Ways to eliminate sewer smell
After identifying the causes of the sewer smell, getting rid of it is quite simple. In the event that the work of external communications is disrupted, repairs should not be done by amateurs.
The most effective solution is to call a special service that deals with the maintenance of the house. Do not delay the solution of this issue, since a leak from the sewer pipes contributes to the spread of dampness and the appearance of mold. This not only negatively affects the health of residents, but also contributes to the destruction of the foundation of the house.
You can eliminate the causes of the spread of sewer smell in the apartment yourself. It is first necessary to check the integrity of the pipes to which there is access. If a gap is found, it can be filled with a special waterproof sealant. The problem is exacerbated if there is a rupture of a pipe placed in the wall of the building. In this case, dismantling and calling specialists is indispensable.
If there are no damages on the pipes, the joints are securely fixed and do not have gaps, then the cause of the sewer smell is clogging.
You can eliminate the blockage mechanically, for this it is necessary to carry out the following measures:
- Carefully remove the siphon and rinse thoroughly. When dismantling, a bucket should be placed under the sink to prevent blockage from spilling onto the floor.
- The siphon can be washed with plain water or with the use of cleaning products.
- When removing the siphon, it is necessary to check the integrity of the gasket and, if necessary, replace it.
- Fix the siphon in place and check the connection points so that there are no leaks.
If flushing the siphon did not help, then you can not do without a metal cable, which is used by plumbers not only to clean the drain pipes under the sink, but also in the toilets. To eliminate blockages, it is necessary to lower the cable into the pipe and slowly perform rotational movements.
Rope Brush.
Device for removing blockages of pipes Flower.
Device for elimination of blockages of pipes Anchor.
Extraction of hair from pipes.
Rope sewer cleaning.
To eliminate an unpleasant sewer odor, chemical compounds are often used. The use of such products allows not only to clean the pipes from pollution, but also to preserve the smell of freshness for a long time. The most popular among housewives are "Domestos" and "Mole", which is due to the affordable price and effectiveness of the impact.
Bathroom features
The bath is connected to the general sewerage by a flexible pipe. It should be curved and have a drop sufficient to ensure that dirty water does not return. This tube should also contain a water seal (as in the photo), which will protect you from the problem when the bathroom smells like sewage. If the obstacle in the form of a water plug disappears, the unpleasant smell gets unhindered access to the bathroom.
In the case of a combined bathroom, the number of reasons leading to the appearance of an unpleasant amber increases significantly (it is necessary to check the toilet bowl and communications leading to it, a common riser). If there is no riser or toilet in the bathroom, then finding the source of the problem is much easier. Most often, the reason why the bathroom smells of sewage is violations in the connections of sewer pipes with bathrooms or mistakes made during installation (read: “Why does the toilet smell like sewage, get rid of the smell“). An unpleasant odor often occurs in rooms where the rules for operating the system are violated or there are problems with the water seal.
A washing machine is often installed in the bathroom.
It is important to properly tap the drain hose. In addition, there is a ventilation hole in the bathroom, through which fresh air is supplied.
The cause of the trouble may be hiding in the ventilation duct.
Why does the sewer smell
Before you eliminate the sewer smell, you should determine the cause of its occurrence. An air freshener in this situation will be absolutely pointless, since its use will only get rid of the smell for a short time. In addition, with a mixture of odors, an unpredictable effect can occur in the form of an even stronger and more unpleasant “aroma”.
The cause of the occurrence may be an external malfunction of the sewer house systems. This problem is most noticeable for residents of the lower floors of apartment buildings. If at the entrance to the entrance there is a smell of sewerage, then the reason is a violation of the tightness of the pipes located in the basement communications.
In addition, blockages that smell bad when decomposed are also a serious cause for malfunctions. If in the first case the culprits are the services that are required to constantly inspect the basements for rupture of pipes and leakage of waste, then in the second case the situation may arise if residents do not comply with the rules for using water supply and sewerage systems.
Blockage in the sewer.
