The sink is clogged how to clean it and prevent it again

Cleaning with a spiral cleaning machine

There is another way to clean blockages, which is most effective. Pipes of small diameter can be cleaned with special automatic equipment. Unfortunately, only specialists have a cleaning machine. Of course, you can buy this equipment in a store, but it is very expensive and requires special skills to use. The specialist knows how to clear the blockage in the sink using a spiral machine.

In order to deal with pipe blockages as little as possible, it is best to use special filter plugs. Such items will not allow debris to enter the sewer.

The sink is clogged how to clean it and prevent it again

Clogged pipes causes

Cast iron sewer pipes are still found in old houses. Such material is subject to corrosion, the inner walls become uneven over time, a rust coating forms on them. Most often, a blockage forms in such potentially dangerous places: a segment from the outlet of the kitchen sink to the outlet in the bathroom.

If the apartment has plastic pipes, the cause of blockage may be improper installation, that is, non-compliance with the slope of the pipe towards the riser. This leads to the formation of plaque inside the pipes. One of the most common causes of clogged pipes is grease. Over time, it, settling on the inner surface of the pipes, keeps small rubbish, food debris, etc. such sediment gradually condenses and reduces the throughput of the pipe.

The cause of clogged pipes may be improper installation, non-compliance with the slope of the pipe. A foreign object can get into the system, as a result of long-term operation, a thick coating forms on the inner walls of the pipes. Pipes also become clogged with improper or lack of proper care.

There are several ways to clear a blockage in pipes at home using folk remedies, chemicals and mechanical devices. If the water began to drain slowly through the drain hole, an unpleasant smell appeared in the kitchen or bathroom, a rise in water under the drain grates of the sewer ladder is noticeable when the pressure is turned on, the blockage must be eliminated.

Most often, pipes are clogged in the summer-autumn period, which is associated with a much higher water consumption and an increase in the amount of garbage entering the sewer. You should be especially careful during the period when harvesting for the winter is being carried out and it is advisable to have something on hand with which you can clean the pipes.

Types and methods of pipe cleaning

The main methods of cleaning sewer pipelines can be divided into several groups:

Mechanical. Often the cause of blockage is a dense cork formed after solid food waste, large debris, and fibers from rags get in and stick together. In this case, the easiest and most effective way to break through a pipe in the kitchen is to use mechanical devices in the form of a steel spiral.

Hydraulic. Popular cleaning methods are the use of moving water masses or fast jets to remove plugs and clean the walls of pipelines from mud deposits. It is difficult to find an apartment or a private house where the simplest mechanical device for removing blockages called a plunger is not used in the household. For professional cleaning of long sewer pipelines, plumbers use hydrodynamic cleaning technology. Its essence lies in the impact on the pipe walls and the plug of powerful narrowly directed water jets, simultaneously pushing the hose forward, during operation, water is supplied to the long pressure hose by an electric water pump.For domestic sewer cleaning with their own hands, the hydrodynamic method can be used by owners of Karcher car mini-washers or similar devices. To clean sinks, a special long hose for mini sinks with various nozzles is purchased in the distribution network, designed to clean pipes from blockages.

The sink is clogged how to clean it and prevent it again

Rice. 3 Minisink Karcher and pressure hose with nozzle


Cleaning with chemicals

A fairly popular way to clean blockages is to use chemicals. Congestion cleaning fluids can be purchased from the market or from a specialized store.

Some believe that the effect will be greater if you use a large amount of cleaning agent. This is a wrong idea, which is also costly.

It is best to follow the instructions, then you can easily find out how to remove the blockage in the sink:

  1. First of all, it should be remembered that for each type of litter, its own remedy is used. For example, to eliminate hair and soap, you need to use acid preparations. Before buying, consult with the seller.
  2. Chemicals are not recommended for cleaning kitchen sinks. Acid or alkali can splash out of the pipe and onto the surface of the sink. There is also a possibility of contact with the skin.
  3. Frequent use of chemicals can destroy the sewer pipe.
  4. Before cleaning, open windows and doors to ventilate the room. Wear gloves on your hands and a mask on your face.
  5. It is strictly forbidden to mix acidic and alkaline substances. This may cause an explosion.
  6. After completing all the above steps, pour the substance into the drain hole of the sink.
  7. After a few minutes, turn on the hot water to see if the blockage in the sink has cleared.

