Sololift for sewerage. How will it be useful

DIY installation

Installation of Sololift is quite simple and does not require special knowledge.

The main point that you should pay attention to when installing Sololift for sewerage is the availability of free access to the pipe. In order for the device to work properly, a number of prerequisites must be met before installation:

  • The distance between the pump and other plumbing fixtures (or to the wall) must be at least 10 mm.
  • Sololift for the toilet is installed at a distance of no more than 40 cm from its outlet pipe.
  • The distance to the sewer should be no more than 50 meters. If the distance is increased, this will lead to disruption of the station.
  • If the pipe leading from the Sololift station to the sewer is in a vertical position, it must have the correct slope after being raised. The proper operation of the sewer depends on this.
  • There must be a 220 w socket near the pump installation site.
  • Do not use metal screws during installation.
  • It is necessary to monitor the presence of a slope of the pipeline. The pressure pipeline must have a slope of 1 degree, and for a non-pressure pipeline 3 degrees.

If all conditions are met, then you need to read the printed instructions and the device installation manual from the manufacturer. The manual is usually included in the box with the device.

Particular attention must be paid to the junction radii of the vertical and horizontal sections of the pipeline specified in the instructions. In addition, you can watch thematic videos on video hosting sites for installing Sololift

After all the preparatory steps have been completed, a place is selected for mounting the system. If a Sololift for a toilet is purchased, then it is installed directly behind the toilet, a Sololift for a kitchen or a shower cabin - in any convenient place. During installation, the minimum required slope angle of the pipeline between the plumbing and the pumping station (1 degree) must be observed.

Further, a vibration isolating material is placed under the pumping station. The station is then secured to the floor or other location using dowels, screws, or supports.

The Sololift system is connected to plumbing using adapters that are included with the device. The pipes must be joined tightly enough and the junction should be well treated with sealant. After that, the device is connected to the network and its operation is checked.

IMPORTANT! If the Sololift pump is connected to a shower, then it must be equipped with a special filter to trap hair and other small debris.


Sololift for sewerage. How will it be usefulSololift pumping stations are quite reliable - due to the robust design, breakdowns are rare. However, in case of improper operation, situations may arise that require repair, cleaning of the pump or replacement of any parts of the system. If the device was purchased from an authorized representative, maintenance and repair of the system will be provided in due course free of charge. The warranty card can serve the owner well for two years, subject to the recommendations for operating the Sololift device.

Repair of the system is carried out by specialists on site, in the event that the malfunction is minor, for example, blockage. More serious problems such as engine failure may require the Sololift to be turned off and sent to a company service center.

The main causes of breakdowns with a solution to problems that arise later:

  • Overheating and jamming of the engine, followed by its combustion. This happens as a result of plastic bags, glass, paper clips, personal hygiene products getting into it. The motor may need to be replaced.
  • Non-compliance with the temperature regime due to incorrect selection of the pump. This leads to overheating and engine failure.This happens when a pumping station is connected to the dishwasher or sink, unable to withstand the discharge of high temperature water. It is required to replace the station model with a more suitable one.
  • Drainage into the unit of thick and sticky liquids. Such actions lead to "sticking" and combustion of the engine. In such a situation, it is necessary to replace the motor.
  • Untimely cleaning of system parts. This leads to overheating and burnout of the motor. It may be necessary to repair the motor and replace the pipes with options with a wider diameter.
  • Freezing and defrosting of pump parts (this happens in winter in unheated private houses). Leads to deformation of the pump and its failure. After this, the pump needs to be replaced or repaired.
  • Water ingress into the pump motor, followed by burnout of the motor and other elements of the system. It will be necessary to examine all parts of the installation and identify the causes of moisture entering the motor.

In order for the Sololift system to serve for a long time, the following operating rules must be observed:

  • Do not allow large objects to enter the system pump (for example: towels, clothing, glass, metal objects), even if a waste shredder is present.
  • Do not allow corrosive chemicals and gasoline to enter the drain water.
  • Observe the temperature regime of waste water for the selected model.
  • Occasionally perform a service inspection of the system.