If there is a smell of sewerage in the apartment of the residents of the last upper floors, the cause must be sought indoors. This may be natural pipe wear or mechanical damage, which led to the release of sewer odor.
The most common reasons for the penetration of such a smell into an apartment are blockages and pollution of drain and sewer pipes, as well as a violation of the sealing at the joints and the lack of water in the siphons.
Siphons installed under the sinks perform not only a connecting function, but also act as an obstacle to the penetration of unpleasant odors into the apartment. The water that is in the siphon works like a cork through which the fumes from the sewer cannot enter the room. If the water in the siphon does not linger (leaks or evaporates), corrective action must be taken.
The principle of operation of the siphon.
Violation of ventilation is not a direct cause of an unpleasant odor, but helps to reduce the time of its weathering. Therefore, when looking for a source of penetration of stench into an apartment, it will not be superfluous to check the correct operation of the ventilation system.
Ways to eliminate unpleasant odors from the sewer
If there is a smell from the pipes in the bathroom, what to do:
- If the corrugated pipe sags, it is worth using clamps. They will bring the pipe to its natural position, and this will help remove the bad smell.
- If for some time the plumbing in the bathroom will not be used, it is recommended to pour a small amount of vegetable oil into the drains. It will create a film that will prevent water from evaporating.
- In case of depressurization of pipes, the joints should be lubricated with sealant.
- With blockages in the pipeline, a plunger or a special cable helps.
Such powders or liquids include special substances that dissolve contaminants of various origins. After a while, the product is simply washed off with water in accordance with the instructions. Also, these compounds destroy bacteria in the pipes.
You can also use folk remedies - these are:
- Dry mustard powder. It is poured into the hole and poured with boiled water.
- A chlorine solution will also help get rid of the problem, but this substance has a bad effect on the condition of the pipeline.
- You can get rid of blockages in the pipes with ordinary salt. It is poured into the drain and washed off with water after 10 minutes.
- If you pour two tablespoons of baking soda with boiling water, you get a bubbling solution - you need to pour it into the drain.
These methods are great for prevention - so that there are no blockages and an unpleasant smell from the sewer, it is recommended to clean the pipes with one of these methods once a month.
Why does the bathroom smell like sewage?
The increased content of ammonia and hydrogen sulfide in the air leads to a number of complex diseases, as well as a deterioration in the quality of life of households, sleep disturbances, and contributes to increased irritability and nervous breakdowns.
To determine the cause of an unpleasant smell, you need to have an understanding of the plumbing system in the bathroom and throughout the house. The main pipe - riser, takes over the drains from all apartments in an apartment building. All drains from plumbing fixtures located in the living room merge there.
Plumbing with siphons and drain pipes are constantly filled with water, which ensures a reliable water seal. The appearance of a smell is facilitated by the partial or complete disappearance of water from the pipes. The smell quickly enters the bathroom, and from there spreads throughout the apartment.
Experts identify several more reasons for the occurrence of an unpleasant smell in the apartment:
- initially incorrect installation of sewer and drain pipes;
- incorrect angle of inclination of sewer pipes;
- violations in the work of the siphon;
- leaks in pipes;
- poor quality ventilation system;
- blockages in pipes.
For other reasons for the occurrence of a murderous "aroma", you can easily deal with the problem on your own.
Basic precautions in the form of a net on the drain of the bathtub and constant cleaning can minimize the risks of clogging and the occurrence of sewer smell
Simple ways to eliminate odor
If a blockage is the cause of the problem, you just need to clean the pipes to solve it. Various chemicals are used for this purpose. For example, "Mole", "Domestos", "Mr. Muscle" and others. In order to get rid of the smell, you can apply folk methods:
- Salt is poured into the pipeline. Then, after waiting a little, it is washed off with running water;
- Washing soda (2 tablespoons) is poured with a liter of boiling water. Then the composition is poured into the drain hole;
- Soda is poured into the drain. It is followed by acetic acid. The drain hole must be tightly closed. After half an hour, the drain opens, water is turned on to flush the composition;
- Prepare a mixture of washing soda and salt. Then she falls asleep in the drain hole. Salt helps get rid of amber, and washing soda allows you to clean the pipeline.