Video of professional sink cleaning

Do-it-yourself plumbing maintenance

First of all, you need to check the siphon connected to the sink. At the bottom is a removable cover that can be easily turned off. Before doing this, you need to substitute a bucket (basin), since there is always a little water in this place. It is this part of the drain system that is the "sump" where various suspensions accumulate.

It is necessary to thoroughly clean the entire inner surface of the cover from dirt. In addition, the siphon body itself also needs maintenance. Over time, everything that falls into the drain settles on its inner wall. Over time, a rather thick layer of such deposits is formed, which prevents the flow of fluid. It is not difficult to remove it with some kind of “stick” with rags wound around it.

It is necessary to clean the flexible connector (“corrugation”) between the siphon and the sewer pipe (or elbow) in the same way. Taking it off is easy enough. It is he who is most often the "culprit" of the formation of blockage in the sink. The corrugation is gently stretched and its internal cavity is cleaned (rags + stick).

If necessary, the same is done with the sink in the bathroom.

If such prevention did not give a result, then it is necessary to deal with the drain system.

Pipe cleaning

The sink is clogged how to clean it and prevent it again

It is done in various ways and means. Consider the most accessible and common.

This plumbing "tool" is in every home, and if the sink in the kitchen is clogged, then its use is the most convenient option. At the same time, one nuance, which was mentioned above, is quite often overlooked. The entire drain system is a single circuit in which the law of communicating vessels operates.

In order for the plunger to work to give the desired effect, you need to tightly close all the holes in the plumbing fixtures located in other rooms. In the bathroom, this is a drain and “overflow” of the bathroom itself (2 points) and a sink (if any). In addition, the toilet lid must also be lowered onto the bowl.

Pour water into the kitchen sink and cover the drain hole with a rubber plunger nozzle. Do not forget about its overflow. This hole must be covered with a cloth and pressed with your hand. After such a complete “sealing” of the system, the blockage in the sink can be pierced by a “column” of water. To do this, the plunger handle makes several sharp movements up and down, after which it is removed from the drain.

For a better result, a similar procedure should be repeated, and several times, periodically draining the water (depending on how it will go).

The sink is clogged how to clean it and prevent it again

More radical method. The device is inserted into the viewing window on the pipe (or in another accessible place) and pushed along it - until it stops. After that, it is pulled back, rotating around the axis with the help of a handle. Its bent end cleans the inside of the pipe well, so you need to pull out the cable gradually.

The sink is clogged how to clean it and prevent it again

Hardware stores sell a variety of tools designed to clear blockages in sinks. The most famous of them - "Mole". Their principle of operation is that after pouring the solution into the pipe, it softens all the substances that form a "plug". After a certain time, an abundant “strait” (preferably hot) is made with water, and the remnants of the blockage are washed into the general sewer.

The recommendation for use is indicated on the packaging

It should be noted that when working with such compounds, precautions must be taken.

There are also "folk" remedies - soda, vinegar. Half a glass of each is taken, and in turn - into the drain hole. But this will give an effect only if the “cork” is not far from the drain.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the acid. You can hear the advice that she breaks through any blockage. But at the same time, it is forgotten that acids really corrode EVERYTHING. If the pipes are made of plastic, especially "corrugation", then it is better not to tempt fate.

When removing blockages, you do not need to save on water. The more it is drained, the less dirt will remain in the pipes.

For a private house, given the complexity and length of the sewerage system, it is advisable to clean (and prevent) pipes in a hydraulic way. For this, special installations are used, and many companies provide similar services. The effect is very good, and after such a drain treatment, blockages can be forgotten for a long time.

Siphon check

Before radical methods of eliminating blockage in the sink, it is necessary to exclude the presence of stagnation in the siphon:

Unscrew the removable cover at the bottom, after substituting a basin or a wide bucket. There is always water in the siphon, which is easier to lower into a container than to collect later with a rag.
Clean the inside of the cover and the body of the siphon from the accumulated dirt. The task can be coped with with the help of a stick on which a rag is wound.
If necessary, it is necessary to remove plaque on the corrugation connecting the pipe to the siphon, since it is this area that often becomes the “culprit” of stagnant water in the sink

The corrugation should be carefully stretched and cleaned with a stick and rags.

If the actions did not work, they must be repeated with the sink in the bathroom. If there is no further effect, you will have to clean the drain system.

