How to turn a one-room apartment into a hairdresser

We present to your attention a wonderful reincarnation.

With our help, a cramped, cold and damp one-room apartment turned into a bright, spectacular barbershop.

Here's what it looked like when we arrived:

barbershop before renovation hairdresser in a one-room apartment Initial view of the barbershop

And here's how she's changed!

barbershop after renovation: general view barbershop after renovation barbershop after finishing Workplace of a hairdresser Ceiling Ready repair client chair General form Entrance door Thermostats and switches

List of works performed:

  • Efficient and economical lighting. Fluorescent lamps acted as the main lighting. We produced spectacular lighting of walls and lamps with the help of diode tape.
  • The dilapidated wooden floor was completely dismantled. The concrete slab was insulated, and a reinforced cement strainer. Then they laid porcelain stoneware with the introduction of a warm floor.
  • Walls plastered, prepared for painting and, gluing with non-woven canvas, painted latex paint.
  • The ceiling was made three-level with niches for diode tapes.
  • divorced wiring, water pipes and sewerage. Closed communications boxes.
  • A beautiful panel was placed on the wall opposite the sink and tile with patterns.

The result is a very bright and stylish barbershop.