Tiret for help.
In order to prevent the smell from pipes in the kitchen and bathroom from bothering you in the future, it is recommended to apply the above measures for prevention once a week. For this, you can use preventive chemicals. There are also temporary ways to eliminate odor from pipes:
The zest of an orange or lemon is set on fire indoors. A small piece is enough
At the same time, it is important to observe all safety measures; The bathroom should be ventilated after each "bath procedure". Keeping the door closed only exacerbates the problem; Until a solution to the problem is found, you can use air fresheners
Additional Recommendations
- If the design is fully functional, the cause of the problem may be the evaporation of the liquid in the water seal, caused by the infrequent use of taps;
- If you are going on a long train, fill the water insulator with oil. This way you will prevent drying out in the system;
- Get a special siphon. It will be a kind of barrier for amber;
- Replace the gaskets in the pipeline.
What to do if you have already tried many methods, but the unpleasant smell from the pipes remains? In this case, it makes no sense to buy more and more new chemicals, look for folk ways to deal with amber. Most likely, the cause of the problem is more serious than you think, and you will not be able to get rid of it with conventional means. In this case, do not overuse air fresheners. Better try to replace the system as soon as possible, if the reason lies in it, or take an interest in the general condition of the sewer in your home. In the latter case, you should contact the appropriate services for help.
How to deal with bathroom odor
After determining the cause of the stench, you can begin to take measures to eliminate it. If we are talking about an apartment building and problems, for example, blockage, are in the general house drainage system, then it is necessary to involve employees from the managing organization.
In case of localization of faults inside an apartment or in a private house, they must be removed independently or with the help of hired specialists.
- If it is found that the sewer was installed with violations, then it will be necessary to completely redo it or make changes to some areas. To do this, it is better to call an experienced plumber.
- Leaks often occur at joints. Pipelines must be disconnected and reconnected and sealed. If the leak occurs due to a violation of the integrity of the pipe, then it is necessary to seal the crack and subsequently replace the damaged area.
- The accumulation of condensate on the pipe due to temperature differences is prevented by insulation.
- The work of the siphon can be restored in various ways, the choice of which depends on the cause. This can be clearing the blockage, eliminating sagging corrugations with the help of clamps, pouring hot water into the pipe to defrost ice, restoring the patency of the fan ventilation pipe.
- Air ventilation is cleaned by a specialist. If the move is free, but the elimination of moisture is not enough, then you can install a grill with a fan that removes air forcibly.
- When the stench comes from the washing machine, it is necessary to start an empty wash in boiling mode with detergent. After that, carefully wipe the drum and cuff. Another measure is to clean the drain pump and hose.
- Blockages in sewer pipelines are eliminated with the help of special tools, cables. There are even electric pipe cleaners used by specialists.
The main causes of stench in the bathroom are blockages and leaks in pipes, as well as problems with sewer ventilation and siphon.
Troubleshooting can be done independently or with the involvement of specialists. But prevention, which includes several measures, is much more effective.
When installing sewers, it is necessary to avoid a large number of joints and turns and place them in accessible places.
It is important to use pipelines and fittings of the correct diameter, high quality and observe the slope during installation.
Do not dump construction debris, rags and other waste that will cause pollution into the sewer.
It is worth regularly cleaning the siphon and sewer pipes.
After kitchen sinks and dishwashers, it is recommended to install grease traps.
If the pipeline passes in places of temperature difference, then it is necessary to insulate it.
Entrust the installation of the entire sewer network to professionals.
If you have to leave your home for a long time, it is recommended to pour a little vegetable oil into the siphons, which will prevent the liquid from evaporating.
Compliance with these simple rules will help prevent the occurrence of odor.
Other types of problems
There are other types of problems with plumbing when it stinks of sewage. It is necessary to have an idea why the toilet smells like sewage in order to independently and timely carry out repair work.
Clogged sewer pipes
- In the presence of hard water, pipes become clogged with limestone deposits. They are eliminated with the help of special chemicals that dissolve these formations.