Why are the pipes in the kitchen clogged?

In everyday life, most often blockages occur in pipes coming from the kitchen sink, the following factors are their cause:

  • The sink in the kitchen is mainly used for washing dishes and cooking utensils, so if the pipe is clogged, the first cause of the malfunction is food residue.
  • The kitchen sewer is also clogged with grease deposited on the inner pipe sheath after washing dishes and food. Dirt and small organic wastes stick to it, narrowing the passage channel and slowing down the flow of gray water.
  • Incorrect installation of the siphon, a large number of bends or insufficient slope of the drain pipe, its physical wear and tear can be the causes of frequent blockages.
  • Improper operation using predominantly cold water in the sink, the lack of preventive cleaning and flushing are the reasons that the sewer often begins to become clogged.

The sink is clogged how to clean it and prevent it again

Rice. 2 The principle of hydraulic cleaning

Sewer smell in the kitchen

Sometimes situations arise when an unpleasant smell is felt in the kitchen. The cause must be found as soon as possible. Do not try to eliminate the unpleasant odor with fresheners and similar products. Otherwise, you can simply harm your health.

Reasons for the appearance of an unpleasant odor in the sewer:

  • First of all, you need to walk around the entire apartment. If an unpleasant smell is in all rooms, then the reason is hidden in the sewers of the whole house. This means that you need to contact a plumber. When the cause is eliminated, sprinkle all pipes with bleach.
  • An unpleasant odor can occur due to debris in the siphon. The question arises of how to clean the sink from blockage. First of all, we get rid of hair and food debris that emit a bad smell. To do this, we disassemble the siphon and clean it.
  • There are times when a crack forms in cast iron pipes. An unpleasant odor may come out of it. The crack can be repaired with cement, after diluting it to a consistency that looks like plasticine. In the event that the pipes are rotten, they must be urgently replaced.

The sink is clogged how to clean it and prevent it again

How to clean the blockage in the pipes at home and not spoil them

Keep in mind that using chemical clog cleaners can damage plumbing fixtures, aluminum pipes, and sinks. The fact is that some chemical reactions proceed with the release of a large amount of heat. It is not recommended to lean over the sink and look into the drain hole if a gurgle is clearly heard. This indicates a reaction is taking place and can be dangerous.

It is important to remember that chemicals for cleaning sewers should be selected taking into account the material of the water supply and the type of pollution. In most cases, the universal remedy "Mole" is suitable, which copes with various types of pollution.

The use of a plumbing cable is suitable for cleaning metal pipes, as it helps to effectively remove, including rust, from pipe walls. Plastic pipes can be damaged as a result of increased mechanical stress.

They must be cleaned with extreme care. By itself, this material is not subject to corrosion, and contaminants adhere poorly to its surface.

But over time, fat gradually clogs the drains, and when it becomes necessary to eliminate the blockage, it is best to use chemicals or a plunger.

Determining the location of the blockage

Before clearing the blockage in the sink, it is necessary to determine where the blockage has formed. In the event that a “cork” has formed in your apartment, there are several ways to get rid of it.

To determine if the problem is actually in your apartment, and not outside, you need to flush the water in the bathroom. If there water goes down the drain, then there is a blockage between the kitchen and the bathroom.

In order to fix the problem that has arisen, you do not need to buy special equipment. In city apartments, fixing the problem is much easier than in private houses, since they have a shorter drain route.

To remove the blockage, you can use a cable, a plunger, or a special tool that eliminates blockages.

The sink is clogged how to clean it and prevent it again

Folk methods

If you are looking for methods on how to clean the blockage in the sink in the bathroom or in the bathroom itself and do not want to use chemistry, and mechanical methods cannot be used for some reason, folk methods will come to the rescue.

There are many dubious methods that will not only not be able to get rid of the blockage in the pipe, but will also lead to additional expenses. Among them:

  • Use of a vacuum cleaner. The tube of the household appliance is brought to the drain hole and turned on at full power. The results are deplorable, and the most minimal of them is the purchase of a new vacuum cleaner.
  • Citric acid is simply not effective.

The sink is clogged how to clean it and prevent it again

Convenient manual attachment - automatic feed drum made of elastic stainless wire

In practice, the effectiveness of soda has been confirmed, and it can be combined with salt or vinegar.