When choosing a forced sewage system for a home, you need to take into account a number of nuances: which plumbing device you plan to connect it to, how many plumbing devices you need to service, possible fluctuations in the temperature of wastewater, etc. It is also necessary to listen to the opinion of experts when buying a product. A correctly selected Sololift model will avoid problems with the operation of the device and extend its service life. Good luck!

Benefits of Sololift systems

Forced sewage systems can become an indispensable assistant in organizing a sewage drainage system in an apartment or private house. The advantages of using such devices are as follows:

  1. The coal filter which is in a tank eliminates all unpleasant smells of drain waters.
  2. Due to the presence of cutting elements in some Sololift models, blockages of sewer pipes are prevented.
  3. The design of the system is ultra-compact and therefore does not require additional space in the room.
  4. Due to the tightness of the tank and other elements of the station, pipe breaks are excluded during the reverse flow of sewage.
  5. Thanks to the pump and the special design of the device, the risk of clogging of sewer pipes is reduced.

Types of Sololift systems

There is a wide range forced sewage systems. The marking, which is on the body of the products, indicates the scope and the number of inlet pipes. The following models are available on the market:

  • WC-1 - this type is used in bathrooms that are located below the level of the sewer pipe, as well as in basements. The device is mounted next to the toilet or washbasin and connected to the outlet pipe. Owners of the WC-1 don't have to worry about sewer clogs thanks to the built-in shredding mechanism for paper, hygiene products and other waste. And also the device is equipped with an overheating protection mechanism and therefore, when the engine temperature reaches a critical limit, it turns off. The restart occurs immediately after the engine has cooled down.
  • WC-3 - this type of forced sewage system has three outlet pipes. They allow you to connect the system to the sink, bathtub and bidet at the same time.
  • CWC-3 - differs from the first two types in relatively small dimensions. The model is perfect for mounting in wall niches behind wall-hung toilets or washbasins.
  • C-3 - suitable for washing machines and showers in the bathroom, and for dishwashers in the kitchen. It is equipped with three outlet pipes, which allows you to connect it to three devices at the same time. The installation is not equipped with a cutting mechanism, so it is not recommended to connect it to the toilet. And also C-3 allows you to remove hot drains with temperatures up to 90 degrees Celsius.
  • D-3 - This model is suitable for the kitchen or bathroom. Connects to washbasins, showers, sinks and dishwashers. Model D-3 is not designed for use with toilets and can handle drains up to 50 degrees Celsius. Due to the rounded shape, the device does not clog.

The more waste pipes that can be connected to the Sololift pumping station, the more powerful and expensive it is. The cost of such stations from the popular Grundfos brand (eng. Grundfos) can be about 10-50 thousand. All Grundfos Sololift installations are sold assembled and easy to operate.

What is the Sololift system

The Sololift system is a small sewer pumping unit that makes it easy to drain wastewater from any plumbing fixture, no matter where they are. The modern design and compactness of the device make it possible to use Sololift in an apartment without violating the harmony and beauty of the interior.

Such installations are necessary to collect runoff water through the injection pipeline in automatic mode, followed by grinding of all large occurrences. Further, the resulting mixture is pumped into the overflow pipe leading to the sewer (to a height of up to 7 meters if the pipe is vertical or up to 100 meters when the pipe is horizontal).