- The cause of clogging can be the accumulation of toilet paper and hair residues, which trap large particles from wastewater. At this point, a characteristic smell emerges from the sewer. For cleaning use a plunger, a chemical agent or a cable.
- It is difficult to remove particles of building materials and rags from the system, which cause severe clogging. In such a situation, use a plumbing cable or special equipment.
- Sewer passages are often contaminated with fatty deposits, which prevent the periodic discharge of large quantities of boiling water into the pipes.
Incorrect pipe installation
Such errors can be made if an inexperienced person was involved in the installation. This work should be performed by a master who is aware of all the intricacies of installation. After some time, improperly installed sewer ducts cause an unpleasant odor, the cause of which lies in the violation of the slope of the pipeline. To fix the problem, you will need to redo the system. This work is notable for the complexity of calculating the slope angle.
Errors in the installation of the sewerage system
Inadequate functioning of plumbing devices can be caused by problems with the siphon and narrowing of the clearance due to the accumulation of dirt. These problems are eliminated by cleaning. The water plug can dry out or break off if the rules for installing sewer parts are violated. Sometimes elements with a diameter smaller than those in building codes are taken for the system. Sewerage will work stably if the section of the part is not blocked by drains.
Otherwise, a discharge and failure of the installed siphon will occur. If the system is located in a cold room, it will freeze in winter. In such a situation, the ice is melted with hot water and hoses with a large diameter are selected.
Toilet connection diagram.
When the drain pipe is clogged, the plumbing malfunctions. This part is located on the roof and helps to equalize the pressure in the system. If this area is clogged, the sewage system ceases to perform its functions.
Each descent of water leads to a breakdown of the siphon, which causes gases to enter the room. To eliminate the stench, they clean the sewer passages so that there is no question why the bathroom smells like sewage.
Poor ventilation performance
If during a full inspection of the bathroom the source of the stink was not found, you need to check the ventilation ducts, which are often forgotten by the owners of the apartment. The room must be well ventilated, so the ventilation is checked regularly. Inspection is carried out once every 30 days. In a private house, a working ventilation system will remove all odors that are unpleasant to humans.
Violation of the tightness of the system
Another source of stench can be cracked pipes. In this case, the appearance of liquid under the sink or toilet is observed. The site of the leak is sometimes difficult to determine due to the presence of furniture in the room or a small area
To search, you will need to take a flashlight and inspect all the details, paying attention to connections and joints
Leakage is indicated by drops on the walls of the pipes from the outside. To restore the system, it is necessary to replace the site or seal the hole. Such problems can be prevented through preventive measures. To do this, high-quality and reliable material is used during installation, timely waterproofing of the floor and walls in the bathroom and avoiding the location of system elements in hard-to-reach places.
Ways to get rid of sewer smell
The first thing that the owners of the apartment should do is to establish the cause of the unpleasant smell. If the problem is in the installation, then you should contact the professionals.If the reason lies in the malfunction of the hood or depressurization of the pipes, you can try to fix the problem yourself.
A person must soberly assess his own abilities. If there is no desire or skills to engage in such work, it is better to contact a professional workshop, where they will definitely help solve the problem of unpleasant amber throughout the apartment.
There are several situations when the help of a plumber is needed:
- improper installation (violations during the installation of plumbing and ventilation can lead to the spread of a terrifying “aroma”, you will have to completely redo the system);
- lack of proper exhaust (it is very easy to check, just attach a sheet of paper to the grate of the ventilation shaft - it should be attracted by air flows).
If the owners decide to change the old system to a new one, it is better to entrust the work to professionals. This will give strong confidence in the quality and durability of the work done.
If the cause of the stink is a clogged drain, leaking pipes, or other simple problems, you can deal with them yourself using folk methods. There are quite a few of them, and each hostess can choose the right one for herself specifically.
First you need to establish the location of the blockage. This can be done by checking the drain in the bathroom, sink, toilet. Only after that it is recommended to take up cleaning products, including folk ones.