To implement this method, the following ingredients are needed:

  • soda;
  • vinegar (it is best to use white distilled);
  • boiling water;
  • rag or washcloth.

The sink is clogged how to clean it and prevent it again

An economical and effective folk remedy for cleaning pipes from blockage

Cleaning sequence:

Pour half a package of soda into the drain hole

It is important that the soda is dry.
Pour vinegar in a volume - 0.5 tbsp. it's ok if you warm it up a bit

Cover the opening immediately with a cloth. This will keep the volcano that forms from the baking soda and vinegar inside the pipe.
Leave everything like this for 30 minutes. During this time, the debris that blocked the outflow of water will dissolve.
Then boil the kettle.
As soon as the allotted time is up, pour boiling water into the hole.

The sink is clogged how to clean it and prevent it again

The resulting caustic foam effectively corrodes all sorts of blockages, eliminating them

If it was not possible to immediately completely get rid of the blockage, then the manipulations should be repeated.


Another option, how to clean a blockage in the bathroom with soda, is even easier to implement. You need to take 0.5 cups of salt and soda, hot water. Cleaning sequence:

Pour soda and salt into the drain hole.
Add 1.5-2 liters of boiling water there.
Leave for 8 hours

It is important that this drain period is not used.

The sink is clogged how to clean it and prevent it again

Salt + soda help with cleaning pipes, if the cause is hardened fat

Cleaning pipes is a simple task and there are many options that are suitable for different types of pipes. When using them, you must follow the instructions and safety measures. But still the simplest option is prevention, and it is completely uncomplicated. You just need to get used to the fact that the pipes should be flushed regularly.

What to do if pipes regularly clog

If the sewer pipeline is often clogged, in addition to domestic inconvenience, this leads to an unjustified waste of time and money, so a little prevention of pipe blockages in the kitchen is always useful from any point of view. The arsenal of means used for preventive work is very wide, ranging from flushing the siphon, installing fine-mesh grates, and ending with the decision to use chemicals or pour detergents into the sewer.

Tips for Preventing Clogs in Plastic Pipes

To prevent sewer pipes from becoming clogged, the following methods are used:

  1. The highest chance of a kitchen sink becoming clogged is large food waste getting into it, so a mesh with small cells is installed on the drain hole when washing dishes.
  2. Periodically (once a week), the drain hole is washed with boiling water, without exceeding the permissible temperature conditions; to increase efficiency, you can use washing powder or dish detergent.
  3. If the dishes for washing contain an excessive amount of fat, it is dissolved in hot water and the toilet is drained - this can significantly reduce the amount of fat deposits on the inner shell of the pipes.
  4. At least once a year, preventive cleaning of the kitchen sewer pipeline is carried out using potent industrial chemicals.
  5. Before washing dishes, always remove large food residues from them, dropping them into the trash or sewer.

The sink is clogged how to clean it and prevent it again

Rice. 13 Blockage prevention

Eliminate bad odors

Unpleasant odors from the domestic kitchen sewer are not too common with the correct assembly of the sink using a siphon, the water seal of which prevents the entry of polluted air into the room. Therefore, the only reason for the appearance of foreign odors is a dirty siphon with food residues in the area from the drain to the water seal. For cleaning, it is removed in the above manner, cleaned of dirt and washed in soapy water.

Another effective method of dealing with stench from pipes is to purchase products with a variety of flavors or specially designed to eliminate unpleasant odors.

How to clean the pipe in the kitchen with improvised means

If pipes become clogged too often, using a plunger or a conventional plumbing cable is not an effective way to get rid of them for a long time, so many owners are faced with the question of what to do in this case. The search for another solution in the form of purchasing factory-made household chemicals often becomes problematic - the cost of advertised potent effective drugs is quite high, and paying a small price for an unknown product, you can most likely throw money away.

Therefore, on the Internet resources you can find a considerable number of videos using inexpensive improvised home remedies for cleaning pipes, and the simplest of them is hot water.

The sink is clogged how to clean it and prevent it again

Rice. 4 Handy cleaning reagents

Boiling water cleaning

To make pipes less likely to become clogged, hot water should be used as often as possible in the kitchen sink, do not forget to use boiling water before cleaning the sewer pipeline from blockage. The use of hot water in case of failure to eliminate the plug will facilitate further work, dissolve fat deposits with adhering dirt on the pipe walls.