Classification and types

There is no single classification of forced sewage installations, but they can be divided according to several parameters:

  • The presence of a grinder. It is needed if the sewer pump is connected to the toilet.
  • Performance. This is the volume of wastewater that can be pumped out per unit of time. There are installations with a small capacity and with a very solid one. The choice depends on the number and type of connected devices.
  • The temperature of the pumped medium is from 40°С to 90°С. Everything is clear here - drains from the dishwasher and washing machine, bathtubs require sewer pumping stations capable of pumping wastewater with high temperatures.
  • Duration of work. There are installations that can only be switched on for a short time (they are installed on one or two devices), and there are more “long-playing” ones (they can be used to drain the whole house). This is usually indicated in the characteristics as the duration of the work. The percentage can be 50%. This means that the unit works for 30 seconds, “rests” for 30 seconds. The run/cool down interval can be specified in seconds or minutes.

When choosing a pump for forced sewage, it is worth remembering that they are not designed to connect a bath. The bathrooms contain too much water, pumping out which the pump will overheat and block. As a result, it will take a long time to drain the water from the bathroom. There are only a few models of forced sewage that can handle this task - SFA Saniplus Silence and Sololift C3. These sewer pumps do an excellent job with a large amount of warm water discharged.

Other companies offer to make an intermediate pit for forced pumping out of the bathroom, into which to drain the water. From it, pump it into the sewer with any suitable device. Given that the pit must be below the level of the drain, this method is not always acceptable. And, despite the high cost of SFA Saniplus Silence and Sololift C3, it is more profitable to install it than to carry out a huge amount of excavation.

To prevent overfilling of the tank, there is an additional alarm device.In some companies, it simply beeps when the tank is full, in others it also turns off the device connected through it (washing machine or dishwasher).

Device and purpose

A pump with a grinder is a surface sewer pumping unit that allows you to organize the removal of wastewater where it is not possible to do this using a gravity system. This is a small plastic container with a powerful built-in pump that pumps wastewater into the sewer. Drainage can be moved both vertically and horizontally. There are installations with a grinder that can be connected to toilets, there are without a grinder - for "gray" drains from sinks, showers, bidets, etc.

Sololift for sewerage. How will it be useful

The sewage pump for the toilet and other plumbing is small

Application area

A sewer pump is used in cases where it is impossible to make a gravity sewer system. In most cases, when a plumbing fixture, washing machine or dishwasher is installed below the sewer inlet. For this, forced sewage pumps were invented. This solution allows you to transfer bathrooms and technical rooms to the basement or semi-basement.

Sololift for sewerage. How will it be useful

You can connect sanitary pumps in the bathroom, toilet, kitchen, laundry. In any room where water drainage is required, and the sewer drain is far away

Another pump with a chopper is installed if it is decided to make the bathroom after the repair is completed and the sewerage system has not been connected to the place of the proposed installation of plumbing. In this case, the installed equipment is connected to a compact sewer pump, and it is connected to the sewer. What's the Difference? In the following:

  • the diameter of the outlet pipes for the sewer pump is much smaller than for the gravity system (28-40 mm);
  • drains can rise up to a height of up to 9 meters;
  • horizontal sewage disposal is possible up to 100 meters (requires a minimum slope of 1-4%).

All this allows you to organize a connection to an existing sewerage almost anywhere at minimal cost.

Device and principle of operation

The sewer pump consists of a storage plastic container and a pump. Some models that can be connected to the toilet have a chopper. The filling level is monitored by a sensor. When it works, the chopper and pump turn on, the waste is pumped into the sewer system. Shutdown controls the second sensor - it turns off the power when the level of drains falls below a certain level. This is a simplified algorithm for the action of a pressure sewer.

Sololift for sewerage. How will it be useful

Sewer pump with chopper: device

There are sewer pumping stations designed to connect devices of various types and quantities. The simplest one is designed to connect one or two devices, the most productive one has three additional pipes (and one main one). Accordingly, the container has one or more inlets (depending on the model) and one outlet. Pipes coming from plumbing are connected to the inlets, and the outlet is connected to the sewer.

For pumping out high-temperature effluents from washing machines, dishwashers, bathrooms, there are special models made of heat-resistant materials. A conventional sewer pump cannot cope with such a load. Therefore, to connect such equipment, you need to look for certain models.


