I f. 1. Penetration of water, liquid through something (slit, hole, hole). 2. Slit, hole, hole through which water or liquid penetrates. II Nesov. neperekh. 1. Move your waters in any direction (about a river, stream, etc.). ott ... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Efremova
Leak - I f. 1. Penetration of water, liquid through something (slit, hole, hole). 2. Slit, hole, hole through which water or liquid penetrates. II Nesov. neperekh. 1. Move your waters in any direction (about a river, stream, etc.). ott ... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Efremova
Watery discharge during pregnancy
In the first trimester of pregnancy, progesterone levels remain high. This prevents the maturation of new eggs, and the embryo is firmly held in the uterus. Therefore, watery discharge usually does not occur.
At 12-13 weeks, an increase in the concentration of estrogens begins, which ensures the creation of new fetal cells and prepares the woman's body for childbirth (the state of the tissues of the cervix changes, the mucous plug liquefies). The appearance of watery discharge in women in the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy is natural if they are colorless, odorless, not accompanied by burning, itching.
At the end of pregnancy, liquid, like water, discharge appears due to the mixing of mucus with urine. The uterus and fetus put pressure on the bladder, as a result of which it does not close completely.
When watery discharge during pregnancy is a sign of pathology
Dangerous symptoms in women are:
- the appearance of watery discharge from the first weeks of pregnancy;
- the presence of an unpleasant odor (putrid, sour or fishy);
- green, yellow, gray color (indicates the presence of bacteria);
- brown or red discharge (signs of internal bleeding);
- irritation and itching of the skin in the perineum, burning in the vagina;
- foamy or other unusual structure of secretions;
- temperature increase;
- pain in the lower abdomen.
These signs may indicate the occurrence of inflammatory processes, infection with sexually transmitted infections.There is a threat of miscarriage or complications during childbirth, there is a high probability of infection of the fetus during passage through the birth canal.
Addition: If a woman does not have all these formidable signs, but the discharge, like water, is yellow and has a sweet smell, this may indicate fluid leakage from the fetal bladder. This condition is dangerous in the middle of pregnancy, it causes premature birth, fetal death. At the very end of pregnancy, leakage indicates the onset of labor.
What can cause natural liquid discharge in women
The consistency and volume of secretions vary depending on the stage of the cycle. The density of the mucus produced by the glands of the cervix depends on the ratio of female sex hormones that ensure the production and maturation of eggs. Immediately after the end of menstruation, a “dry” period begins. The content of estrogen is minimal, the mucous plug is the most dense, there are almost no discharges.
As estrogen levels rise and the egg matures, the discharge becomes more watery, and by the time of ovulation, the discharge has the consistency of egg white. The lowest density is observed within a few days after ovulation (the release of a mature egg from a protective bladder). The liquid consistency of the medium ensures the free passage of sperm towards the egg, as well as its further movement into the uterus. In this phase, the estrogen content decreases, the main role is played by progesterone, whose function is to provide conditions for the further development of the embryo.
For better fixation of a fertilized egg in the uterus, its epithelial layer swells and loosens. At the same time, the fluid content in the tissues increases. All this leads to the appearance of a transparent liquid discharge from the genitals in a woman. At the end of the menstrual cycle, the mucus begins to thicken. If pregnancy does not occur, the endometrium (epithelial layer) is rejected, menstruation occurs, and a new cycle begins.
Thus, the appearance of liquid, like water, odorless secretions closer to the middle and in the second half of the cycle is a physiological norm. At the same time, the woman does not experience any discomfort.
Liquid, like water, discharge can also appear in the following cases:
- during pregnancy;
- during sexual intercourse (due to an increase in the volume of natural lubrication during sexual arousal);
- as a result of frequent change of sexual partners (due to changes in the microflora of the vagina);
- with hormonal changes, the cause of which may be the lack of a regular sexual life, protection from pregnancy, as well as the use of hormone-containing drugs and antibiotics;
- due to stress, climate change, affecting the biochemical processes in the woman's body, including the production of hormones.