Our grandparents, mothers and fathers did not have the opportunity to use expensive cleaning products and used improvised products to effectively clean the bath from blockages:
- table salt (just pour a large amount of salt into the drain pipe, and after a couple of hours wash it off with a stream of hot water);
- table vinegar + baking soda (for cleansing, you will need 5-6 tablespoons of baking soda, which are also poured into the drainpipe of the bath, then in a thin stream, trying not to damage the enamel, pour table vinegar; closing the drain with a cork, leave it overnight; in the morning it will be enough to rinse draining with plenty of warm water);
- Alka-Seltzer tablets (effervescent tablets are dipped directly into the drain pipe and table vinegar is poured in a thin stream, two minutes is enough for the dirt to be easily removed; rinse with plenty of warm water).
The slightest doubt in one's own abilities should be the reason for inviting a professional plumber. Only an experienced master is able to give a guarantee of getting rid of the sewer smell in the apartment.
Causes of Bad Smell in the Bathroom
An unpleasant odor may appear in the apartment, caused by improper installation of the drainage system, non-observance of the wiring slope. At the same time, an insufficient slope angle causes stagnation of the liquid, and an excessive one leads to the fact that drains quickly leave the pipes, and large waste can cause blockage of the riser.
Stink in the bathroom can spread due to hidden leaks in hard-to-reach areas and areas walled or floored. The consequences of defects are expressed in the infiltration of moisture into the ceiling, which leads to the formation of diaper rash and the destruction of wooden parts.
If condensation appears on the pipes, then the floors are moistened. This phenomenon is typical for rooms with a temperature difference. In this case, the development of mold fungi and putrefactive bacteria begins.
If an unpleasant smell is constantly present in the bathroom, then the siphons should be checked first.
Causes of stench include hydraulic lock malfunctions in the form:
- freezing or clogging of pipes;
- corrugation stretching;
- blockage in the fan pipe, which leads to a violation of ventilation in the sewer and snatching of the water plug during the draining of the liquid.
In the latter version, when a large volume of liquid is washed off, a squelching noise is heard from small siphons. Water from the siphon leaves if the plumbing is not used for a long time.The room must be ventilated and air exchange must take place, because. the bathroom has a high level of humidity. Due to the accumulated moisture, putrefactive microbes and mold develop, which smell unpleasant.
A liquid with a large amount of waste of various sizes moves through the sewer pipes. Large particles cause obstruction. The operation of plumbing leads to the appearance of plaque on the walls of pipes. This overgrowth causes a narrowing of the lumen. Clogging causes an unpleasant odor and disrupts the functioning of sewers and water seals. Dirt most often accumulates in siphons.
Sometimes it stinks from the washing machine, in which mold appears. The problem arises when a washing course is used for which the temperature is 30°C. In some cases, the sump pump starts to work poorly or the drain hose is clogged.
Siphon clogged
With the usual clogging of the siphon, an unpleasant sewer smell can also appear in the apartment. Drains very often accumulate in the knee of the siphon, which eventually begin to decompose and give off a rather unpleasant odor. If the water seal is clogged, then it must be washed using chemicals that can be purchased at any specialized store. If necessary, the question of how to remove the smell in the toilet can be solved by mechanically cleaning the water seal.
In most cases, corrugated siphons are prone to clogging, which is explained by the folded surface of the inside of the pipe. It is in the folds that debris, fat and waste products are retained. To flush the corrugated siphon, a complete dismantling of the device is required.
How to fix sewer problems in an apartment building
It is important to follow the rules for installing sewer pipes. You can get rid of the smell from them by achieving the correct angle of inclination, which will not lead to clogging of pipes with drains. A small crack in a cast-iron pipe to eliminate the smell from the sewer in private houses, if it is not possible to dismantle it, can be covered with a solution mixed only with water and cement.
Important! The slope of the sewer pipe depends on its diameter, and the angle itself must be calculated from the instrument horizon, so only a specialist can effectively remove sewer odors. Installation of sewer pipes must be carried out taking into account the following requirements:
Installation of sewer pipes must be carried out taking into account the following requirements:
Sewer fumes can get into the apartment due to the fact that the pipe connections in the basement or in the riser itself are not connected properly or are damaged. Poor-quality installation work on laying the sewer system can lead to such consequences. In this case, the only sure way to eliminate the smell is to replace the pipes. located in the riser, or putty joints with sealant.
