How to make a floor screed on the balcony with your own hands

The floor screed on the balcony is done in two cases: when it is planned to insulate it and to extend the life of the concrete base. The balcony slab is located outdoors, and is accordingly exposed to the sun and moisture. Over time, cracks begin to appear in it, and the concrete begins to crumble. It is dangerous to go out onto such a loggia or balcony, so it is necessary to make a floor screed. Some people believe that a screed on the balcony will only increase the load on the stove. This is true, but there are several ways to return to your balcony second life. Technology pouring screed quite simple, so all the work can be done by hand, without hiring expensive specialists.

Finished balcony floor

How to determine if a screed is needed?

To answer this question, it is enough to visually assess the condition of the floor on the loggia. If there are blisters on the concrete slab, rust spots appear, cracks are present, this indicates that an urgent restoration of the floor is necessary. In addition, a screed on the loggia is made to insulate the base. This usually happens when glazing a balcony or loggia is planned. The screed is necessary for the installation of any floor covering or installation of the system warm floor.

crack in balcony slab

Most people make a continuation of the apartment from the loggia. Some even equip small rooms there. In order for the balcony to be warm and durable, a floor screed is simply necessary, otherwise all the finishing work will go to waste. How to do it yourself, and which option to strengthen the plate to choose? We will consider all possible ways of floor screeding on the loggia, and you yourself will choose the best option for yourself.

Foundation preparation

To perform this step, the old floor covering is removed from the surface of the slab. The plate itself must be processed, removing all loose and cracked pieces. This can be done with a regular hammer. If the condition of the balcony slab is deplorable and it was necessary to remove the concrete up to the tightening reinforcement, the metal must be coated with oil paint or a primer. This must be done, otherwise rust may show through the screed. The resulting chips and irregularities should be repaired with a cement-sand mortar or tile adhesive.

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balcony slab repair

Then you need to remove all debris and carefully primed the plate. For this, it is recommended to use a deep penetration primer. It is usually applied in two layers: while the second time is primed only after the first layer has completely dried. Further work can be started in about 7-8 hours. This is how long it takes for the soil mixture to dry completely.

balcony floor primer

Dry screed

Dry screed ideal for older houses. It does not increase the load on the balcony slab, performs the function of additional thermal insulation and quickly fits. Among the shortcomings, it can be noted that a dry screed will not give special strength to the floor on the loggia.

The installation of a dry floor screed on a balcony is a rather complicated process that requires a certain level of skill. If you are not sure that you can do the work yourself, it is better to call specialists or try another method.

Work is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • Placed on the slab waterproofing film. It is important that the edges go onto the walls by about 5-7 centimeters. You can fix the waterproofing with a damper tape.

waterproofing film

  • Expose lighthouses. This is a metal profile that will help simplify the pouring process. Remember that beacons are installed strictly according to the level!
  • Fall asleep a layer of thermal insulation. Some builders use sand for this purpose. This is not the best solution: such floors are cold.If you do the work yourself, we recommend using Knauf dry ready-made backfill.

pour the filler on the film

  • The mixture is leveled on the beacons using the rule. In those places where the backfill sank, it is necessary to add the missing part. The dry mixture should lie flat.
  • Placed on top of the backfill GVL (gypsum fiber sheet). It is recommended to do this in two layers, overlapping the joints. Sheets are fixed with glue.

laying sheets on backfill

  • Install flooring.

With certain skills, you can cope with such work with your own hands and quite quickly - within one day.

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Wet screed

This is the best option for do-it-yourself work. This method is based on pouring the floor of the loggia with a cement-sand mortar. Even a person far from construction can cope with this task. Among the disadvantages of this method, an increased load on the balcony slab can be noted. In addition, a wet screed takes time and certain conditions. If you decide to make the floors on the loggia using this method, we recommend that you plan work for the spring - summer.

Work is carried out as follows:

  • Install waterproofing. If you used a special mastic as a primer, then the need for additional protection against moisture disappears. If you are laying the film, the edges should extend at least 10 centimeters onto the wall. After completion of the work, the excess can be cut off with a knife.
  • Laid on waterproofing reinforcing mesh. For reinforcement, it is better not to use metal, this will make the structure even heavier.
  • Set up beacons. The distance between the guides should be about 50 centimeters, the profile height should be 5. It makes no sense to make the floors on the loggia thicker.
  • For pouring, you can use ready-made mixtures or make a solution with your own hands. To give the screed greater strength, it is recommended to add frost-resistant reagents to the solution.
  • The screed is poured according to the level of the beacons. Remember that the mortar must be smoothed in one direction. It is best to do this from the far wall towards the balcony door. The solution should dry for at least a week, only after that you can proceed to the next stage of work.

wet screed process

  • Your next steps depend on what kind of flooring you decide to use. If you plan to lay tiles or linoleum, then simply prime the surface. In the case of installing a laminate, you will have to apply a layer of leveling putty.

Non-standard solutions

There are quite original ways to insulate the floors on the loggia. Please note that it is to insulate, and not to strengthen. We will talk about how to insulate the loggia as much as possible without using the "warm floor" system. The methods are quite simple, so it is easy to do it yourself.

HELPFUL INFORMATION:  How to insulate the floor on the loggia with your own hands

Option number 1

Make a floor screed using polystyrene or penoplex. These materials will serve as excellent insulation. They do it like this:

  • the balcony slab is leveled, and foam sheets are laid on it. The sheets should not be too thick, because the screed itself will still go on top.

penoplex under the screed on the balcony

  • waterproofing and reinforcing mesh are laid on top of the foam.
  • after that, the screed is poured. Recommended layer thickness - 3-5 centimeters.

Option number 2

Floor screed using expanded clay. This material has good thermal insulation properties, but you need to be able to work with it. You can do the work yourself according to the following scheme:

  • A waterproofing layer is laid on a concrete base, and beacons are set up.
  • A layer of expanded clay is poured between the beacons. This must be done so that at least three centimeters remain on the main screed.

expanded clay on the balcony

  • Expanded clay is a fairly light material, so when pouring the screed, it is likely to pop up, so it needs to be fixed.This can be done with the help of cement milk.
  • When the milk seizes, you can proceed to the main filling.