Cleaning the sink with baking soda and salt

Baking soda and salt are usually used to prevent and clean pipe walls from contamination, for this they are dissolved in one liter of hot water in the following ratio: 500 g of a pack of soda is mixed with 200 g of salt. The hot solution is poured into the sewer system and the drain hole is closed with a stopper for 60 - 120 minutes, after which the sewer can be used. To more effectively remove dirt deposits on the walls, you can additionally use a plunger, moving the flow of dissolved reagents through the pipeline.

An effective and inexpensive cleaning agent is caustic soda, it is used as a solution, diluting 200 g of the reagent in one liter of hot water. The resulting composition is poured into the drain hole, closed with a stopper and the liquid is allowed to settle for 30-60 minutes.

The sink is clogged how to clean it and prevent it again

Rice. 5 Options for the use of improvised materials

Removing clogs with vinegar and baking soda

The method of removing blockages with vinegar and soda is the most popular in the household, before removing the plug or heavy pollution, the sink is slightly filled with hot water and waiting for it to go into the pipeline. After that, 500 g of a pack of baking soda is poured into the drain hole, which should quickly dissolve in the water remaining in the siphon. Pour one glass (200 g) of 9% vinegar essence into the drain and close it with a cork for about 20 minutes, after the specified time, the sewer drain is washed with hot water.

Removing blockages with Alka-Seltzer

Often in the household of a certain category of unmarried men, a situation arises when there is no soda, vinegar and factory chemicals at hand, but there is a great desire to carry out preventive cleaning of the pipeline. In this case, some owners use expensive food reagents in the form of lemon juice and even medications, one of which is Alka-Seltzer.An effective hangover remedy contains dry acetylsalicylic and citric acids, sodium bicarbonate (soda) in its composition - it is clear that when these substances are dissolved, a violent chemical reaction occurs. A similar cleaning pop can also be arranged in pipes - for this, 2-3 tablets of Alka-Seltser are thrown into the drain of the sink and close it with a cork for 20 minutes.

The sink is clogged how to clean it and prevent it again

Rice. 6 Vacuuming the sink

Cleaning blockages with a vacuum cleaner

Kitchen sinks tend to get clogged with solid food waste to form tight plugs, one of the original methods of cleaning the sink is to use air pressure. You can get a strong air flow at home using a household vacuum cleaner, for this, its outlet pipe is inserted into the drain and the unit is turned on to blow out air, after removing the garbage bag from it. To eliminate air leaks in the sink, the vacuum cleaner nozzle is sealed in the hole with a small rag wrapped in a plastic bag. Some craftsmen use the rubber hemisphere of the plunger to seal and supply air, cutting a hole in it and inserting the outlet pipe from the vacuum cleaner into it.

Plumbing cable

The previous method is only suitable if the blockage is minor, it cannot cope with a serious blockage. Option - plumbing cable. It is suitable if:

  1. Blockage deep in the pipe.
  2. The “cork” that closes the outflow of water is strongly compressed.

The sink is clogged how to clean it and prevent it again

Plumbing cable is a dense wire in the form of a spiral

The essence of the method is to get rid of the blockage mechanically, pull it out or push it deeper into a wider pipe. The length of the standard cable is 3 meters, and this is quite enough to extract deep blockages.

The technique of using the cable is simple, but it must be clearly maintained. Sequence:

  • the cable is inserted into the drain hole;
  • one person pushes, the other rotates the cable. This contributes to the destruction of the blockage and prevents the cable from breaking at pipe bends;
  • after the blockage has been passed, you need to make a couple of jerks back and forth. After opening the hot water, you will wash away the dirt that has formed on the pipe;
  • Now you can carefully pull out the cable.

Such a cleaning tool can be purchased at any hardware store.

The sink is clogged how to clean it and prevent it again

This device is used for severe blockages of metal pipes.

How to clean the sewer pipe in the kitchen with special tools

If the pipe in the kitchen is clogged, you can deal with the problem with the help of a variety of chemicals sold in the distribution network in a wide range. The consumer is well aware of such brands for cleaning sewers as Mole, Chirton (Clean drains), Bagi Potkhan, Tiret, Sanfor, Deboucher Aqualon, Selena Antizasor, Sanoks "Clean Stock", Cinderella.

All household chemicals are produced in the form of powders, granules, gels and liquid solutions, their cost varies widely, reaching amounts, for example, from 50 to 500 rubles per 1 liter of liquid preparation.

