Do-it-yourself soundproofing under a stretch ceiling in an apartment

One of the main conditions for achieving comfort and coziness in an apartment is the absence of extraneous sounds. This includes the sounds of cars and screams from the street, repairs of neighbors and other unpleasant noises. And if street noise can be minimized by installing quality doors and windows, then solving the problem with neighbors is a little more difficult. In this regard, an important role can be played soundproofing the ceiling in the apartment under the stretch ceiling.

Noise protection from neighbors from above - soundproofing under a stretch ceiling

Advantages of a stretch ceiling as a sound insulator

Modern construction companies present a wide variety of stretch ceilings to choose from. One of the options is a soundproof stretch ceiling.

In general, any false ceiling can serve as an insulator due to its design. The air gap between the ceiling and the material to be mounted serves as an obstacle to the propagation of external noise. And the absence of a metal frame that would be attached to the main ceiling means that there are no bridges for sound propagation.

In addition, the stretch fabric is a fabric or film that is soft in structure, which is an additional sound absorber. For modern acoustic stretch ceilings, a specially perforated canvas is used. The energy of the sound wave is damped by tiny holes. In addition to several layers of such material, these ceilings have a foamed polymer in the construction, which has attractive characteristics: it repels moisture, is tightly intertwined and does not sag. Reviews of the owners of acoustic ceilings speak for themselves. The only disadvantage of such a stretch ceiling is its cost.

The structure of the sound-absorbing stretch ceiling

You can also perform soundproofing under a conventional stretch ceiling. To do this, it is necessary to place additional soundproofing material in the available space between the ceiling and the stretch fabric.

The choice of material for soundproofing a stretch ceiling

Soundproofing material, which is planned to be mounted under a stretch ceiling, must have the following properties:

  • high sound absorption coefficient;
  • the lowest degree of flammability;
  • light weight;
  • its thickness should be equal to the amount of free space.
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In addition, it must comply with sanitary and hygienic safety standards and be fairly easy to install.

Among the wide range of soundproofing materials, you can choose the one that suits you in terms of price, mounting methods and efficiency. Consider the most popular options.

Before starting work, you need to decide on the choice of soundproofing material

Mineral wool

This material is made from non-combustible raw materials, which is a big plus, does not shrink, and effectively copes with the problem of extraneous noise. However, when choosing, you need to take into account its important features:

  • Some types of mineral wool are a material hazardous to human health, so it must be handled with all precautions, and the insulation must be 100% high quality.
  • The material is hygroscopic, therefore it is necessary to protect it from moisture ingress with the help of vapor barrier membranes.

Important! Since mineral wool is a highly effective insulation, it cannot be combined with built-in ceiling lights, which will overheat.

Mineral wool is produced in the form of rolls and plates. The second option is more convenient during installation and has a denser structure that improves its soundproofing properties. Popular brands are special acoustic plates "Shumanet BM", as well as Rockwool "Acoustic Bats".

Acoustic mineral wool Rockwool Acoustic Bats

Such plates have one drawback: their thickness varies in the range of 15–20 centimeters, so their use will significantly reduce the height of the ceiling.

Acoustic membranes

Special membranes are a very dense material made from aragonite, a natural mineral. A significant plus of this material is its small thickness, usually not exceeding 4 millimeters. At the same time, the sound insulation coefficient of acoustic membranes reaches 28 dB.

The disadvantage of this material is its large weight, due to which it will not work to put the membranes on the ceiling alone. For its installation, a metal or wooden frame is required.

Modern material: Tecsound acoustic membranes

Various natural materials also do a good job of absorbing sounds: reed tiles, coconut fiber, linen tow, coniferous fiber. Their advantage is environmental friendliness and safety, you can use such materials even in the nursery.

Installation of sound insulation under a stretch ceiling

Before starting work on the installation of sound insulation and stretch ceiling, you need to bring the base ceiling into proper condition, namely:

  • Check the condition of the ceiling surface. If there is damage, they must be sealed with sealant.
  • The base of the ceiling is covered with a primer to prevent the development of mold on it.
  • Mark the walls for the ceiling profile.
  • Stick a soundproof tape on each profile element.
  • It is better to make electrical wires that will be hidden behind the tension web insulated. For this, a corrugated sleeve, securely fixed to the ceiling, is suitable.
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Now you can proceed with the installation of soundproofing and ceiling construction. Depending on the chosen material, there are two methods of its installation.

We fix soundproofing materials on the ceiling correctly

Frame method of mounting a sound insulator

From the name it is clear that this method involves the use of a framework. It can be a metal profile or a wooden beam.

To conduct soundproofing, first make markings around the perimeter of the ceiling.

Parallel profiles should be placed at a distance of about 60 centimeters from each other, and the distance between the outermost profile and the wall should be no more than 10 centimeters.

Then holes are drilled in the profiles, a crate is installed and soundproofing material is laid.

Frame method of installing sound insulation

Frameless ceiling soundproofing method

This method is simpler and faster, since no complex structures need to be installed when using it. All parts are attached to special adhesive mixtures.

Some of the latest soundproofing materials have a self-adhesive tape on one side, which greatly simplifies their installation in a stretch ceiling structure. The main thing is to correctly and evenly attach the material to the base ceiling. Despite the fact that the price of such materials is higher, you can save on the purchase of various additional materials, as well as your time.

Also, the frameless method can be attributed to the fastening of sound insulation using dowels, the so-called "fungi". Before using them, ceiling markings should be carried out, and then the plates should be fixed along it. Fastening "fungi" is best done at the corners and edges of the plates. Pre-gluing the material can enhance the strength of the structure.

Frameless mounting method

Both methods of sound insulation installation - frame and frameless - are combined by the need for dense laying of material and sealing of joints.

Improving the soundproofing properties of the structure

In order for sound insulation to be more effective, after installing the material, it must be additionally covered with plasterboard sheets. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the dimensions of the sheets in advance, they must close the entire structure without large gaps.

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The joints of the sheets must be additionally closed with a sound-reinforcing strip, and the seams must be sealed with special mastic.

The last step will be stretch ceiling installation and decorative trim.

Noise isolation, organized before installation of a stretch ceiling, will significantly reduce the noise level in your apartment. But for the greatest efficiency, it is recommended to soundproof the windows, the front door and, if possible, the walls.

Multi-layer soundproofing with drywall

Soundproofing cost

The price of soundproofing floors under a stretch ceiling in Moscow and St. Petersburg varies between 700–3000 rubles / 1 m2. The large discrepancy in cost is due to the use of different materials (their price is included in this amount) and a different number of layers. The most effective is 3-layer soundproofing, but it will cost more.