When installing plumbing, you need to pay maximum attention to the strength of the pipe connection
Problems with the operation of the water seal
Common reasons for the appearance of an unpleasant odor in the room include a malfunction of the water seal. If the siphon is installed under plumbing fixtures, a water plug is made in it to protect against gases from the sewer. In the absence of this element, the smell does not linger in the system and spreads throughout the room.
The principle of operation of the hydraulic lock.
In addition, the siphon may not work properly due to drains that completely fill the pipe section. This will remove the water block. The siphon is located under the toilet and is a curved part where a certain amount of water accumulates. The water seal prevents the penetration of unpleasant odors.
Incorrect siphon installation
An unpleasant odor often appears from the sewer in an apartment building if flaws were made during installation.When installing a bottle dispenser, the outlet may be higher than necessary. This will provoke the penetration of gases through the top of the water plug, which will disrupt the siphon. If it is placed low, the level of the water block will be reduced. To eliminate the breakdown, it is necessary to change the location of the outlet pipe, which should be 3 cm below the water level.
Siphon clogged
A clogged part is a common cause of a peculiar smell in the restroom. The elbow of the siphon in the bathroom is filled with drains, which, when decomposed, begin to emit a fetid smell of sewage. If the water seal is dirty, it is recommended to rinse it. To do this, use special chemicals that can be purchased at the store.
A clogged siphon can cause stink.
Rarely, mechanical action is required for cleaning. In the presence of a bottle siphon, cleaning is carried out without dismantling the device, unscrewing the lower part, but this method is not suitable for the toilet.
In most cases, there is a strong clogging of corrugated siphons due to their structure. The corrugation is a plastic pipe with a folded inner surface. For this reason, fat, debris, waste products, etc. are retained in the corrugation.
To flush the device, it is completely dismantled. The siphon will function stably if you install a vacuum valve that normalizes the pressure in the sewer. The release of valves is carried out for plumbing fixtures and fan risers. For a siphon, you will need to purchase a crimping part.
Drying of the water plug
If the plumbing is not used for a long time, then the area dries out. This process contributes to the penetration of gases into the toilet. In such a situation, the problem is fixed quickly. To do this, turn on the water to completely fill the knee and form a water seal. Often, cork drying is observed in bathrooms that are not used for their intended purpose.
Incorrect installation of the corrugations
Incorrect installation of the corrugations can also cause the problem.
If there is a violation of the sequence of installation of the corrugated pipe, the stench in the bathroom may spread. In particular, this applies to the bending of the corrugation, which may be incorrect.
The mistake is made by masters who have no idea how to properly position the corrugation knee and fix the hose. To fix the problem, it is necessary to change the corrugation configuration to the correct one and fix it with plastic clamps. To avoid unpleasant consequences, it is recommended to contact a plumber.
Corrugated pipe stretching
If a corrugated hose is used when installing siphons, then an unpleasant odor spreads throughout the apartment due to sagging of the part when using the equipment. This can happen due to poor fixing of the knee, using not special clamps for this, but adhesive tape or electrical tape. When selecting a corrugated pipe, it is necessary to take into account its feature of gradual stretching, which causes system problems. The problem can be removed by giving the corrugation a normal position and securing it with a clamp.
Common Causes
An unpleasant smell of sewerage can be due to errors made in the design and installation of the pipeline. Among them are the following:
- there is no fan ventilation, which is necessary to blow through the drain;
- the system outlet is located below 4 m from the window level;
- there is no head on the fan pipe;
- the ventilation duct for air outlet is close to the house;
- insufficient height of the fan exit.
If the siphon breaks, an unpleasant odor may also appear. This device retains water, which is a plug between the room and the sewer. Volley discharge of waste liquid along the riser leads to the breakdown of the part. With an insufficient diameter, water fills the passage section, forming a reduced pressure that entrains the liquid from the device behind it.The water seal goes into the system pipe, allowing the stench to enter the house.