Cleaning with household chemicals

You can clean sewer pipes with liquid and bulk products, instructions for using each of them are on the package, the main difference is the time of the cleaning procedure. Some drugs are fast-acting and clean the sewer within 5 minutes, while others require one and a half to two hours to complete the work. In addition, some inexpensive domestic formulations (Deboucher Aqualon) differ from imported ones in high fluid consumption - about 0.5 liters for the production of one cleaning procedure. When cleaning pipes with a liquid or gel, proceed as follows:

  • Pour into the drain hole the required amount of the drug indicated on the package.
  • They wait for the time according to the instructions, for better cleaning, you can deviate from the manufacturer's instructions and leave the product overnight.
  • At the end of the work, the sewer drain is washed.

The sink is clogged how to clean it and prevent it again

Rice. 12 Large waste nets

Wire sink cleaning

In the event that there is no plunger at hand, you can use a plumbing cable.

We install a bucket or basin under the pipe so as not to wet the floor.
We remove the curved riser. If it does not give in, you can use a gas wrench to help loosen the mount.
Drain the contents of the bent pipe into a bucket. Also, do not forget that removing blockages in the riser is a rather important process. Debris can be removed with a stream of hot water.
We remove the horizontal pipe that connects the "trap" and the water supply

We put the cable into the hole until it rests.
It is important to make sure that a blockage has become an obstacle to the plumbing fixture, and not a turn in the riser.
The cable handle must be turned clockwise. Simultaneously with the turns, you need to press the cable, trying to deepen it in the pipe

As soon as the blockage is passed, you need to turn counterclockwise and return to the starting position.
After making sure that the blockage in the sink in the kitchen is removed, it is necessary to remove the cable from the riser.
After setting the trap and the horizontal tube in place, turn on the hot water.

Special funds

Ready-made chemicals that can get rid of blockages, the choice is huge, as well as the expansion of prices. Before, how to clear a blockage in a pipe in the bathroom one of them, you need to read the recommendations for using such products. If the blockage is running, then it will not be possible to do without chemical means, you will have to use the mechanical ones presented above to help.

The sink is clogged how to clean it and prevent it again

Chemicals are also one of the quickest ways to unclog pipes.

The sink is clogged how to clean it and prevent it again

Household chemicals to eliminate blockages in pipes are best purchased in the form of a gel or powder

Important Tips:

Powder and liquid products do not differ in effectiveness.
When buying, check with the seller whether the product is suitable for the type of pipes that are in your home.
Liquid products should be poured directly into the drain hole, powders after falling asleep, pour hot water (1 cup).
After the time specified in the instructions, spill the pipes with hot water in order to rinse the pipes well and remove debris.
When using these products, it is important not to use the bath for a while. It is best to clean at night.

The sink is clogged how to clean it and prevent it again

After the chemical has been poured into the drain, hot water must be turned on to flush the pipes

The sink is clogged how to clean it and prevent it again

Be sure to take precautions when working with chemicals

Cleaning the sink with a plunger

First of all, you need to use the simplest way. Most likely, everyone has such an item as a plunger. To remove garbage, you must perform the following steps:

We remove the blockage in the sink. For example, hair and leftover food.
Remove the filter plug from the drain hole.
It is best to close the overflow protection with tape or a wet rag.
Pour hot water into the sink.
Apply a lubricant to the surface of the plunger. For example, vaseline. This will ensure good contact with the sink.
Install a plunger over the drain hole

It is important that when installing the tool, the water displaces all the air from the bowl.
Raise and lower the plunger handle with quick movements. It is enough to make 15 translational movements.
If the water still does not drain through the drain, and the blockage in the kitchen sink remains, repeat the above step.

The sink is clogged how to clean it and prevent it again

Conclusion on the topic

Thus, the main sign of blockage is water obstruction. Most often, the sink is clogged in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe siphon. This is where the pipe bends. Sinks with corrugated pipes are most often prone to clogging. There are many ways to clean your kitchen sink. Blockage prevention includes:

  • the use of a protective mesh, which is installed in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe drain hole;
  • periodic flushing of the pipe with boiling water or hot water with washing powder (for plastic pipes);
  • washing dishes with hot water.

Clogging may occur for technical reasons. In this situation, it may be necessary to replace the pipes with new ones.


