How to remove old wallpaper from drywall effortlessly

How to remove wallpaper from drywall without damaging the surface is one of the most pressing problems of cosmetic repairs. Careless actions when removing the old coating can lead to deformation of the GCR surface, the appearance of scratches, cracks, chips, which subsequently manifest themselves in the most negative way after gluing new canvases. It is expensive and time-consuming to completely change the drywall in the room, and in some cases in the entire apartment, so it’s better to spend a couple of hours studying the issue and choosing the most suitable option for yourself.

Removing old wallpaper from drywall correctly

Why remove wallpaper from drywall before sticking new ones

Many fans of self-repair may be interested in the question: “Why remove old wallpaper if it holds up perfectly?” Sticking new wallpapers on old ones is, of course, much faster, but it won’t take even a week for excessive impatience to bring the first results:

  1. A new layer of wallpaper will lie unevenly - with bubbles and other defects that are unpleasant to the eye.
  2. The old coating may fall behind along with part of the drywall under the weight of the new sheets and adhesive layer.
  3. Under the wallpaper, especially in apartments with a high level of humidity, microorganisms that are dangerous to the health of the inhabitants of the apartment tend to nest and multiply, the existence of which can be recognized by the characteristic smell of dampness and ugly spots on the walls and ceilings. After removing the old layer, the sites of infection should be treated with antiseptics that are safe for people and animals.

Important! If the old coating was applied with high quality, without preliminary puttying and is integral with the drywall surface, it is necessary to apply a layer on it primersTo improve the quality of adhesion of new wallpaper, wait until it is completely dry and proceed with pasting.

Mold spots on plasterboard under wallpaper

How to remove old wallpaper from drywall

The complexity of resolving the issue of how to remove old wallpaper from drywall depends on the material from which they were made. Thus, there are different ways to remove a decorative coating, namely wallpaper:

  • paper;
  • non-woven;
  • liquid;
  • washable - acrylic, vinyl, glass.
HELPFUL INFORMATION:  Do-it-yourself finishing putty for wallpaper

Paper coatings are the easiest to remove, however, even in this case it is advisable to have a supply of tools and materials on hand, with which it will not be difficult to prepare the surface of the walls for further repairs without prejudice to drywall.

Important factors that must be taken into account when removing wallpaper material are the duration of operation of the decorative coating, the adhesive characteristics of the surface of drywall and wallpaper, and the quality of the wallpaper glue used. Depending on the density and uniformity of the adhesive layer, coatings in some places can be removed without effort, in others - only after impregnation with special chemical compounds. It is especially difficult to remove wallpaper pasted on drywall from two to five years ago, since the coatings retain their decorative and functional qualities, and the adhesive composition has not yet lost its adhesive properties.

Decorative coating on any basis can be easily removed using special liquids that can be purchased at construction markets and in household goods departments.

Liquid wallpaper removers

Tools and materials

You will need:

  • wide paint roller;
  • masking tape;
  • needle roller or "wallpaper tiger";
  • PVC film roll;
  • wallpaper knife;
  • wide and narrow spatulas;
  • household steam generator - steamer, steam mop;
  • water container;
  • garbage container.

Steam generator for removing old wallpaper

Room preparation

Before embarking on rather laborious and dirty work, it is necessary to protect yourself by de-energizing the network, remove curtains, paintings, tapestries, take out furniture, cover the floor and built-in furniture with plastic wrap. Working under the ceiling is easier and safer with a stable wide ladder with a comfortable platform.

Removing paper wallpaper

About, how to shoot paper wallpaper, is known to everyone who has at least once done repairs with their own hands. A universal way is to soak the wallpaper with water and use a steam generator to speed up the process. How to remove wallpaper from drywall:

  • divide each wall into small fragments;
  • moisten one of the fragments with a roller soaked in warm water;
  • wait 20 minutes or use a steam generator;
  • carefully remove the old wallpaper and glue layer with a spatula.
HELPFUL INFORMATION:  How to stick photo wallpaper on the wall with wallpaper

Process each fragment of all walls in this way.

Removing paper backing

Attention! If you wet the entire wall at once, then the drywall will get wet along with the paper sheet and the adhesive layer, which will lead to unfortunate results, up to irreversible damage to the material, requiring replacement of all the drywall in the room.

How to remove water-repellent wallpaper from drywall

Removing water-repellent wallpaper, which include liquid varieties, non-woven, washable - acrylic and vinyl - is carried out according to the same principle:

  • first you need to treat the surface with a spiked roller or “wallpaper tiger”, scratch it with a knife, without penetrating into the inner layers, so as not to touch the drywall;
  • moisten the surface with water;
  • after 20 minutes, remove the surface layer with spatulas.

Using special tools for removing waterproof wallpaper

How to remove glass wallpaper for painting

Removal fiberglass for painting will require special efforts. In some cases, it is easier to close the decorative layer with a primer and stick new wallpaper on it, since it is almost impossible to remove such a specific composition without damaging the drywall.

Foresight will help to quickly and without problems carry out cosmetic repairs every two to three years, changing the interior beyond recognition with the help of fashionable decorative coatings. When installing walls, partitions and plasterboard ceilings, it is necessary to putty and prime not only the corners and joints, but the entire surface, so that later you do not have to spend time and money on replacing the skin and buying new materials.