Siphon breakdowns often occur due to careless handling of equipment. After that, it will need to be repaired or completely replaced. When the apartment is visited periodically, the water plug dries up, and gases from the sewer enter the room. The causes of unpleasant odors also include freezing water, dirty ventilation, damage in the form of cracks and accumulation of debris in pipes. Each situation requires its own way to eliminate the smell in the toilet.
The absence of a cap on the fan pipe.
How to eliminate sewer odor
To get rid of this problem, identify and eliminate the cause of its occurrence.
Repair of engineering networks
Cleaning the sewer pipe with a cable.
- Refurbishment of the pipeline. New elements are laid, creating a slope prescribed by sanitary standards. Unreliable connections are treated with sealant, new seals are installed.
- Elimination of blockage of the general sewer riser. In apartment buildings, this problem is solved by utilities.
- Elimination of pipe damage. The hole in the metal pipe is closed with a cement mixture. The joints between the plastic elements are covered with sealant.
- Replacement of old cuffs. Before installing a new part, the socket is freed from contamination and traces of corrosion. The cuff is coated with silicone sealant.
- Processing the joint of the toilet pipe with a cast-iron sewer pipe. To do this, the corrugation is disconnected, cleaned and degreased. After reconnecting the part, the joint is treated with a sealant.
- Siphon inspection. When placing a plumbing fixture, the corrugated hose may not be given the required bend, due to which a water seal is not formed. The desired shape of the pipe is achieved by hand. So the water lingers in the tube and does not let in fetid gases. After using the bath or shower, insert a plug into the drain hole.
Cleaning sewer lines with a grease trap
The grease trap consists of 2 components:
- primary filter. Effluent discharged from the sink is fed into the container. Here they are cleaned of large particles of dirt.
- secondary filter. Here fat particles are removed, purified water is drained into the sewer pipe.
Cleaning plumbing
You can remove the blockage from the siphon by disassembling the structure and washing its parts. This will help eliminate decaying waste that spreads unpleasant odors.
To clean the drain pipes of the sink and bathroom, you can use both chemicals and special equipment.
Cleaning the sink with boiling water
To clean the sink, follow these steps:
- The sink is washed and dried with a sponge.
- The drain device is washed with 5-10 liters of hot water. If the liquid goes into the sewer pipe slowly, the action is repeated.
Cleaning plumbing with baking soda and vinegar
If the pipes smell like sewage, you can try cleaning the drain system with baking soda and vinegar. These products remove contaminants that prevent water from flowing. 100 g of soda and half a glass of vinegar are injected into the neck of the siphon. The drain is closed with a rubber stopper or rags. The composition is kept in the drain device for 5-6 hours for the complete convergence of fatty deposits. The drain device is washed with a bucket of boiling water.
Salt, soda and cream of tartar to clean the drain
To clean the sewer system in this way, mix 1 tbsp. l. salt, the same amount of soda and 0.5 cups of cream of tartar. The composition is introduced into the waste channel, after which a glass of hot water is poured. After 2-3 minutes, rinse with running water.
Household chemicals
To eliminate the smell of sewage, acidic or alkaline compounds can be used. Mole and Tiret are considered the most effective. The required volume of liquid or powder is injected into the waste hole, topped up with 0.5 liters of water. After half an hour, 15-20 liters of water are poured into the neck of the siphon.
Devices for dealing with blockages
Chemical products sometimes do not cope with persistent blockages. Pollution is removed with a plunger or a steel cable. In the second case, the toilet is disconnected from the sewer system.
Then they perform the following actions:
- The tip of the cable is inserted into the pipe and the device begins to turn, moving it further. If a traffic jam appears on the way, the direction of rotation is changed. The cable is removed and washed.
- The toilet is connected to the pipe, the siphons are returned to their place. 3-4 buckets of boiling water are poured into the drain holes.
The end of the cable is equipped with a spiral, on which you can put on a ruff, scraper or hook. The second side of the device is bent to form a handle.